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tv   [untitled]  RT  August 3, 2010 5:32pm-6:02pm EDT

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rumors that the record breaking box office numbers have been exaggerated so the director has gone on his microblogging site at ciena dot com and he's saying that this is false this is not the case and he's accusing people of trying to start rumors since they favored avatar. right that's right avatar is another film it's a competing film as i pointed out you say i killed box office features in america the counter exchange that they're going to launch box office features cantor fitzgerald they were going to launch it alerted the m.p.a. the motion picture association of america through the show in other venues like the huffington post in america and they killed it and right they should for this very reason is just more derivative nonsense in this case getting into the pop culture to reinvent movies as just the detritus of risk takers on wall street with no soul and no conscience however having said that let me say this i believe it would
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be fantastic as a way to level the playing field in the global pop culture market if another country maybe china maybe iran but principally my first choice would be russia russia should open a box office futures contract in moscow leverage it up and dominate hollywood you can do it ask me for details russians in the next headline and this is mine is fascinating because the story offers a direct link between temperatures in the bond market so russia's drought raises bondholder risk on prices so russia in the last week had the highest temperatures ever recorded in the hundred thirty years of record keeping in russia and the temperatures soared to thirty seven point four degrees celsius which is ninety nine degrees fahrenheit and because of this the high temperature is thirty two percent
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of land under cultivation has forced the russian state to declare states of emergency in twenty three regions grain prices were up thirty three percent and one week and green producers are saying they're probably going to double by the end of the year and as a result of this inflation is expected to hit over. eight percent now this will drive the price of bonds because the central bank is going to raise rates right well this is remarkable because it very succinctly paints the connection between the ecology and the economy in both cases liquidity is drying up liquidity is drying up due to global warming causing incredible stress on the ecology and liquidity is drying up in the global economy causing this credit crunch why because both the bankers and the agricultural companies in the fortune one hundred fortune one thousand and global big mega corporations have sold forward one hundred years worth of profits and one hundred years' worth of returns in both the agricultural
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ecological sense of the word and in the financial markets the net result is that we are now on the precipice of premature of human extinction where you mention commodities and agriculture and the effect of global warming on it and peak oil and things like that and because of this a lot of people have listened to the likes of jim rogers from our father in the trying to get into the commodities market and this brings me to this next headline e.t.f. imperil commodity investors when contending go conspires with pre rolling so many people have been investing in to these commodity e.t.f. which because they can only invest via the futures contracts the e.t.f. managers themselves they don't take delivery of the commodity so therefore they have to roll over their contracts every time they expire so because the e.t.f. managers do this at a set known time to the hedge funds they just front run them on every single thing
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whether it's causing content go in the oil market where you see the big hedge funds renting out all of those giant tankers and storing oil and forcing contango which is actually causing all of these oil e.t.f. to lose a lot of money and on the gold market. you see the opposite in prevailing where they're actually that as the market last week for example when gold was rolling over the contracts were rolling over the prices collapsed for that time i like the way you say contango. but as it weakened contango later well can you explain actually what i can tell you can't get the image of tangoing with stacy out of my head oh oh oh right well as you point out it's a term used in finance to describe a situation in the futures market where there's a disparity between the near term and far term price is the opposite of backwardation is when the flip side of content happens the point of this piece as
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you've described it is that this exchange traded fund i believe the symbol is oil o.-i l. this is actually u.s. so they're talking about us and they've got quite a large bit of money in this exchange traded fund and it's down sharply i'll give you those yeah there is the biggest oil e.t.f. the u.s. oil fund has dropped fifty percent since the start of april two thousand and six even though or oil is up eleven percent right so clearly it's an example of wall street professionals ripping people off i mean this it wherever has money and this is see if if there was such a thing as recourse in america the people who own this piece of garbage. could sue the pants off wall street for selling it but i know from working on wall street that if you try to sue anybody in wall street you end up taking your case to an arbitration panel that's docked with brokers and bankers and your hope of recovering any of your money is about zero well also into this equation enters this
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man emil van essen who runs his own commodity trading firm and he's developed software that predicts and profits from pre rolling so he says quote i make a living off the dumb money these index funds gate in a life by people like me. he's a parasite now parasites which is not necessarily a bad thing parasites have a an important function in any ecology and they're a vital part of the bio synthesis that happens both in the ecology and the economy as even adam smith pointed out the similarities between the ecology and the economy when trying to come up with models where you'd have a fair distribution of all of the risks and rewards in any closed environment whether it's wall street or a wheat field but here the parasites have grown to gargantuan godzilla proportions where the parasites are running the show the parasites goldman sachs j.p.
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morgan and the software developer are are running the show now that's no different than having runaway cancer i mean robbing runaway cancer is a bad thing it'll kill you having a parasite like this just clipping people's profits and causing wide scale poverty that's not a doesn't add anything to the economy whatsoever he's not adding anything to the economy he's actually destroying the economy he's a parasite and he's a he's a financial terrorist you mentioned parasites and you mentioned goldman sachs they're in the next headline goldman sachs create derivatives clearing unit so goldman sachs has started a central exchange for derivatives so i guess they're preparing for the fact that there is going to need to be a derivatives exchange and lo and behold they themselves have created it this is central planning no the current the us economy was supposed to move away from centrally planned command and control and they're not too big to fail banks they're
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supposed to be competition free market competition if goldman sachs is going to be the sole market maker in these derivatives they will continue doing what they've been doing all along representing both the buyer and the seller manufacturing prices that have absolutely nothing to do with the underlying supply and demand. the securities that they're supposed to be trading raking huge rent seeking profits off the top and leaving all the garbage for everybody else and taking that huge profit that they basically at the very least you have to call the moral but again i prefer the financial terrorist sobriquet and they put that into their christmas bonuses speaking of terrorism and also speaking of command and control economy there is one form of communism that all americans love and that's the military industrial complex they really love to support this and this brings me to the final headline about the corruption of the markets and the entire financial system where did the money to rebuild iraq go well you look at this price chart the red is the
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unaccounted for bit yes apparently the pentagon can't account for nine billion dollars of well the nine point one billion and iraqi oil money used to rebuild iraq that's correct they lost ninety five percent and they're heroes for having lost all that money and as we found out through wiki leaks this past week. we've got a situation where the u.s. and the u.k. are funding all of the extremism in afghanistan through their proxies in pakistan who are operating on behalf of hedge fund managers on wall street in the city of london i led that piece to the puzzle in other words there's no easy way to make money and then by dropping bombs on innocent folks because you make money on the bombs you make money on the industrial complex industrial military complex you make
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money on the volatility you can buy volatility with the vix option for example if you know you're going to drop a bomb somewhere you simply buy volatility with the vix the v.i.x. as it's called and you guarantee to make money that way and the list goes on and on well the audit of the pentagon which found that ninety five percent of the money went missing they have also found no evidence of fraud they say that ninety five percent of money can go missing and there's no fraud. well they are financial terrorists that's who's running the economy in america starts the top barack obama hello financial terrorism it's all you bay stacey everett thanks for being with me contango ing on the kaiser report thank you max more content go coming your way don't go away right after this. whole issue is that so much about me here is what i mean to be a lot of people have reality t.v.
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going to be popular in commercially lucrative but just how realistic are these programs are the ultimate for. every month we give you the future we'll do you understand how we get there and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our g. welcome back to the kaiser report time now to go to los angeles and talk to internet sensation george hamon juror of survive and thrive t v dot com where he's been chronicling the collapse of america in a gripping and personal fashion george welcome to the kaiser report backs are you doing love your stuff closely ok fantastic george along with millions of other
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americans you became unemployed in two thousand and eight tell us your story and what to do next i was involved in title insurance to basically the real estate market here for ten years made a very good living how else the coerced the family. everything and when that when we had the subprime mortgage meltdown in the collapse of real estate here in southern california and it was to. well there was no opportunities no real opportunities to make the same type of money so what i did is i survived for quite a while on unemployment like millions of americans and i just started doing you tube being as you know a part time thing just to communicate with other people and i started telling the story of what's going on here so that california and what was happening with the deterioration here locally and i developed a following and started working with a couple different associations one major one is that i am placed us and.
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basically i have a lot of people follow me online wanting to know what's going on on the ground in california and i go out with my camera and i try to detail as much as i can personal stories what's happening to people on the ground how things are changing and. you know people are follow me from all over the country and all over the world california seems to be were things are hitting first and pretty hard all right so when you're giving up bits of your lifestyle what did you find was the most difficult to give up it's almost like you don't have a choice when you it's not like you're going to choose to give ups something it's more like the income just stops coming in and it becomes a juggling act you know the bills keep coming through the door and you're trying to maintain the appearance of
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a middle class lifestyle upper middle class lifestyle and you start borrowing from credit cards you start trying to it's a juggling act and then what happens is things start breaking you know a car breaks down or you can't make that payment on the mortgage and then you go through a series of severe anxiety and depression because you're trying to deal with all this massive change and of course the end reason. it will be total devastation to your credit and. losing your house losing your transportation and then dealing with all the family issues that have to do with that because a lot of their homes you know the children or the spouse don't understand what's happening they just want you to go out there get the same type of job have the same type of lifestyle and it's just not physically possible so what's happening is there's just a huge amount of strife right now with the families i mean we're seeing breakups in families i mean children being separated from their parents because people will put
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up the children but they won't put up parents that's what's happened next is really it becomes an anxiety depression issue because the stress level of it all and then of course if you go to the doctor the first thing they tell you is well here's the medication now it's interesting watching it from abroad. the wealthy in america are scapegoating the poor and of course we saw that during nazi germany when the nazis essentially confiscated the wealth of a large minority population in germany we're seeing that now in america the minority of bankers on wall street are confiscating the wealth of millions of americans to provide them with their annual christmas bonuses and to justify this they need a scapegoat they need to vilify the poor and the immigrants and to turn them into the enemy and you also see this often in the mainstream financial news is the need
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for people to get jobs and to get decent wages of is always portrayed as something that needs to be addressed by the white house those uppity workers want to get real jobs and we need to we need to stop them from in encroaching on the wealthy bankers who are so far under obama anyway no one's stopped them from continuing on the program of destruction you know right now there's a big illegal immigrant. an. illegal immigrant sentiment in the country in california also but you know the illegal immigrants have been hit very very hard. but not as hard as the middle class because though we had a bailout for the banks there is a nother bail out going on for the very low class here in america they can sign up to you know sixty eight hundred dollars of food stamps they can get section eight housing they what they do is they're involved
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a lot of times in the black market you know landscaping things that are paid underneath the table then what they will do is go ahead they'll go to the social service programs that are available in california and they'll get you know subsidize food food stamps which you know what are all time high they'll get subsidized housing they go to public schools so what's happening is there's a safety net for the illegal immigrants in the very very poor in this country and sometimes they're actually doing better than the middle to lower class because the working poor in america the middle class working poor they're not getting these types of benefits so you're actually seeing kind of a weird paradox out here in california where people that are working in the black market or or are not really working living a better lifestyle than someone working you know forty hours a week at ten dollars an hour they're actually suffering more than the people at the very lower strata of the economy it's very strange right the new american dream
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is to be an indentured servant so george hamon gerard tell us a little bit about the the molls my understanding in what as you've documented and spoken about there is an increased security presence there and as there is violence there tells a lot about about what's going on what's happening in southern california is you're seeing something akin to the third world with regards to security. they're having to place additional security in places that they haven't had to before so what you're seeing is more crime more people breaking into cars more theft and when that is you know stories of people being accosted what you're seeing is when you go out here in southern california at least in my area the inland empire eighty percent of the time you're going to be accosted by someone looking for money
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they're either begging for money they're sitting on the side while you're white or while you're pumping gas what i'm seeing more and more is people being more aggressive towards others when it comes to seeking additional income and i'm hearing that that there's more crime more security with the three strikes law a lot of these criminals are going to become more violent because they have nothing to lose if they get that third strike you're talking twenty five years in jail so they're going to they're going to do whatever they can to you know not be caught by the police or caught by security and what we're all most learning is security is nothing but a witness here in california they will not do anything to protect you they're there just as a witness and the police don't want you to protect yourself they just want you to call them and they will take care of it for you because i have had that happen personally where there have been a security threat in the back of my yard and the police told me do not
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engage anybody because if you do something unreasonable meaning if you use force in what they deem an unreasonable way they will take you to jail so effectively they're they've taken our right to protect ourselves at least in my part of california from the police i've talked to right once again erosion of some of the basic. human rights and civil rights now just to put your story into perspective two years ago you basically saw the handwriting on the wall and you saw this collapse coming you basically downsized yourself to absolute zero you went off the grid completely now two years later by acting and working basically as a citizen journalist and by posting your videos on you tube what's our cars are connected to google ad sense they generate some ad revenues you are in fact as your
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website infers thriving surviving and thriving so is that is that a fair characterization of what what you're up to at the moment yeah i wouldn't say entirely through i mean i still haven't reached the income levels that would that i had when i was working and mortgage and title insurance that was a small amount i'm a contender anima so what i am the situation i am now is that i've cut back all expenses i've cut back everything where now we pay everything cash we've got anything doing with credit you know just go on and now i have this huge opportunity where i'm doing you tube videos i'm getting paid for that i'm working with inflation dot us they sponsor me as well and then i'm also working on a couple projects where we're working with local businesses to get up on you tube and to you know basically promote the whole idea of you know talking with customers through video so you know i keep exploring new things and it's just great to have
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the internet to turn to as an opportunity as an income source and i think that's going to be happening more and more i mean businesses that have to pay for infrastructure costs are going to go by the way excited because everything can be done online culture isn't there but anything that can be done in the real world can be done online i mean you're showing it right now we're talking to someone from france we're doing a show it's just amazing what's happening with the revolution online of course your story jar germans are mirrors the story. of the state of california itself that finds itself now completely in debt in its one of the coma states california oregon michigan and arizona that are suffering from enormous debts and they're going bankrupt so is this some parallel you see here i don't really see a parallel what i see is is no former or you know liberal. newspapers like the l.a. times are now doing investigative journalism they wrote that big story with the city of bell where the city manager is being paid eight hundred thousand dollars
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a year and city council people are going over one hundred thousand dollars a year for twenty one meeting a month and what you're seeing is genuine genuine anger by the people i mean people came out in mass in the city of bell people outside of the city in which your see is slowly. the people going after government officials that are just being paid these extravagant amounts and the word on the street this happened to me in a restaurant yesterday people are talking about oh let's let's vote them out of course or stand out but they're talking about i mean violence i mean the i was talking with the restaurant owner and a gentleman just popped in said you know we need to do we need to get rid of all these guys i mean violently so that's the new kind of cultural thing out of people are so upset they don't know what to do so they're physically go into these cities and they're they're going after these guys and you know what the the city manager the all the people who are being paid these shouting salaries they ran they ran
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away to other huntington beach million dollar home or their ranch estates so what you're seeing is kind of like a mini revolution developing the people are starting to wake up and they're attacking these just outrageous salaries by some of these city employees on the other hand axe there's also going to be. blowback from i think what's happening is the state in the cities are going to now start going after the taxpayers in incredible ways that we've never even thought of before here locally you know street cleaning it's no big deal they would go around my car before now they have two or three hybrid cars following the street sweepers just ticketing everybody in sight sure fifty dollar tickets but some of the traffic light to get out here you're talking five hundred dollars for a traffic light ticket so you're going to see in this in california it's like
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a reverse thing i mean all the people are going after the government but the government the same time is actively going after the people so we're it is i don't know but i can take a lot of people had it up to here wow revelation sounds exciting george damager thanks so much for being on the. as a report take care max so it would all right now it's about going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report i want to thank stacy herbert and i want to thank my guest george damager and if you want to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser report r t t v are you till next time this is max kaiser saying buy up.
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fighting the forces of nature a state of emergency is declared in thirteen regions across russia as an urgent the services and the only battle raging wildfires and heat away with no end in sight. nation and civil rights groups accuse the israeli government of blatant discrimination saying new laws specifically target arabs and ethnic minorities
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turning their lives into a daily struggle for survival. and doomed to failure tehran hits hard against reports the u.s. is planning to time we hear from an expert has it would take several years before america could strike iran. and us from russia and around the world this is all see was me you know thanks for joining us a state of emergency has been declared in thirteen russian regions as forest fires continue to rage in a record heat wave which shows no sign of ending forty people have died in the flames and over three thousand have been left homeless the vast sprawl of moscow is now shrouded in a blanket of think small and even he. can smell it and it is now to the north
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koreas in the heart of the capital while peeta all of those outside the city are now at a nearby sway where fire is course damaged. we have heard from the military and they've confirmed that there was a fire saying that this fire took place not with the. equipment was worth so much money where these airplanes were put in a place where pollard where in vehicles were being stored all over the stands at the moment no journalists being able to get in to actually to see what's has been destroyed by those fires all the rounds. many places that people just can't go to try and find out what is happening because the the fires are so severe also in central russia it is an ongoing military firefighting operation to try and make sure that the flames don't get too close to a major new killer facility in that area. the situation in several for remains tense we are still working there there is enough machinery and people in the region and we are bringing in more fire.


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