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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 31, 2010 11:32am-12:02pm EDT

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rita vision of the future for them is frequently in russia consulting with the authorities and viciously developing the city but for serbs baber it is moscow says it has everything to become a secure future now what is this additional spotlight to get the answer. closer as to believe thank you very much for coming to our program thank you. first of all i want i have a quote when one of the interviews you gave to help ease couple of years ago you said the following year quote i'm an architect with little interest in brilliant works i'm in favor of finding solutions to street interceptions that don't work well and quote so how come you're here you're one of the best known architects a professor of architecture and you say you're not you rather interested in street junctions then in architecture. you know that.
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they're not crises that we have to in a war. bury their magic for for many people. especially for the field and then you know. i think half of the population of the planet live in the cities in the moment. but i think i'll leave. the question that you are considering important for the future. climate and these kind of the questions the part our nation is practically the cd as a consequence they are it's true the change in my opinion the direction of the of the architecture and especially of the. and then this is their vision because i many times i talking about that are not that special. yes but
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much more interesting in that moment in what is the responsibility of architecture in the battle of the future of genes. but a you had a possibility to practically rebuild re. your native city of birth alone how. before the olympics of nine hundred ninety two you made a lot you made it more livable more open a new streets new junctions new highways tunnels and so on so forth but. probably for tourists for people like me who come to live and work there it is fun but for those who live there do you think it's good like it's no longer city of. but rather a city of highways. that. for a variety of people the. is very important reasons are very very young people are very i don't know why this is true that probably four of the callers are four of
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the. nationality of the four of a really only anyway and i think it is true that i was started to work in the movie both in one thousand eight hundred is very bottom to america that i was and in the. immediately after of the date of franco we they all but you know they're not actually paid it and then we are working in the moment in the more probably it's in the talking about of all what happened because of model operational twenty cheap way by. immediately we see that the brunt of it she was a very large and then we in bend they are in big ace as opportunity to try for the city and one of the top four major there are two or three points in that are formation very important in the city of what for now with the olympics the force is
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the relationship between the cd and the she washed clothes practically. we proved very mild. mobility of the cd and the most important words you may have been of was all to him but for now to the more from and before the city became even bigger yes it was you what you ate before. but not before the early be no one but for one i was too coarse. then maybe one day and then today the seventy percent of the budget of the economy of water and eyes as a consequence of this of the two least well one of the problems here in moscow capital of russia is that the city is really overcrowded traffic jams world where lots of problems you as an architect you you promote you popularize the advantage of small and medium sized cities you think that people should be developing cities towns and cities like that but how can we do that if there is no economic incentive
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for people to live in small towns everybody wants to move to to to the capital to to launch major problems. i think that there are two different questions in your question then fares is that about the dimension of the city but without talking about the squares you are true that today and probably the first born into or reminder to tried to change their visions of the city is the capacity for the mobility and the case of moscow he said be clear in my opinion i remember that two or three years of all i was talking about this question within the chief of moscow and i commend because of food because maybe in ten years. moscow probably should be call ups. maybe people think that is exaggerated but it is not what kind of collapse so the traffic
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collapse on our social that allowed the lot of the collapse he said konami called calatinus a consequence. and it's true that because he said. he said very clear city by julie for today we the infrastructure that was the balance here in the brand of thirty five. finished by fifty the up by rail i have had a seriously a very vibrant i mean of and then fortunately you have the metro. and you have this model is the same point of infrastructure the new york is really quarter of this but he's really in moscow and new york but for example you are not the barrel in the last twenty years nothing for the car and you are increase your number of cars in moscow absolutely and you will arrive to the same proportion that
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the rest of of europe and then in that moment you have in my opinion many difficulties is very important introduce you may have to leave the problems of the . not only public transportation especially transport on the month is not that may throw it into another kind of trash but for a very new mobility the new mobility is not obligate. friedel mobility and you should be included in the new. domestic transport system for one hundred meters not of it to promote wall. and then it is necessary including the parking nicely in main point four of the mobility policy and you have embodied in the sentence muscovites i would say you are pretty pessimistic about moscow these days they don't like the air they breathe they don't like the water they drink they don't like the third less so. sparks in moscow they hate driving in moscow and they
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all talk about this collapse that we're facing with you and specialist you also talk about a possible collapse mert you say in your interview is that moscow is a perfect city to become the center of the harb on the vast territory between between the ngos shanel and the chinese see like the capital of the whole continent what may see some of the things the answer to why are you so i'm very optimistic why do you have one small but important problem this is the traffic is to buy your deal polly your political position on the position in the man is very important because if you are you came from a long on a new world or the two parties. you are a better lean now when you are i've more or less talk or i know this a better practically already shown and you are i've practically to beijing in the middle of this area by the way the most important an idea from the start of your in
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the border of the szechwan example if you see that maybe of the war and the more important part of the show for the battle and many minutes. what these days she did that event defied from the global point of view these enormous out there only possibilities moscow and then for my personal perspective the people of worsted europe we need to moscow strong we need. in the middle between shanghai. and then this is a pretty clear and in the other hand the possibility to organise you are almost all the cities that border now are not ready are strong in their. own arsenal and this kind of disease is very important as a consequence i feel that their idea of the big mosque up i absolutely agree but another question needs even these a year of the role of big mosque. should be again there all the cities in russia
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i disagree with this idea and there are not that many of the. fun. can actually arctic national that are no more sea beach and this is another question but. is there more. with it but only the most suspect that they've grown to see the in russia for that issue so as he was there i renounce spanish architect spotlight we'll be back shortly right after a break we'll continue this interview so stay with us don't go.
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straight as provided citizens with. heights of. himself to put. the child. out of life. when the government seems to think. on my plate. right. i'm going to kill an hundred ninety.
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walking back to the spotlight i am now going out of and just to remind you that my guest in the studio today is just that i said billy i renounce spanish architect
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and c.e.o. of the metropolitan agency buffalo in a regional. dr a civilian you mention new york you compared moscow to new york and saying and then lady you continued saying that moscow has a possibility to to to become a great and great city now. do you like eagle because well i mean i love seattle well atlanta's i like atlanta washington's ok but new york city i really hate it well i think it's no place to live in i mean i live my heart and well it's not the same as i'm going to visit as a tourist. would you like to live in milan i was really manhattan sometimes many times i was teaching in jail when i was leaving jail i was a very very practically at seven o'clock in the afternoon to the never in my heart and it was laughable you think you're using a livable city regarded as
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a livable place yes in my opinion the most. rational she's in a war but rather is the city of the old people you can go to manhattan and. delhi as if you are born there because bali for the cinema for the leader for many respects anyway ok but so that is a very interesting the brownlees between the battle for my heart and. in the therapy. and that mosque is really quite so so so you drawing these parallels professor you want to say that it still is possible to make moscow a very livable city a nice city to live in there are you sure what should what should we do. that's what she should be stopped driving is not dramatically. the problem of the made public infrastructure as it has personally the traffic infrastructures because
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the level of the noise for example is at that magic in the moment but if you. use a very i when i was arrived today from a fan with a brain and in terms of sheedy. the quality of the architecture the dimension of the boulevards. the geometry of the river and especially the relationship between the new one that. all that good that there is a very important german thing the architecture. is this is very interesting but the duty infrastructures produce especially in the head of the five prime are very important and the major on the bullet. and the seven since that is the reason these buildings you know many many believed in moscow pretty difficult to find is the belief from moscow much higher than simple that that town hall of my heart that you really need out of this style of the many buildings here and i. am very interesting in the relationship between the sheets in the thirty's because
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a lot of martyrs that was that they already got their architect not that they best was made much more important he must have them i'd like to know what is there over the marshes here that night along the same you know of but this is a question without resolve but they feel that the their stupid idea of moscow is the consequence of the brand of that you mentioned because i mean mention of flying back from because i know you have been chosen by the government in concern which is the capital love the tonto republic within the russian federation you were chosen as the man to to draw the new face of the city to to do something some big structural something like you did to barcelona well what are you doing to are you leaving the kremlin are you leaving the kremlin there and the wife rather than. their wife or girlfriend is one of the most wonderful really didn't graduate
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in europe now but these through the fund he said. i can understand why it's not so important because you know that these are so big because it's near of two million people i think i found leave. fifty percent muslims. but there are not any conflict. any problem there quotation in between is absolutely perfect he's the only exceedingly war in my opinion that these fifty fifty walking in the same. way this is the first question and the second is that they feel that their full use of profound verily i don't know what is that bad that you know more or less the president and the premier and especially to the male is very pragmatic. too and then especially the mayor is really younger and then a feeling that the possibilities of the city he's been in the other car on the cd
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easy in the area of the ball are then these heart is very interesting in my opinion not only for the landscape but for the. they do fairly show a show in their fifties in russia was ready but upon their electric. there shall we have barrier for many reasons a theme that the fun is very important to remind morning bought of and in the future and but especially the big capital of the city of a family that people do used to do you think that it still has the opportunity while it will be growing. to evade the mistakes made by made by the people who built all school. now is different in because the scale. and now confound his ability to call the opportunity with the other. two thousand and thirteen and what if you made their way in the sprawl hit and in the same way that
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one thrown one hundred chains and you are the matter as a consequence of the olympics will be possible the same in the city of perth and i hope that was all i am not sure if you can really be the same but the financial that's will be very positive for the city and then there are these problems that you have in these can't be solved big people. either all are subtlely of moscow and then. i fiend change the mentality of the people i'm understand that families have found. noisy mutinies necessary in my modest opinion one of many plans to the barrel of a new constellation of seats for not only one city here is not again moscow he's mostly here but he's necessarily course the nations who for example you know that you know this area more or less sure but you understand that this is quite fun.
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news. oh yeah the. some. maybe not that rise to two hundred kilometers of is not possible or practical you arrive really the the tran the re not exist many times duran's are and then my question is is absolutely necessary for my opinion differing there are a lot of policies of the new metropolitan areas like that. in bays in the or on the base of the higher speed rail but only ever so listen you mentioned the federal government good russia has always been a very centralized country with a central government in central iraq and of the country now do you think it really would you expect the government in moscow that it will want to establish another huge metropolitan area as big and as powerful as moscow in the qur'an to react to
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some or do you think this is this may happen i.e. my opinion should be there not only on what needs to policy. economic policy should be very important that the federal government and that people understand that the constellation of metropolitan areas in russia is absolutely necessary not their game the center of power of moscow this is a pretty clear win and i think that for example there are no other guys but he clearly is not or she needs. kashmir this is but i feel the same is so much fun to listen to you but we were assured sometimes i would ask you a couple of questions i should ask you as an architect well listen i have heard i am sure about this controversy in st petersburg about the skyscraper that they want to build in science a booboo so some people say that. it will destroy the this carline of the city
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but the other people say that every century is leaving its landmarks so let the twenty first century leave leave its landmarks to what would you say are you in favor of those who want to save the city as it is or are you in favor of those to say the twenty first century twenty first century europe is this very core you because i was called by one of the enforcer of have a problem with this petition and then my problem is not the high bill that i and i that is possible absolutely the compatibility between the story. with the high buildings so you think that difference doesn't destroy the skyline of dollars . more for but i was again to deal with these anonymous buildings without very. wide.
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this question about the broader this is the question because in one building of that you can. practically fifty thousand square meters and then from that p.v.t. point of view from the comical a point of view and socialism is very important and then in my opinion should be important in this cause. and what is the functionality of this building not only the discussion about the about the far then. this discourse about the discussion between the buildings has finished in my opinion with the scratch after this crashes should be much more important discourse about the substance about the substantive questions in the in the believes are not in the four years that are said will you are a guest today in the studio spotlight a man who we invited here to spotlight because he thought he's the man behind the rebuilding of paris alone now back in one thousand nine hundred two when actually
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we just found out that he's the man who is behind all that happens in russia revealed in russia is is built with your advice and consent thank you very much thank you for being with us just a reminder that it will be back with more comments on what's going on in outside russia. so you tune in the next edition spotlight. thanks. hungry for the full story we've got it first the biggest issues get the cuban voice face to face with the news makers on.
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in indonesia multis available in the ground your shirts and media hotel the ritz carlton hotel and leave the hotel to chill new millennium hotel in china you can see on t.v. in center tel macau rocks hotel macau grand window hotel macau venetian my car
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resort hotel room who started to sell t. our new mcmullen loco turnaround with results mccown seventy plaza hotel macau riviera hotel macau cintra hotel mccown. russian inferred oh twenty eight people have been killed and thousands left
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homeless as forest fires rage on in a record breaking heat wave. toxic fishing chinese authorities struggle to retrieve felons of barrels of dangerous chemical waste from a river that supplies fresh water to southeastern russia. and also the nazi defense bloc anti fascist protesters from entering estonia as ex nazi soldiers a commemorative in the baltic countries. live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day at least twenty eight people have been killed in forest fires that continue to ravage central russia sweltering since the middle of june the country is in the grip of its most severe heat wave for one hundred thirty years the russian
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emergencies ministry ministry says the situation is now under control but firefighters are still battling to contain the blazes in the last two days thousands of had to watch their homes burn and many others have been evacuated off the sarah firth reports from the region one of the worst hit areas. and for a nurse they've made managing to get the situation under control of the last few days has seen a huge amount of destruction caused by these fires this been told so by the heat wave the rush of the past couple of void now we know that around a hundred thousand to still burning across central russia that's a huge amount to be done anything but imagine successes in the bus services have really struggled with this to put them out now the people that we've spoken to them for bonuses that there is the witness there in flames being burned but it happened very very quickly it was a very aggressive five that spread rapidly through the houses and there's nothing these people could really do.


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