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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 27, 2010 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT

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after the revelations including the alleged killing of innocent citizens there are also reports of u.s. concern that pakistani intelligence help the taliban insurgency party is going to talk to us spoke to some of the soldiers that served on the front line. knowing something that any military tries to keep under wraps civilians killed during an operation this april the pentagon saw one of its skeletons walk out of the closet a secret video of american soldiers opening with looks like indiscriminate fire in a baghdad suburb three years ago more than a dozen people were recruited dan including two reuters news staff also two children were wounded the incident was investigated in the u.s. military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own rules of engagement so while the us military is ok with causing some collateral damage it's when civilians die in the course of action
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a number of soldiers who were involved in those killings now speak out and say this shouldn't be a norm of warfare you can see in the even mccord a soldier with the unit that's shown in the video said it hadn't been a one time experience he went as far as to say shooters in his unit were ordered to kill civilians in certain circumstances mccord said the message they got from their commander was if someone in your line gets hit with an improvised explosive device three sixty rotational fire you kill everyone on the street. just the bers served in the same unit as ethan mccord he refused to talk about the order because of as he said this threats and warnings that he'd received from his former army fellows but the secret video of helicopter killings seemed nothing unusual to him from my
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experiences what was shown in that video was no uncommon and happened on a fairly regular basis just as the training they'd gone through did not ingrate much sensitivity either he remembers one of the son's soldiers were made to sing more intense on going is because i went down to the market where all the children were all women shop where i was shoddy and i began to chop josh and a group of other former soldiers are now touring the us and telling people of their experiences and their regret for me it was when i was finally able to kind of put ourselves in the shoes of of other people. really start to imagine how i feel if people were doing to me what i was doing telling people on a regular basis of storming into people's homes sometimes in the middle of an i
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think lives and in children's faces. some blame the type of war the us was fighting for the psychological trauma so many american soldiers are now going through it was a very disorienting and destabilizing condition of warfare for most american soldiers to try to separate the benign populace from the insurgents who wanted to kill them that were absolutely indistinguishable from regular civilians. that the latter. even according josh stieber signed a letter of apology to the mother of the children hurt during the operation and pledged to change from the side out against chicken r. t. washington d.c. phyllis bennis from the washington institute for policy studies moves classifying military records as a strategy to hide the failures of the war in afghanistan from the public. i think
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that things get kept secret for a reason often that reason is to prevent political embarrassment to prevent the american people in this case from finding out that this war is a losing war a failing war and has been all along that's what's key here this has been a failing war all along many of us said right at the beginning that this war was never going to quote succeed if i succeed we meant transforming afghanistan into something it never was and will not be under under the boots of american soldiers people need to know in this country what is being done in our name by our young soldiers with with our tax money and for which we are being held accountable but we don't know we don't have the information and if this spurs people to more opposition so that the war can be brought to to a halt sooner i think that that's a heroic act and it will it will end up being very important in history. documentation from a different us conflict now the american military cannot account for over ninety
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five percent of nine point one billion dollars in iraq reconstruction money crude by the un security council in two thousand and three the reserve includes the revenues from iraq's oil exports afros and assets from the saddam hussein yard it did not indicate instances of fraud but cited control of the assets former cia analyst voice but government says the military accountability there were doubtless people who were supposed to be supervising overseeing these funds the fact that as it's said here that they have sort of disappeared and that they were liable to have been loyal and you know that's no explanation and we have to find out who provided them and what happened to these funds you know most reminds me of of the search for weapons of mass destruction in iraq the so-called m.d.s. judging from who didn't get sacked last time there probably will be people promoted
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despite all this. doesn't seem to be much in the way of accountability here in specially in the pentagon where money has always been so plentiful that a billion here a billion there nine billion nine billion is a drop a drop in the lake or for what the pentagon spends now to the degree that the mass media choose to play this up well then you will get a lot of very angry americans americans angry at the expenditure of funds in this way abroad and in iraq. and afghanistan but also the expenditure of seventy five billion a year on the so-called security intelligence industrial complex which is a two and a half fold increase from the time before nine eleven and when people say after nine eleven everything changed well yeah it sure did but not to the good.
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and still ahead here on r t fortune telling is under question spell russian side to get a reality check as authorities push for proof of their abilities before allowing them to make any predictions. but first a fresh sanctions imposed by the u.n. canada against iran have come under fire from moscow russia's foreign ministry says the move falls outside the scope of the latest u.n. restrictions and undermine school lot of efforts to resolve the iranian nuclear issue that's all for restrictions target the country's energy sector in an attempt to prevent this lawmaker public from acquiring nuclear weapons some of the measures include a bad investment in ringworld banks and insurance companies tehran a strongly denies it is trying to build an atomic bomb however some iran watchers say the new sanctions are unlikely to make the country coppery on its nuclear
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program. is there really any need for a unilateral sanctions like there's a door by the u.s. you know already u.n. restrictions russia has been warning against unilateral moves if these can only further eighteen h. iran and make the return to international troops super its nuclear program even more problematic they have been sanctions in place against the rams it's nine hundred seventy nine people that are used to this and don't feel affected the only thing that latest sanctions can bring is even deeper distrust between iran and the global community. members of the u.s. congress of introduce a controversial resolution that could give the green light for an israeli attack on iran nearly one third of house republicans support the measure which backs military strikes against the islamic republic truthout parsi of the woodrow wilson center believes that u.s. politicians are responding to the upcoming elections at home while ignoring the
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implications such a move has for the middle east. we are reaching silly season in washington with the elections in november and for that there has already been signs that israel is going to be a major element that some republicans will use to be able to get both voters as well as finance donations to campaigns away from the democrats but the problem is that this is not a theoretical exercise at the end of the even silly season has real repercussions in the real world and the danger here is that the signal is being sent to israel that actually if we were to take this action in spite of the fact that the white house has sent a clear signals a pause again despite the fact that the military of united states has sent a clear signals opposing it congress at least if the republicans take over take take over are sending a signal that actually they would welcome it if push comes to shove and the united states is faced with a situation in which it feels that the israeli government is very close to making
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a decision of attacking iran and the u.s. still feels that that would be a very very dangerous move then this is going to impact things we're seeing some maneuvers in which elements who prefer a military confrontation are positioning themselves very clearly and utilizing the resources that they have to start a major campaign to push things in that direction whether they will be successful or not is of course a different matter but i think the intention to move in that direction and i want to emphasize these are elements outside of the obama administration for many a lot of grasping economic conditions mean they have to turn to charities for survival for really the fastest growing european economy because that is the only thing the riving is unemployment and as arkenstone barton reports a sustainable recovery is a promise many believe the government is all of. diana gives out food to people in need for months she's made sure families can get
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a square meal but this isn't a developing country it's the modern economy of latvia and recently joined the gotta when we brought the first food bags to those families many parents wept they could have never foreseen a crisis of this magnitude they had jobs they were well to do and respected and all of a sudden they find themselves in a situation where they have to plead for help to feed their children latvia speculated aggressively in international markets leaving the so-called baltic tiger vulnerable in the crisis hit those with loans and mortgages are suddenly seriously short of money if we get. it if brussels sneezed we in latvia already had a bad case of angina. a very small and very open economy felt the world's problems more painfully than the others and we were experiencing our own mistakes much more painfully two. years unemployment soared to over twenty percent middle class families with houses and cars couldn't afford to put food on the table and almost
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eight percent of the population registered below the poverty line this peer to go we could never imagine if giving food to people in this country would ever be needed the situation showed that it is needed so we decided to start it the food bank relies on donations of money and food to supplement the diets of hard up families the charity raise half a million dollars in two thousand and nine money vitally needed if the government is failing to support those. guys that it all came too soon and created sort of a traffic jam the social services were not prepared for an influx of people who needed aid all at once unable to rely on their leaders latvians have dipped into their own pockets and cupboards to help each other out and it's not always the rich you give the most we read newspaper the donors are often not the richest sort of people more often than not we notice their women with. and quite often it's children who say let's leave some charity money here in this food part we've got to
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end poor fish we've got sugar got condensed milk we've got flour we've got stock cubes paster cooking oil and much more but it's this food that shows how deep the financial crisis has cut and love you until the families affected get more work this food will only be a temporary comfort not a cure. in r.t. . and don't forget to log onto our website our two dot com where there are always more stories for you and here are some that might pass for i snail mail rushes the post office has been fined for deliveries even clients paying for this xpress service complained their letters don't arrive on time. also find out how a joint operation by russian and american drug police has cracked the cocaine trafficking ring with a showbiz twist. and
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now for some other stories making headlines around the world. tony hayward will step down after the company posted a seventeen billion dollars second quarter loss its first in eighteen years much of the blame for the firm's poor handling of the oil spill in the gulf of mexico the british companies already confirmed a bob dudley one of its american executives who will take over in october meanwhile hayward is expected to be offered a new new role in a joint venture between b.p. and the russian oil company. people living by china's young sea river are bracing themselves for more flooding as water levels reach the highest mark in thirty years with more rain predicted roads across the region are submerged
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which solves relocating to higher ground a landslide caused by downpours in the south of the country has left more than twenty one people missing almost a thousand have died since april and what's been the worst flooding in a decade. breaking spells healing and fortune telling the occult is big business in russia but authorities say among the respected psychics there are many calling artists who not only swindle people out of their money but also jeopardize their health. the allure of the unknown and of the showcasing of psychic abilities have become big business in russia while simple entertainment for some others turned to these self-proclaimed mystics for healing and the promise of answers to the problems of everyday life just did not serve national seem hopeless lad six years ago trouble came to our family through my son was lured into a relationship by a woman who use some witchcraft as a mother i couldn't help seeing by his house was impaired and was getting worse but
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his mind was suppressed he changed completely yes she put her trust in a psychic who claimed to have a special insight into the situation but as time passed it became clear that all the psychic was after was more of lewis's money but isn't that is that a good there's a but they'd her about six hundred thousand rubles a year for three years that's not because we're rich but for the sake of your child's however you do anything to sell possessions take loans anything experts say the nature of this industry provides a prime opportunity for people to take advantage of those desperate for a belief system. even though it by some quasi should manage things in the worst meaning of this word are all too close to hopes but people want to keep believing so they trust them and when they finally turn for help to real doctors they find out it's too late too hard or that a patient is in need of critical measures now there is a movement in the state duma to protect people like yourself from being conned
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mausam did a riveting of divertissement for services which are not backed by professional commercial experience we believe these people practice tax evasion and swindling moreover their deceiving potential consumers with these called services the law is aimed at adds an article printed in magazines like this one which is called oracle and it is all literally chock full of people who claim that they can heal or tell the future using views of mystical abilities but those who are actually in the business say that this bad what effect them really at all. and while it may seem counter intuitive some who claim to have such powers say they provide a valuable service and that a ban on advertising could actually be helpful here's my soon to help people in their family relationships and i do fortune telling depending on their needs most psychics do the same thing however those who don't know what they're doing a chance again not to write it through ads and other means i believe there should
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be a set of documents to prove their abilities. a point that the duma is trying to push through is well known by them for the store they could get a diploma or medical certificate undergo medical commission is that each region of russia is used their particular diplomas which means each healer can work only in that way in the same way they can be deprived of their claim if their treatment does not work just like any other don't at all or in other words making the magical and mystical majority more mainstream sean thomas r t moscow. and coming up next artie's marina portnoy a sportster a high profile exhaust supporter of the palestinians to find out why he thinks it can help bring peace to the region.
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you will not believe five years here on american crime probabilities norman finkelstein has never shied away from controversy. the american jail banned from israel and pledges support for the palestinian people the offer and former professor has lost jobs. last time we sat down it was shortly after the war in gaza and it was right before. i became
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president you were very open in your opinion on what took place and who was wrong and that and that military conflict. it's been over a year since there's really assault on gaza what's your assessment of how the obama administration has done so far in bringing permanent peace to the middle east at the time when they made those comments they appeared to be very controversial indeed you might even say they were extreme but when the goldstone report came out. goldstone was not or only a respected jurist the source so jewish and by his own reckoning zionist goldstone report concludes. dude there now i'm calling it that israel launched a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish merely eight and terrorize the civilian population while those are pretty strong words punish
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a million and. a civilian population as to the record of the obama administration my recollection is that they didn't have great expectations from what would come of people. administration and in fact it's quite clear that nothing much came there are occasional spats you might call them between israel and the united states but there has been no american initiative to try to resolve the conflict in terms of international law the resolution of the conflict which the rest of the world embraces if you move for a moment away from israel palestine and you take the case of iran since that's very topical now. around kept promises. obama kept promising there's going to be a change that's going to be a change but in fact several commentators wrote the barack obama administration is carrying on like all other administrations there was an offer made in october two thousand and nine by the u.s.
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administration to iran and how to resolve the nuclear issue. around at that time rejected the offer for several reasons mostly because it didn't trust the main powers who were involved france the u.s. even russia but now it except to go the offer and as the leading academic specialist on the topic american academic specialists trita parsi dr parsi wrote in the washington post he says that barack obama is refusing to take yes for an answer and so there is no real difference between the so-called diplomatic approach of barack obama and the. military. stick approach as it's sometimes claimed or belligerent approach of the bush administration at the end of the day they demand their what they want is for around to cry uncle for iran to give in to us power maybe barack obama does it with softer
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words and presents it with a more. appealing image but the policy is basically the same do you think that there was a message also sent possibly to turkey and purcell with the draft resolution being introduced so quickly after this the fuel swap t l y's are agreed upon with turkey personnel and iran you know what's quite clear of the united states feels like power shifting it's becoming more die fuse and the us doesn't call the shots in every place in the world. turkey has carved out a more independent half in recent years most low notably when it refused to participate in the us attack on iraq. brazil is an emerging power and this was an attempt to cut them down to size less than a topic of the united nations and diplomacy because from what i understand you are
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lobbying to speak at the your land why and what do you want to say well i have been involved in the conflict in a public way for the past thirty years i first got involved in june one thousand nine hundred two when israel invaded lebanon and i do feel that in the wake of the massacre in gaza the goldstone report public opinion has dramatically changed dramatically changed not only internationally but in the united states and there's a real opportunity known to put forth a reasonable settlement to the conflict not only the put forth but for there to be a receptive audience for such a real a reasonable settlement and i feel the given my personal background the fact that my. parents were both survivors of the nazi holocaust my father was a survivor of auschwitz concentration camp my mother my don their concentration camps every member of their families on both sides were exterminated during the war
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we never had any on sancho's cousins grandparents nothing we were just as my late mother used to say five people in the world my mother my father and my two brothers and myself my family background my professional background i have written many books in the topic and i think it's fair to say without sounding immodest i am a recognized authority on the conflict and. the fact that i have been personally involved i've made a substantial commitment one might even say in my own little way i've paid some price for the commitment of made and most importantly i've tried very desperately very hard to be reasonable to figure out the reasonable proposal based on international law to end the conflict but we should be clear i have no interest in being the victor over a vanquished israel i have no desire to no interest in wanting to humiliated embarrass a decorated war as they say push it against the wall so it feels like it has no
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choice except to strike out we won a reasonable settlement we want a settlement which allows everyone to live proud productive and peaceful lives we want a settlement that allows everyone to live in dignity and we want a settlement obviously which is in a accordance with the law with what the world should look like now you're right in the real world the law is often disregarded and replaced by the use of a big club when you crack people skulls but we're talking about how we think the conflict should end and i think most people understand maybe not people in power regular people they understand the rule of law and that we should respect the law and i think you can reach a lot. thank
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you. if. it's.
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in the united kingdom is available in. the pool. the crim to feel. the oil the ruben's her. face. watching r t six thirty in the morning fear in moscow and new all the top stories control and a man haunted washington after the u.s.
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military reports of the afghan war revealed civilian deaths former american soldiers say the country should focus on examining the cold war their methods not to expose them some claim to have this new orders to kill everyone inside if. new sanctions on iran from the town that are calm will go far from russia moscow says the move falls outside a recent u.n. resolution and undermine its efforts to resolve the nuclear issue. once moving the goal boxed lothians living off charity slammed the government for doing nothing to help the country recover from the financial meltdown moving menu to fend for themselves lucky used to be the fastest growing economy but suffered more than other member states from the recession. i'll be back with more headlines in half an hour but between and now and then max cars are and stacy herbert.


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