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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 27, 2010 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT

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the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks published some ninety thousand classified documents exposing cover ups over the war in afghanistan reports include details of civilian casualties at the hands of american allied troops as well as concerns that pakistani intelligence helped the taliban insurgency several files trying to some of been loved despite u.s. claims to receive no information i mean years and the conceives admits it will take weeks to assess the damage caused by the revelations part is going to change you can has been hearing from soldiers involved in the last major wiki leak. you know something that any military tries to keep under wraps civilians killed during an operation this april the pentagon saw one of its skeletons walk out of the closet a secret video of american soldiers opening with looks like indiscriminate fire in a baghdad suburb three years ago more than a dozen people were reported dead including two reuters news staff also two
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children were wounded the incident was investigated and the u.s. military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own rules of engagement so while the u.s. military is ok with causing some quiet old damage it's when civilians die in the course of action a number of soldiers who were involved in those killings now speak out and say this shouldn't be a norm of warfare you can see in ethan mccord a soldier with the unit that's shown in the video said it hadn't been a one time experience he went s. words to say soldiers in his unit were ordered to kill civilians in certain circumstances mccord said the message they got from their commander was if someone in your line gets hit with an improvised explosive device three sixty rotational fire you kill everyone on the street. chastity bers served in the same unit as
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ethan mccord he refused to talk about the order because of as he said the threats and warnings that he'd received from his former army fellows but the secret video of how they come to killings seemed nothing unusual to him but from our experiences what was shown in that video was. uncommon and like there happened on a fairly regular basis josh says the training they'd gone through did not ingrid much sensitivity there he remembers one of the songs soldiers were made to sing more intense on going as far as i went down to the market where all the children were all women shop where i was shabby and i began to chop josh and a group of other former soldiers are now touring the us and telling people of their experiences and their regret to mean it was when i was finally able to kind of put
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myself in the shoes of of all the people. really start to imagine how our our if your people were doing to me what i was doing telling people on a regular basis of storerooms in people's homes sometimes in the middle of the night i think innocent and children's faces. some blame the type of war the us was fighting for the psychological trauma so many american soldiers are now going through it was a very disorienting and destabilizing condition of warfare for most american soldiers to try to separate the benign populace from the insurgents who wanted to kill them that were absolutely indistinguishable from regular civilians. seven roger. eason mccord and josh stieber signed a letter of apology to the mother of the children hurt during the operation and
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pledged to change from the inside out again a chick on our team washington d.c. . will be on my whistle blowers now checking into reports dealing with here as conduct in iraq it's thought it could expose similar findings to the thousands of documents already posted on the web filmmaker and blogger done and checked says it heralds a new era of media investigations. truth is the first casualty in war it always is and that the united states government has a big apparatus in a sense to manage and muzzle the news in information to try to it kind of engineer perception of the public and so of course they tend to emphasize the positive they downplay the negative so there's a lot of. this trust in the media of the pentagon and the pentagon's motives so the idea that you could go to the actual data the actual reports by soldiers in the field of what happened and make that available to the public so
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that people can judge for themselves is quite a step and then not just doing it because of a belief in media or a belief in being against war they're doing it out of a belief in democracy you know that the founder of wiki leaks told the german magazine der spiegel that he likes to crush bastards that is motive he wants to try to get the truth out and of course in their view the truth here is that this war is not only unwinnable but it's been savaged it's taken a many many innocent lives and that's what they're really trying to show with this . filmmaker and blogger danny schechter talk to us there from new york now in a few moments in the program. once latvia was the fastest growing european economy now many people their own charities for the bare necessities we report. for that fresh e.u. sanctions against
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a round of come under fire from moscow russia's foreign ministry said the move falls outside the scope of the latest u.n. restrictions and undermines collective efforts to resolve the iranian nuclear issue on monday the e.u. adopted tougher sanctions against around the energy sector in an attempt to prevent the islamic republic acquiring nuclear weapons the measures include a ban on the sale of equipment and technology iran denies western fears it's trying to build an atomic bomb where we discuss the latest developments now with michael thomas he is director general of the middle east association of the u.k. organization promoting trade with the region thanks for being with us this evening is appreciated brussels says that these latest restrictions are an attempt to bring around back to the negotiating table but let's face it sanctions haven't really worked in the past why is the hope they're going to work this time round. well i'm not sure whether they will work but certainly. the sanctions before it didn't really affect main stream business as far as we were concerned in the
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u.k. . now i think it will affect mainstream business but the object to the exercise really is to get people talking we are restricted in the u.k. and we have to abide by whatever the legal situation is and i've always said iran is a wonderful country to do business with. and this is a real obstacle at the moment so if we can get people talking that would be great now david cameron today was reported as having said in turkey he'd like president to act as a mediator with iran and i think that's a wonderful thing and all we need to do is talk to be honest to get over these problems are essentially going back to the. question of sanctions though in your view are they really effective we've heard reports before that some u.s. goods that were banned for trade with iran previously were still getting to the islamic republic through europe do you think this time these new sanctions are
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going to stop episodes like that. well i think it will have some effect to be honest but whether or not it will have an effect on iran i don't know the situation in the u.k. is that those companies dealing with iran are going to have great difficulties now u.k. trade with iran is something like about two to three hundred million pounds a year. it was i have to say about five years ago about four hundred fifty million in spite of all the problems that we've had. so those companies involved with iran are going to be suffering so it's not only the iranians if they are going to suffer but certainly british companies are going to suffer which is why i'm really keen to get these talks going you say you think you said earlier in this interview you thought that these sanctions are going to be effective you think they are hopeful that they will get around back to the negotiating table how are they going to affect the iranian economy and the iranian people. well i'm
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not sure but i do i think one of the things that iran must need more than anything else is the attraction of inward investment. and the transfer of technology. iran is a fantastic country it's. very good at looking after itself its engineering capability is absolutely brilliant they offer all manufacture their own cars i've been down to our. they have great sugar refinery stand most of it's all made in the wrong but what they really do need now is transfer technology to move it forward and i think i guess sanctions will have an effect a negative effect on that do you see a day when there will actually be a stable middle east i do and i think it's going to come sooner rather than later my prediction is that everybody wants to get talking both sides have got themselves
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in a corner and we've got to find a way out so it's no good just calling each other names we've got to get together and i have great faith in turkey i think turkey is under its new leadership has a great deal to offer and i think this may be the solution and cameron may have it right now it's almost like the general of the u.k.'s mid east association learn from london thank you thank you. many latvians drastic economic conditions mean they have to turn to charities now for survival formally the fastest growing european economy these days the only thing for having there is unemployment and as aunties tom barton found that a sustainable recovery is a promise many believe the government's incapable of keeping. diana gives out food to people in need for months she's made sure families can get a square meal but this isn't a developing country it's the modern economy of latvia and recently joined the.
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when we brought the first food bags to those families many parents wept there could have never foreseen a crisis of this magnitude they had jobs they were well to do and respected and all of a sudden they find themselves in a situation where they have to plead for help to feed their children latvia speculated aggressively on international markets leaving this so-called baltic tiger vulnerable when the crisis hit those with loans and mortgages were suddenly seriously short of money. if brussels sneezed we in latvia already had a bad case of angina a very small and very open economy felt the world's problems more painfully than the others and we were experiencing our own mistakes much more painfully two. years unemployment soared to over twenty percent middle class families with houses and cars couldn't afford to put food on the table and almost eight percent of the population registered below the poverty line this pier to go we could never imagine if giving food to people in this country would ever be needed the situation showed
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that it is needed so we decided to start it the food bank relies on donations of money and food to supplement the diets of hard up families the charity raise half a million dollars in two thousand and nine money vitally needed as the government is failing to support those in need. it all came too soon and created sort of a traffic jam the social services were not prepared for an influx of people who needed it all at once unable to rely on their leaders latvians have dipped into their own pockets and cupboards to help each other out and it's not always the rich who give the most weight you know the donors are often not the richest sort of people more often than not we notice their women with. and quite often it's children who say let's leave some charity money here in this food part we've got tinned pork and fish we've got some sugar we've got condensed milk
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we've got flour we've got stock faster cooking oil and much more but it's this food that shows how deep the financial crisis has cut in latvia and until the families affected get more work this food will only be a temporary comfort not a cure tom barton r.t. reka. still ahead of the program mysticism under question russian psychics get a reality check as authorities push for proof of their abilities before allowing them to make any predictions. so world news a brief no this tuesday night b.p. boss tony hayward will step down after the company posted a seventeen billion dollars second quarter last say its first in eighteen years he shouldered much of the blame for the firm's poor handling of the oil spill in the gulf of mexico the british companies already confirm bob dudley one of its american executives will take over in october meanwhile hayward is expected to be offered a new role in the joint venture between b.p. and the russian oil company in k.
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got more on that story in our business bulletin coming up shortly. activists in south korea have sent propaganda leaflets to the north to mark the anniversary of the korean war armistice flyers and d.v.d.'s criticizing pyongyang human rights record were released into the sky attached to balloons cross border tensions remain high fifty seven years after the end of the war the u.s. and south korea are currently conducting military exercises off the korean peninsula and discouraging the north from any attack on the south a recent international inquiry into the sinking of a south korean warship in march concluded that pyongyang was responsible that's an accusation it denies. serbia's parliament's overwhelmingly approved a resolution saying. the country does not recognize kosovo's independence it comes after the hague's international court of justice ruled that the region's declaration of statehood was legal the parliament's resolution said that peaceful negotiations and needed to find acceptable solution kosovo announced it would
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secede from serbia two years ago following a bloody war in the ninety's. full of tons of cargo planes caught fire as it was trying to land in a saudi arabia's riyadh airport the pilot and copilot were taken to hospital with light injuries officials say the plane burst into flames and split into one landing but they haven't given any reason for the incident. people living by china's yancey river bracing themselves for more flooding as water levels reach the highest mark in thirty years with more rain predicted roads across the region of submerged in shops or relocating to higher ground a landslide caused by downpours in the south of the country is left more than twenty missing almost a thousand have died since april in what's been the worst flooding in decades. two russian cosmonauts from the international space station of completed a near seven hour space walk they successfully installed a new lab module the international space station could achieve kidney and. replaced
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a video camera used to monitor the docking of supply ships and film those amazing shots of the earth or more with that we're so used to seeing the cosmos and also the chance to test walk the new smart space suits which of integrated computer systems and digital displays the rest of the crew stayed safely inside making sure everything went according to plan as it did. in recent years fortune tellers and psychics have become increasingly popular here in russia turned to magic to give their love life a little boost others q. is for terminal diseases but authorities say the trend is attracting con artists who are not only swindling people out of money they're also jeopardizing their health thomas reports now on the government's battle against fake magic. the allure of the unknown and the showcasing of psychic abilities have become big business in russia while simple entertainment for some others turned to these
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self-proclaimed mystics for healing and the promise of answers to the problems of everyday life just did not serve national seem hopeless lad six years ago trouble came to our family my son was lured into a relationship by a woman who use some witchcraft as a mother i couldn't help seeing that his house was impaired and was getting worse his mind was suppressed he changed completely yes she put her trust in a psychic who claimed to have a special insight into the situation but as time passed it became clear that all the psychic was after was more of lewis's money but isn't that is that a good there's a i paid her about six hundred thousand rubles a year for three years that's not because we're rich but for the sake of your child's health you do anything sell possessions take loans anything experts say the nature of this industry provides a prime opportunity for people to take advantage of those desperate for a belief system. even though with some quasi should manage things in the worst
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meaning of this word or all too close to hopes but people want to keep believing so they trust them and when they finally turn for help to real doctors they find out it's too late too hard or that a patient is in need of critical measures now there is a movement in the state duma to protect people like laura so from being canned mausam didn't predicting advertisement for services which are not backed by professional commercial experience we believe these people practice tax evasion and swindling moreover their deceiving potential consumers with these occult services the law is aimed at adds an article printed in magazines like this one which is called oracle and it is all literally chock full of people who claim that they can heal or tell the future using views of mystical abilities but those who actually are. we in the business say that this bad water affect them really at all you can go to medical and i would say that siri the internet brings the most clients into this business rather than prince of resources or t.v.
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the only ad that really works is the grapevine you help someone in the certain bring their family and friends and while it may seem counter intuitive some who claim to have such powers see the provide a valuable service and that a ban on advertising could actually be helpful yes i help people in their family relationships and i do fortune telling depending on their needs most psychics do the same thing however those who don't know what they're doing a chance again not to write it through ads and other means i believe there should be a set of documents to prove their abilities. a point the duma is trying to push through as well. they could get a diploma or a medical certificate or undergo a medical commission each region of russia is to use their particular diplomas which means each healer can work only in that region in the same way they can be deprived of their claim if their treatment doesn't work just like any other doctor or in other words making the magical and mystical majority more mainstream sean
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thomas or moscow. no mystery the business career of particular hard facts staffs here with the latest just ahead. hello welcome to the business bulletin helen r.t. hits two years since robert dudley than head of t. and k p p fred russia after a dispute with russian shareholders on tuesday he was to credit the new boss of b.p. taking office in october and in a final twist tony hayward to may return to russia as a director of t.i.n.k. b.p. so you know i didn't read about reports. robert dudley has already earned his credit for handling of the gulf of mexico oil spill the gulf represents one third of the company's oil and gas was in refineries and he's experienced in russia way to keep b.p. generates about a quarter of b.p.'s revenues and she should be well prepared to take over the whole
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company where she's likely true mean central to be peace jirga e.g. with analysts dismissing media reports that the company could sell a stake in its cash generator team t v p possibly to gas room or ross nifty tiki b.p. is a cash generator on an original investment of seven billion dollars in two thousand and three b.p. has already seen twelve billion dollars from dividends officially for the last. year reported for more than thirty five billion dollars of revenues and if they can stand alone. indeed is the largest piece of cedars in terms of revenues and probably in terms of the dark and profit and of course think u.b.s. one of the largest cash sources for b.p. so obviously catching aeration now for b.p. is one of the product target countries are lining up to pull the barrels from b.p.'s flour the company has already confirmed it is looking to sell the assets
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with few details an ounce to exxon mobil and chevron now both in talks to take over the company but first things first to stop the leaking first ask to begin with the plug the well that's still not done yet we're still two to three weeks away from that even though the spill has now been contained it has not been plugged so the first order of things is to get the plug done second is still figure out how the reinvestments are going to be done and then it's a question of reconstructing in winning back the trust of the american people who are dudley has shown his skills at getting a good price when he sold masses of team key b.p. their talent will come in handy now that b.p. needs to raise cash to people consequences of its oil spill in u.s. waters the question is how much he has to dilute the brand in the process and any bit of a business r.t. . president dmitri medvedev wants to tap new sources of finance to diversify
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russia's economy he said investment along with business support services from law to accounting are the key to innovation our correspondent let tell you how clever has the details. leading up the presidential commission on modernisation has shown that when it comes to such a capital investment in russia it's easy to say what needs to be done but to make what has already be cheap shot there at least hope to prevent your funds working in russia with the total capital of two billion dollars which of course absolutely not enough for the country building it over to economy now president it is sad that there is a laptop the mom told me that it's on the market but the size the properties which are reluctant to take the rest of the best and innovation to post so concrete measures that are designed to work how about make better capital investment work in russia so when i see it was that we need to develop the services needed for
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business accounting information and service it's also necessary to increase to small enterprises you grand stand alone fine but we need not only to attract foreign investment but also to develop our financial markets so that capital inflows stay in russian companies regardless of the situation in foreign markets going you might have had a quick look now at the moscow markets they finished tuesday's trading session in the black with the r.t.s. up over one percent p.t.b. was the top gain of that which shows gaining more than two percent less have come up before and on the my socks off around five percent. service star has taken a controlling stake in canada's crew gold corp that previously held a forty percent vs money join the shares on the also stock exchange. and russia's biggest oil producer was based its second quarter profits by sixty percent helped by higher oil output and prices its net income dropped to more than two and a half
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a billion dollars while crude production gained eight point eight percent after the launch of two new fields this one of them in the bank a field is capable of providing the equivalent of five percent of russia's current . rush is my sex stock exchange has confirmed to hold an i.p.o. after two thousand and eleven to show if she would cut the central bank's stake from forty percent to around ten as part of the preparations the duma is considering a bill that would scrap rules preventing investors from owning more than twenty percent of myself. loan rates in russia growing for the first time since the beginning of the year russia's central bank says rates reached eleven and a half percent in june experts say banks hiked rates after endings on corporate lending began to dip banks had competed to cut rates in the first half of the year but in june the head of spy bank warned that rates were too low given the risks in the economy. and that's all the business use for now but of course you can always find more stories on our website that's r.t.
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dot com slash business.
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back to la la. la. la. la.
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la. la to be soon much brighter. sung from funds to pressure. starts atiq don't come. first. so of course not at night here in moscow good to have you company this hour if you just joined us you're watching with our top stories now damage control of a manhunt in washington after leaked u.s.
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military reports of the afghan war of veal civilian deaths for american soldiers say the country should focus on examining its questionable warfare methods first not to expose them some claim to have received orders to kill everyone in sight of . a once moving now going bust latvians living off charity slammed the government for doing nothing to help the country recover from the financial meltdown leaving many to fend for themselves they used to be the fastest growing european economy but suffered more than other member states from the recession. magical deception russian authorities give clairvoyance a reading of their own vying to crack down on swindlers the trying to force a ban on ads from professional psychics and measuredly say would reduce combs and tax evasion. of next to report of america's largest maximum security prison where inmates go toe to toe with raging bulls just to make a buck.


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