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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 30, 2010 12:01am-12:31am EDT

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thousand five hundred of these files have now been retrieved from the songs. and that the situation is under control and that it's utterly unlikely that any of these will reach the end of the river which is this of scituate river as it runs into russia's militant territory now the situation was caused by the flooding that seen happening in china is the worst flooding that they have a nearly a decade and this close around seven thousand barrels to wash into the river from the chemical plant not only around three thousand of them are thought to contain chemicals that other thole thousand reportedly empty but now the situation is obviously being monitored very closely on both sides despite reassurances there are some concerns about the possible environment still risk in these days but you can hear now from russia as much as it's going to be about the situation it's a better reminder that i'm not going to be one of the chinese side confirms the accident and said i don't like taking all necessary measures several times that
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connecting the barrels along with some hard rebar you know with the monitoring environment in the region so far no changes in the what you want to have been detected when you do it at the same time russian specialists have registered new changes and looked at quality for the past several days in the two nearest regions reason additional round the clock which is quality monitoring of the. president but there is no health risk for the people living in the area and only accident is under the control of the regional and local centers of the margin to the ministry that you didn't also as you said earlier some barrels are empty and about four thousand of them contain the chemical so let's talk more a little bit more about those chemicals what sort of danger do they pose if they do leak out in the worst case scenario of course. well as you heard from the emergencies ministry then what we're hearing is that it's posing no risk to the life or health of the people that are living in the vicinity of the and if it were
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to reach that part of the river that it would take around two weeks but as you said no immediate risk pays life will hold up a scientist doesn't believe chemicals inside the barrels are potentially harmful we've been hearing about one of the substances that is a clear highly flammable substance when it comes into contact over the human skin around with skin would cause but it could also go over the concerns about that happening whether to be a potential leak not the first time that we've seen a situation of this kind in two thousand and five those an oil spill in the study. and again calls that some quite serious consequences not situation around three point eight million people in china were left without water for five days now we heard yesterday that the immediate reaction of some of the chinese people was to go and still couple wards this is a bit of a panic about getting water and that that they heard the situation is now under control and of course everyone just monitoring this cleanup operation that's now
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underway very closely all right sara thanks very much indeed for bringing us the latest on this case of terror there. now germany's national conscience is wrestling with the idea of keeping potential real offenders under a walking key even after a day or sentences a drop so-called preventive detention has drawn rast from a european human rights watchdog and this means potentially dangerous individuals could soon be back in the community reports. shifty glances a nervous stares that's all we managed to see walter h. a murderer and sex offender now living in the german city of sabriel can he's got it all day every day by the least for policeman but he's escaped from his mind as before and locals are worried he'll do it again i think it's a dangerous if you want to see if they are because i don't know that such people december. third such. that
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is if you would do if you can buy them in. video. player fees mr rate should still be in prison under germany's policy of preventive detention designed to keep offenders like him behind bars even after a sentence was served because they were still deemed a danger to the public but it was a policy that fell foul of the european court of human rights which ruled the practice unlawful the german government argued it worked and defended it to the end it's get pushed into felony of course there's a danger that to convict could stay in preventive detention for the rest of his
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life but to avoid the situation we have frequent specialist checks to assess their condition and he paid a fall campaign a thomas brookman opposes preventive detention that's because he wants longer sentences in the first place. last year another sex offender not given preventive detention was released back into his community a move that still causes angry protests today now these fears of being replicated across germany god of your. a few of these criminals will repeat such frames again that's the worst thing that could happen and it probably will happen because they weren't put away others also think the new arrangements are less than satisfactory it costs far more to keep offenders under guard in the community than behind bars the german newspaper billed put the figure at twelve thousand euros a day compared to one hundred eight in prison a large price to pay when lawyers argue it hardly provides the freedoms of daily life if he goes into
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a shop and there's always two people following him if he goes to a doctor two people are next to him and that's that's impossible to have a normal life michael ray burger is now fighting for greater freedoms mr h. the criminals rights are of little worry to most germans and chris about the safety of their own families people here are concerned about this man in their midst but it's estimated there could be at least another two hundred twenty dangerous criminals released soon across germany was that might ease conscience's in strasburg doesn't ease anyone's nerves here tom barton r.t. broken germany. and coming up this hour here in r.t.e. counting the costs find out how the b.p. oil spill in the gulf of mexico is ruining the energy john finances as much as the local environment. has russian investigation has concluded that a south korean warship which sunk in march wasn't helped by
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a north korean torpedo that is according to a south korean newspaper the new report not yet confirmed by moscow suggests the vessel hit a sea mine an international probe had accused a north korean submarine a firing on a vessel something pyongyang denies and sank off the west coast of the korean peninsula on march the twenty six killing forty six sailors and foreign policy analyst stephen cohen says the results of the international report raise doubts even within south korea. the lead government is not a government that is interested in peaceful coexistence with north korea. is to see the collapse of north korea and its absorption into the south. it's also suspicious that the south korean government's report was released on the eve of gubernatorial and local elections there's also the case of. the idea that the north korean submarine could have been operating in shallow waters in which the cio and. is
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incredible but one could make the argument that the entire point of this incident in the blaming of it on north korea was to provide a pretext to escalate tensions we should also recognize that while the south korean government was behind the joint civilian military report that blamed for the sinking of the cio and then. there is a large opposition within south korea to the idea that in fact north korea is responsible for the sinking of the ship and the opposition parties in south korea and many of the newspapers have been calling into question the south korean report so the russian naval report is consistent with what a lot of people in south korea believe which is that north korea hasn't been responsible for this sinking. and that was foreign policy analyst even gallons they are now the impact of the b.p.
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oil spill in the gulf of mexico has been as disastrous to the firm's finances as has to the environment and the crisis has forced b.p. c.e.o. to step down eleven billion pounds in losses already and force the sale of assets to pay for the cleanup and compensation claims there's now some debate over just how bad the environmental impact will be some scientists believe the facts will be felt for decades while there is some evidence that the leak has been clearing from the surface of the water much faster than expected time magazine's michael grunwald things exaggerating the damage as a way for some to promote their individual a chance that's. just about everybody has called this the worst environmental disaster the u.s. has ever faced and i went down to louisiana last week. assuming that they were right there just doesn't seem to be a lot of evidence for that one of the scientists i talked to this is like a sunburn on a cancer patient so we don't know what we don't know and the long term impacts are
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certainly impossible to know right now but there's not much evidence of an environmental catastrophes you know the media has an obvious interest in kind of hyping these things to drive ratings and certain politicians are using you to attack obama some politicians were using it to you know to try to promote the idea that we need to get away from fossil fuels but nobody really has you know that much of the incentive to say well hey you know the data doesn't really seem to show that this is as much as it's been cracked up to be a what's important is looking looking at the data you know i'm getting i'm getting a lot of a lot of backlash people are saying ok this is crazy how can you make these premature judgments we have no idea what the future is going to hold we have no idea what the impacts going to be my response is oh now you tell us the last three months you've been telling us this is the biggest environmental disaster in history and. now you're saying we have no idea what's going to happen so i guess i'm trying to put
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a little bit of lid on some of the. now some other international stories and the u.s. defense secretary has called in the cia to help find out how secret documents on the war in afghanistan were leaked and they were published by the wiki leaks site on sunday giving classified details robert gates says the leak and dangers american troops are now eyes and and graphs of investigation will be carried out the disclosure has increased calls to the and to and the war in many countries including the u.k. . and france a woman has admitted killing eights of her newborn babies over a period of seventeen years the dominant contrasts husband has been freed without any charge after she said he had no idea what had happened police were alerted after the new owners of the house the couple and lived in found bones buried and wrapped in plastic in the garden. at least one hundred people have been killed after widespread flooding in pakistan thousands others have been left stranded and
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most of the dead were killed as houses collapsed on them were drowned in overflowing streams rivers burst their banks and streets were washed away in the north west of the country. a tough mexican drug trafficker has been killed in a raid by security forces in the western city of. nacho karl was one of four main leaders of the sea oil cartel and he was known as the king of crystal for his control over the production and smuggling of drugs to the u.s. it is the first major triumph this year for president felipe calderon's ongoing war against drug cartels. the right to kill r t delves into the revolution that ripped apart care to stamp. it's provided citizens with. it's a. tough sell to. like
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. when the government tanks. right. out of the can enter the. stay with us and watch the full report next hour here in our team. and i we continue to bring you closer to different parts of russia in our close of series. and just a short drive southwest of moscow lies a fruitful lands of the columbia region factors of fields make for great farming and agriculture however grasslands are often underused and left for decades without receding and that's why a few years ago authorities decided to explore believe was the answer now was to help american cattle breeder's the region hopes to supply the whole country with
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state's margins are going to be rich over at the pioneers of beach. for tourists you are going to escape the crowd and wander off the beaten track a big ol ogre region could be just the ticket well it's close to the capital only a few kilometers south of there is planted to see here first of all it's a fantastic natural such thing too may reverse not and the top provide beautiful scenery especially in the summer and an alternative route for tourists well it's only as this sixteenth century was the main commercial santa acting as a port as a link between east and mosco but then the city exported wouldn't products known far beyond the provence and today as well the timber industry and agriculture remain the main sources of income for the region and as we followed out it's not only the local animals at home and the environment but some of the brothers to.
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live sparkling paul. bright future from exploring space to feeding the whole nation with meat guides show to is split he says where the inventor the rocky but few know of the region's reach and root cultural heritage. as great because we have a very very big open area of land to work with i mean need a lot a lot ahead there's perth how. to make sure they have enough grazing area and space jamie says to better understand the needs of your congress she may june she's one of them and there's nowhere she would rather be than the congo region in up some enough rain and enough snow to keep the grass growing jamie's originally from north dakota in america two years ago she and her husband eric moved to russia to help local farmers produce the best beef in the while then america there's already been many families have formed who have raised cattle and their children understand how
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to do it since they're little it's been a difficult challenge at first we do not have the infrastructure that america does in russia right now but it is improving the first real cold war in the history of color erika's out of the whole day looking up to cows and teaching locals such know how has multiplied genetics we're going to get over two hundred steaks out of this cow standing behind me but here rags could produce even more about four hundred embryos in a year which means a whole new form one russian businessman decided not to sell meat but to sell the potential the bone raises aberdeen angus beef which will ultimately end up on the table and steak but to feed such a country as russia the farm has to first multiplies talk to many thousands per russia right now imports one million. a year in
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high quality be just an unbelievable deficit because the primary source of be utilized in the in the food chain here is the very very cattle that are no longer used for milking they go to the meat plants it is not high quality meat. the farm turned from him live cattle to importing frozen embryos multiplying is quicker and cheaper the. generation of russian born halfords is about to appear soon but as the farm there's one problem still to solve the language barrier was our biggest fear for called the i was in the local grocery store and i was just trying to buy some chicken and i read the package to see where it was and the lady at the counter thirded by flapping and making chicken noises like a bad chicken leaving all of the beef granted he's promised to be in several
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languages before was i convinced the russian produced beef will be the finest export kulu to all the language barrier is indeed a problem but in oregon areas not if you find yourself in the region's capital and to find out why to respond this city is so appealing i'm now joined by local guides by truth about thank you very much for joining the leave so what sells best in your city where what shall i say look around the scenery is beautiful and for those people who like rush and me with a question drop it if you like on a fishing or you might find a lot of places we travel why not use for those purposes then there are a lot of holy places in our town that i lot of trenches in our town the town is interesting because it's one of the samples of the classical russian hockey a lot of museums and one of them is the museum of space exploration named after. i
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would you thing needs to be done to attract more people to the region both who are completely i'm afraid so i will say a common place investments well let's hope that money comes to the region and the best month pays off thank you very much for that inside of a local guide from the studio for russia close up. because we were reporting there now if you want to soak up some history then a tour of the ancient towns of russia's golden ring is exactly what you need john back to the eleventh century with mark andrews in the mirror in just ten minutes time. the magnificent gold and white something cathedral was built in eleven fifty seven it was the principal place where the princes of ancient russia were crowned and as a sign of political and religious hour it can be seen from kilometers away. alanah
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straight to business news to charlemagne farley who joins us now in the studio. i'm great for the. we've got. the biggest issues get voice ceased to face with the news makers.
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and i welcome to the business program here on alexei i'm charlotte lehmann's they say all secrets come to light russians present dimension rejuvenative assigned a law preventing insider trading the new law clarifies to define such concepts as insider information market manipulation of its insider trading is an offense in most financial centers but until now the law has never been possed pasta first hearing in russia they won't take effect immediately the rules come into effect six months time after publication. the government says they will offload shares in state companies even if the budget doesn't need the money it's announced it will sell eight major companies which is fewer than expected and the earliest date for a sale will be next year economic development said privatisation would help build a competitive economy but the would get does that it should. be companies you post banks and companies from the fuel and energy sector privatisation will be means not
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you need a truck to many into the budget which is very important still but it's also weighed influencing the structure of the economy in the government has an excessive growth in some sectors you still have the government shares might be interested encouraging competition what's the private sector. which smaller companies may prove attractive to individual investors but some analysts believe the government will have to work hard to calm their fears of renationalisation. in some says it doesn't come across as a true privatization it's only partial however government has indicated that there are over five thousand companies that they are willing to sell now most of these companies own much smaller and they are not of strategic importance or limited strategic importance and i believe in most of these cases the receipt will be full privatized renationalisation fear is probably one of the big east obstacles
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for foreign investors and to venturing gratia there is the fear of their wells the government feels more confident that they really resort to so-called crippling nationalization when they used to regularly three to four steve foreign investors out and indeed there is these danger so the government needs to provide better investment protection to make this the formula best is arabic and wary that if they invest and if they have a conflict with the state and they decide to take the the case to court the court the judicial system which are largely roomies politically dependent or will probably side with the state so the fear of nationalization is there and the state has to take some steps to provide guarantees that it will not happen. times take a look at how the markets are doing in asian stocks are mostly low on friday on
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wall street's week and from thursday even strong gains for sony in this town are able to prop up the take a rocket hong kong shares are flying low as profit taking pressure mounted to the market rose in the previous eight straight session. with what was the better picture here in moscow on the equity markets finished high after i mean made them want to thank the energy names and found that the gains were. all right. good news a russian bond market the finance ministry has placed a five year bond the longest since october issue of both five and three year bonds is valued at just under a billion dollars investors appetite improved after russia's economic growth accelerated in the second quarter to five point four percent. the russian internet fervent facebook confessed their digital technologies plans to set a stake of up to twenty five percent the i.p.o. is scheduled to take place in london next year. sevastopol has taken
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a controlling stake in calendars crew coal corp up from forty percent although it acquired a number of foreign steel companies before the crisis service sells gold subsidiary has been one of the best performing. significantly reduced some of the top explains that it's a reaction to the crisis and it's very natural our business will boost it was a bit colder cyclical and interestingly enough we have contributed being a fairly small part of the business in terms of the size of the assets which contributed both twenty five percent of. the night to do overall severstal reasons so in the difficult parts of a cycle business has you know has performed as a hitch towards the adverse economic conditions. russian wheat exports may fall by almost half this year after a drought of play you the country's harvest according to the institute for
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agricultural market studies outbound shipments may decline from eighteen million metric tons to nine point five million the national wheat harvest in russia could plummet twenty four percent from compared to last year just forty seven million tons and this is pushing prices up there heading for the biggest monthly gain since one thousand nine hundred seventy three a cop damaging drought in russia and parts of europe the curb exports lifting demand for u.s. supply. russia update for now you can always buy more of our stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business. but
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something has been to the caspian region of the wilderness in the great outdoors a form of adventure. now wattie goes to central russia where the car industry is rapidly developing where history finds new life in its paintings and where american citizens can find a new. welcome to the. russian close up. to. come to the future. just repeat the scheme from a cinema and landed in your living room shot on special plans is streamed streeter
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stereo display the life no glasses no problem just shows her the three d. until she updates year on. leave the country. here's a look at the top story. he's here in our team sow's of barrels of hazardous chemicals swept into chinese river by recent floods are headed towards russia efforts are underway to recover them but moscow is concerned about the possible consequences should the toxic material cross the border. and germany is debating whether potentially offenders should be kept under a law that he even after these sentences are over the practice of the so-called
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preventive detention has drawn criticism from a european human rights watchdog. a russian probe has concluded that a sounds good warship which sunk in march was ahead by a north korean torpedo that's according to a south korean newspaper pyongyang has consistently denied claims in an international report that it was to blame. most of the headlines now take a journey back in time as we unlock the secrets of ancient vladimir with martin andrea.


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