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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 28, 2010 4:01am-4:31am EDT

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artist christine has more. a glimpse into the way it really is on the battlefield now made more clear by the release of more than ninety thousand secret documents on wiki leaks dot org. they paint a portrait of an afghanistan aided by pakistan which is supposed to be helping the u.s. government they also demonstrate a point u.s. senator john kerry sums up the also calling the leaks unacceptable and illegal that after nearly nine years of war more than a thousand american casualties and billions of u.s. taxpayer dollars. the taliban. appear to be strong as they have a stronger enemy means experts on policy in the middle east are calling for a stronger strategy asking for more time i think the first time we ought to do is just is to stop talking about twenty eleven and start talking about twenty four tane and more resources the second they want it is
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a big tactical hit on the taliban dr david kilcullen a counterinsurgency expert says in other words you have to do a lot of damage on the taliban before they'll be willing to talk a strategy that may sound familiar more money more troops and more time and if you do well there's no guarantee anything will change is it possible that this war is just unwinnable but certainly possible the thing is we want to know until we get to the point where we begin to pull out and we see if the afghan government is sustainable it looks rather that significantly break from the one president obama announced in december and the lawmakers say they are listening many do not like their hero now what point do we say that we camps we can't make this work u.s. senator ted kaufman not accepting the familiar strategy i'm not perspective one more dollar and one more american life until we have a conviction that we can get governance that's good enough this is not about
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resurrecting afghanistan with all due respect i care about afghanistan but the standard is not that we leave something better we just when the day we decide that we don't have carmen's that is good enough we should leave that day a pushback while others work to push ahead a tug of war within a real war with no end in sight christine for is now our t. . and stay in the u.s. where the anti muslim sentiment from the immediate aftermath of nine eleven lingers on and some worry it's innocent muslims going about their allies they're falling victim to media scaremongering artie's an associate takes a look how is the religion of islam turned into a source of fear in the us well the american media has been doing a heck of a job if you will in phobias to me that you are not. working with our enemies have had enough some of bin laden became the poster boy for all muslims
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or a billion muslims in the world as one guy symbolized all those all muslims for most americans because americans are so politically educated unaware of what's going on in the rest of the world our t.v. doesn't report it our schools don't teach about it elitist estimate from the council of american islamic relations says there are seven million muslims currently living in the us there are no exact numbers available however the american census bureau does not collect data on religious identification but this identifying yourself with a religion or rather standing behind it is exactly what seems to have been spreading paranoia across the united states islamophobia as a term became commonly used in the us only after the attacks of september eleventh that racism is alive and kicking with its main focus now on muslims i think after nine eleven is when the big shift happened because. nine
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eleven was largely about demonizing muslims and the recurring images that we get every couple of months of a new car. or an underwear bomber or. the impression is that muslims are crazy. over half of american muslims reportedly believe that the u.s. government's anti-terrorism policies have been singling them out twenty five year old mohammed says he's stereotyped every single day of his life you go to work as. hard to the next person instead of you basically sometimes. you know. because. a wave of protests has taken place in new york the
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muslim community once just two of their religious holidays days off in schools only today i mean if christmas holiday to get a ten day break why cannot we have today it's elementary i want the school system michael bloomberg. the chancellor klein to close the educate the schools. here they have the abilities they have the power they can do it if they wish to because the muslim kids are as much as part of this community as everyone else to many this non inclusion in the education system is just the tip of the iceberg projects to build a number of mosques around the west. whatever skeletons of intolerance by remaining in the closet we're going to use a simple search system to try to see exactly what the deal is with the number of mosques in new york compared to locations representing other religions this is what you get for catholic churches all of these red dots right here this is what you get
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for synagogues in new york. and this is what you get for mosques a staggering difference that really speaks for itself a planned islamic center and mosque just steps away from ground zero is the biggest such project if you willing resistance right now nobody in their right minds would have any problem with that but of course the. including people who've been brainwashed by the nine eleven inside job and the people who are history that are going to make sure that there is a lot of controversy about it the belief is growing that when islam does turn radical it's because u.s. born policies create this vicious circle eighty percent of the soldiers in iraq were asked why are you here they said payback on nine eleven you know even though iraq had nothing to do with a person is radicalized not by the ideology of the. american u.s. foreign policy and this is actually the objective of the quote unquote terrorists
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if you will to get the west to show its true face in the international arena to show itself as an imperialist power to show itself as an ideological power that is false and so the more they suppress domestic rights the more they are exposed for each and every muslim to see and the more muslims will take the view that we are at war with the west hundreds of hate crimes have been committed since nine eleven and the end of the decade of fear is not yet insight and. new york. and the consequence of america's misadventures abroad is that in the eyes of the world it is losing any authority as a role model and that some of you have one outspoken rapper in the us we spoke to our team. i think america's nightmare is america. a reflection of the ugliness we have to remember that. america is this model for democracy you know it's just the facade of you know everybody has the make up is there but behind the make up is kind of like it's kind of like it's a lot of it's
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a lot of things that. obama has to face you know i'm not. totally disappointed in him i think that as a as a as a person you have to do your best job and then you're working with the united states government can't be can't be easy. and if you hear what else general steele had to say in just twenty minutes time here in our team. and the u.s. congress has been asked to give the green light ten israeli attack on iran nearly one third of house republicans expressed support for a measure backing a military strike against the islamic republic iran expert trita parsi from the woodrow wilson center for scholars says the move sands a dangerous signal. we are reaching silly season in washington with the elections in november and for that there has already been signs that israel is going to be a major element that some republicans will use to be able to get both voters as
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well as finance donations to campaigns away from the democrats but the problem is that this is not a theoretical exercise at the end of the even silly season has real repercussions in the real world and the danger here is the signal is being sent to israel that are actually if we were to take this action in spite of the fact that the white house has sent a clear signals a pause ago despite the fact that the military of the united states has sent a clear signals opposing it congress at least if the republicans take over take take over are sending a signal that actually they would welcome it i think it can be seen as an encouragement for various reasons one being that this is essentially a preemptive greenlight this is not a situation in which the israeli government had made a decision to do it then afterwards u.s. congress comes out and the support of it but this is actually in advance of that coming out and saying we would support that so that is
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a little bit different and can be interpreted as an encouragement every year thousands of vulnerable elderly people across the world fall victim to abuse while in care however in the czech republic many feel that their government is turning a blind eye but as eager of reports the country's first helpline for the elderly could offer some hope. most who arrive at this care home in suburban prague are no longer able to survive on their own. money have no close family almost their entire pension goes on paying medical bills. their lives are entirely in the hands of the carers independent charities say that up to twenty percent of elderly checks have been subject to abuse they say that the country have simply failed to acknowledge the problem the abuse is both for the call and mental that happens at homes and institutions which cover for my grandmother was started to the bed naked and covered in her own excrement she said the nurses dropped the bed under her got
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angry and just slapped her there telling her to behave when i found the chief nurse she said my grandmother had been bad and we could take her home if you wanted me. ninety days to change attitudes it's the country's first telephone hotline for the elderly responding to dozens of pleas for help daily. the quote that he said when i was pleased to gear home i say my flight over to my son but he promised to take me to my country house during the summer months but he didn't when i phoned the house did have some people have no medical answer it seems they have no idea who i am going to ask. the hotlines founder believe that with the health care system inherited from the communist regime and pensioners the other little economic power compared to their counterparts in the worst older people will continue to suffer but we hear. people working at the institutions want to decrease
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their workload even if this means that the pensioners themselves are restricted in what they do but the problem is wider than that there is little concept of the rights of older people or didn't. starve here say several unfortunate cases of cast a shadow on a difficult profession recent loss of introduce more independent care assessments and have penalise the worst care homes but. things are not nearly as bad as they were even three years ago and have a place just ordinary housewives working here with trained nurses that we're changing. here there is little doubt that the czech republic lags behind western europe in how it treats its senior citizens and any improvements may be too late for some eager of of. so i had in the program enjoying a summer in one of the coldest places on earth find out how people are coping high temperatures in a safe area and see a bombs. at a u.k.
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court has refused to extradite a former bosnian president and you've got an edge to serbia where he's wanted on war crimes charges but one judge said there was evidence a trial could. the politically motivated dr gannet is accused of ordering the deaths of more than forty yugoslav soldiers in sarajevo at the start of the bosnian war in one thousand nine hundred two the sixty four year old was seized at london's heathrow airport in march after sir serbia issued an international arrest warrant donnish denies being responsible for the atrocities. a political expert on the balkans said the former leader should stand trial in his own country. it would be best if. a court troy. because of this of total or current on the territory of sort of a no in fact it should be avoided sponsibility of the government and the boss known institutions to try mr. mr gummidge to resolve this whole case is there was
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a crime it needs to be resolved in some way but it appears to me here that the british position is to run away from it and possibly whitewash this whole thing and our web site r.t. dot com has a lot more for you to check out and here's a taste of what's reaming there right now. russian and american drug police busted a trafficking ring involving a show man and a corrupt officer. and russian lawmakers predict the last days of sham psychics who cause they are trusting clients out of thousands of dollars or had to r.t. dot com. let's now take a look at some of the stories from around the world at least five people have been found alive after an arab passenger plane crashed into hills close to the pakistani capital islamabad another twenty five bodies have also been recovered the jet carrying one hundred fifty two people went down after losing contact with air traffic control minutes before do you to weigh on the plane is reported to be an
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airbus a three hundred twenty one flying from karachi to islamabad. the. chinese state media reporting fifty people have been hospitalized at least. another three hundred people injured in an explosion at a factory in eastern china authorities are unsure if there are any fatalities and reports suggest the blast was caused by a gas leak at our plastics factory in the jiang super obvious an area of over one hundred meters surrounding the building has been affected. south korea and the u.s. are holding joint military drills for a third day in the sea of japan of the exercises have already involved locating and destroying potential submarine attacks off the korean peninsula the north was accused of sinking as belonging to south korea and march something is denied gang expressed anger at the war games threatening a physical response. the oil giant b.p.
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has suffered a record loss of seventeen billion dollars in the second quarter of this year you know rake of a massive oil spill in the gulf of mexico you know it's one came as b.p. boss tony hayward took the decision to step down bob dudley will replace him as chief executive in a meanwhile hayward's expected to be offered a new role in the joint venture between b.p. and the russian oil company t n k for more on the story what's our business bulletin and about five minutes time . well not even siberia usually associated with freezing temperatures and i see landscapes has escaped russia's heat wave that's why families there are taking the chance to had for the rivers to cool down and we sand lindsay friends to the city of alms to have a look to. siberia may not be what comes to mind when you think of sand surf and sun but in the summertime on the river the that what you get and it's hot very hot which means the boats are coming out so are the boating competition all
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the beach lovers the family and friends let's go talk to some people. didn't people wait a long time for summer they always want to get away from the vacation but right now we've got great conditions for that. three thousand miles southwest of moscow you'd never know that these sweltering siberians will be running for shelter from the most famous winters in the world in just a few months with all of this we work twelve hours a day here we have such a long cold winters that people just one toy out there hours between three and eight o'clock can be a problem there are the hardest and that's exactly one of the people are here at the beach like one particular veteran of fifty siberian summers with no air conditioning or t.v. with sure that it's impossible to stay at home it's to hunt a can believe in the flood there's just no air is been like this since may the climate is changing it's like say beer is becoming a part of southern russia weather experts say maybe not like southern russia but so
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far this summer siberia is pushing the thermometer in both directions of nature of the situation say beat it is very diverse i mean both hot and cool records in a broken located between the cold center and the heat of its unique region in a way the contrast between summer and winter is overwhelming. we hit the road from the beach to find people working in this weather instead of just enjoying it after a minor setback when the cab overheated we found a farmer and his daughter toiling on their land twelve kilometers outside of town where the snows of the steps make way for potatoes though and right as you can tell by my face it's very. more than thirty degrees quick and with fine tuning you can grow anything here if you've got the skills we have very good black soil and we have more sunny days than set pieces but. we found these old soviet river about right where they are to should be all made rivers meet it's
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funny that heat in the countryside is so stifling you come back to town to get still equally as hot but the air coming off these rivers is. still funny people are sweating here. gorgeous. and the captain agrees this was more everybody comes here especially in summer when the weather is nice everything depends on whether sometimes i make seven or eight trips a day yesterday we carried over eleven hundred people we have nice summers in siberia i've been enjoying them all my life and for the rest of this short summer the people of omsk will be enjoying these record breaking temperatures before they evaporate and the winter siberian weather decidedly takes over. in de france r t and just to miss time we're talking to an american rapper who says the u.s. is losing its status around the world for astrologer joins us for the latest
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business news. hello and welcome to the business program. since robert dudley then head of. fled russia also dispute with the russian shareholders on. the new boss of b.p. taking office in october and in a follow twist the outgoing chief tony hayward's may return to russia as a board member. so united misread of course. robert dudley has already earned his credit for handling of the gulf of mexico oil spill the gulf represents one third of the company's oil and gas was in refineries and his experience in russia where t.v. generates about a quarter of b.p.'s revenues and she should be well prepared to take over the whole company where she's likely true means central to the peace jirga e.g. with analysts dismissing media reports that the company could sell a stake in its cash generator team t v p possibly to gas room or ross nifty to be
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easy cash generator on an original investment of seven billion dollars in two thousand and three b.p. has already seen twelve billion dollars of dividends officially for the last. year reported for more than thirty five billion dollars of revenues and if they can stand alone. indeed is the largest piece of cedars in terms of revenues and probably in terms of the dark and their profit and of course thank you because one of the largest cash sources for b.p. so obviously cashing aeration now for being one of the promised target countries are lining up to pull the barrels from b.p.'s flour the company has already confirmed it is looking to sell the assets with few details an ounce to exxon mobil and chevron now both in talks to take over the company but first things first to
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stop the leaking first asked to begin with the plug the well that's still not done yet we're still told to three weeks away from that even though the spill has now been contained it has not been plugged so the first order of thing is to get the plug done second is to figure out how the reinvestments like going to be done and then it's a question of reconstructing and winning back the trust of the american people who are doubly has shown his skills at getting a good price when he's sold to masses of team keep b.p. tell him to. come in handy now that b.p. needs to raise cash to people consequences of its oil spill in u.s. waters the question is how much he has to dilute the b.p. brand in the process than any bit of a business r.t. a close contact of b.p.'s new chief executive says b.p.'s russian interests will be managed directly by robert dudley that runs counter to major speculation the outgoing c.e.o. tony hayward is being drafted into look. a chief executive of
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b.p. will oversee russia along with the board of directors of b.p. will make all the key decisions. i think that the fact that michael friedman apparently according to bob dudley today and one didn't offer to help bob get his visa garamond car on another key. or partner t. and k b p said that they're working for to. taking over as chief executive as well as tony hayward coming in as a member of the board suggests that. i think really signals that things are going to go reasonably well. time now to have a look at the markets in both the russian forces have turned negative against leading the declines in the my six of energy stocks with gas ball mills left and
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luke oil retreating very very near a jazz energy high and the trade rising for the seventh straight session as investors welcomed updates from chip maker infinium technologies the company's personal more than two percent in frankfurt while in london the royal bank of scotland is among the biggest gainers in the footsie up two point eight percent. russian companies of cut their reliance on banks of financing to the greatest degree since nine hundred ninety instead companies issued bonds and shares which accounted for seventy percent of corporate finance this year according to bloomberg that's up from forty seven percent two years ago their placement of banks a source of finance brings russia into line with developed economies where many companies raise finance directly from the markets russian corporate bond issuance has exceeded twenty two billion dollars so far this year with another twelve billion still expected that's according to citi group. russia's gas group may
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assemble the most eighty's bens eat class at its plant in than city of news you know of course where bills of the volga model is in talks with di maria after failing to reach a similar deal with cries in just tart up talks and tell us gas will get assembling the car. that's all the business news for now but you can always find more stories on our website that's r.t. dot com slash business.
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impressions. moves from stunts on t.v. dot com. the state has provided citizens with. tried so far it's a tough sell to find the high the hot challenges. when the. going to kill an intruder. so.
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let's. talk about it here's a look at the top stories here on our t.v. u.s. senators looking into the fold campaign in afghanistan even as another thirty three billion dollars are added to the war budget despite
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a massive leak of documents exposing the militarism state's well civilian deaths. in the czech republic has introduced a hotline to help the senior citizens who are being abused and outdated healthcare system and poverty leave many of the country's elderly vulnerable both physically and mentally. ill and russia scorched by the hottest summer in decades with a heat wave setting even the normally cold. to save your props are being destroyed by fire is always blazes have forced several villages in several russia to be evacuated and cause the heavy smog to fall over moscow. america's failure to get results in a number of military campaigns at a cost of billions has damaged its reputation as a role model for democracy that's according to one outspoken american rap artist who believes the country's image is just a facade.


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