tv [untitled] RT July 26, 2010 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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affirmative action all you want it takes an in-depth look at whether a policy designed to make life fair for black people is now discriminating against whites that's next here on our team hungry for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. well we've got a repeat tool time winner tonight and fact it was just last thursday and we honor this politician for a very stupid comment and guess what he's back i'm talking about ken buck republican candidate for senate in colorado last week he was a campaign event i was asked by a woman in the crowd why she should vote for him take a listen. because i cannot wear high heels. i think it's fair to restock. i have
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a cowboy. now that was last week he was attacking his opponent jane norton who would question his manhood in several t.v. ads for letting outside groups attack her position so now we move to this weekend where an audio recording of ken buck was released to the media and it had some pretty harsh words for tea party members it's only the audio and a little hard to hear but try to listen. to this stuff or stuff first because they can. but. that's because you. can't you are interoperable the tea baggers are going to be pissed because they're the ones that support you they're the ones that are expected to vote for you so i
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wonder if the tea party people are going to revolt only time will tell but i actually feel sorry for this guy and his issue and i know why because he's telling the truth i wonder how many tea party candidates really are sick of getting as burger questions by their tea party members the burghers that won't listen to reason on an issue that's been beyond settled but ken you shouldn't take the support of a group of people the you think in your own words are dumb asses and that's why you are tonight's two all time winner. now life's a beach unless you're homeless and live in hawaii leaders in the island state are considering a new plan to help battle the homeless problem there and they've decided a one way ticket to the mainland might be their best option seen in recent years the homeless have all been flocking to hawaii and why not it's warm year round and the state has some of the best social services to help those in need and census figures from january found that there were nearly forty two hundred homeless people
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on the island of oahu which is about an increase of fifteen percent from the same time last year now state leaders see the homeless as a threat to tourism hawaii's number one industry obviously and i mean who wants to see people down on their luck while they're laying on the beach and enjoying a pina colada right so a lot of makers are debating offering each homeless person one way ticket off the island the plan would only send homeless people back to the mainland if they actually had a family who was willing to take them in and we're going to say the program would cost a lot less money to what it spends on food stamps and welfare payments a three to five hundred dollars one way tickets versus the thirty five thousand dollars per year but it costs for each homeless person to get services from the state of hawaii so it seems that the plane ticket route might actually happen but an attempt to an attempt to not look so heartless lawmakers are considering a more immediate solution they want to sort of save zones on government land where
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the homeless could camp in tents and have basic sanitary facilities isn't that nice of them why not just drop the homeless people into the ocean obviously you don't want them around you know i love i just love that instead of trying to actually curb the problem of homelessness in america everyone always just wants to ship them away and make them someone else's problem i mean come on people can we just be a little bit more realistic. speaking of which affirmative action was somewhat of a touchy subject here in america originally designed as a form of re mediation to eliminate the quote badges of slavery of african-americans in this country and to recognize their uniquely difficult journey that's all according to senator jim webb who recently wrote an op ed on this issue the thing is it's also about creating diversity and yet now that applies to all people of color to asians and to latin americans that have only recently immigrated some are asking if it's turned into
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a form of discrimination against all whites so do the poorest white americans whose families have lived here for centuries maybe decades they always get cut in line by those that have just moved here because of the color of their skin or joining me is jared taylor editor of the american renaissance and from our l.a. studio adam learmonth organizer for affirmative action group by any means necessary gentlemen thank you both for being here i will start here in the studio to you affirmative action because people describe it differently do you think that is about reparations and about equality or is it about diversity what i think a more appropriate expression for does not affirmative action but racial preferences that's what it is it's prefer until treatment of people because of their race it's a simple as. if it was being done in the name of a form of action if it was being done for whites it would be considered a national scandal but because it's for blacks and hispanics it's considered ok now the idea that it's reparations for slavery is completely nuts certainly in the case
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of hispanics of just immigrant africans or just immigrated and in fact today most beneficiaries of affirmative action are not get whole blocks they're people from middle class black families their parents but i've heard of before but of action how long it is going to go on now i don't what do you say to that do you think that this has nothing to do with whether reparations and quite the opposite it's racial discrimination. i think it has to do with reparations only in so far as the effects of discrimination and racism continue to exist today i think that to say that we've moved past you know discrimination inequality and racism just flies in the face of the reality of this country in every sociological every socio economic statistic and measure of of inequality shows or growing chasm between minorities and non minorities and while it is true that there are white people in this country obviously who are not getting treated fairly the answer is not in my
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opinion and my organizations opinion not to blame other victims of discrimination but instead to build a united fight to fight for more resources for everybody but in that case why does a race even have to be an issue here because really it's about socio economic status and we're saying that there are poor white people who are hispanic people poor black people so why is race yes a part of affirmative action to use the words because of all the other people when people have tried to use poverty as a proxy for because of the good of the business what they find is they're helping old boy people and they're not getting the kind of racial diversity which is the great image that we want to bottom to at this point that the truth is we the truth is that we have to take account of race because racism actually still shapes everyday life in america everything in this recession shows that black americans are suffering worse from the recession if you look at the admission statistics to colleges and universities around the country you see
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a decreasing percentage of minority students on these campuses not increasing as the opponents of affirmative action would would like us to believe so let's look at the facts of what actually discrimination inequality is in this country not what people wish it were first of all it is a big thing to say just because there are differences in achievement of representation it's a come. once of racism look at the national basketball association it's seventy seven percent black is that because whites are being discriminated against no one of the great all false arguments of the proponents of affirmative action is to say point to any difference and say that had to be discrimination most of the time that is completely false even if it were discrimination to believe that racism is not a problem that still exists in america but i think racism is but a new means this overwhelming obstacle to blacks or hispanics why are so many hispanics coming here if racism is such a problem why is it that there are more africans who immigrated voluntarily to the
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united states than ever came in the slave trade if this country were just yeah i mean i would really should go to those who have to truly vanderbank really think racism is a problem well yes the city of detroit they've got a black mayor a black police chief it is always you must stay away and see what it's all about how many stay away yes you still live is likewise run by hispanics who are going to blame it on some distant white man this is the constant refrain oh it's not my fault it's really nasty white man that did it to me when our non-buoyant going to grow up is what i'd like to know one of the going to take responsibility for their own situation well pretty soon whenever you like even to start mysteries that misrepresenting the truth in this i'd like to know what america looks like i would i think you know what you all seem to address is a california is a perfect example that's a state where minorities are going to be the majority of the population or the human california is ari is that way the rest of america is going to reflect that pretty soon so this is going to be the reality we're now is not going to change the playing field then you know at that point are we going to see fewer whites getting
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into universities because there's fewer of them or are they still always going to have the upper hand at this point the way so-called affirmative action works the heart of the idea that it's somehow a compensation for what happened hundred fifty years ago is rubbish it's simply a means of gaining that i don't know what i think it is that you know it's others it's gaining advantage at the expense of others no one blacks or hispanics become a jar. if they want to legislate the laws that even go further to discriminate against whites will do nothing to stop them but let's face it what it is it is seeking advantage at the expense of white lives on the only legislating the law that's we hearing about problems and very hard to create a law maker because you know that it takes a lot of money to get into political. item and what do you keep from having that. can we let's look at the spat the city of los angeles and the state of california i like that let's be concrete talk about some truth the city of los angeles the public schools here are seventy seventy five percent latino the public schools yet if you go on to campus at u.c.l.a.
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or any of the larger you know elite universities here in the state of california latinos are are wholly under represented and that's not changing that's getting worse in fact in california we don't have affirmative action it was banned by you know state constitutional amendment in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine that in fact my group is now suing in federal court to overturn because we've seen what ten years of the ban on affirmative action has meant for the people of california in a majority minority state in a majority minority city you go across the street here to u.c.l.a. three years ago there were less than one hundred black freshman on that campus who were not on athletic scholarship you tell me that you quality you tell me that's what america is supposed to be what you're talking about quote it's pure and simple and you're saying that because there are not as many they have to be beneficiaries of racial discrimination you're saying with how bad the reality of how we don't measure justice we measure justice by treating everybody equal and you're saying we
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can't treat them equally you have to give them a leg up give them a boost give them extra points on their score that's exactly what you're saying more points from outdoors because of the color of their skin even if they just immigrated yesterday i think the big question here also like both of you mentioned is how do you measure equality is diversity and necessarily. the word that represents equality or is this some other american notion that isn't really taking to account come on this is we're in a recession socio economic barriers definitely exist in this country and i think we have to tell you this debate i want to thank you john for being here tonight but we'll continue this later on thanks for having us all right still to come we've got an over the top campaign spot to show you from a candidate running for governor in tennessee that's just ahead and not the. white man's bitch as are not the words that you'd expect the standard election ballot but it's always constant woman is trying to get those words next to her name so we'll speak with her in just a moment. a
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wealthy british style. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our. now when nancy pelosi ascended to speaker of the house in two thousand and six she promised to quote drain the swamp in the house in terms of all the blatant corruption and all the
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ethics violations she railed against the republicans for protecting their own and for letting the american people be represented by a bunch of stealing fat cats which brings us straight to democratic stalwart charles rangle who is now going to be tried for a number of ethics violations but who also no doubt has supported very high places see many people rush to wrangles defense for not already stepping down but i think the most classic line of defense comes right from mr ringold self when asked why he won't step down under the weight of all the violations his response was that well it just wouldn't be the american thing to do right away for a gun at chuck regal's simply being a good american by staying in the house of reps while everyone and their mother knows that he is corrupt and guilty as sin and not only is wrangel invoking being a good american in his defense for not stepping down he also seems to feel entitled to keep his job and is genuinely upset that anybody would even question that he
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should be in public office. just a little bit you. would. just relate. to what a good medical research i want you to think you're absolutely right that you think that if. you were using drugs or the drug your specific speculations were your students know what they should look in their missing what do you think you make it so basically push. your use or. is that going to answer anyway it's also been a report of the only reason the wrangel ethics violation is going to house trial. is the deal that was being negotiated broke down the way he barked at the notion of a public apology we all know that you're very very popular chuck but being elected does not make you innocent you know what really bothers me about this story is the
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arrogance not only is wrangel on apologetic he's shocked that anybody would question whether or not he deserves to keep his job and unfortunately i must admit that in a sense wrangles defense and calling it un-american to step down from your job when you're clearly in the wrong is true we've had this discussion before in this show about the fact that things like honor responsibility those pretty little words they just don't exist within the vocabulary of american politicians so wrangle really is just the most current most blatant example that the i'm bigger than god or no rules of society apply to me because i'm a u.s. lawmaker really that's just politics as usual here in america. now here on the show we also love to show you over the top political ads and tonight we've got a little unknown candidate running your for governor of tennessee a station in nashville is giving each candidate one minute to make their pitch
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here's about thirty seconds of based on marsa. i'm very good marcelo dot com good republican candidate for governor i like to recall all permits and registration but darned everyone carry guns because i want to know you get murdered and you go to jail and i like to put. grass over education across the interstate where anybody can log and so we're prepared so we can do to use it for expenses also in a more remove all go french fry from the state of florida real progress prescribed . stop traffic stop. i've got a few questions there what the hell was that i mean how did this man actually qualify for the ballot and is he the alvin greene of the g.o.p. we didn't show you his entire page which included the rants talking about praying and saying amen saying the pledge each morning to the republic and ending all
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traffic stops if this man ends up winning the primary in tennessee next month but i'm thinking voters in the volunteer state should not be allowed to vote every. now as embarrassing as bizzle marceau's rant was he was just practicing his first amendment rights to freedom of speech but where do you draw the line between what's acceptable and what isn't always constant election oversight board just made that decision in reference to a woman running for a seat in the state assembly griffin describes herself as not the white man's bitch according to a state law that allows independent candidates to have five words describing themselves placed after their names on the ballot so is that statement a racially charged or pejorative or is the refusal of those five little words proving that the white man is keeping a showdown where earlier i spoke with griffin herself and i first asked her to explain to me what she meant by saying that she's not the white man's bitch. not
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a white man i mean i'm not your average problem and the average politician rolled over to the entity in the power structure and when i say it's. what i'm meaning when i say white i'm not stating a white man i say to the white man and the white. definition gold back centuries meaning a power structure or the entity that controls the world so what is it exactly that you think that this election board has a problem with they're saying that this is pejorative that it's offensive. right you know it is funny that they are putting out this statement they have no authority to censor mile statement of principle it was a staff member named diane lowe she her only responsibility was to file the nomination papers and to make sure all the signatures were legit and counted for she took
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a personal offense to my statement. to be before the government accountability for someone would have to file a complaint against me no later than july sixteenth no one thought a complaint against me so they didn't have jurisdiction no one saw the whole ordeal and the video of the hearing. i was the last candidate to be heard every other candidate would have ballot issues the judges voted on their issues three to two or two to two what have you you know or or four to one and all those votes counted now all of a sudden they're saying mine didn't count because the judge didn't appear they knew that we would before they said down they still went ahead with the government accountability for hearing and i was treated arbitrarily differently all the other candidates issues were brought up voted on and the ruling stayed now i see i'm just curious here because by state law you're allowed to have if you're an independent candidate these five words that describe you after your name your opponents today
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when else have something as interesting as that is your personal statement. i'm up on this are all democrats and democrats and republicans are. political parties that represented a private and whose soul is already understood into their representing the independent in my position in support of the people not as a politician but as a public servant and that's why i'm independent can't put down by words unless it's part of their philosophy or they mean a principle i was the only one allowed because i'm running as the independent ok now i have to ask you this because you say this is. not going after any single white man but why does it have to be the white man's bitch can i just be the man's bitch i'm not the man's bitch or for him to off already in that sense. well i say the white man because as i stated at the hearing the only person you see on them the money the currency is one one person you know all their deceased and the
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power and the structure is not in any other ethnic so-called ethnic power you know i like i said this time has been used by nick lee you have to parse for a white man's world or refer to answer see michael jackson in his own jam refer to the man and one of my position is that some technical the state white it does not is not a word of people only is not under possession me personally my last name is griffin griffin being anglo indian of astra's ancestry meaning that i don't have i have ancestry in british and india so i have just much right as anyone to state not the white man if you want to get technical about it but well i'm glad we're ok guys i'm just curious because you know you say if there's a white one white man who's on the on the dollar on the currency but we have
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a black man as president right now. right he's acting as president he has. his authority ends at a certain date you know he's representing the white man entity the power structure if obama really was in power he wouldn't need permission to use his blackberry so wherever he got permission for from you know it's a higher and higher authority than obama he's right now he's just the. the president that's running this entity that he does not own you know not at all i'm sure like are you going to continue to run even though you can't use those five words. definitely and i filed an action in federal court one of many that i may have to file and in the event that the federal court denies it all appeal and what have you because i'm being treated arbitrarily and i asked that if this election commences without my statement being on the ballot i would like the whole election
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to be declared void that means the u.s. congress people that's running the state of every state a wisconsin candidate the election should be void because i'm the only person being treated arbitrarily i will definitely i will definitely keep up with your story and see what happens with that as to whether you get to run as not the white man's base or not i think so much for sharing your story with us. thank you all right time to the day we just spoke with a wisconsin woman who wanted her name on the ballot to say not the white man's bitch so that got me thinking what would i put on the ballot when i ran for office i think it would go something like this alone making everyone my bitch minkowski that's actually the day we will have a mother and for he can sue morrow if you like that are about their first night show being for tuning in to make sure you come back tomorrow we'll have relationship expert diane f.l. zone on the show to tell us why women are more likely to cheat on vacation and men are the shocking revelations tomorrow in the meantime don't forget to become
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