tv [untitled] RT July 27, 2010 7:31pm-8:01pm EDT
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light guests today our team knows formula one drivers including the first ever russian f one driver vitaly petrov together they discuss his future in motor sports and the prospect of a moscow grand prix. culture is that so much different and there's a huge musician a bearing on your rights and democracy bill bombing and it's making his public be mended fences with israel african children really isn't enough to restart what is called the peace process. hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview show on art see i'm now going off and today will be meeting one of the fastest people on earth the thirty fifth
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or off is the first to russian formula one driver in history and two thousand and ten is his first season so far he has scored six points but ray no formula one team says they are happy to have the money board and believe and his talent today their russian f one driver and their rino f one team principal other guests of spotlight . formula one races have been thrilling the world for sixty years the best to make use of in picking the best drivers from different countries to drive the best cars and now among the best of the best rushers first drive in f one italy put off he made his way to the renault team through various racing serious where he gained experience. renault principle every year between tully after his success in the g.p. to asia serious the training ground for future f one drivers his best result so far has been a seventh position getting his first championship points so how's he doing now and
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how's are getting along with the team get off on the rebuild yeah i hear in the studio to give us beyond says. well gentlemen thank you very much being with us hello hello welcome to the share my first question is to the tele and it's a very serious question because i have read it more than once in the internet and also in the print media that your days in formula one account it that you have started but you are sort of already finished or so this is what's it all about well you just find that in the internet. for the pro to continue to work i'm still doing my job i'm still saying that in the end of the year. what do you really think of the things fine so so so no nothing happened no scandal no i mean the problems here are the focal to the list and or maybe through both of them you will
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be changing me for the next year but like if you are doing that and today you will see the so this is a no i already signed i think people just speaking wrong things ok mr billy. you. have been policed by vitale's performers as far as i know you have been please so far what what makes you believe and i have also read that in the internet you can find anything and yeah i think that that you called the tele the best ruki in reno's pad is that true it's totally true latest just and just have to continental point he's got a really. as a factor here is already a mark from anyone with a lot of talent under of action on track and some very good performance and a very put an adversary somebody with potential. literally this is your rookie
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season in formula one what makes formula one so different from the previous races there that you took part in postal how the team was working i think it will. and for a while he was really surprised how the team is working on this is very interesting i thought you would start you would start saying about the car they are is different and you saw it by the team that did that so the main the main difference for you is not how the car is where it was now working the people it was all here how they work in what we do and different about it is more than five hundred fifty five of the people in the theme throughout all. the open market and the current hundred people. including i mean capturing and all that the thing here and there and this is the number of people here who go along with you with the circus or these other people in england who want to shop this family working to the go to the
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sort of it's a love of sixty seventy people so this is this is was first one i was surprised and the second one of course when i was sitting in the car of the car the six of the rating the steering wheel hose you know you have a lot of. it was really surprising in the car for a long period looks like a p.s.p. having. to work is really like a plane you know you have a lot of yes which is the same well russia has a long history of trying to get to formula one spotlight has more in that. the first formula one in russia was joseph stalin son of i see the who was behind the building of the first two russian racing car in the 1930's the car named hawk was revolutionary for its time but it didn't comply with the rules of formula one soon never took part in international competition in one thousand nine hundred
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sixty the soviet version of formula one was created and few yeas russian engineers tried to come up with cars there would be as fast as most iraqis or through ariz but all the temps failed by the end of the sixties the cars made in the us to saw. with two far behind their western counterparts the soviet formula one never managed to travel beyond the country and then one nine hundred seventy six it seized to exist what followed were numerous attempts to stage formula one the grand prix in russia the first was right after the nineteen eighties summer olympics in moscow and the aggression of is said to have been enthusiastic at first the year was the sun never hosted the race after the collapse of the soviet union from time to time there have been plans to build formula one tracks in russia but none of them has yet been fulfilled to us dennys have seen several russian races trying to get to one the main problem they've faced is the inability to find sponsors when vitaly
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petrov finally made it into the world's premier racing competition its popularity in russia soared and while there's still no f one track in russia there's a chance to fill the spirit of the competition during the most school city race in weekend which draws crowds to the heart of the capital city every summer. because russia is. not famous for its racers well the only exception is the commands of the famous laurie drivers so but the quality of driving in the streets in russia i think is one of the best in the world no really the russians are very good drivers so why what do you think is the reason that russians who do drive cars who love to drive fast have never made it to to big in racing why. for two reasons i think the first reason is we don't have
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a very professional circuit where i was going to sell things and secondly we don't have a school like a lot of schools in bahrain in the valley. when they they can. one that i would and . the problem i think. eric as far as i know formula one is is different from many other sports because a driver has to buy him self a place in the team is that right and how much does a driver have to pay for example to do to to buy himself a place in reno if it's not a secret it's not a secret of it's wrong road doesn't have to recede. if it depends basically about the finals of the team as many many other spots you need some sponsors to achieve what you want to do formula one is one of the most expensive because not only is a driver you need to develop a car. definitely some teams toppings are driver and maybe some teams are
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asking the drivers to hope this isn't the case in the in run oh so so you hire drivers it's hard so you didn't have to do to to pay like cash to do to drive arena it. how did you get into formula one how did it happen and why reno. but was moving to counter for the war on earth or. from the smallest for more and the latest was a tribute to and then to come to one. ok you know you succeeded it's a dream of many people to to to to make it to from what you have just twenty four that over here you know if you succeed what's what's the key to success in f one racing and natural talent or were exercise technology technique
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and think everything everything we're going to put in one place for example would result and good feeling to have a good understanding what you're doing before they contribute to and then took on the form or one and pull to everything in one pocket and this is the war but what do you think what for example let's say let's take michael schumacher what makes him so great what is this something in this sort of a talent that you can't train it's just have to be born with all it's all these roller i mean if you tearing through the woods i have a special talent to drive this car three hundred kilometers to mars different desi . is different maybe maybe not maybe or maybe not to be honest. i just at the stage where the team was built around the stadium grew as human and you had the best car of the paddock clearly but when he came you remember that when he came to to ferrari for he was nothing and he said in three years will make you the best and the enemy and he did yes but it's not only is
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a work of one on one guy you know it's a world team and it's five by this time it was more a ton of people in ferrari we all work together to make the team better. well recently formula one has started opening new circuits so now it has a serious kids in the red and then china well all over the world from canada to to malaysia here what do you think what do you think about russia and russia has as we saw has has long been trying to get a formula one formula one track what's the problem with with with making what in russia think of first of all we don't like at all before it's called to get the earth and then we don't have a real professional focus to teach them the circle now at least and for one and all people start of the war and i think i hope they will be built for the race and for four more you know so a homophobic belief it's
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a it's if you take another example like spain ten years ago you know was mostly interested in moto g.p. and racing cars and you need science to be totally i'm sure the media first will be interesting into formula one and then obviously the spectators and those the russian people. if there is an interest then obviously the next step would be to create interest and to brings a formula one shoe into russian federation and make sure that people have access to a pool if the russian one really want one circuit should they start by signing a contract with their for one and though then building the surrogate or first build the circuits and then try to bridge for everyone in who to the people who are interested in building such a project you know and i'm sure i mean been interested in those been a very clear he's really clearly interested in bringing from anyone into russia now you have a russian driver on the other talented russian driver so it's now's the time to to
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move everybody to try to make the sport to be more famous and support everybody to make f one into russia. and the spotlight will be back shortly to break stay with us. wealthy british style some time to look. at the. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on our.
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first. date. welcome back to spotlight on alderney just a reminder that my guests here in the studio today are vitale petrov and. we have discussed the subject of bringing formula one to russia and the first part of the show now let's see if people in russia really think that this country needs an f one track spotlights carter has the details on that hi there today i'll try to find out if people in this country think that russia needs its own formula one track yes . yes i think winning our own truck formula one is very interesting to watch. i don't think i would go to what formula one race is i don't think it was that interesting. because of course we should have won because it's
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a very high kitchen event even though it's not cheap to have a race track countries wealthy enough to have more than one well i think there are plenty of other problems in our country besides the lack of a formula one tranche. i don't think we should have a formula one track because i think it is something only for rich people they can afford to travel abroad for these types of events and so there is no need for a track in our country does not yes we should have one because it's very interesting i would definitely go to watch it well that's what people think now do formula one drivers think that russian formula one track what do the drivers say what are the guys in there the guys that you really mix with when when when you drive do what do you think about the perspective to come driving to moscow. i think that the reaction inside inside the circuit but i think the same like me for example i want some sort of you know to understand to the world to try something
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else i think will be will be will be. so. it will be brilliant you're a beginner in formula one so so so having a new circuit is good for you because this this levels all the drivers while driving in all circles gives gives more parties to the experience guys is that right right of course not of course like i would be and then it's a look i didn't i don't know this sort of it's what i need to learn from zero again but anyway it's a good experience to have in your suited for college and for more on one of the problems with russian precipitation in formula one is if it is of course the technology the car yeah now we have the driver but we still don't have the technology what's what's more important the car or the driver if you don't say both i know both but i mean what would you say the car of the car of the driver eric you need you need a bit over the best car. right now i think you can you can what would your thing
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you know you can't you got a driver can't win if the car is not of the liver and vice versa you know you kind of the best car if you don't have the let's say one of the best driver you will not win ok let's not talk about ferrari everything but i want to do that let's talk about reno you have two cars right one one one driven by could beat said one driven by you if you switch cars are you going to make it better than could be said but will be changing things it will change and you will still be he will still be the fourth right because it's five years in formal one look what is what it is for example with this car what he will tell of course he will change. he just have a good occur your new media needs to make people understand. it's not like running every morning. by regulation but also you can't races formula one car every day to train so in is to be living experience and we are many many examples like suited
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for example to now after three years start to get some points but that's a b.a. was not so fast an issue got fernando alonso the first jury was driving for me now the end he was always between eighteen and twenty fourth so it's clearly experience comes with the years you're raised before to build up and to learn how to race a racing car but if one is something which is very very competitive and you just need a bit of time to adapt but don't tell me that you have two cars are the same because because i don't know a lot about formula i know a lot about skiing but when like a company makes their skis the first five players go to the guy number one then the next five players go to the guy number two and then the third five and so what every player even even such a simple thing as keys is worse than the previous one so if you have a good set you can't so i mean one is better of course it is a good thing in the for me when it's a compare with skiing in it so we don't need to make and drabs of seeing so we just
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seem to make to four sets one for each one spare book or zones of falsetto ians or pickups to pull us across as always absolutely i don't see good parts on both carl and both cars are strictly identical ok one one question to both of you but i think alec and i was better yes far as i understand you are competing with c.d.'s right now for for grabbing the fourth place in the competition have you prepared something new for the new season something that will really. help you make it yes we have we have a many still many of aleutians coming. and i'm excited we have this famous dirk which has make a lot of noise on internet or in the media which will come soon as well. of the summer. so we still have a lot of the grads which to mexico are faster had vetoed it to be fast as a status. is it true that making an f one car is it is like same.
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sort of space technology is that right or the. like to build a plane very fair to say. the russian company called or still has no law against become an official sponsor a official partner are the reno company and this is why you have lied on your surety you have lied at which is a russian car on your on your car well. do you think that reno can. learn something from rusty and can drastically contribute not only with money but with technology i think you expect answering i think both companies the decision to be a forerunner to two four was technology to be shoulders in the same it's clearly strategy can move think from both companies a reason seeing to learn to gain clearly rono as to gain something from another from what was their technology and vice versa literally when you joined the team
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well when you judge this company reno i'm sure that you ask yourself the question why are these strange people from france or french korea based in london and the hiring hiring two guys from eastern europe to slavic guys a pole in the russian is it just by chance zero or is it sort of a sort of a rino strategy to guys from eastern europe. i. think the theme they play to find the both people to win the war. if there's a month i think which country. i think. no there is there is no strategic decision or your geographical now one of the dots or. did you know that there is a saying i'm sure you heard it more than once that every russian loves fast driving i mean i mean by like the russians are crazy that is crazy but they were yes i can
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i can see every morning i took their love of writing. ok literally you are taking this three seater of formula one to moscow and to drive it around the kremlin and in the center of the city what do you expect from this event just a thought i knew what of course the fun is good the me my fans the people and then for my third it's quite important to feed the guys in the car and drove them around the kremlin just to show them how far the form or because like this we can speak with you and try to explain or explain the people around the world what is a form of envy will be in their understand when they really can go in the car and sit with me in there will be there is these three seats are really different from the real thing of the ones it's so it's slower of course it's low but the acceleration will be quite not really similar but quite you know it i've heard it from last year when they did the similar thing last time that that that the formula
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really can't make it to real speed because the distances to small and i mean it can't really show the real the real not exactly here but on first those three sort of get in is very dangerous to wall full speed and to have a fast corner because you can mistake and pressure cables of. both or to be. nothing more most of the speed it's more as you saw the soldiers are really losing the sun i was showing i mean succession of these guards certainly incredible you know and it's it's not very impressive to be driven a three hundred kilometer it's more the acceleration from zero to two hundred the hospital make like three hundred now i think last year they did two. thank you something really well i did two hundred fifty in a normal cars but they said they said you're going to second far more than my second human should the noise this is i'm in the first time in my life when i was in that one circuit wasn't silverstone and the noise in real life is completely
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different from what you hear in television it's like a honeybee i mean on television it's like a car but like an unreal it is like a b. it's so i mean the noise this is the way it's important to be and wanting to rush into your life for what it is by the way is there any think in common in driving in a formula one car and in driving a normal car even a fast car like porsche whatever not so certain you're broke no i mean yes but but but i've heard an opinion like like a lot like an f one car is. incredible if you want this but never you know place going is not possible to go but for one sound it's a different different thing it is certainly a big clue for. you to fly the airplane i mean since i wrote it. so i think it's something nothing in common enough it's not possible to be really tired and i don't want to say the name of the car but it's three or five or ten steps more when have
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you first. got behind the wheels and drove a car how old will you. and you got five as far as you saw me driving was it you that's carolyn poser goalie or so was allowed to go. or i was try to go under the steering wheel because i was gears and then came back just to see it go in have you have you ever been pulled over by police and the did you ever lose your license well now never not because i don't like to go fast i'm not about all because what you. can last for example even if it's one hundred thirteen after one ok go another thirty if you go to one hundred you have a risk you can bet you can crash you can get the engine off for another people if i tell you all the time i prefer to not to go ok thank you thank you very much vitale eric thank you very much bill c.b. africa coming here to us and just to remind you that literally put off and
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culture is that similar to the future musician. in the market should be obama is publicly mending fences with israel surely believes is enough to restart what is called the peace process. washington investigates who is behind the biggest leak of classified military documents and u.s. history while veterans in america say the country should focus on its questionable rules of engagement and not on the expose them. new sanctions on iran from the e.u.
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and canada tom wander far from russia moscow says the move falls outside of the u.n. resolution and undermines efforts to resolve the iranian nuclear issue. a baltic tiger tamed lothians hit hard by the financial crisis say their government is doing a little to help them that it's only charity that's putting food on the table. and up next peter lavelle asks his guest if the obama administration is sincere and restarting the israeli palestinian peace process or is it just talk for the sake of talks that's on our team is there a program crosstalk. and . if you want to eat. logan welcome to crossfire computers go towards a truce.
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