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tv   [untitled]  RT  August 9, 2010 5:31am-6:01am EDT

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not being aware of its systems for ten years when locals told us about it they said sheep being sheltered in the caves first tunnel when we first came here we did see tracks left by sheep yes that's right i remember the first time i came here we did see tracks left by sheep. the cave extends for more than a kilometer several narrow corridors hide a large central chamber the cave walls are covered in drip stones tights and still like mine it's. the north caucasus largest bat hibernates deep underneath the ground they represent the red book species. and the horseshoe nosed bat more than two thousand bats gather here in the winter they cuddle together in order to survive the cold weather in summer they fly to the foothills and return again in autumn
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they start preparing for migration in early spring when they split up into smaller groups. sometimes i find all of the boats covered with jew. they look very nice like covered in tinsel. ok visit closed ecosystem the humidity is one hundred percent and the temperature in the caves is constant which is exactly what bats need human should avoid staying in the caves for too long as they start to have an impact on the special climate conditions. fuck. you keep it guys can you hear them calling. you know this means we've warmed up they're confined habitat. if they start flying around they will use up their fat and may not survive until spring. so lets get out of here.
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on their way back the rangers run into an unexpected obstacle to our don't river bed starts to filling with water the water is now blocking their path. a few hours later no vehicle will be able to clear this hurdle the only path to the cave will be gradually immersed in water it will be impossible to use it again before next spring. the are doing river springs from the glaciers of the greater caucasus mountain range it runs the length of the nature reserve scientists say more than one hundred mountain streams and springs swiftly replenished the dawn with water.
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hunting in the reserves prohibited armed rangers make. as a rule. unfortunately they still fall prey to hunters because they're obvious targets they were grazing in. the reserve reflect a history of. people first began using caves and overhanging rocks.
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and paths. to the mountain passes and troops with. these tel was built in the middle ages. period dates back to the fourteenth or seventeenth century. the most celebrated architectural landmarks of ancient north. they differ in height and shape as a rule extended families lived in short towers. were used as lookout points and for other defensive purposes the towers were built close to villages and gorges with paths used by troops on foot and on horseback many were extensions of
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forbidding clips. protection from. tel was served as. if people manning which tell was in the lowest lying villages at the entrance to the door which noticed approaching enemy troops then they would lodge. people in so the smoke. was in remote parts of the gold. in accordance with a long standing tradition. was to take no more than a year if builders failed to meet the deadline the structure was pulled down and built a new towers belonging to the same clan were regarded as sanctuaries in due course they became symbols of the clans power and wealth as time went by they turned into veritable objects of worship.
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one of the most revered sanctuaries of the people is a medieval architectural site called. located in the gorge one thousand nine hundred meters above sea level. well i can test indicates that here. from here in the chance or eleventh century. this fence was built a couple of centuries later at the battle of initially in orthodox church was here but orthodoxy grew weaker it was turned into a pagan sanctuary. city to discos and animals killed by hunters were brought here. scientists don't yet know exactly when the recall was built only logs were used to make it no nails or anything made of.
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carved poles support the wooden roof they feature patterns that look like a camel's head resting on a long neck. arrow and spirit heads have been found here according to legend the oldest city in prince tar was kept here has a thirty thousand travelers visiting this place in the eighteenth century saw it. only natural features are destined to be the reserves eternal landmarks. over the centuries water and wind have crafted unique scapes. many of them are hidden from the inquisitive eyes of tourists. only the staff of the nature reserve are aware of their location. if. this will
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funnel is called the ring it is a unique natural feature of this century it. has broken through limestone beds here to make a hole in the shape of a ring there was a reflector that it forms a rainbow. wonderfalls like this one are rare not only in the caucasus but in the entire world the stone is about two meters wide. its broadest part consists of three layers of limestone the age of the rock is estimated between one hundred and one hundred twenty million years. or more that's . absolutely. i would say it's the standard for natural water. in the limestone of the kerry range there also is crystal clear up to filtering through many kilometers of limestone not over.
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the cut since q canyon with rock terraces grados and knishes begins right under the ring waterfall it took the car to go on mountain stream. thousands of years to force its way through the rock. did to what they do swaying many tones tumble down from cliff tops and terrace hedges a stream of winds are now loops through the stones and blockages this is where. the true very clean water for life but it's a rare species in the mountain streams of the caucasus. the canyons must seawalls date back to the dressing period in winter they're covered with heights they're known as we thin walls because of the constantly dripping water in summer.
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the reserves melt and streams overflow their banks in early spring but they're not the main threat to the mountain paths rockslide said in with the arrival of warm weather. watchers that so much i was about to face and i think i can give it really an incredible big bang experiments conducted by the large hadron collider is seen by many as a scientific breakthrough others say to. which
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brightened. from funston christian. nice friends don't totty don't. get every month we give you the future we help you understand how will get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia kind of around the world join us for a technology update on r g.
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in spring called open mating season in the mountains of the north a nature reserve. this is the best time for observing what are otherwise quite secretive animals and scientists take full advantage of the opportunity. getting to their habitats is quite a problem though avalanches stand in the way. one of them is what the road leading to the few and done gorge where rangers have seen caucasian goats.
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you. know we'll have to walk. the train. slowly from the.
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place. in north. nobody was hit. but the road. to reach them.
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some time ago. so there was a good chance of people encountering caucasian goats on the mountain paths today scientists tend to observe them through their binoculars these graceful animals prefer the higher altitudes. caucasian goats have no difficulty clearing steep slopes they almost never slip off as they know how to spread their center of gravity evenly and choose the right foot hold and they have no fear of heights. the east caucasian variety of goats inhabits this reserve is possible to tell them apart by the shape of their horns. with the info for. in the form of a partial spiral with the bit like this like you put. up or it's the right horn points to the left and the left horn points to the right.
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cohesion goats or wild animals. but high in the mountains and they often allow rock climbers to come surprisingly close. at the most of them would. matter of ten meters you think those who got used to the presence of people are. quite tolerant of them near the training camp so for rock climbers. when they camp out for the night up in the mountains. there are many fascinating routes for climbing into zia's swithin the reserve law they often use the cliff faces in glaciers for training any ascent is always
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fraught with risk. a small cliff is the best place for training and testing out new gear right. down from here. situation there was strong gusts of wind during our ascent visibility was a mia ten meters in those conditions we couldn't from the top of the mountain i was a beginner climbing that was my third climb. i was. a wise climber never ventures into the mountains. three climbers is the minimal number. summer is the ideal season for challenging climates. in spring climbers examine the best way to. work out new routes and compare. description.
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going to the. let's try and climb through that snow there and come from the right side through the. shooting rocks. when we reach the place. let's get going. peaks of the mountain range takes no small effort. by. the climbers have to exert themselves to conquer the. in accordance with tradition once a top the summit rock climbers drink tea with bitter chocolate. to help yourself.
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but you hear what attracts me to the mountains that's the most difficult question i can think of i don't think any climber or family extreme sports could answer to simply i enjoy rock climbing and the beautiful landscape. descends on the mountains rapidly and in spring the weather can change very quickly the climbers need to get down as fast as possible. mazes receiving. their group reached the top at thirteen forty five when beginning of a descend what's the weather like just fine everything's ok going down. yes thanks. the reserve is situated along the buck avoid range where the slopes are steep and rocky some of the peaks are four and
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a half kilometers above sea level rocks stones in glaciers are scattered all around . discussed the schemers order situated in the glaciers melt in a safe gorge. reserve staff get down to the most important work at the height of the springtime ski season. they're going to release this small bison herd into the wild for the time
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being the animals graze in a special pen. these bison have lived in captivity since birth the blood of a wild ox by the name of cub because flows in their veins. was sent to a private nursery after being caught in one thousand nine hundred seven i then russian emperor while on a hunting expedition when all the bison had been exterminated in the north caucasus it was at the forefront of the restoration of the caucasian bison subspecies. a great grandson of cause by the name of the. twenty four as far as i can gather he was the forefather all the caucasian subspecies of the bison in nine hundred thirty s. he was taken to us. there he meted with. bison that was the origin of a bison subspecies with. since
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early this morning reserve staff have been trying to compel the bison to enter special cages for transportation. during their quarantine period animals became accustomed to their pen and learn to trust people so they're in no hurry to go out and the wild. after several and successful attempts one of the females is lurd into the cage now the herd will follow suit meissen are known for their matriarchal behavior. come on faster. well done. the bison steadfastly endured their temporary captivity all on their way to their new habitat. the return of caucasian bison to the wild is a joint project undertaken by the north the such a nature reserve and the world wildlife fund. there are things
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ready so we go yes let's go. by sin already accustomed to the wild greys nearby. it's not yet known whether they'll accept or reject their newcomers. the forests and the mountains are beyond human influence through. all that's left for the reserve staff to do is monitor the animals and preserve this protected area of the north caucasus.
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a few. if.
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well see british scientists it's time to. find out what's really happening to the global economy cars report. in indonesia. in the ground. the ritz hotel hotel the new millennium hotel in chile you can see. kind of a mission marco result hotel. with. the . riviera hotel in the congo cintra hotel.
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this used to be somebody's car and this was once a very nice view of the forest fires raged on leaving the charred ruins. the crisis by wildfires are raging across russia shows little sign of easing the forecasters promising no change of wind all falling temperatures this week. the kremlin like the rest of moscow is shrouded in a blanket of talks of small as death rates double and many people flee to cities. plus no news sixty five years after the u.s. dropped a second bomb. survival school for complete global nuclear. and on the business. faces possible closure we look at the future of travel in russia. not small. in just twenty minutes.
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coming to you live from moscow this is auntie a very warm welcome to. millions of russians living under a suffocating blanket of small hoping for a change in weather conditions but forecasters say it's unlikely to come this week for days now. is caused by forest fires has been hanging over many cities in moscow the death rate is double the average for this time of year hundreds of blazes are still burning nationwide with other countries helping to battle them through a lot of the reports from the moscow region where one at one of the so-called country of villages just outside moscow where people have their summer homes it evidently used to be a really nice area there was a forest and people had their homes looking out into that forest it used to be
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obviously quite a nice place to be right now it looks like an inferno there is no more forest is just charred land and felled trees and here this is actually this used to be someone's home what's left of it is pretty on recognizable because it's been charred to a cinder this is somebody's bathtub this is probably where the bathroom used to be all of this house as you can see most of it is just charred remains and from where the firefighters were fighting the blaze and so everything is just strewn around this is part of a car there is a completely burned out car in the garage this is obviously a part of it we don't quite know how it got there and why just a little bit over there that was probably the bedroom because we can see the charred remains of the bed lying down there and this was evidently the kitchen there is the remains of us and some other kitchen paraphernalia like kitchen utensils and various other things.


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