tv [untitled] RT August 3, 2010 11:02pm-11:32pm EDT
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laws passed and we'll also ask how does washington really feel about drugs or easing up on some sentencing for some drugs cracking down on others so why are lawmakers so wishy washy when it comes to certain mood in mind altering substances and how will this affect the growing movement to legalize marijuana we'll debate the issue at the end of the show with the panel but first on to tonight's top story . welcome to the recovery everyone that's the case treasury secretary timothy geithner is making in his op ed in the new york times today that's headlined if you didn't catch that year that jobless americans especially the record number of you who've been unemployed for six months or more even though there have never been as many of you as now or at least not since one nine hundred forty eight when the stats were first recorded now governor points out that sad fact that sad statistic but aside from that he is arguing the american economy is on the path back to growth the road to recovery now according to geithner story exports are booming
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private job growth has returned major banks are stronger and more competitive now funny didn't make it in our concerns now from even a stablish minute khana miss including st louis fed president he's saying the u.s. could be headed for a deflationary period of no growth similar to japan's lost decade or nobel prize winner paul krugman who's saying the u.s. may have already fallen into the early stages of a long depression really and even former fed chairman alan greenspan saying a double dip recession can't be ruled out so here to discuss this so-called recovery with me is derek thompson from the atlantic now derek first of all welcome to the show thank you for being here. what do you make of timothy geithner's argument welcome to the recovery first of all i didn't say that. you know what is his case for optimism do you buy it you know i don't buy it i think an analogy here is useful and it's a cliche but i think it's useful cliché. the recession was an inferno right to
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threaten to consume this building and here came the firefighters with tarp and the stimulus and the bank stress test and they put out the fire but all we have is we have a house that has a charred kitchen a second floor that's about to crumble on top of the first floor and the firefighters welcome the people in the house back and they say welcome to your home it just it doesn't make a lot of sense the house about to fall apart if nothing else is done to it so. it was just in your foreclosed home that the grass is dead and it's fallen apart fallen into ruin exactly it just seemed really bizarre in tone deaf for him to say welcome to the recovery so that was my first problem was the sort of tone deafness of the well let me ask you this what do you think about the new york times even running this op ed and pandering to this time type of p.r. basically the mainstream media you know giving him this forum at a time when all of this bad economic news is coming out at a time when all of these notable economists are coming out saying this is not a recovery you know we're headed for much worse possibly what do you make of that
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you know the case for optimism can be made and i think it's made regularly with a bit more imagination by a guy named daniel gross who writes for slate my problem with this my problem really with allowing the administration to write off that piece is for newspapers and magazines anyway is that all you're going to get is p.r. you know we don't allow like i said in the article we don't allow timothy geitner staff to publish a press release and then send it to new york times and say new york times has run this because it's it comes from timothy geithner steph so why do we allow timothy geithner timothy geithner i mean this is probably written by a speech writer by other people who work with him why do we publish this when it when it shows no imagination it's not creative and it's really just just sort of trite it's exactly would imagine the administration say exactly so what does that say about the mainstream media that they run with it you know i don't want to get into you know what it says largely about the mainstream media i think it's unfortunate that we do give politicians generally this sort of open call to just whenever they want to stand up and say i have something to say the washington times or new york times the washington post always seems to open the doors there op ed
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page and say you know i have to have your seven hundred words and get an a for him to say you know geithner is making the argument that as you mentioned you know that all of these government actions work to stimulate the economy you know one of the reports that he cites in that article is one where economists said you know that that what the government did to help save eight point five million jobs and increase the g.d.p. six point five percent but they were. comparing this to if the government had done nothing resin is disingenuous i mean anything would have helped and just because it helped doesn't mean that it was the right move or that it helped to the extent that it could it i think what you said is absolutely right the second thing to go back to the analogy you know yes the firefighting helps turning on the hoses helps and the fire has stopped but the question is you know timothy geithner is the steward of the economy all right is does he is he ok with seeing a house with a charter kitchen and a second floor that's about to fall down he shouldn't be he shouldn't do you think
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that he is ok with that looking at this article do you think he has a sense of what really could happen and what needs to be done you know this is subtext i'm speculating here but i imagine to be going to be pretty frustrated the entire administration is pretty frustrated with how difficult it's been to get some of these small stimuli through congress because you have moderate democrats and the entire republican party has basically said we don't want spending here unless it's cut somewhere else so it's difficult but at the same time i just don't think it was a very good argument let's go to that because you actually point out paragraph twenty of twenty four where he makes his big argument you know what needs to happen and it is a tall order because he says congress needs to help small businesses increase investments in public infrastructure promote clean energy increase exports but earlier he says exports are booming i want to get into that and while making targeted investments must also cut the deficit over the next few years and make sure america lives within its means well i don't think that even possible in reality is it possible yeah i do think it is conceivably possible to run short term
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stimulus to spend up the deficit this year and into the beginning of next year and then to put in place plans like phased in tax increases or phased in cuts to social security or medicare. or military spending absolutely to help our long term deficit i don't think the paragraph itself is is you know pie in the sky dream you know realistic i think it's. unfortunate that he has this thousand word out that piece the new york times he doesn't mention what the administration wants to do until paragraph twenty is just sort of ridiculous as you say angeles and he buried the lead it was very i want to thank you for coming in and weighing in on that still to come on our show don't go away should terror suspects arrested here in the u.s. have random rights or those abroad the right to an attorney it's a topic that brings into question who we are as a nation we'll discuss that next with dot com glenn greenwald back in a moment. hungry for the full story
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we've gone to. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. welcome back now the war on terror waged by the united states for the past nine years has put many of the fundamental legal rights guaranteed in this country on the chopping block first we saw american conservatives such as john mccain up in arms at the christmas day bombing suspect in the times square bombing suspect faisal shazad an american citizen should be read their miranda rights then the obama administration itself up the ante by placing an american citizen on the government assassination list suspected as a terrorist and more all
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a lockie by the u.s. now the administration has moved to deny al a lockie his right to an attorney to challenge his status on this u.s. hit list prompting a lawsuit from the a.c.l.u. and the center for constitutional rights on behalf of a lockheed father joining me from brazil to discuss this shocking development is glenn greenwald from salon dot com thank you for being here mr greenwald now this issue of miranda rights with lawmakers wanting to delay reading them to criminals who are terrorist suspects by the u.s. they want to not allow them to get their miranda rights as long as necessary a new bill from california congressman adam schiff is asking for that does that help the u.s. bust enemies or does it throw away due process. well ironically the whole premise of the obama campaign when he was running for president was that we need not write rewrite our justice system in order to accommodate terrorism that we have a very strong court system and two hundred twenty years of justice rules that came
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in obtained prosecutions very easily and they're important safeguards within those rules and when we start just pulling that system in the name of terrorism what we're actually doing is eliminating the very rights that we told the country we sought to defend when we declared war against al qaeda and yet you see obama over and over and over his administration advocating even further dismantling of the justice system then was accomplished under george bush and this attempt to rewrite the miranda warnings and as well as to suspend the right to appear before a court quickly upon being arrested is just the latest example i'm curious is there even a connection that's been shown between denying someone their miranda rights and getting better or more information any of these cases. well the theory is that if you don't tell somebody that they have the right to remain silent then they somehow will be unaware of that right and will therefore be more inclined to speak similarly if you don't tell them that they have the right to a lawyer they will call for
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a lawyer and therefore will give you more information and you can interrogate them better but there's really sort of extreme in contradiction here because the government is constantly telling us that these terrorists are highly sophisticated operatives that they're able to pose an existential threat to our country that we need to engage in all these extreme measures in order to stop them and yet at the same problem if that is even remotely true then these individuals would already know that they don't have to talk if they don't want to and that they have a right to a lawyer once they're detainees it's really just a way of ensuring that ignorant or easily manipulated people in detention are know their rights and therefore can't be. can't be manipulated by the government but if these terrorists are at all sophisticated or formidable as the government claims then it really is nothing more than just a symbolic exercise to say in general we're going to reduce rights in the name of fighting terrorism which sends quite the message in your arguing that it's gotten
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worse under the obama administration but i want to ask about this why wasn't there the same outcry under the bush administration over the shoe bomber for example who i want to mention he wasn't even a u.s. citizen but in two thousand and one he was read his miranda rights four times in two days the bush administration rejected the idea of a military tribunal why wasn't there the same outcry over miranda rights or pushed for this to be handled by the military back then. well i mean the reason why that's a particularly good question and a hard one to answer is because you know that was very close to that i know of in attacks through the attempted shoe bomber richard reid who tried to detonate a bomb in a transatlantic jet and so you could at least justify the kind of post-traumatic stress that america was under at the time because the proximity to that island attacks you would expect the country to start looking for sort of overreaching in terms of responding to terrorist attacks but now we have almost a full decade of emotional and temporal distance between those attacks and where we
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are we also have a president who worry and campaign on the premise of keeping our justice system in place is the optimal means for fighting terrorism and so nine years later it's even less justifiable that we would be willing to and demain of the even that miranda rights not be altered when as you point out nine years ago we were perfectly content to do and i think what it really underscores that every single time there's a new attempted terrorist attack not a successful terrorist attack but even a failed or thwarted one the media and the political class react exactly the same way which is oh my god well if there was a ford if there was an attempted attack it must mean that we have too many rights still and so what rights do we need to erode next and it just so happened that with the last failed attack which was. the attempted christmas day bombing from up there with all of the answer to that question was we need to restrict miranda rights and it doesn't matter there's never a point where there's too many rights already eroded they always look for new words
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and i want to ask you know too there is lawmakers now who you know every time you hear one of these arrests you hear pushes you know for example lieberman who wants to suspect to strip these suspects of their citizenship so they could be put under military responsibility you hear of them wanting terrorist suspects to be dealt with and military tribunals but is there even any benefit for the military handling these cases are they any more apt to deal with them than the criminal court system in the united states. well if you look at the record of the last ten years what you would find is the opposite which is that the convictions have been much more easily obtained and have been have stood up to legal challenges much more reliably when terrorists are charged with crimes in civilian courts than in military tribunals i mean the record of military tribunals is a joke there's been three convictions two of them that were basically given time served and released because the charges that they were able to obtain convictions
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on were so shabby and easily challenged the reality is that we have a federal court system where federal judges are extremely deferential to assertions of government powers nationally when it comes to accusations of international terrorism being judges and their civilian court system. and government now really quickly speaking of government power i have to touch upon and we're all a lockie who is a u.s. citizen he's on the assassination list and he's being denied a right to an attorney to fight this how is this even happening. i don't know and i think we're going to find the answer to that question because now the extent of cross describes have sued and said actually the statute purports to say that it's a criminal offense for any attorney to represent somebody who's been designated a terrorist by the government and so they're challenging that as the first amendment abridgement of the rights of those attorneys as well as. it's a very clear cut unconstitutional case and it should be resolved quickly what do
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you think is behind this disconnect between what the obama administration said that they were going to do when they came into office and the deterioration we're seeing and civil liberties with the miranda rights with u.s. citizens on assassination less and not able to fight it. and there were several factors i think one is when people are out of power they tend to be suspicious of those who are in power but once they get in power themselves they think that all the power in the world. should be vested in them because they're good people who can be trusted with that so i think obama thinks that he can be trusted with even extreme limitless executive power in a way that he didn't think was the case for george bush i also think that the he perceives probably accurately there's no political benefit to standing up for the rights he did minorities which in this case are muslims who are accused of being radicals and even terrorists and there's a lot of political risk that if he does restoring these rights and there's a terrorist attack he will be blamed for having done so it's
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a sort of run of the mill political cowardice of this part so very little politically to gain by standing by the very laws that this country is built upon a country that professes to be a nation of laws i want to thank you for giving us all of that insight my pleasure thank you. and still to come on tonight show pornographic images are popping up in indonesia's parliament right around the same time that the country is planning to put a ban on the x. rated media co-incidence maybe not we'll explain in a moment and the city of new york has given the go ahead on building a mosque near ground zero but some americans don't see eye to eye with the city and they want to put a stop to it we'll talk with someone who opposes the mosque after the break. here is that so much about what i mean to say she's a lot of people have reality t.v. wonderfully popular in commercially lucrative but just how realistic are these probes are they the ultimate. every month we
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give you the future we'll do you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join knology update on our g. just today the city of new york gave final approval for the building of the so-called ground zero mosque and york will allow construction of a fifteen story one hundred million dollars mosque and islamic center two blocks from the site of the nine eleven terrorist attacks on the world trade center this after months of intense debate across the nation much of which right here in the archies studios new york mayor michael bloomberg for example has defended the project the anti-defamation league supported it and then reversed course and my next guest has vehemently opposed it earlier i caught up with pamela geller of stop
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islamization of america and i asked her reaction to the approval of the project this was earlier today take a look. at the landmarks commission all of which for bloomberg appointees voted unanimously there was no shock they are this is a bloomberg tool box not one person reflected their constituents on many historical architects and architectural historians that i spoke to where there were other buildings very much in the same palazzo design three eleven broadway and the work the magnificent work of course of daniel badger who was a pioneer in iron works but we expected this and this is not going to stop us we believe the government should not stop the mosque we believe in religious freedom we believe in religious liberty it's not a religious liberty or constitutional issue is there much that amount issue what that about it's about ok it's about outreach as the mom would say this was
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about outreach and mutual respect and mutual tolerance and if that was his objective he's failed abysmally he's created an enormous amount of pain and grief it's offensive to all the known to most of the nine eleven families and a majority of americans and frankly why can't he why can't we appeal to his humanity to withdraw the. mosque why does it offend says mary why is it offensive mayor bloomberg says that having this mosque is because of the history of religious tolerance in the united states and in new york how is that not the case. well of clearly we have hundreds of mosques in new york city it's not religious tolerance and bloomberg does not reflect the majority of new yorkers or the sentiments of rudy giuliani or pete. king or a sarah palin or many politicians that are stepping up to the plate here how is it religious tolerance to build a fifteen story triumphal mosque looking down on the burial ground the sacred
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ground of nine eleven when it was islamic texts because that islam does not promote people to supply planes into went into buildings many would argue. the last chapter which supersedes all chapter is a very violent chapter to kill non muslims and to conquer and yes they were all so they were all screaming all the akbar it was a family so the family is this about a boss or is this about muslims and islam. oh it's not about muslims i do not believe that muslims in america do not believe in religious freedom and many muslims like you jasper and so we munch warts have come out against the mosque it's an islamic supremacist mosque when you are dismissing the pain in the feeling of muslims of conscious and non muslims by asking them appealing to them to please not build the mosque and he has very questionable tie the x and x x.
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corporation is a fund of cordoba and asked mom the are his organizations and they are tied to bin ladden and as a matter of fact in kissimmee flamma hundred million mike and i don't know if that is a good if this isn't about muslims if this isn't about your views on islam how come on your personal blog you said that islam inspires naziism i have one posting here that says in the headline hitler would be proud of his muslim armies it seems fitting that muslims would kick off their jewish genocidal campaign in austria land of hitler's youth and rise to power. yes while hitler was inspired by islam hitler himself said the armenian genocide which was the slaughter of under two million christians by the ottomans by by the muslim empire was his template for the holocaust what does that mean didn't say anything islamics are inspired by nazi of them and they were to be used today but what you asked me about
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a quote and the mufti of jerusalem who was the leader of the muslim world was an ally of hitler and responsible for the death of over four hundred thousand women and children now you can whitewash history but that's a fact and yes hitler was inspired by islam islam was not inspired by hitler they came first then or hitler's muslim armies today. well first of all the muslim armies of hitler were in the mufti of jerusalem raised muslim armies in bosnia and that's whose hit was muslims on this war and the fact that mind comp is the number one selling book in many muslim countries including moderates muslim turkey i think is very telling if you don't have a problem with muslims how come you posted a video on june twenty fifth on your blog you later took it down that suggested muslims have sex with goats and engage in beef deallocating. i never posted that i'm going to post that i didn't say that and that's not my position my position is
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i am against the violent ideology that inspires jihad in islam and there have been fifteen thousand eight hundred two islamic attacks since nine eleven all every single one with the imprimatur of a muslim cleric what is being done to expunge islam of it the violence teachings that are inspiring jihad as in somalia in ethiopia in levanon in gaza in france in england in russia the chen chen rebels in the wee hours in china i mean this is a world wide problem and i don't see where it's being addressed to would expunge the koran i am allowed what is it not can you wait on what does this have to do with mainstream islam in america why would you have a picture of the prophet mohammad which i have right here with his face replaced with that of a pig on your blog if you don't have a problem with islam. first of all i don't know where it is in america that you
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can't make jokes or make fun i mean you had a drop of maple sugar put across it or you may have to drop it on my bed as a pig. who kids what difference does it make i mean this is america someone somewhere is a great good long as you know be on miss understanding of islam in america do you think that's a good thing to do i have to tell you there's nothing you think that's a good thing that we already know islam is the nothing worse than the islamic anti-semitism and i don't hear you saying a word about it now are you going to spread in islam a phobia. no i'm not trying to spread islamophobia i'm trying to spread openness and you know what we are open to pander and criticism and at and and freedom does appeal optional han is afraid with brad openness. i don't know what poster for and i think you doing draw a mohammad day is that the post that you're referring to someone else i mean it's not only iraq made it or not it's on your blog alice drug is not your personal blog
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. atlas shrugged dot com is my blog at least. i wish you could show me the post of what i'm going to show and i'm going to show a picture of you know i'll cover it up and i have it printed out right here to you that i understand i understand you're free to do that this is part of the problem we make fun of christianity all the time no i'm not afraid i don't think i made fun of buddhism all the time while i did so it's disrespectful it's a suspect it's not against the law but it's not binding on the right want to do any kind of research in a country where thirty eight percent of americans think that islam is more violent and promotes violence do you think it's the right thing to do to spread this kind of misinformation about really look at misunderstood in the u.s. lauren lauren you're proving that you're afraid to show it is a very you know what you're afraid to you're afraid to show a cartoon i'm not afraid i don't want to be just i'm not for i don't want to be disrespectful to that's a really good problem that we have being listen you're just as far as i'm concerned you're speaking disrespectful to me who campus this is america it's freedom of
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speech i mean you're spreading the fear you are it's a theory you would have a problem if it was jesus christ we wouldn't be having this i went on but if you're not you have the grace of the pig up to the camera either. to do a show on comedy central showing jesus christ snorting cocaine i never heard him mention it i mean clearly what do you want why is this this is this is special rights for special classes this is freedom of speech we poke fun and what is this got to do with the mosque at ground zero all right well we're going to leave it at that i appreciate you coming in and talking to us. about your thoughts. thank you laurie. we have another hot button issue to cover in our next segment illegal immigration have you noticed how some lawmakers are trying to scare people with horror stories about immigration issues out west well it's my unplugged moment coming up you thought you saw it but now it's coming up and arizona has been threatened with boycotts over their new immigration law turns out some of the state
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are seeing business as usual despite these boycotts a report from our tea correspondent dina go soft has more will be come back. well again this is all sea life from the russian capital the headline. pricing the forces of nature a state of emergency was declared in thirteen regions across russia while also news coverage of take small there's a raging wildfires continue to spread despite of the combined efforts of the emergency services and the army. cranking up the pressure the u.s.
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imposes more new sanctions against iran over its nuclear program and to weaken the warning that military action remains an option but which russia says is not allowed by commenting on this and its. civil rights groups of a zero accused a government of racism say that north specifically aimed to hinder the lives of the minority three. there's the headlines now let's go back to our washington studios. ok anyone with a pulls and an eye on either the immigration debate going on in arizona or mainstream cable news has by now heard this from the notorious maricopa county sheriff joe arpaio he's saying the mexican drug cartels have a one million dollars bounty on his head there he is the only problem is this federal law enforcement officials i've spoken to say if sheriff arpaio had
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a hit on his head from the drug cartels he wouldn't be walking around in broad daylight as he's doing today because he'd be dead with his head chopped off and a note on his chest somewhere in the desert here's the thing about mexican drug cartels according to federal officials i just spoke to who work on this all the time mexican drug cartels don't advertise their hitlist and more than that though the drug cartels will go after the mexican military or kidnap mexican press they draw the line in the sand the border town desert sand if you will when it comes to american officials now before you say what about the march killing in juarez mexico of the u.s. consulate employees and her husband well federal officials are saying that was a case of mistaken identity that the couple's car was mistaken for a rival mexican gang the back to our because this is really the topic of at hand this is the first time we've heard public figures using the mexican drug war to progress their agenda when it comes to border security and immigration reform
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