tv [untitled] RT July 31, 2010 7:02pm-7:32pm EDT
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flames leaping from building to building incinerating eighty houses and making two hundred people homeless all within the space of a couple of hours. i never thought fire could spread that fast but the wind was very strong it was like. police told us to leave they knew to was dangerous to stay here it was only thanks to them were alive and within god it wasn't a good night because then there would have been much more victims. one elderly man desperately trying to leave his burning house got struck by. the electric shock. friends and neighbors have been rallying round and there were many tales of courage . if i didn't come back on time my neighbor would have been burnt alive because she didn't see the fire approaching from both sides she could have been trapped in the middle of the last moment she ran out in her gown and slippers she's left without her identification and any of her documents the devastation wasn't just restricted to property. i buried my rottweiler he was
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near the house when it caught fire he panicked and didn't let anyone approach him. he was burned a large it was a good dog people are now coming to terms with everything that has been lost but they are help is coming from many calls. we've come here to one of the temporary refuge centers where people have been coming up in their hundreds bringing food and clothes and offering help to those who lost everything in the fire with so many people now left homeless the government has promised immediate help and that new houses will be built by wind in the meantime if it is like. reeling from fire damage i left trying to pick up the pieces. i magine see that's it was services have really struggled with this to put them out prime minister thinking about the help you fight it's like one hundred. thousand dollars that every family has lost
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that we can hear more from him now she just knew what you know not everything has been done to fight the fight but it's not the right time to place blame. we need to consolidate forces to fight the disaster that was. already we've heard it's running into millions and millions of dollars worth of damage and everyone just very anxious to contain the situation. as our further following the devastation caused by forest fires a central russia. and to the countries far east now thousands of barrels containing highly toxic chemicals swept into everywhere in china by floods could be carried into russia within days the chinese authorities are desperately trying to intercept their poisonous containers and are paying locals ever ward for every container they retrieve. is going off explains what could happen if they retract. river is one of the biggest sources of freshwater in russia's far east and in the
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city as well standing now and it's ecology is still under up with threats because china is just several dozen kilometers away from here and so is this a river which joins the where the place where the emergency happened to the chinese authorities do say that they've managed to extract several variables which have been previously washed into the river as a result of the biggest flood in a decade the china has experienced several more thousand barrels are still in the water in the sun for river and or en route towards the end towards russia china has built eight beers in order to prevent them from getting here but there are several factors suggesting that anything could happen for example out of the seven thousand barrels which of initially got into the water three thousand of them contain toxic substances including acids which make it cause harm to humans and animals and it's not clear how many of these so far extracted barrels actually contain these toxic
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substances there are also reports that some of them barrels may have sunk to the bottom which makes them up attentional future of threat for the ecology and also obviously makes it much more difficult to extract them to the surface this is not the first time that china has experienced such problems back in two thousand and five a huge chemical spill has left millions of chinese without the supplies of fresh water and the authorities on both science are monitoring the situation at the emergencies ministry here is already monitoring the quality of the water so far they haven't reported any abnormalities but they do see that there are already planning ways to distribute fresh water to the local population in case of contamination does happen of course we'll be monitoring the situation and we will report on this story as it continues to develop. you know watching us here on. a little later in the program the close up team visits the tug of war the colluder
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region in russia where traditional architecture has become the voice for contemporary art on satirical contains. it's turning veterans who fought on the north side a gay as they saw that union have been gathering to hold a commemoration in the country but he also issues have bought anti-fascist groups from staging the own demonstration on his cancer you know a sovereign reports now it says i'm one of the most feared movements the world has a countered yet there are those who glorify it today. on the dole. they would see liberation wars in the world one began in one nine hundred fourteen the other nine hundred thirty nine soon there will be a third war and it will start here gaining momentum and giving the world true freedom the estonian waffen s.s. were created by german forces in one nine hundred forty four and sent to battle the anti hitler coalition forces thousands of civilians died at the hands of those
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soldiers get their glorified as the true heroes of a stone. rallies like these take place every year with full support from the government people turn up in full regalia wearing nazi symbols and selling german war souvenirs a bitter pill for those who are trying to stop naziism in the baltics from rearing its ugly head. they to hold rallies but few managed to take part as the authorities in a stone you did everything in their power to stop them your son. i'm not going myself because a stunning or thirty's in two thousand and seven put the latvian anti fascist committee on the blacklist we all received explanatory notes my note contained a hardly credible statement that the latvian anti fascist committee posted a threat to a stunning statehood and civil order. blacklists with no explanations sudden
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inability to speak anything but estonian our crew witnessed all these tricks they enter fascist organizations however say nothing will stop them from calling the world's attention to this because the pain is too raw even sixty five years on so. i presume these cloves for a second time and came up to the barbed wire and all of a sudden i imagined that excuse me please. thank. the stand off between welcomed neo nazis an unwelcome anti fascists is almost absurd authorities go as far as to ask the anti nazi activists to turn down their microphones as the sound interferes with the s.s. veterans rally. and as they lay flowers and light candles at the graves of soviet soldiers and the stone new labor camp victims they can but wonder how can the rest of the world tolerate such
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a glorification of naziism the entire world mourns the victims of the nazi killing machine here in a stony however those who participated in the murders are viewed as heroes and are given more glory the many believe they ever deserve the anti fascist movements here in the baltic states however do say that they will put in every effort to prevent this attempt to rewrite history as much for the future generations as for the memories of those who lost their lives in the second world war castro's r r t a stone. they wiki leaks website exposé of more than seventy five thousand classified view has documents on the afghanistan war has enraged the white house while suggesting a cover up in the deaths of hundreds of afghan civilians and dos he spoke to jurgen asuncion the man who started the controversial whistleblowing project four years ago. the part of the movie people and.
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the united states and other forces need to recognize i mean understand that that is part of the afghan people and if you're shooting taliban you were shooting the afghan people. so stay tuned to see the rest of that interview with we could leaks founder julian assange right here on aussie. over seventy people have been detained and later released after trying to hold a banned opposition rally in central moscow the don't stray show law school had been banned as a virtual school display had already been approved for the size at trim find their square their sources said protesters have been given the opinion the option of four other locations around the three hundred filters were the event more than the estimated two hundred demonstrators opposition groups had sought to rally at the square on the last day of each month with that five day such a wild days i should say the days of seeing balik reference to the russian constitution as the sense of first article going to being the right to peaceful
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assembly also rests at an opposition demonstration in st petersburg all the other person protests in ten different regions past without incident. right now is a snapshot but other stories making headlines right now around the world the toll from the worst floods in pakistan for a decade has reached eight hundred the united nations says one million people have been affected by the mall soon grayness with some four hundred thousand stranded in remote villages flooded roads and damaged bridges have humbled rescue efforts a state of emergency has been declared with torrential rains expected to continue. police have fired on hundreds of protesters in indian administered kashmir killing two and injuring five the demonstrators tried to set police council fire and threw stones at officers for other acts of its worst shot dead during protests against indian rule on friday over the last six weeks twenty three have been killed by
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government forces it was them separatists in kashmir have been fighting for an independent state automatic with pakistan for more than twenty years. iran has been shaken by its second as quake in twenty four hours the first quake in the country's northeast intrade over two hundred people by the second damage scores of homes iran is located on seismic fault lines and is prone to earthquakes and experiences tremors almost every day. unveiling russia and its wealth of culture and dramatic sights is the job of our close off team as they travel across the biggest country in the wild and today they are in the kaluga region. so boris lies just eighty kilometers away from moscow famous for its ancient charters the town with
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a population of nearly ten thousand people is buried in the heart of age old forests in santa russia and as it getting in the groucho the reports of the size owning the usual cuban of religious architecture and city wide modern art. where else so close to moscow would you hear church bells ringing so often every fifteen minutes at a dozen churches similar tenuously this beautiful chime can be heard in the provincial town of bor of school located just a few kilometers away from moscow and it's the closest cause of the kaluga region to the capital it takes so while defenders hilltop position thanks to the architects who started to build the town in the early fourteenth sanctuary morris comprises of several unique churches like the christian old believe us church also the legend raised about the pope noted monastery adds to the tells must see list but more of it is not only about traditional architecture and golden day rooms and
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crosses it's hauser's our can of us for contemporary art to self-taught artist but cheney is recording the history of his hometown through his paintings but his art his service comes that applies. the charm of the russian provence to which nothing it seems could be added. and retired construction engineer has turned a whole town into a giant canvas of rock and his native born collect food culture and splashed images of churches historical figures and still life on its walls in all one hundred new rows. ninety four percent of people in our town don't visit galleries and museums or tools and thus they can take in the outdoor exhibit perhaps is not the greatest art of all time but still this is art the towns near
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like to images until the muralist turned into a satirical commentator after the artist made a wall sized political cartoon. picturing a local governor he became persona non grata. there were three paintings on this one is left to others it washed under the pretext of this house being repaired the man has already destroyed ten of my works the biggest new road decorated a local bakery now that it's been whitewashed some locals haven't claimed the bread tastes foreigners well site is too holy for a brush including walls opposite the mayor's office this painting for example depicts historical figures space travel. ski while this mural right opposite the mayor's window is typical soviet satire well done cucumber says.
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the mayor didn't appreciate the humor of cheney could was fined several times and even faced court charges a local newspaper criticized him as a moral especially after he painted a controversial image of a religious martyr in a town where every second citizen is a regular churchgoer but surprisingly the biggest local ministry doesn't think the artist touched a raw nerve to go to their words we say i can painting is the bible and colors the same could be said about these paintings they are the history of our town and colors it's especially good for the young people who were raised without knowing their roots. monk monks seem to turn to religion at the time of year is truly can russia images of abandoned church isn't wide washed icons are still strong in his memory he's convinced that the artist should not give up and should continue with his dream of painting all of the board of squid he's in euros to talk more about
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why the provincial town of bor of scores a favorite of so many tourists and historians i'm now joined by expert in russian history and all the texture professor william brumfield hello and thank you very much for joining me so you're welcome you tell me about the town of bor of held a deeply for you why is that what is so special about this i think part of it is the landscape the river that runs through the town creates a park but it also creates ravines and hills that played an important part in the history of the town and that's preserved today the other thing is that the town is off the main road there's no railroad so that the architectural heritage here the old pals of them for these have been remarkably well for fraser some call this that above might have more history would concede from here for the town of forest do you agree i certainly do in terms of its history its architecture its spiritual heritage it has seventeenth century frescoes. the main cathedral is
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a late sixteenth century it's a monastery of many dramatic historic events in fact in a monastery one of the main figures by jadine models of i was incarcerated and ultimately died there then later of course its role in. the repel and various invasions in the pali on a conveyor that second world war the so that it's always been very much a part of the history of russia's art but the first time he visited bored of it was about twenty years ago wasn't it how has the tone changed since then i think it's to change their remarkably and for the better they haven't destroyed what was left from the past often the problem of prosperity comes to a place let's hope that the town will remain just as well preserved historically for the next generations to thank you very much but that little side of your west we don't brownfield expert in russian architecture and history from the town of bor of sc in the color good region. now wiki leaks the whistle blowing web site has had
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its biggest scoop had publishing over ninety thousand secret u.s. documents on the afghan war some of which suggests that the deaths of hundreds of civilians have been covered up the white house is here is claiming the leaks threaten its national security lower and that match up with the fondo the website that's next here on out.
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i'm here in london talking to julian i saw was the founder of the whistle blowing website wiki leaks which this week released a huge bill say of documents relating to the afghan war which mr assaults describes as detailing the every day squalor of war judy in the sauce thank you very much for talking to r.t. now you've had a wide range of responses to this publication ranging from praise right down to criticism is that what you were expecting you know we knew this was serious material it covers a six year period of war and ninety two thousand reports and almost every incident serious incident the three i wasn't called together with the times and locations number of people killed except for. so we knew that it's a. great performance as
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a historical document and as for the primary resource to be used for further investigations we also know from those sorts of cases that we've dealt with previously but we always get pushed back whenever we repeal the abuse by some of what i say should we always get that organization or it's for. ins pushing back to try and steer the message away from the allegations that have been raised and one of the main criticisms has been leveled at you is that you have published the villages the names and some cases the g.p.s. coordinates of people afghans who cooperated with the u.s. military and you even come under some criticism from human rights organizations for that and a u.s. official has called it a potential hit list for the taliban what's your response to that it was appears the mostly be media beat up i mean where we're looking at the issue seriously to see whether that is true we did hold back keep doing thousand reports for for the
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other you because they had this sort of classification that suggested maybe they contain that sort of material we approached the white house to ask them for assistance in reviewing material before we published the white house did not accept that request at this stage we're looking at this is mostly a media beat up of course we are very concerned to make sure innocents are protected so we're very happy to receive any evidence which report is possibly revealing information about someone who is who is innocent there's also been a suggestion that the release of this information will make it harder for allied forces to get afghans this is to cooperate with them while what we reveal and that's what we've been doing for the path for us is the truth about how when i was ations actually behave you know if afghans don't like how those organizations actually behave then of course it is their right to engage with them or not engage
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with them it's not so much that there is it i think is the potential danger that they might be in now that such a huge body of information is in the public domain once again that is an allegation by the london times and that a publication who was in the oppositional relationship to the guardian paper that we collaborated with the printed fourteen pages on monday elation to this issue the times of a. and didn't printed your pages in relation to this issue on monday so they are in now in an adversary relationship because they weren't invited to the party that washington says that these documents are outdated says is there any truth to that claim well it depends on what you're talking about if you're talking about how the war has progressed of course they know that the war has been going since two thousand and one that's nine years this material covers the last six years with the exception of the last seven months now that exception is in accordance to some
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degree it means that you know the truth is not all tactical. significance it's interesting to talk about troops who are about just about to do something which means it is over a century no threat to. u.s. military forces but is deeply important for understanding the progress of the war now that the white house say that well the material only goes up to december a new say but we released obama's new policy on the war but obama's new policy on the war was in fact a continuation the previous policy except more troops so why should the war change so dramatically just because it's really mine a policy change is being put in place the white house's rhetorical trick was to. say suggests that there was in fact no overlap between obama's policy and this material in fact obama's policy came in december first and this material carries through in fact to the end of the year you've said that the under-reporting of
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civilian casualties starts at the bottom with the sort of cullman soldiery and that really no policy change at the top is going to filter down into that what do you think could make a difference it's extremely hard situation the answer is not. for all western forces will i suffer members to. going to mars. because that would lead to a power vacuum and so on but i mean the answer is probably a staged withdrawal. making agreements between the taliban and the afghan government as that stage is drill continue so i predict it will be a continuation of the civil war and why he wants forces there is doubly some kind of equilibrium that we will see an increase towards peace and has done is to gain from the release of all this information well the afghan people i mean that is their country and this is the history of their country and if they are too thick to
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flee manage and control their own destiny they need this information to understand what is happening to their country but we can also say you know it's people united states. and u.k. strayer and others in the coalition who are actually paying for all this war and he was sending its soldiers to be killed in this war and those people also have the rights to understand what is actually happening i tell you probably not but if it is all those military companies. who are making extraordinary profits by providing service services to troops weapons or. clothing and so on but isn't the taliban the afghan insurgency likely to gain from this as well because you have inadvertently maybe exposed the weaknesses of the
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allied forces we have to be careful but remember this is a civil war. everyone says taliban but in fact the taliban are i've got news this is a civil war that is going on and the taliban are part of the wheel of the afghan people they're also part of the will perhaps of the odds are. the pakistani secret intelligence service and of course perhaps they're part of the will of saudi arabia who is giving some money to this but in terms of the bodies on the ground people actually doing the work the taliban is part of the will of the afghan people and. the united states and other forces need to recognize any understanding that that is part of the afghan people and if you're shooting taliban you are shooting the afghan people this material doesn't paint the behavior of any military group in a nice light and there's blood on all sides judy thank you very much.
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this is all c. coming to life from moscow to help. small drinks somebody raging forest fires claim at least twenty eight lives and leaves thousands of people homeless as central russia suffers its worst way but over a hundred kids. talks a countdown the water supplies in russia's far east on the threat as chinese authorities struggle to stop thousands of chemical waste barrels lost in the flooding from region one shot. down a stereo source he's gone and teen also a person just as but a lot of former soldiers will sort with the nossies to gather for a commemoration in the country. as the headlines in our talks to the spanish architect who transformed barcelona who then fix and who has big dreams that's right next in our interview.
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hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. would be so much brighter if you knew about song from funniest impressions. from start on t.v. dot com. how all yellow welcome to a squad like the interview show in our c i m l we're not.
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