tv [untitled] RT July 29, 2010 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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clean up their image and they're serious they've warned all workers dammit cussing will not be permitted and any company emails i'm serious goldman sachs is trying desperately to rehab their image do you ever back a few months ago when they've zax were called to capitol hill to talk about their part in a mortgage deal that left many investors seeing red goldman sachs' exacts had to listen to senators read emails sent within the company talking about what a crappy deal the mortgage investment really was take a listen. that timberwolf was one deal how much of that deal did you sell to your clients to tell them you thought it was a deal you knew it was your people knew it was that bother you know your cap priority to sell is that you should goldman sachs be trying to deal with that timber wolf was one july third still after. assessment.
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very nice to see senators sitting in the hearing room inside the hollow halls of congress reading e-mails from goldman sachs employees with those words and the words they cannot pronounce on there and goldman is just following the lead here of j.p. morgan and citigroup which have also banned cusswords in their company e-mails we know arts shouldn't this be standard practice if you're a professional company and i have an even better idea actually all of you goldman employees how about you just don't create those crappy deals in the first place then you won't have to send e-mails laughing about the people that are about to lose all their money and that's why goldman sachs and their band of using cuss words in e-mails well all of that combined makes them tonight's tool time winner. well one day after a judge stopped arizona from enforcing key provisions of s.b. ten seventy protesters to send it on the state hundreds of demonstrators opposed to
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the state's hardline stance on illegal immigration took to the streets denouncing the controversial law as racist and gauging acts of civil disobedience the protesters some of whom gathered well before dawn march to various venues including the federal courthouse where the judge issued a last minute injunction against most of the immigration law archie correspondent dina kosofsky brings us more straight from arizona. that. is it is. a doesn't sound like your typical immigration protest today i feel great a spirit of guy you know oh my god everybody was so excited to ring in i came here oh it was sad. because just one day before the law was to be enacted. the harshest provisions i'm here celebrating with the community and our victory.
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should be removed a celebration over one hundred long hot days in the making. i think the thing that celebrate and i mean it's never never assigned immigration law he's been here every saturday at noon five am here and remember right through it what he's going down but some of the most when you're from prevention and you take a basic a never cares where answer with we've been in pretty or you know every day twenty four hours a day this is taking over or our life and right now this is the only issue we can work because there's so much demand for it and good right here and we're we're directly in the thick of it right on the front lines of what is a national struggle and whenever there's a national struggle. money is to be made here. now. where anyone can be
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a patriot belong to god or stand in solidarity with america's immigrant population but although vendor an activist jonah clary is busy these days he's not very optimistic about the future of the hispanic community a lot of the herds that are coming here are coming here to escape the political and economic systems that we created in their country they're coming here for for the ability to live to have crewed to have children to have what they need to take care of their families and their and they can't have that where they came from largely as a result of united states imperialism in their country a sentiment that was at code by native born add naturalized citizens alike blaming the very nation they would do anything to stay in this country is so criminal and its actions all over the world it has no right to tell one group of people not to cross borders when it's crossing illegally crossing borders and all over the world to bomb innocent people will most of these folks want to drop a different kind of bomb and i demand that the u.s.
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government listen when they say we're all feeling. we all have come here for a better future this is only the first step we have to continue making their voices heard in our presence you know dina kosofsky archie phoenix arizona. a new report claims that the people of fallujah are experiencing higher rates of cancer leukemia infant mortality and sexual mutations and those recorded among survivors in both hiroshima and nagasaki and the years after the us incinerated both with atomic bomb strikes now r.t. caught up with one of the authors of this new report to get a little better take on their conclusions. is the feedstock as you know for nuclear power but they also consist basically of two two important. two three five is
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a very small amount of two three five in natural uranium about one one hundred forty s. but they have to refine it and remove the u. two three five in order to use the u. two three five the facade element in nuclear power when they've done the waste that is left behind which is much much higher concentration of u two three it's called depleted uranium because it's depleted in the element in the us the u two three five and this is essentially nuclear waste the science in this area is completely being renewed and every minute i mean there's an enormous amount of new science which is being completely ignored by the world health organization and by the scientists who work for the governments who are associated with the use of these weapons the science is changing we now know the uranium binds very strongly to d.n.a. and causes effects exactly at the d.n.a. where you would expect it to cause the kinds of health effects that we're finding the cancers and the infant mortality in the congenital malformation the leukemia is
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all of these things that were found hiroshima and nagasaki but actually here we find them to a much greater extent i think we found evidence of the use of this weapon in afghanistan in lebanon and in gaza and so what we urgently need to do is to ask the u.s. military and the israelis and all the other people using this weapon to come clean about what it is because if we know. what it is then maybe we can have some attempt to try and mitigate the problems that it's causing and possibly the international community might decide to ban it well the end of our report basically was just to back up to try and find out whether or if all the anecdotal evidence of these effects was real i mean that's all our report does it's an epidemiological study the first statistical epidemiological study that looks at. the children and the adults on the ground to see whether these effects are real and we find that they are real and if are not a real they very much worse than people are thought. now for those that are unaware pollution is a city in iraq forty three miles west of baghdad underwent not one but two
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heavy attacks by u.s. troops where the entire city was closed off and those u.s. troops use depleted uranium shells to pierce through targets a piece of weaponry left over from the cold war whose affects are only now as you see being analyzed and as this report says they obviously are devastated i am for some reason this why all this information the u.s. and the iraqi governments and the u.s. military especially remain silent so could this report finally change that or earlier i caught up with mina. chief editor of shark and i first asked her if she had been a fluid on to describe to us the devastation that she's seen not only there but all over iraq. so i've been in iraq when i was in from the it was just passing through to get into baghdad the effects have been severe we've heard from people everyone from doctors without borders who spoke extensively to journalists and briefed us to
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doctors that have been looking into this and you know ordinary iraqi citizens there are huge defects that have been reported that have been documented of course that there is no absolute evidence that can link it directly to the shelling of the u.s. military however the coincidence of the fact that this particular city was subjected to huge amounts of white phosphorus depleted uranium and shelling there is a correlation one of the problems has been that nobody can say this is one hundred percent proven and it's been really the cover that the u.s. military has been able to use this for now for people in iraq. do they feel like this is something that the u.s. did on purpose you know when they see the effects and they see the. higher rates of birth defects and cancer rates are they feel like this is the u.s. trying to poison them on purpose or do they you know take into account that these are weapons that perhaps no one really knew what the effects might be until now
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well i mean one of the effects of the weapons people know to certain different extents what they are i mean whether it's the direct killing of civilians which actually did happen to fit in fallujah or whether it's effects of depleted uranium which has been recorded from one thousand nine hundred ninety one war after the invasion of kuwait so it's not necessarily new now how he has always been tried to be denied so yeah there are some things that i rather like agree with you but the thing is i mean different records will see in different ways so it depends on who you speak with but a lot of ordinary citizens will say to you that excessive use was for excessive force was used and they're aware of this moreover there's an anger that nothing has been done to actually investigate it you know accountability is one of the main issues so why it was used at the time or what were the purposes with americans need to what extent the the actual pain and suffering that would be inflicted on people for that is question but much more what this question is accountability is anybody investing with these weapons are being used now continued to be used to
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a lesser extent in iraq but also in afghanistan so there is a sense of we're going headstrong regardless that's right i'm happy you mentioned that because in afghanistan currently there as collating the violence we don't know exactly how many of these weapons are being used there as well but why do you think it is that the u.s. military is so silent on it you tried to get answers out of them and even currently with this report there's been a lot of reaction to this is the first time that this type of analysis has been done to say that the rates there of cancer of the facts are worse than they are in hiroshima and nagasaki it really is is astounding it's staggering and yet the u.s. military the israeli military the british military even the world health organization. none of them have commented on it i think i mean partly with the responses i've gotten from the u.s. military is as i said to you that there are no direct. evidence there is no direct evidence that this is the result of the bombings but more than that they really i mean it's a can of worms if you start discussing what particular weapons are actually
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resulting in it doesn't and then you know there are so many different types of weapons that are having disastrous effects on civilians that could you know only civilians when you've got the environment and other other cases so they've been very reluctant to even discuss it and this is the problem of accountability one of the things that again white phosphorous became very well known especially after the gaza war the fact that it's used against millions and there are certain things that are not allowed by international law and this is where you can actually hold people accountable according to international but again they've been very careful not to get involved and that's one of the issues that the american military raises that there has been no formal request for an investigation and when you ask them who would this formal request come from the they usually are quietly but of course it would be the iraqi government and this is why really iraqi officials are also very much accountable in the sense that they must investigate and this and demand answers also and why do you think they're not demanding answers why are they not investigating why according to the authors of this report when they were handing out the surveys iraqi t.v. actually broadcast that terrorists were handing out surveys that people would be
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arrested if they filled them out so where is this pressure coming from to be honest i hadn't heard that particular reports have actually filling out the survey but there is intimidation and there is a concern to you to talk about certain issues that are seen as either criticizing the american military or criticizing the government for different reasons than at the end they fear an ordinary iraqi just wanting to get by you know electricity you have terrible services you're intimidated by terrorists and some of the government officials i want to say all of the iraqi government is in on this but some of them so there is a sense of intimidation and you want to stay as close to the wall as you can to get by for the next day i mean it's a traumatized and. that society so there's a part of that why there's been no investigation and there's many reasons one of them is that. the system cover in iraq is hugely dysfunctional as you can see from the lack of a government formation after nearly five months of the elections there are huge problems in iraq that are surmounting and one of them is that there's nobody even checking what's happened the past worse still nobody knows what's going to happen
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in that media future with no government being formed so there is there's a huge problem dysfunctional government aren't you know what thank you so much for joining us this is definitely an issue that you know we're only going to get more and more information out of this as the years go on thanks so much. still to come on tonight's show is there a war against a war in this country i'm going to be unplugged about the issue in just a moment and then i'll chat with churchill about the g.o.p. and how some in the party like to bash the unemployed like to call them lazy and dumb and then those same people that just got that turn around to vote for republicans i don't get why they do that but jenny churchills going to try to explain it to me in just a moment's. wealthy british time. to . go to.
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thanks thanks. to. you now everybody already knows that republicans don't really like minorities and they're definitely not fans of gay people but those groups are smart enough to realize that they're not wanted and so then they just go ahead and overwhelmingly vote democratic but what's also becoming increasingly clear is that republicans and their pet network fox also hate the poor you see time after time we have heard that the poor are worthless that they're lazy and that they are not pulling their weight in society even in the deepest recession since the great depression the constant beating down of struggling americans has not let up and fox has turned their latest
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super survey to the poor take a listen to this percent of americans not paying taxes forty seven percent true those who don't pay be allowed to vote yeah you heard that correctly fox is asking their humble audience if the citizens of the united states who are so poor that they don't even qualify to pay an income tax if they should be allowed to vote i mean hey why stop there let's just strip the worthless poor people of all of their rights as citizens right. you know you talk about debtors prisons we used to have debtors prisons now bankruptcy's no twenty eight bankruptcy is an exit strategy our society and our culture has changed we need to get back oh yeah that sounds like an awesome awesome idea let's just criminalize being poor a move a country back a couple hundred years that we can stuff our already overcrowded prisons full of
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the unemployed during the height of a recession don't really shocks me about the message of the republican party which is if you are unemployed or poor it's your fault you're lazy and perhaps dumb and you don't deserve any of my money is that poor white americans across the country continue time and time again to vote for conservatives i just i just don't get that millions of the unemployed vote for republicans who continue to harp about how lazy they are and who vote on policies that then hurt those constituents it just makes no sense and it makes me wonder what is the republican party done to get such a hold on poor white america and when will they realize that they're voting against their very own survival. now do these people not know the very opinions of the candidates that they support could it be that conservatives and tea partiers just know how to sell themselves as average joes i
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want to continue this discussion so i'm going to chat with churchill on this one and hopefully she'll be able to explain to me what's behind this mysterious phenomenon now jenny you're from kentucky and right now kentucky is all excited about rand paul and so to explain this to me is why do poor white people in kentucky that are currently struggling in the recession why do they want to vote for rand paul when he's one of the people who thinks the unemployed are lazy and don't deserve benefits there's a few things that play into that i would say the first one is that when they look at rand paul they see someone who's one of them you know he's spending kentucky for a long time he lives in southern kentucky which is what many people consider real america as the real kentucky as opposed to other parts of kentucky so i think that people look and they see a little bit of themselves but also i mean you have to realize that rand paul statements wall there are offensive to people who are trying to find work and i would say the majority of people today on unemployment are trying to find work you
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have to admit that there's a lot of people out there who aren't who are living it up on unemployment of course i mean that always is an issue but it's still just shocking to me that the people that really are suffering they really need these unemployment checks still vote for these guys you know and i mean do they not look into the candidates they not look into what their issues are and try to read about them before they vote for them or is it that these guys are just such masters when it comes to selling themselves that they know all the right jargon and they know how to make it seem like they're just the everyday average joe just like you well now let's not forget you know the master at selling themselves and you know where people. i didn't look into what they stood for kind of obama but anyways side point. was actually he was great at selling himself but he made his issues very very clear he didn't pretend to be like every single person out there now i mean seriously
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a lot of what you have to realize about these people is that they are the types of people who will come home from work watch the evening local news and that's usually at the extent of their news absorption they get their information about candidates from their friends their family and a lot of times even their pastors and the issues that are important to people in these areas you know wall yes they need do need to put food on their table and they do care about extending unemployment there are things to them that are so important that the conservative party stands for that they can't go against that they have to follow those things like what we're talking about moral issues like your stance on abortion or gay marriage yeah i mean these are things that these people define themselves by their moral compass and if they were to choose a candidate who went against something that they feel so strongly about it would be like betraying themselves but how is it that morals overcome logic i mean when you look at a candidate they could be voting against you against your interests and what you
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need as a constituent against what you need them to represent you for but still if you go with your morals even though half of these guys are gay and they won't even tell anybody about it they're all closet from the first of all and i find it very very hard to believe that you or other democrats don't let emotions play into their political corner as you do but i don't think that they're more important than reason really really i don't know i just i think that sometimes you have to realize that these people literally have built a belief of who they are as a human being and i actually think that it's kind of they do look kindly on who they are or is it these christians you know more a majority of people that have told them i think i actually think that it's kind of insulting where these two. will have you know high standards on their account of what they believe and to say that that doesn't matter as much as you know that's right saying it doesn't matter as much i'm questioning it because to me it just you know i don't feel like it always makes sense that i feel like people will be so
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headstrong on a certain belief that they have or they don't realize that these on their own politicians that they just voted into office are working against them and then tell me this what happens later when let's say these people are still unemployed and who they blame do they blame the democrats no i don't think in this scenario i don't think of this is a party issue i think that they are going to look at washington and they're going to look at the people here in washington i like nancy pelosi who they feel like they can't relate to at all and say this is your fault because you didn't understand my issues you didn't understand my problems well i just wonder if these new anti you know those anti incumbent sentiment and there's a lot of tea party candidates right now at the scene tea party candidates the rand pauls the sharron angle's of america are the ones going out there and saying don't extend unemployment benefits because the people that you know are collecting unemployment and are unemployed are lazy and they're dumb and they just don't want to be looking for jobs i just hope people realize that so that's all the time that
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we have but very quickly tell our viewers about your new blog on r.t. website oh yeah i have a brand new blog and it's called miss middle america and the whole goal of the blog is to kind of represent the people of middle america and get out messages that i feel like aren't being represented in the media and the feelings that i think that need to be get now gotten out and that need to be heard by people all over the world so that they can understand what's going on here america in america and why there's such a divide and we're definitely curious around the world about all of the different opinions here in america are before we go it's time for our tweet of the day earlier we discussed how d.c. has legalized medical marijuana and we all know the elites of this city will be crowding the doctors' offices looking for an. approved medical condition but we wondered what george w. bush would tweet we all remember that he's had some issues with substance abuse in his time so i think he'd say something like this damn i said eight years there and
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never could learn what what incompetence count as a medical condition of george w. bush will have another to do the day for you tomorrow that's it for tonight show thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow we'll have the battle of the billboards to dueling billboards of strung up in san francisco over islam will have both sides to think it out in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the lotion on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you tube dot com slash the alone a show or post the interviews and the entire show coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. love it.
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things to this is not a production but warmth. and you should see everybody you should support your tree they have no idea about the hardships to face. they wanted to since they all go to the east and. are in the army the life of abuse is the most precious thing in the world. use of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from would need. nine hundred forty five don't.
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thousands of barrels of hazardous chemical swept into chinese river by floods are headed towards russia bringing the potential for disaster. the cleanup operation continues but a promise of a threat of these barrels of chemicals still plays if you leave me just a female brain. if the information. preventive detention or a longer prison sentence germany debates how to prevent dangerous criminals from returning to man a society. and meeting demand we visit fertile lands two
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hundred kilometers outside russia's capital to see how the kaluga region is planning its future as the country's biggest need supplier. watching r.t. coming to live from moscow with the marina joshua welcome to the program efforts are underway to recover hundreds of barrels of hazardous chemicals which are floating down a chinese river towards russia they were swept away in a recent flood moscow is concerned about the possible consequences should the toxic material cross the border although you know talk to sarah further who's following the issue for us here and is outside the chinese embassy here moscow good morning to you sara tell us a bit more about the current situation with these barrels of chemicals. well the chinese media reporting that around one.
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