tv [untitled] RT July 28, 2010 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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time for our tool time winner tonight and it involves the senate race in california between incumbent barbara boxer and republican candidate carly fiorina now early polls show that the two women wore locked in a very close race but boxer now has turned to pull away from her challenger in fact a new poll by public policy polling finds that boxer has a nine point lead but let me tell you this it was a question in that poll that helped us pick our schooltime winner tonight because the poll asked do you have a higher opinion of barbara boxer's hair or carly fiorina is here i'm sorry looks like only fourteen percent like carly fiorina is hair barbara boxer's hair was favored by a whopping nineteen percent and actually sixty seven percent of people weren't even sure but that with all the difficult issues facing this country facing california a polling company is actually asking people to vote about
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a candidate haircut now if this were two men would that ever be a question hell no because only women get judged on their hair and what year is it i think i'm back in one nine hundred fifty and public policy polling only asked this question after carly fiorina is open mike slip for winning the republican nomination. louder saw barbara boxer briefly on television this morning and said what everyone says god what is that hair. so yesterday. carly you just don't bad mouth and other girl's hair that's not nice we don't need a mean girl representing california so our tool time winner is carly for starting the hair where to begin with and for the pollster that's helping keep this story alive. well it's day one hundred of the devastating oil spill in the gulf of mexico and the suffering of those who live in the region continues on but b.p. c.e.o.
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tony hayward seems to be getting off pretty easy although rumors of his resignation are still just rumors there's already word will be moving on to russia reportedly will be joining the board of tea and k.b.p.s. which is a fifty fifty joint russian venture and while in the past that might have sounded like punishment these days moscow is a bastion of luxury and extravagance a perfect place for ex-pats like tony to continue indulging without the judgment of western culture are to correspondent catarina as the story. leadville civita russian style the media writes about it the people talk about it and very few actually live it and a lot of those who do aren't even russian this is moscow so-called golden mile where real estate is valued at around ten to twenty thousand u.s. dollars per square meter these apartments are fitted with every gadget and have
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every conceivable comfort and are let to top managers from international companies who come to live and work in russia. but why do they come by and large moscow is a fast paced developed city but it still lacks the comforts the expert managers are you still so what brings them here. well first of all is the money moscow is considered quite dangerous by most of these companies so they get paid extra just to come then there's the income tax in russia it's just thirteen percent compared to forty in europe in the u.s. and of course it's the glamorous life they lead here the parties the duchesse the night clubs the country clubs red carpet treatment everywhere they go who can say no to that. the latest man unable to say no is former b.p. c.e.o. tony hayward in a somewhat musical chairs move mr hayward will replace former. head robert dudley who will leave moscow for b.p.
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headquarters in london the boss while benefits not just the ex-pats from. they have until a village is built for them which if they choose to they don't even have to leave their every whim is counted for including weekends flights back home and of course for russia this is quite a bit official as will the drilling experts culture is very valued because it's to relates cultural growth. cultural growth there's somewhat doubtful though the top managers party with the best and keely of voice the rest including members of the press something that in their native europe or america would not be accepted well but here they set the rules and everyone else watches on trying to appear in behind the tentacle ass of their motorcades. catarina czar of r t moscow joining me to discuss this even further is our two correspondent catarina sarver in moscow now catarina here in the u.s. of course everybody knows who tony hayward is at this point and believe me they
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hate him we don't know what to aerate like the guy but in moscow what's the word on the street are people talking about him do they know what he said or what he's done or does no one really care. i don't know here not many people actually care about the so-called enemy of the american people as some american media are already calling tony hayward mostly people are talking about b.p. and the trouble the company's got itself into especially with the new oil spill that actually had nothing to do with the previous leak that b.p. has suffered from but still has added basically oil to already troubled waters but right now not many people are actually wondering what tony hayward will do when he will come and what kind of benefits will actually read from taking his position in russia if he is of course to take it so far we haven't even heard about his resignation first of all it was a few days then now people say that he will resign on october first and possibly
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join the a director's board here in moscow of the joint russian english company b.p. so not many people care to be honest with you addressing like curiosity is much greater over here in the u.s. right now and you know i know that they're pretty secretive when it comes to salaries when it comes to the contracts exactly in moscow but can you elaborate for our american audience exactly what kind of life these guys live over there with with the motorcades with all of the babies i mean i was in moscow one time and i saw a small roski encrusted mercedes drive by. though those are rather painful on the eyes unfortunately especially when it's sunny but yeah the top managers in russia do seem to enjoy a very specific lifestyle they party with the best tend to avoid the rest specifically members of the press they're very closely guarded especially all of the ex-pat staff that does seem to work at tank a v.p.
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their security companies are pretty tight and very reluctant to actually talk to journalists about it i remember when robert dudley the man who supposedly to lead v.p. was actually here in moscow the. head of b.p. journalists literally were chasing him down the street with him just not saying a word and pretty much running away from them so this is a somewhat strange custom especially for those in europe in the united states where it's considered a tradition to communicate with members of the press especially in times like these when the entire world is watching b.p. watching what it will do with the oil leak how it will handle the situation the mexican gulf but this is the part of the irony because of course in america tony hayward is right now basically evil one hundred percent evil and here in russia if he does come here he will pretty much be enjoying a very luxurious lifestyle of course b.p. itself will pay him out handsomely for his time during it as its c.e.o.
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and when he comes to moscow he is most likely going to enjoy a huge salary a great apartment with all of the gadgets all of the appliances every conceivable comfort a motorcade parties with his ex-pat colleagues with some of the members some of them members of the russian business fear that are actually privy to that kind of look serious glamorous lifestyle so for the man that is basically viewed as bad in one country here he wold not have any such stigma in fact he'll be valued both in the business sense and of course enjoy a very comfortable life well it definitely is ironic he seems to have gotten the most golden parachute of them all and whereas in the past perhaps you know people would have thought it was punishment to be shipped off to russia shipped off to siberia now it does seem like this haven for these acts perhaps that don't have to bring their western culture there they just get to adopt
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a russian catherine thanks so much. still to come on tonight's show d.c. is joining a very small list of places that will soon allow medical marijuana but a. took some twelve years to finally get the approval and as the drugs rages on across the border we have to ask would legalize ation in the united states tame that violence we'll speak with a law enforcement official to get his take off of the break. coming into the future. he. speaks from the cinema. specialises in the street your stereo display the life glasses no problem live on the street once. you're on. the center. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get
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a human voice face to face with the news makers. washington d.c. is joining a pretty exclusive exclusive list of places here in the u.s. that allow the use of medical marijuana see the medical marijuana bill passed by the d.c. city council under went to the thirty day congressional review period which has expired and congress declined to take any action now just a quick reminder since d.c. is a district and not a state all laws that are passed by the d.c. council have to undergo a thirty day waiting period where congress can if they choose to intervene so this is a pretty big deal for d.c. this development comes almost twelve years after sixty nine percent of district voters approved a referendum on medical marijuana in one thousand nine hundred eight but congress had blocked the laws implementation all the way up until last year so now that is see department of health and mayor adrian fenty are going to have to come up with
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a set of regulations for the dispensaries that will be licensed to distribute medical marijuana to the qualified patients and medical marijuana is not fully legal yet as the new law allows the qualified patients to legally possess the marijuana only if it comes from that licensed dispensary now under the bill patients that are suffering from chronic chronic conditions can receive the weed with a doctor's permission and if we look at california that chronic condition well that could be just about anything but patients will not be able to grow it on their own and this should come as no surprise but if marijuana will also be subject to the city's six percent sales tax so now that medical weed is illegal in the nation's capital we have to see if the rest country might start following suit. all right so sticking to the subject a lot of people might think that the issue of legalization is just domestic one one that only affects the individual states and the stoners that live in them in their
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battle with the federal government laws but america needs to wake up we need to realize that the drug. a war that's raging across the border in mexico gets more violent by the day is part of our problem too that maybe legalizing marijuana which is the number one product for those cartels is the safest answer or joining me from our l.a. studio i have neill franklin executive director of the law enforcement against prohibition and a retired major for the maryland state police narcotics thanks so much for being with me so tell me first are you shocked at all that finally d.c. that the congress here didn't even intervene and they let this law come into play does this show us that perhaps something is changing within the federal government . alone i'm not surprised the change has to take place we have no option but to start moving forward with our drug policies in this country we've been at it for forty years virtually not addressing them for forty
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years almost as if we have had our heads stuck in the sand but it's about time they realize that we have to move and we're going to do so are now i want to ask you this because i think that a lot of americans probably have a perception that the only people that want to legalize marijuana are these are these hippies these stoners the people who want to smoke it but i mean that's clearly not true here you are your entire you're part of an entire organization of former law enforcement officials but do you think that you know that americans don't quite understand how the war on drugs how our policy is also are linked with things like legalization how it all connects. well i think that many people in let me begin with staying long foresman against prohibition which is our organization we are police officers we are judges we are corrections officials
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we are prosecutors and some retired feds and you know we have been on the front lines and we get to see this from a unique perspective we get to see the violence that is associated with the prohibition of drugs for forty years we've been able to see from the frontlines that our policies have not been working and prohibition creates a very violent society i mean criminals thrive in prohibition they protect their market share it's very profitable and people die as they protect their market share they fight each other well that's very clear if we look at mexico and the situation there right now i mean there the drug war is definitely raging just across our border and every day it seems like we have another horrific story coming out just a few days ago they discovered a mass grave with fifty one bodies we have heads being found in the streets so tell me this do you think that if let's say you know california they're they're the
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first ones to really put this on the ballot for november if they're the first ones to fully it legalize marijuana if the rest of the u.s. follows suit also is that going to put a dent into these cartels will that transfer to the drug war in mexico. it will put more than a dent in the illegal drug business we believe that the marijuana business is about sixty to seventy percent of the profits from not just the cartel but our national gangs as well on neighborhood gangs that we experience every day and if you do that if you affect sixty percent of their profits that's huge what it also does it prevents those people who are currently buying marijuana illegally it automatically removes them from their criminal environment and what that does number one it it makes it safer for them but number two they're no longer subjected to other drugs that are being sold by. the criminals now do you think that there's any chance that
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there is this feeling because this war on drugs here in the u.s. it's been waged for decades now i think almost universally everyone would agree that we are it's failing that it's just not working but is there some kind of a mindset that legalization would be akin to giving in giving in to the drug cartels. oh absolutely not i mean you just said it the majority of us here in the u.s. believe and know for sure that the drug wars failed policies that failed for the past three to four decades so here's the question when are we going to stop the car and asked for directions when are we going to start moving in another direction we realize that we're going in in an improper direction the wrong direction so it's just a matter of time we know that we have to change and why not now why wait another decade because every time every decade every year that you wait more people die in which you mention mexico but here in the united states in our neighborhoods we have
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people dying as we have this conversation right here as relates to drug wars within our communities and it's not just those who are in the game who are dying it's of course law enforcement i had someone very close to me die back in two thousand and it's not just law enforcement it is our kids in our cities whole family was wiped out to dawson family by a drug dealer in baltimore back in i believe it's two thousand and three it was a dawson family so we have to change we have to move why wait let's do it now now what are very quickly we have to wrap up soon but what do you think of obama's drug policy so far i mean a lot of people are up in arms because he said that there would be no more raids and yet those continued by the f.b.i. is he not living up to his worth. well personally i think he's sincere with his word but he needs to he needs to pull in the reigns on those who is put in charge to make those decisions ahead of the da office of national drug control policy they
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need to do what he's told them to do eric holder has already submitted the memo to all of these states and by the way i welcome d.c. into the medical marijuana realm with the rest of the states but he needs to ensure that they follow what he has put forth so if if those patients and those dispensary is that are operating according to state law the a needs to back off period i mean a lot thanks so much for giving us your perspective and yes d.c. is now part of the legal marijuana club here in america let's see how many other states start to join thanks so much. i we've got just one more segment ahead on the show there's another russian spies scandal that is if you believe some of the media here in the u.s. and why is america so fascinated as of misfits from the jersey shore we're going to talk pop culture and politics with this the captain of next.
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breaking news there's a new russian spy just kidding in fact there's a sexy new anna who live in and who is now a naturalized u.s. citizen and is under house arrest in texas for allegedly trying to smuggle state of the arts ninety vision scopes to moscow. look at how the press swings in and you won't get any of that information at the same time snooki one of the characters on m.t.v.'s jersey shore is also taking america by storm that's right. so what does that mean is happening to the media to this country when those stories are what everyone is obsessed with well joining me to discuss it is our two producer lucy now lucy i gave a few of the details about this new and have it can you tell us more to tell us more about how much of a she really is i obviously must have missed the memo on this because if you happen to be a hot chick with an eastern european accent and like posting photos of herself on facebook you're obviously a russian spy according to the mainstream media i mean the fact that he was. right
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right but you know row upon us if we ever get in trouble with the law i would be terrified to imagine what would really happen i mean the one thing that we could learn from this look at the headlines we have c.b.s. news more spies among us feds arrest another bombshell new york post scope out new russian spy hobby the only thing that we could learn from this is obviously pretty faces help sell newspapers there is nothing in the story to connect to actual spies with the exception of sharing the name with anna chapman i mean i think you're right i think you're very right in that connection is that it sounds like the media is just really desperate these days to like you said sell papers but now we have her he's she's not a spy but she's kind of this like sexy black market arms dealer is that you know i don't know in the who is book having three night vision a high tech night vision scopes somehow makes you an international threat and an arms dealer i mean it's fifteen thousand dollars worth of stuff did she make a mistake yes it was a stupid move yes but just. when we paint her as
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a spy or some sort of arms dealer i mean what are you going to do with three night vision scopes attack a entire country i just don't really understand what the story is going i want hopefully the media can get the right country at this time because apparently a lot you know the exact same thing in iraq charges out of our friends are moving on to the jersey shore moving on to snooki so she now has had an entire profile done of her in the new york times really everyone is going crazy over her and she was on wall street the other day where she rang in the opening bell. there believe it or not she rang the opening bell and this is the first time at the new york stock exchange the guest passes were completely sold out everyone hand them out to their friends is that i think the a little uncomfortable. it disturbs me yes but at the same time i mean we're in a really not such a great situation with the economy we're nearing one point seven trillion dollars and in terms of the federal deficit so i can understand why some of these guys on
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wall street might want to be entertained by a girl with the bump but you know interesting take fitting clothes i mean we can show you need to get cheered up when we can show just how entertaining she is we have a little clip of play. like you know always down to party but this is a really serious matter for me i went to school to be a vet tech yes animals have always been my passion i only have one semester last until i was a license that tax and the oil spill it's really really affecting these animals and i feel like nobody realizes that you know is it true. all right so yes very deep words coming from snooki and yet she sold out whatever the new york stock exchange in terms of guest passes i had you know other people other famous people in history that have also rang the opening bell really people like nelson mandela so what does that tell you about this country when are americans so are they so down and out right now because of the recession that they just want to zone out. they don't want
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to think about the fact that we're fighting two wars and they want to look at snooki eason's and fake spies i think that's exactly it i think you know a lot of these reality t.v. shows and i have to admit i've been watching the jersey shore and i'm kind of a fan you know i mean you feel better i like pretending you know spending two hours of my day watching some ridiculous thing that makes me feel better about myself and my life i don't have to worry about real life problems that are real life issues the thing that i do take a serious issue with is when the media decides to focus on something like this is some sort of a top story when as you mentioned we are fighting two wars there are massive casualties there are a lot of serious issues that get completely overlooked and sensationalized because there's a pretty face that will help sell headlines or at least. i got in there in lies some of the problem with t.v. is unfortunately it's got to be visual in order to sell and these days even newspapers the headline has to be sexy as well and you know that's what's happening these days in this in this tough economy in this world and i get it maybe people need to relax although i mean they really want it please please can the media at
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least do their job and keep those people in the real world and keep reporting from the stories that matter because you know now before we go it's time for our tweets of the day we just discussed this latest rush in the slash spy case and the woman who is accused of. that. we wanted to know what anna chapman the first thing to tell that was the darling of the media what would she tweets on all the attention that this new woman is getting well our guess was something like this oh hell no i didn't spend all of those years in the u.s. to be upstaged by another ana i still want my fifteen minutes of fame and my movie deal that's our tweet of the day we will have another one for you tomorrow so that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow but in the meantime don't forget to become a family launched on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show. any other night you can catch it all at youtube dot com slash the
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the fallout spreads peace activists in britain say the online leaks outlining cover ups in the war in afghanistan could be the beginning of the end of the conflict. water control federal jobs blocks parts of arizona's controversial new immigration law but critics say it still encourages racial profiling and discrimination. and we travelled just a few hundred kilometers outside moscow to explore the advanced technology and
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signs in the streets of the cold region. in moscow you're watching r t a marina josh welcome to the program now one of britain's largest peace groups the stop the war coalition says the leak of files on the campaign in afghanistan are so embarrassing it could mark the beginning of the end of the war the war reports posted online by a whistleblower group it suggests the situation on the ground is far from the official picture of the conflict they include details of civilian deaths at the hands of coalition troops as well as concerns that pakistan could be helping the taliban insurgency u.k. peace activists say nato could find it hard to carry on arches or amman twenty me
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