tv [untitled] RT July 30, 2010 6:32pm-7:02pm EDT
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biggest on. for the past two decades pistons flash has served as a banner of christie. every leader every government that pulled this country promise freedom and a better life. but so far the kick is people have fully tested only one right the right to kill. it's not the residents of washington didn't see the writing on the wall tensions between craig is and his best communities have been simmering for decades when joseph stalin held draw of the region's administrative borders patches of was that land and about cutting through curtis territory at the hip will see nobody took it seriously if the borders were appointed by reference to the terrain nobody could
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ever even think that these borders would become the frontiers between the independent states it was just dumb to put a stumbling block into the interethnic relations just to let moscow be the main result of the problem. yet for decades the two communities lead side by side attending the weddings of their children and going to the same mosques. both the convenience and those bags a sunni muslims yet in this city religious unity it couldn't outweigh the how its brutality. in fact it was right before friday prayers in a spiritual time for a muslim that the slaughter began. while the viciousness of clashes was beyond description. even more shocking was the
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reaction of the courtesan story cheese for three days the caretaker government of kyrgyzstan was taking care of everything its own subjects being burnt alive. this. speak of this crisis was. so. brutal. the. noise the law enforcement nor the army intervened when the clashes began to spread hours later i doubt weaponry and equipment are in the hands of cricket gangs. what is on this issue when you talk about the armed forces were interest being on hopefully in the fall to actually cure and also cleansing minimum uniforms were shooting of strong bottles with gasoline in people's houses you know one of the citizens would run out they would
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shoot them. when it's going to. wasn't the first time that the courteous authorities to dido washing down on people being killed. two months prior to the massacre of almost ninety people lost their lives in front of the government offices putting in now to defeat is. wasn't even thirty one he was killed during the april uprising in bishkek an electrician he worked long hours to support his family. his uncle sas he joined the rally because he had had enough even though opposition parties paid a small fee and provided to preach and spread station for the protesters. not old people have had enough and it's a family. we heard that maxine by he of said i have
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a shepherd that says father and five million sheep magine that. it was those deaths ultimately allowed the interim government to seize power when the victims of the bishkek massacre were laid to rest the new authority so to present them as national heroes to sacrifice their lives for the future of back country. those people who shed their blood for they had the noose of curious nation and for the fast the rooty. before the bishkek riots christiane had never buried so many people at once and there at the cemetery the leaders pledged it wouldn't happen again. but just two months later the country south was drowning in.
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s.o.s. save our souls this plea was seen on every house on every street in those back neighborhoods of southern kyrgyzstan a cry for mercy at last to even more violence and that's why we didn't have anything to protect ourselves with so we had to write everywhere but it didn't help at all places roos books live all had a swiss. to fight us. neighbors for centuries in just a matter of days the congress and those backs turned into each other's worse than a mess they didn't just kill they did it in the ad least of waste. their trousers were taken off each one of them has a stick in his backside they're not human they're animals.
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muslims believe those killed during friday prayers will go straight to have and it offers little solace to the. year old bob or mohammad a was returning from a mosque on a creek is mob surrounded him. a russian citizen he came to kyrgyzstan to see his relatives they still haven't found enough courage to tell his mother what happened i mean you need god then you have the we never separated backs we're all muslims. in freight don't they have parents mothers. do they want. men in his village blocked all the roads in and out of the settlement trucks from a nearby oil refinery were used for barricades there finery itself was booby trapped to ward off looters. only one stronghold remained standing all of the buildings in the city were torched women were killed and raped. breast fortress we
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won't give up our positions. yet for all their self-defense rhetoric these years back really jurors are also guilty of murder on the second day of riots they killed the chief of the local police precinct and he's called all of. the family of one of the victims is still looking for his had to be buried together with his decapitated body. invited my brother is in negotiations five men arrived in a car my head was smashed we buried him. during the first day the provisional government didn't react with doing nothing and that's why the violence was growing. definitions. still has climbed over three hundred many believe that the real figure
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may be several times as much according to local customs most of those backs try to bury their loved ones on the day of their death bypassing official registration but one day authorities began to examine unidentified bodies to ascertain the death toll this created yet another spark of the hatred between the already seeding communities. my nephew's spirit at the cemetery. now every grave is being dug up you can trust in peace. for those unfamiliar with central asia differentiating between the caregivers in those bags is tricky the most vivid visual distinction is in may of had the gear felt allen gated hoods for the car gates and flat skullcaps for those backs yet in this conflict the form of had gear or the shape of the ice was reason enough for execution.
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during the first day of clashes somebody started watching the ethnicity of residents right on the doors of those barracks it meant black marks. mother welcome there were people who were walking or running with paint marking their faces rioters then used these marks as targets the caribbees faces stamped touched. or destroyed. it took this man more than a decade to build his house only to see torched overnight. that's really critical here and there were up to twenty people aged from fifteen to thirty five they said only carriages people should be leaving kyrgyzstan. his family now lives in the stables right across from the cattle. slipping on manure and hate is. daughter in
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law is dreading the worst is yet to come a six month pregnancy didn't stop the mob from getting her. mania it. was for i stripped there were no clothes on me i'm pregnant but i was beaten up for man have taken me by the hand and threw me on the car. i fell there on my stomach my child sometimes is moving sometimes he's silent. it wasn't always this way born and raised but i'm not and told plan have known each other since the lament school. and his back and occurred the two remember their homes as an example of interest nicola runs with a look this is you and this is me years have passed their haircuts and husbands
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have changed but they have always been there for each other and yes mcgregor like sisters no we're even closer in this land there is a new sheen of a friend so good she can take your sins upon herself to stand before. that's how close we are. to their friendship has already been tested back in the clashes once before twenty years ago or so its brightest after the riots over distribution of land most call strolled pon her life. he still believed. in the boss and we saw a crowd of those ahead of us that. one didn't see it and. dress all the others in the boss who were killed. in the. experience didn't make her scared their
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hometown something should bitterly regret it afterwards this summer the two brands send their children to holidays at the time of our visit still couldn't figure out to get them back. and they had the reasons to be fearful. this girl was the same age as that daughters she was fooling with your mother to do's back border when the bullets. in. the clashes in southern kyrgyzstan were well organized many of the mobsters weren't made to presidents of wash they had access to weaponry and they didn't just indiscriminately destroy everything in that way in fact the marauders were very
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selective in their targets. for all its will until it is bloodbath had all the trappings of an attempted coup to top one of the so-called color revolutions frequent in former soviet states that added yet another blot stain to the red flag . culture is that so much about the taxpayers' money and it is a shame even a lot of people have areas swaying in downtown a good part of the world is experiencing a crippling heat wave is this a trend or simply freaking weather one. wealthy british style. the time to cut back on. current.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on r.g.p. . the red sun is setting a notch bringing the bloodiest week and the city's millennial long history so close . it's imposing moment ins and valleys used to inspire poets and painters. now it's disfigures streets provide a matter for for the shattered lives of its residents.
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from my father. this is batman is showing what's left of the house he's family owned for three generations. days after the fire and the ruins are still smoldering just like his anger at his career his neighbors. i'm afraid to take off my jacket because i've got nothing. on what it's like his house at the very end of on his back and clave so some of the most brutal fighting. he says snipers hiding in a nearby apartment block killed several of his neighbors. they were also downstairs and roof. occurred these men who fought on the other side of this improvised barricade has a strikingly similar call and about the snipers on the roof and the stones and says
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he's only weapons and the viciousness of his adversaries. you shouldn't trust. their animal. is thicker gives people who must have their power here. some of the most serious had firearms the most common weapons in this conflict were sticks and knives this may have helped curb the death toll but it also contributed to the overall savagery of the riots allowed to kill with bare hands people proved very creative in finding new forms of torture and mutilation. many of the male victims were sodomized the genitals horribly mutilated. women had a better chance of survival that our deal of any will to leave. no
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she's in a great condition she couldn't and doesn't want to speak the seventeen year old girl was gang raped in front of her father. in a culture where chastity before marriage is a must she's unlikely to ever marry or have children. they hide everything they chorus this is our mentality but i know that more than ten women from one in the same district were raped. among them a pregnant women as well as underage girls about twelve sixteen years old she's not. left face to face with unprecedented truthless ness for more than a week the people of southern kyrgyzstan the wait for their leaders to step in but the authorities both on the regional and the state level just forced the carnage from the sidelines. national channels gave little airtime to the events of this out
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of choying these commercial in stab. even if. i still knew where to run to. when it became clear that the they were just run they able to control the situation those trapped in the inferno appeal to the world. police said that they would do like peace with us. you shall see my son if i live couple is a kid you said we don't leave here the jets to survive here like animals when i grew up i will be killing everybody. but they help never came and stabbed two weeks later the interim leadership offered
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the homeless and the grieving a choice of parliamentary for a presidential republic. it was never secret that the main goal of the june referendum was diligent demise the self appointed interim leadership rather than carry out political reform impotent during the clashes it proved cunning enough to turn the tragedy into its main electoral. killed by government forces during. his now remember that his village as a national hero. shall bring about freedom and democracy. for this referendum. of the. country during the revolution. of. his relatives among the most loyal supporters of the interim government but the
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week prior to the referendum they devoted the time complaining for the new constitution. and i think this referendum will change previously the constitution only works for one family we think this new constitution works for the people. while the promises of democracy and a better life have fallen to many followers in the capital bishkek in the south of the country that met with anger. death which is a pain be scared these women seven dollars per day to help clean the ravaged streets but it was not enough to curry favor it and you know that we don't need this referendum we don't need it oh there's blood here people have died why should we have this referendum and how will it help us. who does have been most hopeless in those back neighborhoods this family just learned that their son was killed soon after the interim government reported that they have got
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the situation in the city under control. i wouldn't advise anyone to vote if the government can't protect us why do we need to a government he should be protecting us instead they came here with marauders with murderers they killed our sons robbed our families. well i can be cured communities these people haven't seen a single election official yet many still went to the polls hoping the authorities won't fail them again. that. certainly will go here's what we have nothing to know. everything. from the thirty's help us to rebuild. we will support them. absent in d.c. during the launch of the interim president made
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a very public visit. to cast a ballot that will keep her in power until the end of two thousand and eleven. people today are voting for stability in kyrgyzstan for a legitimate power a lot has been said about the country being divided that it is on the brink of disaster but today at the referendum people want to prove that the country is united. after weeks of riots and homelessness the referendum gave some of the. first chance to go back to their neighborhoods to many the scenes were too much to bear. just look at everything is destroyed. but they end of the day polling stations in those back and claves have seen so many
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hard braking encounters that even some election officials started questioning the need for volta toll action committee official or as a member of commission here but i think there is no place for a friend in now they should have thought about people first who were left in the streets without home ensuite there is even a small humanitarian aid. in the referendum on out of the way many here hold the authorities will finally get down to what really matters the caregivers in those backs still live on different sides of the barricades paying for cruelty with mercy and vice versa. this woman is current gay as the man is back they believed on the same street for years so when the mob came to that area because this family backed them not to harm those back a neighbor the number of views backs should go away they took everything for months and i have nothing against my neighbor he's a good person but the others must leave
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a game. when those bad gangs retaliated no please stop down from killing they had a good. group. of. dealing with grief and rage of those backs the family to care of their old neighbor when they were handing him over to his back relatives no one could hold back the tears. months later they could visit those back started blaming each other for starting the riots. may have meant like neighbors they parted like enemies. well death or riches have long proclaimed the return of peace reconciliation is no
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world the ruben's her child. the top stories from all see this are twenty five people have died and thousands made homeless after raging wildfires in russia is a red called breaking heat wave an official state of emergency has been declared in fourteen regions across the country put around one thousand homes burned to the ground in front of distraught residents. emergency crews are scouring this song in china for barrels of highly toxic chemicals which could reach russia in two weeks thousands of the containers were swept away during severe flooding. of the sphere more criminals could soon be living in their communities as the european court of human rights abuses the continued detention of some convicts meters dangerous also their sentences have added. up next since crosstalk in which peta about lost his guests one of the ongoing heat wave is just
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a freak weather or evidence of global warming whole debate is up next here on out. if. you. if you. follow in welcome to cross talk i'm curious about sweating it out a good part of the world is experiencing a crippling heat wave is this a trend or simply freaky weather one thing is certain extreme temperatures are again fuelling the debate on climate change.
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