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tv   [untitled]  RT  August 6, 2010 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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russia is building its version of the silicon valley and the village of. the would be silicon valley will get special tax rates and other incentives but will this project make russia the country of world class and evasive products nobel prize winner and co-chair of the skull covered size city project. is here to answer this question. this is one of the most respected scientists in the world does research into semiconductors has become a cornerstone for all modern high tech devices his work in the nobel prize ten years ago when russian president medvedev said he wanted modernization and you know patients in the economy and industry was definitely thinking of people like to take the lead it's seen as a priority to restore russia's intellectual potential and stop the brain drain. on his american colleague roger kornberg have been invited to spearhead
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a scientific c.t.d. a moscow the russian silicon valley today's arrest has come to spotlight to talk about what's ahead for the russian science. thank you very much for coming and coming to the studio well first of all let's talk about the name silicon valley as soon as the government decided to develop this project it was named silicon valley after the after the american silicon valley so do you like the name and do you are you ready to follow the american example and you. can be considered here only. because silicon williams united states. was started to develop visit goal of their wealth and it was a semiconductor microelectronics silicon transistors which reflected wish reflected the u.s. emphasis on computer industry. right if you are still full it will it happen tough
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that was a discovery of semiconductor that i'm just out of in the end of forty's and really i'm sure clean who was on of the inventor semiconductor at the end of levels of bell. in cambridge and with patient to the stanford to new york city and he found that he's all one. company shockley that i'm just going to put ation bill shankly was outstanding then great scientist and not a good businessman but he attracted many yannick scientists school started some companies a lot of child and late that it became now a very well known that way most companies intel but that it was fewer stuff will develop on top of the semiconductor microelectronics beach played very important role in the development of their science technology and even social science so it was based on modern information technologies and then it was not as
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a place it was very good california nice climate stand but when you go to fiji do you go to city in better clee so it was very good plays because all of these can be developed on leone's a base of science and develop some new kind of technology so eve in my opinion we are not going just to corby silicon valley in the united states but is a is just to create eight some new same keep it to share send that beach must be definitely very strongly connected bizarre is that he should have sent us in our country and you know from our school and very proud of it a mosque or but that i was on it was a to create a disease in you that is short center and development of new high technology in our country and dr greg the main. internationally well known and the russian scientist
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of exam it was a main indeed why i was a guinea practically to be chairman of just say tippett consul of this center because i'm a in a year he just to develop size beach became is a basic this is a base for the development of more high tech because knowledge we in our times says so you're ok with the name but you're not going to copy the american example ok now not now if if silicon valley started as you mentioned with semiconductors with transistors and this this was the cornerstone of american history at that time computer technology which high tech industry could become the cornerstone of russia's technological revolution you see it's very you put to me a very complicated and difficult question. and. very bad because of what we call it importance during blustering to yours that we
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practically him destroyed the industry mutual concentrated in our industrial ministers to reach gold band minutes that you invested in a military court military complex but it was very well developed quite taking this thing no we are indeed very difficult situation because my colleague put on next non-addicted i knew it was the next step very important one but in order to come pete insists area and it wouldn't surprise him just to quote people have been done we must find out some kind of from you very press picked you. direction in the shortage which became is a basis for a new a lot of your startup companies and zan to develop a technology industry well let's take a look at what the russian version of the silicon valley isn't meant to be here's this report from spotlights you learned to me that. in five or seven
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years time the small town of school on the outskirts of moscow hopes to become the russian equivalent of silicon valley the project is part of the country's attempt to move away from its dependence on oil and gas exports last year the government spent almost forty billion dollars on innovation projects but the number of tech start ups just fifty was a disappointment the skookum a project expected to make a difference to avoid the key backs common in state project businessman victor back so barack has been put in charge the russian version of xuecun valley will also get special economic gain legal status. tax breaks are a key issue for businesses which skolkovo residents will pay. a property tax for ten years experts believe attracting foreign brains to the project is essential
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american biochemist and the bell prize winner roger kornberg has already agreed to co-chair the scientific and technical council overseeing russia's new silicon valley to make it more attractive to foreign scientists amendments or be made to the russian immigration laws there are going to be around thirty thousand people even in school give all the lion's share of the site's funding will initially come from the government though private investment is being strongly encouraged corruption is a big problem for russia but i believe it. will be able to escape from. the new school or centers it david is while focused on five priorities and information technology communication via medical research and nuclear technology the most challenging part of the task will not be the research itself but finding practical application poor it in the past russia has been good
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at scientific innovation but better turning it into commercial products. so what do you think how will skulk over and will it be able to close the gap between fundamental science and production. it is she's a good bit fundamental science and production exists everywhere in every country and has special type of predicted six video old friend of mine unfortunately he died a few years ago george bought at a who was president that london the royal society said once that all science is applied science the difference is that some of the patients came in better short of time but some that even century. we can see that as a problem of how to make development of the shortage and
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then became industrial production in soviet union in the united states and that aids is different. to do it better a lot of that i recognize stipe its creation of what we call now start up companies in very important to have very strong connections between basically shortage and develop and g.'s photoplay creations so as a startup company is that is you must fall. to look for the most prominent christian church duty and. it's just a very difficult time in ninety four instance that option academy of science and medicine our academy of science we are sort of i have got to stop all due to joint projects because deep in thought in laboratories and put in stone myla because
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a lot of special contacts be stable. i remember in the end of ninety s i sense that it could be meant to be to be in your institute and eat to be industrial technology institute and they went and the special kind took institue you at the beach combine maybe from some point of view like. a science that the knowledge of it and somebody showed she institute it because of proximity six thousand people who out of reckons there and it just weighed by budget and created the prospectivity shortage indifferent paid yet and as a health celebrity sepia be paid by companies when somebody is outs ins is budgeted what it is it became prominent patients. saw. it there would be important to have some kind of analog in school legs that but it was a main important problem for our company late now it's just not the only tool. they
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finitely the science the source of all technology but the very important to the now is the problem is that ok we can. start up companies be out of deeds it for instance and when you project that waste on to science and technological it is. out . there with science and. when your to go but to be needs taking the study this is the most important problem says. nobel prize winner spotlight will be back shortly right after the break so stay with us we will continue to. wealthy british scientists on.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on. discovery. communicate with. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you on the. developer bush. always adds by one vote for kerry but for
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kerry so the people that are going to be validating this machine can stand there all day long and vote for somebody and it will be right every time but the guy can walk up here and if he hits the right buttons. he can flip the vote that he did. welcome back to spotlight on al gore and often just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is not as i'll fill out of now bill prize winner and cochairman of scientific technical board off skulk of l. science city project this whole thought of when we when we talked about this this new and this new project in the skull canal which russians are on already labeling
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as the as the second silicon valley well the question that i had immediately on to after i realize that this is serious and this is going to happen is that the soviet union how did research centers all around the country from france from from dubh not to novosibirsk they were called the so-called no call going to hands from the from the sixty's now did they prove to be insufficient in the end post so that russian and what they should look at might be one of the best places and maybe in one it was a different division so russia like other men science they said marian brain shows like a team of science one of the best one it may be. developed well and there was a beautiful book idea i'm going to talk about a good place and this is yes this is good same typically research center
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and i see an exact skolkovo would not be just have strong connections visit and i got up near from school if i could them going to look in there should be a visit. there is this place is so if you have zero then be sure developed before. but always very different the chance then to start to grow some new ones and if you have some opportunity to grow in you same typically share center which would not be separate from season one mutual pair they fit and strong connections but would be develop this some goals and main goals. it just tend not to be me and my question in the larger court would be for the same keep it console of the skolkovo center one of the main problem would be just the just sight of each direction subsidy church. in order
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to create new high tech technology base in our country well let's see if people in the streets of moscow think that the innovative city in skolkovo can change the future of russia spotlights carts on the other has the details from the streets of moscow. how well recently they live asian cities kolkata which is considered to be of russia's version of the silicon valley and its plan to build me a moscow has been widely discussed in the russian capital but the people think that this high tech hub can change the future of russia. i look upon the subject with great skepticism mainly due to what russia's history has taught us historically most scientific and technological breakthroughs in russia at least in the fields of rocketry chemistry in the military were made in so-called sure rush because what this means is the conflict scientists were assembled to work on certain projects
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under the supervision procured structures i think it will be very hard to create a scientific or technological way says a russian as long as the country's interior problems chiefly bureaucratize nation court system malfunctions remain unresolved. and one hundred percent certain that skolkovo will help improve russia's future. the reason is there are smart people working on it people who know not only how to manage government money but their own money as well no one will invest their own money without hope for turns on that's talking about it cynically another thing is that young people young scientists will finally have a reason to stay in russia to make a name for themselves and lead an interesting life of science. out of god you should get a question about get past that is. my question is is it true that school come on will be a state within a state that it will have its own laws and there's a truth mathematician really good he didn't want has agreed to work in school so
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here we have two questions well let's start with the with the last one is mr perelman has he agreed to leave the workings called. t.v. . because of the trip and there's not a very important one because. we're going to go to put him on his genius yes but we need then school really is a scientist who out of work and in physics chemistry biology bio not a technology microelectronics so. in theoretical mathematics which is just in very be your area of set it tickle much and of course people like. the fact that he's people and he's a brat yeah yeah but it doesn't matter anyway ok no no the other question which it which is a rather serious question from this young lady is is that is it true that skolkovo will become a state within
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a state like. autonomous from the rest of russia because people have been aware have been talking about about special laws special taxes maybe even special police and well is it going to be like sort of a vatican inside russia. eve for instance it would be played the important but all in order to some for insane just yes but in my opinion this is a main problem it's not the special law the main problem is that if you had direct young russian saying just sophisticated experience that i shun them for insane just to and simply probably import a science it's not only just the way good say a lady it ness that it definitely is not only is the problem of up bottom and that's on it in a city too is a main problem for russia right now is a science must be could have stood by me and in the study and point of view is
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it creation of a new same t.v. center would be viz some a decision will. additional opportunities for science blade important all four of the new same topic directions to create a new start up companies it's very important for creation lobs a new branch of the economy so this is again must emphasize one of the most important parts much more important than spare for a long there's this really is very important vital because because we've talked in this studio with a couple of people who have scientists who have emigrated to where we went to work in the west and one of the main reason for for leaving this country and going to work to carry out scientific research in the west which they mentioned was that we want to feel that somebody needs doing exactly what he wants our brain to get
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worried that this is what exactly is this is a main problem right now for science in that our friend for instance the same keep it is that it's would be requested by state by economy and by society nor on would be started to criticize that action that that they may have science and start to speak zakhar them even don't need them so on. eve as a country needs science we need sperm experience good qualified scientists we need to develop a national academy of science and we need to develop new a new law that is for instance my pupils emigrated to grow to be very strong connections with them i remember for instance on a very talented guy or truck or he decided to leave this sandpit a book and work in germany i said that yourself why you are a good example and counsel to me as writers who are on this you know. it's very
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interesting to your kids excellent atmosphere in our lab ordered thirty by new york to make some new experimental sample i spent just the veeck ones in you equipment i can do it for a few hours so if you need. but after that after we are getting new equipment to be just the tools that i did action for same typically shortage and europe would be interested in the next very important one society economy must be our results must be here so do you think this cocoa will be capable of solving the problem of brain drain. you see a school go itself would not solve the problem of brain drain but i and brain exist in the new companies for instance my journey from europe saying just. the you are going to hear the united states because because not only because they're as it has
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bit of celery and maybe a little bit better condition for life but also because it's the feeling of them if they had results and needed. and it was their main problem and maint that's what's called to create that's much fear rituals but i did actually unity church and state but as a didn't mean to be idea of people problems or government would be say ok it's very important that is outs and vishal spend the minute part of development of new branch of being that's the vision are created by is very sharp and skulk of what the press has been writing a lot about skolkovo about this new this new civil and russian version of silicon valley at tri it's a good book and a good read trying to attract to invite lots of employees specialists from abroad is it true that you are putting some special emphasis on inviting foreign specialists to work it's no use i don't consider that as this is the most important
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program for instance when i was invited to be the chairman of scientific on stilts and i was proposed to choose cochairman for them scientific consul and i was. that they decided that a lot of cotton better would be very good candidate to be my cochairman because he's from stanford he's from a.t.o. of silicon valley but the fall he is very successful means a by anon the technology he is very successful in genetic information problems and . me as a blade physicist and he as specialist in via chemistry and biology would be just add in that i choose in cause the direction of the church thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest today was just us alfie our nobel prize winner and a cochairman of scientific technical board. size city project that's it for now from all of us here good movie back with more firsthand comments on what's going on
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in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take care less about.
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all right. russia. the death toll from the wildfires sweeping across central russia rises to fifty two more than thirty five hundred people have been left homeless. poland's new president bronislaw komorowski is sworn in for a five year term he succeeds like speed who was killed in
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a tragic plane crash in russia in april. russian president medvedev calls for further reforms to the country's law enforcement agencies is also suggested a name change known as the middle east see it since nine hundred seventeen he's proposed to return for the use of the term police force. the first time in sixty five years america has sent an official to the annual ceremony to remember the victims of the hiroshima bomb up next to me alone to show we take a look at the accusations that the visit was the wrong move and even an apology that discussion coming up next here on r.t. . good evening welcome to the alona show where you get the real headlines with none of the mersey we're coming live out of washington d.c. i'm lauren lyster in for alona today japan celebrated the sixty fifth anniversary
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of the bombing of hiroshima and it's the very first time that the u.s. has sent a representative to attend this somber ceremony will debate whether or not the u.s. should be going with a tea party candidate next we're going to go to look into the merger between n.b.c. and comcast now some are saying this will form a monopoly that will hurt consumers across the country i'll talk with radio host sam seder about the business deal and more dismal job numbers yet an upbeat message from the white house so when does continued positivity from obama turn into outright lies and also we'll introduce you to two people who are making their voices heard in a different way to rappers are sharing their thoughts on everything from climate gate to wiki leaks through their music they'll join us to explain why this latest story inspired them and it's friday happy friday which means we're talking to the slutsky s. will get their take on every.


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