tv [untitled] RT August 7, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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worst of them are pete fires there are forty of them still burning and most in the moscow region they're very hard to extinguish and once it's when the fire goes deep on the ground and when you put out put it out in one area it pops up somewhere else and it's really hard to handle until temperatures really drop and the peak gets a little bit damp while but even the most optimistic weather forecasts are not saying that temperatures will remain this high for yet another four days at least what more than one hundred sixty thousand people are now going out of their way to put out those fires across and watch the marches in israel so sad that now firefighters are working twenty four seven to do that also where she's getting a helping hand from abroad some countries are sending in people others like bulgaria others are sending in equipment planes and helicopters like italy did like ukraine did. this help because the territory is huge and the fires
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are raging. reporting from the last region. so the city is remembering the victims of the two thousand and eight war with georgia hundreds were killed when tbilisi attacked the breakaway republic with artillery and tanks two years ago . moscow send forces to protect the people of the republic many of whom are russian citizens after five days of bloody battles the georgian troops were pushed back to the border several countries have since recognized the independence of south of russia cursed moscow has also been helping rebuild the republic but georgia maintains the country is still part of its territory and i tell you no the. capital to involve. a lot of buildings have been reconstructed of course there's still
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those buildings with the bullet holes in their wounds there are still buildings that are being reconstructed and you can see builders everywhere through this. people who waiting to have returned to their homes and the local government promises them that their houses will be rebuilt over the next year but most of the work has already been done a lot of schools are now functioning again and hospitals local university however still lies in ruins means more investment to be reconstructed this winter however the gas pipeline from russia has finally been built in this winter people here had central heating some think they were deprived of office or the group because georgia consul gus gas supplies to sell for said here so life here is getting back to normal however the wounds that the world will be steals and aids has left are still sore meanwhile here in c involve preparations are under way as several events will be taking place here to commemorate the two years that have passed since the
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georgia's aggression. it's been a restless nights for the uk to gorky has been conducting a complicated operation well patients continue to flow into the hospital for a very good move from this new clinic in the sent to all the south of the capital was the only medical facility here two years ago and it looked very different then . your do you still doesn't like to come down here into the cellar where he spent several sleepless nights and rating on the injured during the georgian aggression in the tissues. to show us how the food is going to. go with this was our operating room but it smelt awful of ammonia because of the sewers the nurses had to leave the room every now and then to be sick we were performing surgery under these pipes in a suitable equipment water or food. and doctors still had to go down for nearly two hundred operations here as well as other minor procedures. for a wind in here and came out there. you know it was one of these patients
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during the bombardment he had in the cellar of his home on hearing the bombing outside he fled in fear that he did there it under rubble as he did he was struck by a metal splinter from an exploded shell. my arm hasn't been functioning properly for two years and i can sleep on my right side as it hurts it a lot of squarely blames the georgian president for what happened to him and the war may i never want to see him i don't even want to his name he's a murderer innocent people were killed children the elderly and women could ever want to talk to him after what he's done. she was unconscious when he arrived in hospital but she remembers seeing the many injured here on the mesa lying on the bare wet ground on makeshift hospital. this situation
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here worsened with every passing minute the doctors were treating up to four hundred of the wounded some montanans lee and here was a t.v. set broadcasting only georgian t.v. the ongoing bombardment and lack of factual information only added to their despair hope was almost lost many were crying during the says this was the greatest moment that everybody was preparing to die with them at one point it felt like nobody was coming to help us everything seemed to be in vain so much work for nothing. he may have been unaware of russian peacekeepers and fleets protectors of them city girl is misplaced but she's worked and that because of the things we do that are from what used to be good out of the which is not to do with staring at the cellar only to succumb to the explosives in the rubble to prove everything they are seen from the moments of the city. some say there is no victory in war and that seems to be true for the people who are caught up in the conflict on both sides thousands were
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forced to abandon their homes seeking refuge in safety across the border but as our tears are in evolution reports some georgians have found neither. when the war ends some wounds heal faster than others these people were forced to flee their homes leaving everything behind to escape the shelling and explosions in their native towns and villages but though they ran away from war now they cannot find solace and peace. in our president's head is in the clouds he has no idea how refugees live we're supposed to get new homes by twenty eleven but they're just promises we don't believe anything will be done all of them a georgian and south a city or some were forced to flee two years ago during the south the city of war others have been here in tbilisi since the early one nine hundred ninety s. which though the first violence erupt between georgia and its then breakaway regions for two years there are a few g.'s have lived in
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a dilapidated building which used to house government offices several months ago they were told they would have to move out if they have many buildings in and it's suburbs where we could live and from where we could get to work but they don't want to use them they think refugees must not live and bill is saying. is a forty four year old sales assistant she survives on a salary of ninety dollars a month her son has cerebral palsy and gets financial aid of some fifty dollars a month when olga talks about moving she seems on the verge of hysterics. i'm not going to go anywhere even if they first simply evict me i'm not going anywhere i'm going to go on a hunger strike if that's what it takes i'm not going anywhere certainly not to the regions. a recent report by amnesty international says six percent of the current total population in georgia are displaced that's some two hundred forty thousand
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people and though some have already been moved into new housing the organization says the government is still not doing enough to help further measures need to do. we take a look into the future of these people not just the presence of the roof over their heads but there are more things that they need and we think there is more that we georgian authorities could and should be doing to help them actually to fully integrate and have a future wherever that might be it seems for now though the refugees feel no hope of their needs being met yet but you know you don't care but you know i lost my house i lost my how much i lost everything and now i'm been kicked out of here being made to refuse you for the second time i'm not concerned just with myself i'm speaking for everyone who lives here. no running water no heating no basic comforts whatsoever there are a few g.'s here already used to living in these conditions what they cannot get used to is being treated as
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a sub class citizens by their own government they say they feel like alamos for being herded from place to place without any hope of ever finding anywhere they can call home. it is a ghost quality tbilisi georgia. russia's military could soon go back to his historic name of police as it was known before the bolshevik revolution in one thousand seventeen it is part of major reforms of the force which have been dogged by your accusations of corruption and inefficiency are you jacob reeves takes a deeper look at the overall. they say don't judge a book by its cover but russian president dmitri medvedev has given great importance to name in his bid to reform the country's lore forces he's proposed to
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do away the title militia is still by the bolsheviks in ninety seventeen and instead go back to the pre-revolutionary name police he sure so the man ever since the bolshevik revolution our law enforcers have been known as the militia has emphasized their popular or proletarian nature i mean they were volunteers in uniform are ordinary but today we need professionals honest and well coordinated people who are good at their job this is why i think it's time we gave our law enforcers back their original name and started calling them the beliefs that is being seen as an attempt to rid the force of its image as a hotbed of corruption and bad practice but it's one that's not it's come at a cost. i can see tens even hundreds of different expenses to design and the custom tailoring of new uniforms for million workers design and production of new ideas for million workers repainting of hundreds of police cars and other vehicles
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design of new forms stamps and seals and so on in total that would amount to spending millions even billions of rubles from the country's budget this rebranding effort is only the latest in a long line of reform measures these have been prompted by a widely publicized instance of police abusing their power the account of district chief dennis yes to cause shooting spree in a moscow supermarket that left two dead was one of the most notorious owing to its crazy nature but there are other examples and the shadow of endemic corruption and bribery still hangs over russia's laura forces people are scared to turn to malaysia people are scared to get a card check with a man in uniform in the street so yes we need to write out her. option that's what should be behind this whole reform when he threw it out on professionalism what he to root out ineffectiveness so the reforms are all the are long overdue and just
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this week those are fields who are intensified would have to have offices face reexamination before being able to return to the force this and further plans have been given to january two thousand and twelve to be implemented but few lucky to stand out as much as the renaming of the militia some play into over this new cynically has a quick fix measure so over the public but this latest pozo is butts up by more cold creek measures it seems to be a desire to push through these are forms regardless of economic and political costs one thing's a sure come two thousand and twelve russians want to see more than just a name change the country's police force. see moscow. stay with us here on our t.v. lots more headed your way including this things are getting heated in the frozen arctic rich in natural oil and gas regions are becoming increasingly attractive as more countries stake their territorial claims. first russia's
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foreign ministry is accusing the u.s. a failing to comply with key arms control and nonproliferation requirements according to their new report published on the ministry's website washington's last more than one thousand nuclear materials on its own soil it's also being accused of ignoring some points of the old strategic arms reduction treaty with moscow which expired last december the us has allegedly kept in service several missile silos it was supposed to scrap part of the deal on the reports other allegations include experimentation with chemical and biological materials banned by the un and claims that washington's been selling weapons to iran so far there is no official reaction from the u.s. political analysts about a mere cozened says the reports of missing nuclear materials is a huge concern. extremely alarming for act because it could be. disseminated it could be a resold it could call me into the hands of terrorists and all the. while all the countries of the north vigilant in terms of these matters but the time that
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the united states are turning a blind eye to the all new sea experiments with this kind of thing so that's why the russian side has made accusations should have happened a long time ago but nevertheless we see the there is no breakthrough well ations. commentary from political analyst analyst a lot of your cozen turned out as some other stories making headlines across the globe are alert has been declared in pakistan as floodwaters sweep from the north of the country into the south mass evacuations of villages on the banks of rising rivers have begun officials say fourteen million people have been affected by the worst monsoon rains in decades with sixteen hundred eight dead rescuers are still trying to reach densely populated regions left without food or drinking water forecasters predict more heavy rains to come. to explosions have rocked the
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southern iraq e city of basra killing at least twenty between a blast came within minutes of each other at a market and injured dozens there are conflicting reports over what caused the explosions some police officer say a roadside bomb and car packed with explosives however the city's chief of police insists a faulty power generator is to blame. columbia's new president has been inaugurated at a huge ceremony in the capital bogota juan manuel santos pledged outpolled the constitution and to continue the fight against leftist guerrillas he takes office in the middle of a diplomatic crisis with a venezuela which broke off ties under his predecessor although rebate santos also took part in a symbolic ceremony with south american indian leaders before even sworn in. former president fidel castro has made his first speech to parliament since he retired due to ill health four years ago and his address he talked about the almost inevitable threat of nuclear war castro who is secretary of the communist party has
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returned to public eye over the last month he recently alleged the us was plotting to attack iran and north korea. a joint canada us expedition is getting ready to set sail later on saturday the mission is to map the ocean bed of the arctic a russian ship with a similar mission is already on its way to the polar waters three countries are said to be preparing to claim the massive oil and gas reserves in the region it's believed the arctic hold some of the world's largest untapped energy reserves canadian arctic recent researcher edwards believes the u.s. and canada are working hard to catch up with russia the current leader of the rates . canada in the united states do have a disagreement over one area of the beaufort sea which contains a lot of oil and gas but they set those differences apart because i think they don't really have the icebreaker power to do the job that is necessary in the short period of time that is necessary so essentially they've set aside their differences and they're saying ok let's get on with it because of the russians are very far
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ahead of the game the norwegians of already done their work and denmark has done a very good job as well so they're just joining forces and working on traditional alliances to get this job done there's no question russia has done a very good job in the recent years and they're way ahead of the game i think what they've gone. been doing work ahead of canada the united states canada the united states are no catching up so i think you know russia is going to be a winner to some extent how big a winner is really the question that's left unanswered. commentary from edwards researcher speaking with r.t. from edmonton canada remember for more stories features and blogs you can always check out our website our business politics and entertainment all of us to click away here's a taste of what's online right now. paul oakenfold one of the world's most successful deejays hits the moscow club scene and chats with r.t. about future plans and his take on working with the material girl.
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cigarette packs in russia about to get a make over but not everybody's happy about it all the details on the heated debate between tobacco companies and anti-smoking activists. main news here on our back with a recap of our top stories in about ten minutes coming up on the second anniversary of the war in south. of the country's president eduard kokoity who shared his experience of the conflict and told us how he sees things from the where he is now .
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let's start our interview with the reasons for georgia's aggression against south of setia which happened in spite of negotiations between the conflicting parties would russia support these negotiations were approaching a successful result but they didn't stop those events from happening what can. i do like to thank your colleagues from r.t. and other russian channels who were bravely operating here during that time they
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witnessed inhumanity and aggression demonstrated by the georgian side systems prior to that both russia and south a sense here we're trying to restart the negotiation process because the special ambassador a year a pop off was here then with his help we reached an agreement with the georgian side to restart negotiations on the eighth at noon so we started receiving visitors discussing need genda and so warm on the same night we heard the georgian president's speech on his unilateral decision to withdraw all georgian armed forces from the conflict zone he called us his brothers and admitted his responsibility for the a setian population that cetera at the same time we watched armed forces and equipment moving towards the city we didn't see changes in their actions or intentions so we expressed our worries we were also concerned that the members who were staying in south a settler left the republic four hours before the aggression began and at that time
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the three party international peacekeepers mission was located here under the deck of these agreement that included representatives of russia georgia and south ascetic so georgian peacekeepers left their location and moved to their units which were preparing for military action by doing so they breached the international agreement and the issue of the international investigation on this crime has to be raised today to its nonsense peacekeepers to cross over and stand side by side with an aggressor especially when the georgian top brass spoke on television and declared war on the south to set. on the other hand they stayed behind the scenes for the international community the e.u. and the us were interested in this in particular therefore today they're ignoring it and south of russia really attacked the consequences would have been different today we do realize a tiny place like south a city with its seventy thousand people could not attacked georgia tragically old
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nato member states had participated in providing arms and preparing the georgian military including ukraine and israel ukrainian arms were modernised by israeli experts georgia was planning a sneaky attack on south the city at the time of the beginning of the olympics which was another breach of international law however they fail to consider the bravery and persistence of the defenders of south to setia their first two attacks . as the supreme commander in chief for forty minutes i wasn't giving the order to counter fire even though we knew the attack was being prepared we didn't even announce mobilization so that the international community would not blame south ossetia for provoking and aggravating the situation we only calls to arms on the eighth we were doing everything possible to avoid that scenario however the georgian side had been preparing for this attack with the help of the nato experts at the moment of the attack there were one hundred seven u.s.
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military advisers who hadn't left georgia as they weren't prepared for such consequences later they had a problem trying to leave georgia. i believe the country that had organized such actions had to be judged for them alongside with georgia the u.s. the e.u. and the the observers who left south of said before the attack responsible for it. as an international organization had the opportunity to influence georgia but unfortunately they didn't use it for some reason. are you worried that a new war would start here. the skins the ones there are revenge seeking and provocative moves in georgia since sackets release criminal regime no more has the support of its own people and most importantly the support of the usa anyway the usa has its geopolitical interests in the caucuses so it's going to follow its own course there could this is what worries us somewhat although i think that the recent warming in relations and the current reset policy pursued by president obama
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should remove that tension. so yeah that is it possible that south of setia will become part of russia sometime in a future. census which will come. you know with a count taken of what the situation was before when referendums were held in south or setia naturally people were striving for in we are a small and divided nation most of which lives in russia little but given the fact the south has said his independence has been recognized and that it is now building international relations with russia has once again shown to the world community that it doesn't need foreign territories i can argue south a city is not an alien territory for russia but we need a united to setia it was a united a setia that voluntarily joined the russian empire but today the situation is different and russia is demonstrating to the whole world that it's not going to an extent the body's territory and that its operation to force georgia to peace was
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not same did occupying georgian territories russia is building equal into state relations with us russia has chosen this way of communication with south or said here and of cause here and we're going to build these relations so yes we can create a kind of union with russia that can be various forms of unification but today we're fighting for independence for member states of the un have recognized us and the world community has started perceiving us as an independent state even though there are countries that haven't recognized us as son. just during our visit to nicaragua and venezuela we were received as the presidents of independent sovereign states therefore we should proceed from the present day realities it's up to us to determine the forms of our communication with russia and to decide whether it's going to be a union or anything else but those who are too much concerned with this matter to leave this to us we will make choice i would like to say that august the twenty
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sixth is not just a day when russia recognized south of santiago it may go down in history as a date when the world stopped being unique. pressures recognition is a vice only important to us and we are infinitely grateful to russia for it this was a great and courageous international move were simply saved all people the recognition of the republic of south the city and by nick regular in venezuela shows that the world has become multisensory. wealthy british science.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r t. thanks for being with us here on our team two thirty am in the russian capital these are your headlines moscow was polite. big smoke with hundreds of wildfires still wreaking havoc across the country emergency services stepped up their efforts working around the clock people in the capital are struggling to breathe and wearing face masks to protect themselves from toxic smog. mixed emotions in south as there are public parks two years since the georgian assault as the country rebuilds and moves on some people are still scarred by memories of the
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war the battle lasted five days and left hundreds of casualties that ended after russia's intervention force the georgian troops back to the border. and goodbye i believe hello police president dmitry medvedev proposes a name change for russia's law enforcement as part of a major overhaul into the eliminating corruption he wants the reforms to reflect a new era of professionalism and honesty. up next on our t.v. host martin andrews continues as tour of the ancient cities and circling moscow is coming up here on our.
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if it's pretty. peaceful. this is the place to come in fact you'll be spoiled for choice there are many here in paris like this one here which is now a museum the former go to skim all straight builds in the fourteenth century so welcome to the next old england destination established by can surely told me enough in fifty to five years off to be found in the sky and see how some touch is just the perfect taste of life in a small town based on its me and do a slum of with its beautiful size is a perfect location to come not only for tourists little so for all just like us we came from moscow to practice our skills and have a chance to capture these amazing landscapes and all conjecture on canvas like it here on mount. tom is located one hundred forty kilometers to the northeast of moscow on the main. road and as with most of the smaller gold.
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