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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 29, 2010 7:31pm-8:01pm EDT

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ffs. hello yellow walk into spotlight on r.t. i'm al green of and today way yes. how to check. the scientists from the quick chat of institute in moscow claimed that they have decoded the genome of russian what secrets is this genetic code hiding i hope we've all learned from dr prostitute who is the senior research fellow at the coach at the institute. you could pick out your business senior scientific fellow at the genetics analysis laboratory of the russian scientific sense of the institute here in moscow having received his ph d. from the institute of jin biology at the russian cademy of sciences he moved to the
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following the example of many russian scientists who move abroad looking for high income later you were returned to moscow due to personal issues and began working at the institute of gene biology of the russian academy of sciences you got a prostitute is the guest in our studio today to discuss the recent achievements of the russian scientific center could have institute in the field of genetics the institute has recently decoded the russian genetic code. hello welcome to the show thank you thanks very much to come full time into our studio world first of all this is this is association when i read this in the papers was a while ago now we have the genetic code of a russian and we know we know what we are all our buildout so first of all is it a genetic code that you have like came up with like a mathematical model like this is how it should look like for a russian or is it
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a specific russian person and you just have the code of a concrete. the living of a living man who first of all i would just remind you that we didn't decode genetic code for russians there is no specific genetic code for russians there is just maybe specific alteration in the genome sequence but that is no specific doesn't mean that arsenal have possess specific russian codes the nationalities don't possess just about the abbreviation that's not for scientists when you say about specific genetic code it means a lot for them so i would say the russians have a particular genome structural it say but not specific genetic code. in your question i want to say that the. couple of expeditions to small villages collecting samples from different ethnic populations of the country from you could from russians ukrainians and then the maker analysis of this samples made
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a wall picture when we didn't see cause the wall genome but took some particular peculiarities i would say of the particular genomes of different ethnic groups and then we made the picture of who had say around four hundred russians one hundred to one hundred belorussians and so on so on and then from this we pick up we picked up particular individual that we thought is a typical russian and then we took some blood samples from him lies only to d.n.a. and sequence it so so the picture you have now at the very code that we're talking about is the genetic code of a living man that really exists somewhere in russia is a man or a woman it's male. it's a male russian now so you say that this is the courage of a typical russian that did this is what it should look like because you think that
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this living men is really the typical rush. is that right so i like to know where he lives and what does he look like this is a local anything like you and me. he does actually because he is a male here so he. i mean i can't. tell you about particular specific personal information. but he is a patient of. cancer center cancer center he's suffering from kidney cancer. and that's also was one of the reason why we have picked up him particular him. we sequenced his let's say normal cells d.n.a. from normal cells not from tumor samples are not from his kidney cancer but from normal cells and we believe that these cells are not cancerous or they are normal
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and they represents a sort of a normal gene or. he is around sixty years old and i think that's all i can tell you about him from what part of russia. even me i don't know about this is you know this is sort of confidential. you know disclosing this so you don't know if he's blond with blue eyes or you have never met or. have known many ok now. well what was the particular purpose of this research you really wanted to know if the genetic code of the majority of russians is somehow different from from other nationally from from other people or what. actually we have a sort of a dual the first one is technological aim just to show that we can move with these directions because all great nations all the big countries developed countries technological leaders they are doing genomic research by let's say decoding the
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genome or the sequencing of the genome and for russia it was important to have the split from him. not the first in the world but just to follow the leading countries this is a technology that was one of the very important aims the second one was to make the first step in establishing the infrastructure of. this let's say biological and chemical analysis infrastructure and also having only one genome is nothing actually it's the first step but now we can do large scale large scale sequencing we have we can have more persons we have we can have more genome sequencing not only of humans but maybe of some even of animals that are specific for russia or for other countries so this is. in answering your question about practical significance of this in future when you will have genomes of maybe a. dozen or hundred individuals you can make
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a sort of prediction of the probability of let's say predisposition of this person to particular diseases like cancer or cardiovascular or disease and so on today you can see anything about it but certainly this we in the beginning of this way but this is important and sufficient for what i want to do the first thing i wanted to ask you when i when i just read the headline in there in the newspaper is there you you should of course know that in the thirty's the germans tried to find the specific specific. typical german the and the skulls they studied blood so so they thought that the germans are different from other nations and so on and this research should new tourist lead it was abused by nazis aren't you and everybody knew that aren't you afraid that you may be accused
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of the same thing are very being biased. racism because of trying to prove that the russians are genetically different than other nationalities while i would see we are not the first in the stroll first of all should be abused americans and chinese who walk because they decoded the first genome of european male then. the genome of african american in juneau was decoded then it was the chinese genome careen genome so we are not the first in the straw and if somebody is going to throw stones talk to us yes we are just following and we don't want to lose the time and if something important will happen in this field we want to be it where people from africa. or the asians like the chinese they are different from coke asians of course a chinese you know or or
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a black african gene or work occasion you know may be different but russians are not a race and the are one of the most mixed nations every to remember the polian said that if you if you scratch russian you will see a tower and in the so so so could there be some something genetically specific in then in a nation as mixed as the russians well first of all the dragons are definitely a nation yes and race no no not race definitely i'm not pretending saying this but definitely russians are nation. there are some genetic science for this because we can definitely distinguish. let's say even the part of russia which the person might come from would say russians living on the north in our congress cretins we can distinguish genetically them from those russians who are living words on and on the south in dawn region. because they mixed differently is now
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true or because the living conditions. maybe both both of. conditions are important living conditions a mixture but let's say that's not the only research that's not the only example of such a difference let's say in europe when you take samples from across the europe the research published recently you can you can tell with a curacy of one hundred eighty kilometers within europe which is actually a sporting. boiling it has a boiling ports of all nations mixed into but you can say with the security of one hundred eighty kilometers from which part of your of this person is if you was born there or if you move a little not moved but. let's say in the idea ideal condition when you forget about the mixture then you would tale about this difference and this is because of how the people moved across europe how they settled in particular places it's all about
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migration let's say it's all by migration one of the great spirit tribes about rushing to the genetic quality is the russians high tolerance to alcohol can you see it in the genome can you explain the truth only the point of view i would say we didn't find any specific toller and so for russians to alcohol so it's just practice i think it's life conditions it's bad habit i would say you know genetic science for this but what are the genetic qualities of russian that you can talk about seriously today well they're pretty much similar to those that we observe in europeans say. it's too early to say why diseases russians are more predisposed all less predisposed and as an example i can tell you about the. eight dispositions of particular russians living in the white sea so they're quite tolerant to aids hiv infection. hiv infection
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this tolan's is almost the. equal to what we observed in iceland or in norway says a geneticist you got perhaps chuck spotlight will be back shortly right after the break will continue so stay with us. culture is that so much a moment taxpayers and i mean to say show me the money for a period sweet down a good part of the world is experiencing a critically heat wave is this a trend or simply freaky weather one. of
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. the.
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walk about a spot like i am now in just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is you go to pearl harbor chook geneticist and senior scientific fellow at the moscow based chapter of institute research center this group of scientists has just found the genetic code of a typical russian well according to the genetic code what you said was very interesting that you didn't find anything about alcohol resistance in this genetic code though this is tear it up about russian but you just mentioned that there is a resistance to the h. the virus especially among russians living in further north is that true this is very interesting actually it's not the result of our research this was known or it's just enjoying examples of how particular population or ethnic
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stuff can be susceptible to particular diseases so it sort of turned that in a poem in a famous poem by one of the russian poets who said that that russian frost is deadly both for napoleon bonaparte and for a little bit of this is in this regard russians are not much different from the regions or from iceland this part of europe this population are quite resistant to . this population specific operational north of russia russians living on the white sea. they are definitely resistant and that's interesting and actually discoursed maybe discoursed the decrease in speed of propagation of the hiv in this country ok now we mentioned tires who who are known to be one of the one of the nations that influence the formation of the russian nation what are the nations did influence
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the russians as a nation would you say was very difficult to meet. to discuss this from genetic point of view was it because we don't know the tower engine arms and food we have a sequence and maybe. by the way are the seconds nation. not nation would say. in an amount of people living in the country. so maybe then we will think about. other nations but well from genetic point of view russians are definitely occupying specific sport on genetic map. that is between let's say poles that ours and bush two years on the north you are you have career goals and. georgians and so on so definitely we are as russians or particular genetics. like an issue that needs. those people that we have tested from these expeditions
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as a pure russians let's say at least as they say that they are pure russians they are occupying the sport if you takes pure ukrainian this ukrainian will never get in this nice his genetic let's say sequence the genome sequence will differ him from the russians this is a true thing which you're saying because russia started in a key which is now the capital of ukraine so so so i always thought that russians the ukrainian and the russians are our same nation same listeners they're very close i would say they're very close let's see brother who let's say brotherhood nations but still you can distinguish if you take let's as i told you everett. you will distinguish him from. ukrainian that's actually no harm because then you can distinguish balls you can french even to distinguish friend from tom jones you
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can distinguish brits from french and so on so on so in general genetic map of. europe including russia. almost coinciding with the job with geography really well it's a. that's a point that two years ago was published in top journals which was discussed highly in. journals european jorhat american journals and this will confirm this in our country which is which has a feature of very long distances so we took samples from far east from siberia and also fall in the same category that genetic distance is dependent on geography how far the father personally from from another person the big distance between them genetic distance well scientists predict that in a few decades human genome will play a key role in medicine spotlights the media has more in that. human genome is all of the d.n.a.
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a person possesses scientists are only now taking the first steps in the interpretation of genome data the practical results are already there genetic tests can sure were persons predisposition to certain illnesses for example and once people realized their retreat did have a chance to take preventive measures against the disease well known looks more like science fiction researchers are sure in the future doctors will be able to establish these genetic coding right up to birth the mother will get it david deal with the information human genome did it is banned through she nice the treatment of bonuses but it has already given rise to disputes concern in the ethical side of its use it's quite good if from the start they don't need the richest nations in afford genome research so chances are that advanced genome based medical treatment will only be available in the limited number of countries and that the problem is that no when once individual genome may venture to discrimination if your employer
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gets the data you know who. if you have a predisposition to and that might turn out to be a reason we're not. well as we're watching this week as we were watching this. video you mentioned something something about insurance. can you ever existing moratorium for using genetic data for let's say discrimination in inside the instance countries company has an employer so they can't ask you to pass genetic tests to increase the premium increase the premium but that but that will happen in the future i think close more humanitarian problems scientifically i would say well i actually know people say that in the near future. the citizens will get passports that will be mentioning very generic code it's also humanitarian question
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where do you think that this may be used to discriminate people who are most used all the measures could be used in for evil and the wall could be used for good nuclear bomb for nuclear energy could be used for the creation of. weapons of mass destruction could be used for nuclear plant station energy stations so the same as for genetics so you can use it for destruction or for creation let's say and it depends on the society in which what part of society will take all the good parts or bad parts or science or inventing and then the society decides how to use it well you mention do you mentioned americans to one of the first scientists to who found out that the genetic code of cation male and black a lot different well as far as i know they were very much afraid of that because of the political correctness because we have because actually actually. there they
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were afraid of being accused of being the being racist do you. i think that. this further further exploration of. the genetic codes can really be pretty political politically incorrect. like like you for a country knowingly different kind of looting our country bit because as far as i understand there there are specific medicine that's good for occasions and may be harmful for blacks and maybe maybe good for asians about harmful for arabs and so on and so forth this does sound very politically incorrect but but but this is a fact is it. or. c one of the purpose of creation this award three which are working in is that to be aware of what is going on the world and if there is any harm to our population to the
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society or russian people are ready to sort of get an answer to what to do in your spotlight you mention about all that on the richest nations will be sort of a leading and b genomics research will be available only for richest nations so i think that we are not the richest yes but we should know what is happening here and if let's say leading pharmaceutical companies are making sort of a high tech medical so which will be which will have ethnic specificity so definitely they will try them on europeans first of all in our country you can see that not only of european so we have to be sort of aware of how to adopt this medical into new genetic lottery surrounding. will we do our own genetic or our own medicine basing on what population it will be devoted to it's a question of but at least we have to know what was going on we have to be ready to
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make a proper answer to a new what's a new challenges but can you for example today say that according to your research you would be able to name typical diseases for example that any russian should be should be aware of more than others. raising on genetic russians no it's i can name them but there are some nations to which you have particular so the disposition to diseases. i'm not ready to name the. character does the genetic code have anything to do with the so called the national character. that's quite interesting question but scientists believe that it's less genetics but more so-called epigenetics that the surrounding influencing our genome structure. adding
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some chemical modifications to the genome and this is more sort of epigenetic all changes of our information than genetical changes of information and that's what we're also starting to institute a sort of a convergence of different science of cognition of. of. it's all about informational technologies so that's very interesting but i think this is the nearest future it's well thank you thank you very much sugar for being with us and just a reminder that my guest today was viewed what brought her to chill a geneticist and senior scientific fellow at the moscow based signing center called because of chatter. and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to have your say and spotlight just drop me a lie let's keep the show interactive we'll be back tomorrow with more for it and comment on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take care. less about it.
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for the full story we've got it. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on.
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headlines from all see this hour russia's probe into the sinking of a south korean warship the knowledge count as an early u.s. that investigation but blames north korea the new report unconfirmed by russia maintains the ship has been mined. thousands of barrels of dangerous chemicals could reach the russian border within days after being washed into everybody by floods in northeastern china. the governor of the u.s. state of arizona is said to be against a federal court ruling that blocks also the new immigration law
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a section of the controversial bill gave police the right to question suspects about their immigration status. six small then scorching temperatures repulse as the career reaches a second a record high in a week. those are the headlines and i will back in about thirty minutes with an update of our headlines but before that we have debate talk about allen his guests and to the climate change debate to discuss whether the all time high temperatures and mosco are just freak weather or a sign of global warming. every month we give you the future we'll do you understand how we'll get there and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join knowledge on r.g.p. . and.


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