tv [untitled] RT August 3, 2010 11:32pm-12:02am EDT
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cornyn making the case for his amendment to strengthen border security of the southwest border between mexico and the u.s. listen we need to make sure that we have the human resources we have the tactical infrastructure and we have the technology deployed in order to protect americans along the border and to help contain the terrible drug violence that is being fought the drug war literally the truth being fought just within a short distance of american cities report to help contain the drug violence now he says cities such as el paso texas which are just a stone's throw away from murderous juarez mexico need to be eased up security at the border to protect them from the horrible drug violence spilling over from the drug war on the streets of mexico into the neighborhoods of the u.s. but here is what you may not gather from a speech like that the reality el paso texas that city just across the border from juarez mexico one of the most dangerous cities in the world known as the murder
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capital of mexico paso texas is the second safest city in the united states there has been one homicide so far in two thousand and ten seriously google it and next time you hear any politician or official suggest mexican drug violence is spilling over the border to an american doorstep near you i would suggest you sit down to your computer and do the same because the evidence would suggest the fear mongering from politicians is very far cry from the actual crime stats you're likely to find there. now with all this false information and fear being peddled on the immigration issue it paints a picture of a dangerous life also along the mexico arizona border now g.o.p. senators have vehemently claimed increasing violence along the border is due to illegal immigration so we decided to separate fact from fiction even further and joining me from santa cruz county arizona is sheriff antonio a straw to who deals with these issues every single day sheriff estrada i want to
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thank you for speaking with us now we've been told time and time again the violence is rampant along the border in arizona so i want to know have you seen an increase in violence in your border county santa cruz county in recent months or years and no you know that that's quite an exaggeration you know we're seeing that across the border obviously and of course we're concerned about that but we haven't seen that you know crime has been stable years a matter of fact it has been probably lower than it has been another year and that has a lot to do of course you know this is a small county where the smallest county border in mexico here in arizona with forty five thousand people population with about three hundred thousand people across the line across the fence from us and you know this is a been recognized as one one of the states has a border border counties with mexico why because we have a lot of law enforcement present about a thousand border patrol agents working in this small county so the border is more secure it is safer but one of the things that we have to recognize is that
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through history that this border has has been porous and it cannot be completely sealed because you know ok sheriff if you drop it at a stop at the same time you know everything you're saying aside we've heard a very doomsday picture for many of the politicians in arizona senator john mccain sheriff joe arpaio so do you think this is an accurate picture for other counties and if not what are these guys trying to achieve by creating this narrative you know i. i don't know what their agenda is other than maybe political but you know the picture that they're painting is not obviously not a picture that we're experiencing here in santa cruz county and i can speak for yuma i don't think they're having that problem either they've got a pretty secure border with their coaches have had is a shoe and pin ale obviously has always had some concern but it definitely is not what we are seeing here in santa cruz county so very different situation now also
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you've previously criticised the arizona law s.b. ten seventy as unfunded so i want to know has a lot of taxpayer money been spent on this stalled effort including the defense of the law against the federal government from what you've been hearing or seeing or no no we haven't spent anything on my biggest concern yet it was dumfounded it's a common immigration is a very complex issue we don't have the training for we don't have the history for it there's lawsuits that could be filed my biggest concern too is racial profiling you know from the very beginning their dialogue since about two thousand and five or so has been you know focusing on his bannock and in particular mexican here and in arizona so racial profiling i don't think they could possibly harm it that from that so i had a whole lot of concerns the relationship that we have with his hispanic community the relationship with the have were mexican counterparts over there we just are not equipped we don't have the budgets to be able to do that thing it's
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a federal domain and i think that's a way to remain so i was critical for for a lot of reasons that i didn't think it was appropriate that we should be doing that ok i want to ask you because just real quickly you know going back to those politicians and what they're calling for from what you're seeing doesn't sound like we need beefed up border security to us to curb the violence spilling over from the drug cartels in mexico is that true at this point we don't haave obviously we don't and i think the impression a lot of people are getting is that you know we're dodging bullets every day it's just not happening you know. the issues that are currently here and the violence that it's occurring is among these groups that are coming through through the canyons and the valleys of santa cruz county you know that that's where we're seeing some of the people that are being assaulted a lot of times that you have to rip up of the drugs and of course we have in so far a prequel thirteen bodies are skeletal remains that we've recovered and that has not been the result of homicide those have been about people that have been trying to do this terrain which is very rough and very very dangerous all right track to
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the train not gotten involved in a drug war battle that was sheriff a straw from santa cruz county arizona giving us a very different situation on the ground than the one that many politicians would paint possibly to gain political points over this immigration debate and war on drugs debate going on in states such as arizona and also as we saw texas now sticking with the battle over immigration regardless of how you feel about it the attention and people it has brought to arizona are actually proving to be a boon to their business this even as many people have been are still calling on individuals and corporations to boycott the border states are to correspondent dina goes off he has more. these past few months. the state of arizona has become synonymous with it with gratian protests. and now another word floating around boycott boycott arizona corporations but considering how many
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people have flooded into arizona recently unless they all packed their own lunch it's pretty contradictory to pour into a state that you're boycotting in order to boycott i suppose or working or quite an appetite with those tantrums or throwing down terms maybe they'll drop by for a meal restaurant owner michael monti says he's seeing business as usual it's very hard to tease out any discernible effect of the boycott. our numbers are stable compared to last year right now this place has actually been here since eight hundred seventy one is the oldest standing building in this part of arizona and despite all the calls to boycott the state is still standing pretty strong man pretty good. and general manager jerry ceasar is i was born in michigan may go i came to the united states and nineteen seventy six. the age of six has a unique take on the issue what they're trying to do is do the right thing for the state and what. hasn't been done basically from the federal government our local
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area has been all over populated with a lot of the hispanic community. and you know it just seems really odd to control a take that's often under or even on reporting we have left the stripe. cross the runs around here saying that this isn't right well why are they saying they're even sir elton john. had a few choice words for some pro immigration activists saying quote i have read that some of the artists won't come here they are all. maybe artists aren't coming here but a regular folks still are my sales have increased people are calling me and telling me they want to support arizona they want they want to buy a flag or that have the state flag on them and show their support for arizona nevada resident daniel lavar was so intrigued about what was going on in arizona he
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decided to come see for himself i came here to be enlightened a little bit i think the this is a trial i think it's a trial and i think it's a good trial i think it will bring a lot of issues to the surface but nobody's wanted to talk about but some people are willing to talk about it but i'm angry at our government for allowing the illegals we see an influx of people coming in now what were they waving they were waving the mexican flag they were waving the cuban blood if they want to be americans they better wave the american flag we would not think of going to their country and waving our flag around demand. rides that we're not entitled to don't have the fence or them on the way out you know go. come back when you're legal and in arizona where you're legal your welcome it's a great state and we have a lot to offer and i'm doing great business because of the dean of the soft arty
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phoenix. interesting bit of irony there where one more segment ahead on the show so don't go away our tool time winner tonight is the g.o.p. senate candidate from nevada her comments on the role of the media landed sharron angle on our list in just a moment and the war on drugs the president's going to sign or actually did sign a law today reducing the penalty for some drug use offenses but is the war on drugs already a lost cause we have a debate on the issue in just a moment. we're
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still totty don't call me. tonight's tool time winner is republican senate candidate sharron angle of nevada now since winning the g.o.p. nomination several weeks ago she's pretty much been hiding from the media in her home state now t.v. stations across nevada have been begging for interviews so far she's spoken to fox news and several conservative radio shows now in an interview with fox news she was asked about her lack of interviews with the media and this was her response. to have the press be our friend wait a minute holmes good to be your friend well true. well no we want them to ask the questions we want answered so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported in. the show and i say send money to sharon angle dot com so that your listeners will know that if they want to support me they need to go to.
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i mean what do you even say to that so the tea party candidate thinks the media should only be asking the questions she wants to cover maybe sharron angle needs ever pressure of course on the role of the media to ask the tough questions dig for information and to hold politicians or anyone else accountable for their actions not to pump her agenda or her website for that matter and that is why sharron angle is tonight's tool time winner. now members of the indonesian parliament had a very embarrassing moment recently images of pornography pornography were broadcast within a government building now reports say the images were flashing on screen for journalists and government workers for at least fifteen minutes before they were able to switch off the x. rated media but this isn't just an embarrassing moment for parliament c lawmakers in indonesia have approved a ban on pornography it's set to begin aug eleventh making all online x.
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rated websites x. rated scuse me websites for bin it's because of ramadan and believe it or not the movie is supported by a large part of the general population as most of them are muslim and or get the idea of people being able to access the dirty media so how did it pop up on the government t.v.'s and the first place well apparently it's still up in the air as to how the pornography actually got there but i'd suspect that there is at least one frustrated indonesian who wants to get his point heard maybe it's a sign that bad things happen when you censor porn but if there's a disgruntled hacker out there who wants to be able to search the x. rated sites i think this incident proves that he'll find a way to do it regardless of a government ban. now u.s. president barack obama signed into law today the fair sentencing act it relaxes sentences for drug crimes for some drug crimes you don't see that every day and it actually wasn't hotly contested it received strong bipartisan report support now
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the law will narrow the disparity between sentences for crimes involving crack cocaine and powder cocaine see crack users have faced much tougher sentences in the past under current laws though for example possession of crack can carry the same sentence as one hundred times the amount of cocaine now some believe the new law that obama signed today will address the larger issue of the racial disparity in sentencing for drug crimes as crack users are mostly black and just as obama loosens one drug policy the senate is advancing a bill that would toughen the penalty for pot brownies this as more steam is gathering behind a movement to legalize marijuana in the united states joining me is aaron houston he's executive director of the students for sensible drug policy as well as bishop allen he's a leader of international faith based coalition and we're going to talk about where the war on drugs is and should be heading now i want to start with you because you are actually leading the charge against this law that would double the penalties
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for pot brownies but one thing that i want to point out is it's actually it relates to to minors to people who peddle drugs to minors so make that argument for how you can be against people peddling drugs to minors tougher sentence and the bill sounds very good doesn't it talks about minors but what it talks about is anything that appeals to minors i'm the father of three young kids and i can tell you that any sort of cookie or brownie product is going to appeal to my kids they want to you that they love it all kids love brownies the ones who want to have her sentence for drugs that appeal to kids for college student in iowa big pot brownies in his dorm room or in his you know living quarters and there are no kids around he probably shouldn't be facing a double penalty that's just for the. but what about if someone sells i'm too young child so there are i don't want to be there already and many laws on the books prohibiting that of course what do you think that bishop allen in your bishop allan what do you think should there be tougher sentences for people that peddle pot brownies or drugs that look like you candy there are some candy methamphetamine i
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believe that is targeted by this bill should there be tougher sentences for people that are peddling those. junk i should reach is that's what this of this is about sorry i wish i was starting at a young age and reverend i have to respectfully disagree with you this what this bill was about was a cynical attempt on the part of dianne feinstein senator dianne feinstein to pedal so the police unions and the people who get rich off of building prisons in this society it was it was clearly it's a cynical cynical move if there is not any epidemic of people flavoring methamphetamine with candy flavors that's ridiculous dianne feinstein was very clear in what she was saying in passing this bill she was wrong. marijuana at about that's outrageous regardless of her points of what her motivations are her deep
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motivations what's wrong with making tougher sentences for drugs that appeal to children i mean i think we can all and very well know that children shouldn't be eating pot brownies that we're you know should be sold pop around and when they're young of course you know what this is really about is the fact that our current marijuana laws give the cartels a monopoly over marijuana get that lets them be active in two hundred thirty american cities and by the way the statistics that you were citing in the program earlier should the sheriff from santa cruz talk about it's not accounting for the fact that the cartels are active in two hundred thirty american cities and they get seventy percent of the that's for marijuana so one of the this is simply not work this is a good point marijuana does account first sixty percent. i heard you're saying seventy percent of the drug cartels bread and butter it is the demand for marijuana that is fueling the drug cartels and the drug wars so why keep it illegal bishop allen if it is fueling the drug war is a drug that hasn't been proven to have any deadly side effects and that if we
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effect excuse me and that if we made legal we could tax and actually make money instead of spending the thirty billion that's been spent on the war on drugs. my first. try. i'm going to show you. just. how to. treat. should america have hardly any other truth. to the state of california so what are we trying to say sure. sure lystra. what we're saying. here cheri tries to shoot. parched down taste you want to make sense out of that please. go towards. pushers. i didn't try i did. i did.
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not want to start doing that shot trying to use it as a better way to look away from you from you let's talk about the idea of legalizing marijuana as a way to number one reduce the amount of money spent fighting the war on drugs reduce the violence from the war on drugs and generate profits from taxing marijuana because it's shown that marijuana is what the drug cartels are peddling to the us. where it's called. trust. just to. if they demand in the us know that it's fueling it that's fueling drug cartels i mean think the percent of bread and butter and sending drugs to the us marijuana and bishop they did not legalize it they simply decriminalize a very small amount and nor does the u.k. ever try to decrease legalize all drugs that it simply has not happened it has not happened they have actually tried all trust. they are used
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to. treat everything we see that's not a challenge we see. so. we have to try. extra repairing and say let's get to that point think about it and let's get to the point what about addiction ok we can talk about the lies in marijuana we talk about the benefits in terms of taxation the war on drugs but what about people's lives and it's all addiction let's talk about that the fact is we've tried your way bishop and it hasn't worked and the part of the way that hasn't worked let's talk about treatment right now because of our marijuana laws people who need treatment can't get it because of drug courts let's talk about that sounds like a great plan right putting people into drug treatment instead of a drug sentence or some going to jail that sounds very politically popular well the problem is many many more people or busted for marijuana than other drugs and so
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we've got a glut of people going to supposed treatment for marijuana right now to avoid a court sentence to avoid some sort of judicial punishment other judicial punishment and that is pushing out slots that are badly needed for heroin users and people who are addicted to oxycontin and other horrible prison your name in addition to marijuana isn't so bad when you compare it to these more serious drug what i'm saying is people who do not have demonstrably are not in need of drug treatment who are there exclusively because of a judge to avoid jail are getting their pushing and yeah they're getting they're going to the treatment instead of the you know what i think marijuana and addiction and drug use among children and that sort of issue to arise would legalize i mean would it would anyone say that the current system has worked i don't think that anyone is saying that the current system wasn't just about what would want to go in there my question i just want to say we don't have time to get to the maybe another time but what do you say to the best of allan that the current system hasn't worked . it's true
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actually. just so. much. oh what. should i. say. we. all just. should. say sarah would say oh. yes there was a current day people. just. don't use it. all right there's a balun era houston oh i thank you gentlemen for going head to head on that subject now we're going to solve it today but we'll have to see where this all goes that's no different tonight show thank you so much for to me and make sure to come back tomorrow in the meantime do not forget to become
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a fan of the alona show on facebook and follow us on twitter and follow me on twitter lauren lyster and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can catch them all on you tube youtube dot com slash the alona show we're now posting the interviews as well as the entire show on the site so please go check it out coming up next is the news with all of the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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every month we give you the future to understand how to get. the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us. russia in flames is a raging fires continue to sweep through central regions and a warning that there could be worse to come. and join me all the bennetts in the region where the air is thick with smoke of the capsule chokes on its small. and nominees protest a school boy calls of ours it's time for the immigration bills this effect with
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business is booming from an increase in activity. and millions of indian children are pushing their future. by skipping school notice have. a very warm welcome to you this is live from moscow with me alice have but russia's emergencies it seems a bracing themselves for the worst to calm a forest fires continue to rage in many parts of the country what makes a war rages the relentless heat wave is keeping the landscape tinder dry and the school shooting at temperatures the set top for. the next few days will for more let's join bennett's in the south and from
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a region how is the situation developing. fires are still raging in seventeen regions across the country seven of those regions are under a state of emergency including this one moscow region where i am just around fifty kilometers south of the capital as you can probably see the air is thick with smoke and very acrid smell of smoke is very difficult to breathe here and visibilities very very low indeed as far as the still raging in this region as well as they across seventeen regions across the country in total last night according to. the emergencies minister he said across the country there are two hundred forty six fires still burning and satellite imagery this morning suggests there are over five hundred fires still still blazing in total in the country they've got over one hundred fifty emergency workers trying to put out these blazes it will fire fights is true from ministry of defense also volunteers but one of the challenges they really face is simply the ground is just like a tinderbox is so.
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