tv [untitled] RT August 9, 2010 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT
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in fact the number of deaths in moscow has doubled and they blame the pollution for this also organized these so called small centers across the city where water and masks are being distributed however the already heard complaints that some of these centers are not equipped with air conditioning and there are also reports that some pharmacies in the city are sold out of medical mass well i can tell you that these medical masks are really over no use what you need is a mask with a hat which has this opening with an air filter inside that could do at least something in terms to help coping with the pollution and with the environment the weather forecasts don't really offer much much hope they do say that it may get a little bit easier in the next few days we do even mean even get some rain and a cooling in temperatures and a change of wind but they do see that the smaller is very likely to come back by
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the end of the week before moscow isn't the only city suffering in central russia and of course the cause of all this other wildfires which we're reporting are continuing to burn causing all this small you talked about perhaps a change in the weather but what about the wildfires themselves are they being brought under control. well the scale of this whole emergency just talks for itself nearly the whole of russia's central and western or is is on fire now and over one hundred fifty thousand people including firefighters volunteers and even the army are battling these fires but we've heard that despite the efforts. the small is still moving and arriving to new and new cities just for example seen petersburg is now also affected by this small going just a couple of days ago it was thought to be a good place to for a refuge from this small and russia spread. i don't need to be
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a difference been monitoring the situation for a few weeks now personally and he says that we are trying to get the situation under the under their control but despite the government's efforts weather is still very unpredictable. so in general we've got the situation with the forest in the country under control but the weather is of normal we can forecast wind directions how the finest might spread so that certainly too soon to relax. the fires and this small are definitely a big problem for all of the people living in the affected areas especially the elderly and specially those with poor and along problems but it's one of the other devastating course of this whole disaster in this whole emergency is that several thousand people have lost their property basically just in a couple of seconds their homes were burned to the ground by the fires and artie's kind of all went to see for yourself what devastation these fires could bring.
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where one at one of a so-called country of villages just outside moscow where people have their summer homes evidently used to be a really nice area there was a forest and people had their homes looking out into that forest used to be obviously quite a nice place to be right now it looks like an inferno there is no more forest is just charred land and felled trees and here this is actually this used to be someone's home what's left of it is pretty on recognizable because it's been charred to a cinder this is somebody's bathtub this is probably where the bathroom used to be all of this house as you can see most of it is just charred remains and from where the firefighters were fighting the blaze and so everything is just strewn around this is part of a car there is a completely burned out car in the garage this is obviously a part of it we don't quite know how it got there and why just a little bit over there. that was probably the bedroom because we can see the
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charred remains of bed lying down there and this was evidently the kitchen there is the remains of us and some other kitchen paraphernalia like kitchen utensils and various other things so this was somebody whose home people lived there people accumulated their possessions and they lost all of it in a matter of hours one of the local residents here didn't want to go on camera but he showed us mobile phone footage of when the fire started it was literally just a wall of fire as tall as the trees it was terrifying and they said that it all happened in almost a matter of seconds there was almost literally nothing people could do the fire spread from the trees to the houses burning them down in seconds people losing everything that they've been accumulating for their entire lives now they don't know what to do how to start over again and this of course is just one of the villages in russia where such a thing such a terrible thing has happened all across the country where the fires are ravaging
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central russia for over a month thousands of people have been left homeless over five hundred injured and over fifty people have already lost their lives because of this terrible fire ravaging central russia well russia is deadly wildfire these small cities and poor to being seen by some environmentalists of climate change let's not force to london to discuss this with piers corbin he's an astrophysicist. good to have you thanks very much indeed for joining us live in london so what we're seeing here is a drastic change in climate don't we. well climate has always been challenging but it has nothing to do with man and we predicted there would be extreme heat in east europe and russia this summer and it's caused by a certain circulation pattern c o two does not cause circulation patterns what causes those is a combination of solar activity and the state of the phases of the moon helping
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when he passes excuse me just a minute you say this isn't caused by man how come the reporting this heat wave is recognize the worst in the thousand years of recorded history in russia and man has got something to do with this has really not nothing to do with only the only connection is man is here at the same time as the sun and the moon are doing things you see a very similar situation happened about one hundred thirty two years ago where there was the size. of lunar magnetic state there was heat waves in russia on the water so floods in pakistan now and in the previous few years there was also floods illegal summers or so on from thirty two years ago so these things are. sold out to fit in the nothing to do with mankind and those who started are to just trying to make money but but but are we not raising this are we not going to see this again next year the year round i mean it's only quite recently that a lot of very interesting question these things do come in bursts and we're working
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on that very question those forecasts we did say there would be a series of what summers in england for example which we had will be a series of these very hot hot summers in russia we don't know we have to work on that but i assure you it's nothing to do with carbon dioxide and if you stop stop driving around moscow it won't affect next on the long shot well how come then so many climate change scientists disagree with you and they get so much well what they say they're on their gravy train for heaven's sake make trillions of. traded every year on carbon trading and doing silly things like building when mills which will achieve nothing i mean those money is corrupted science but also i'm sitting here in moscow and i think the longer i spend outside i'm going to get carbon monoxide poisoning as a result you know as well and that's a result of all the years almost right about now and i don't know about the carbon
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monoxide is coming from the peat been improperly burnt but you see so against this warmth you've got you've got a very cold winter in russia coldest for a very long time and right now we've got record low temperatures in the southern hemisphere which the world state media all of voiding reporting the average temperatures of the world are actually declining the significant thing about the world now is not the heat in the north for her it's very significant for you all the cold in the south much it's the contrast we've got massive contrast around the world i mean these are controlled. affected but another people to a lot of those places quickly and russia has an interest in the arctic of course the arctic is opening up that surely because of reduction in temperatures and that's going to be perhaps exploited well of course there was also british change temperature changes are not caused by c o two actually starting to increase again in the arctic and it has been increasing for a long time and young talk to again it's nothing to do with c o two those who have
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no evidence for it is only evidence quickly are all gravy train ok can i quickly ask you before we finish does very hot summer necessarily to a very cold winter can we expect a very harsh winter here in russia we are working on that they often do come in that is true but not not all the toyman and there are going to be changes in patterns so again we have to forecast that using our long range pro process of. using. solar magnetic and lunar effect and we can predict things many months ahead in the. as always it's always very interesting to hear what you have to say thanks very much for joining us here. in london founder of weather action thank you very much indeed. this is all from the russian capital and coming up in just a few minutes tried to control the sea. touchable zarif logical debate over
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discrimination where there is a high cost refused to give up age old traditions despite government prohibitions. the japanese has been commemorating the victims of the atomic bomb dropped by the us sixty five years ago it was the second nuclear attack against civilians just three days after the first dog was devastated as a result of the bombings more than two hundred thousand people died either in the last radiation poisoning representatives from thirty countries gathered with survivors to highlight their message to the world that humans and. exists thomas was at the service. the city of nagasaki is smaller than the city of hiroshima and so the ceremony was smaller and much more intimate as well but no less important that the time of the bombing about two hundred seventy thousand people live here in the city seventy thousand of those people died at the moment of the bombing let me give you a little bit of history he wasn't officially the primary target in fact. the city
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of kokura japan was supposed to be the target but when scouts realized that there were clouds covering the city they couldn't see the target they moved onto nagasaki which was home of a munitions plant at the time there were clouds over nagasaki as well about eleven or one that there was a break in the clouds they were given the go ahead to drop the bomb and at that time eleven o two the bomb exploded in japan that that moment was marked here today with the air raid sirens and bells and a moment of reflection and inward prayer as people stood for a minute in silence and then followed by a declaration of peace one of the main messages that people wanted to get out here today was their hopes that nagasaki is the last city that will ever have to endure a nuclear attack we also heard from the prime minister of japan as well as the governor of the nagasaki prefecture as well as survivors of the atomic bomb explosion in nagasaki at the time we had the opportunity to speak to two of the survivors this is their story. sixty five years ago.
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he was enjoying a simple morning bicycle ride when in a tragic instant his life was changed forever. i was thrown to the ground and i didn't even piecing sound i thought i had been killed but i encouraged myself not to do that it was important to go on living. at first noticed his bicycle had been twisted and bent out of shape but as he started to move he began to realize the severity of his own condition. and my left arm and shoulder my skin was dripping and i had severe. eleven year old yoshi kawi was at home with his twin brother just two kilometers from the blast center on that fateful morning. at eleven o two i saw the flights and give to the floor to cover my hand eyes and ears there was a wave in our entire house crashed over us. go and his brothers crawled from the rubble and went into the city to look for their father who worked at the mitsubishi
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munitions plant close to the heart of the explosion on their way to china countless charred bodies and a terrifying scene you had. while crossing the river we were drawn to a woman who was walking with what looked like a wide belt or cloth trailing behind her but when we took a closer look it was her intestines coming out of her stomach there was nothing we could do. this is the hyper center of the bomb which means sixty five years ago it exploded five hundred meters above this exact spot and the people who suffered that horrific event well their stories are truly amazing but what they didn't know back then and just as disturbing is the long term effects of that radiation the effect is continuing. that sixty five years. or so that are true that. radiation is affecting human bodies for sixty five
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years. he has had continuous surgeries throughout his life to remove tumors on his back caused by the radiation now he declares that the war did not end in one thousand nine hundred five but rather the effects continue to this day and even though. he wasn't as severely injured initially as an adult he has endured liver disease and two types of cancer attributed to the mom as well as the psychological damage of the event. the atomic bomb was extremely cruel america should never have dropped the bombs and human be on the test and you met. should have been the end of nuclear weapons once the power of these weapons was known but having experienced the wrath of the world's most devastating weapon these two survivors have one shared message that and. people use that would deterrent but i do not believe that human beings can co-exist with nuclear arsenals a reason why the a bombs survivors of hiroshima and nagasaki are pushing for peace
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and complete global nuclear disarmament sean thomas r t nagasaki japan. attempts to break down the cost system in india being resisted by many while discrimination is illegal changing an ingrained mindset is more difficult than simply changing the law one school is experiencing the strugglers charan singh now reports. it's a problem that's been simmering but now so many davey sees it's fast reaching boiling point she's a newly appointed cook in this primary school and johnny board here to prepare the government funded midday meal but despite sony's best intentions some of the students turn their noses up many creations because she's a doll it or untouchable in traditional hindu society on the upper caste books. community means that even now in some upper class children don't want to trade me by me their parents consider the food polluted by my time what can i do i'm here to
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make lunch in the school and treat the children here just like my own kids one hundred twenty million children across india receive a meet every working day in the largest school lunch program in the world but when the education ministry decided to send it cooks to get schools where the majority of upper caste hindus many found to hard to swallow. like the media a meal can entice poor parents to send their children to school because look forward to it but there are some parents who don't want their children to eat food made by low cost people and have removed their children from here and also threaten us as well. meet the same family a member of the upper caste raj board community they refused to allow their ten year old son. to continue studying in a school which they felt didn't respect their customs and pulled him out
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immediately and look we are up a cost we believe strongly in the cost system we cannot eat food made not touched by somebody from a lower caste that's why we're moved to child from this government school and take him into private activists say this kind of reaction demonstrates the difficulty in a ready getting the caste system discrimination on the basis. of caste is illegal in india but the practice is still entrenched in rural areas where the kind of work you do who you can eat with is largely divided along class lines how can get a much larger past people are treated like at the upper castes or just about they tell us stay on one side watch the utensils that anything to humiliate us they want to assume a now and never rise up and then if the government says legal action will be taken against villagers who are poor cooks in schools the earlier this is done the better
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after all this attempt to get children of all castes to eat together irrespective of who's made the food is a small but important step in the country's journey to bridge social divisions god and seeing r.t. . to bring us up to take for the moment or not a next stop it's the business update with kareena that will be after a short break stay with us. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us our technology update on our g.
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hello welcome to our business program because i have you with us russia's agriculture ministry has cut its forecast of grain harvest for this year to sixty sixty five million tons that's all thirty percent lower than two thousand and nine and as prime minister i've put in says the battle for russia's grain exports won't be lifted anytime soon we're told she was a crew even with the harvest apparently we will cut down domestic needs in fuel this year just about the question is what the country will have next year still a she said we don't know what the harvest will be and we don't know what we will carry out over this year we will review our decision to ban grain imports into the only in line with what is the what's addition the problem is that we are not able to seed winter crops because of the heat so lifting the ban it won't happen just as . the russian markets finished the day in the black of the r.t.s. game point seven percent of them isaac gaining slightly over percent hydro. over
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the top performers on the skinny over one of the how well north of the top line on the all tests over three percent. prices first low cost airlines sky express is facing the prospect of having its license revoked because of financial problems and a lack of reliability it was supposed to be a pioneer in the new world of low cost air travel. in russia so will it ever be possible to fly cheap in russia that's not because finds out this airplane costs about ten dollars an hour unfortunately this is the closest trust funds can get to a low cost airline in this country regular air carriers so even the messick flights at the price of many people's monthly salary and russians are craving for the discounters so popular abroad eight pounds from liverpool to a crack of twenty euros from front for russia's first low cost airlines sky express was meant to be like that however it and it up raising prices to match the network
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airlines but without the reliability or in-flight service constantin to tear down the head of charter airlines redwing says flying low cost is very expensive in russia and the experience of express proves it is impossible to repeat the business models of fry and there is a jet wuornos deal which. it's only possible to make a quasi low cost airline was just the budgetary or we will have one or two but we won't be able to have such a screen a little tariffs as in europe or the steeds constantine says russia offers few opportunities for a carrier to strip out expenses twenty percent temporary juta on planes and monopolize asked services contribute equally to all russian carriers and the cost is high then most cities just don't have second half was which are widely used by discount as in other countries and it's equally difficult for foreign low cost
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carriers to operate here mainly because of legislation it's a worry strictly regulated system by a lateral agreements between russia and all european and all other countries which limits. the number of carriers number of just in a. sins of the frequencies of slides number of seeds in their drive to overcome this is their ocracy and these limitations. any airline actually mars bound a lot of herefords minor. course care is. doing their best to avoid spraying tomorrow try their approach to resources whatever russia's aviation rules were created in soviet times when some airports serve just a couple of planes a day and that is to say the government should reform the airspace code if it wants
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to develop cost effective and travel for the general public this is good preview we feel great to competition in the industry and make flying in russia less awful much of the few. business r.t. . from aviation to automobile sales of new cars in russia have grown nine percent in the first seven months of the year compared to the same period in two thousand and nine this o.c.a. sion of european businesses says ny the ten best selling cars in the country are some bold in russia solar's is number one among russia based producers with sales up to thirty four percent after hours has boosted sales by twenty percent took second place gas group comes third however analysts expect a decline in the growth of sales in august and september due to holidays and many russian plants. nineteen consecutive heat records have been set so far this summer in moscow this in turn cause another wave of records prices for fans and air
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conditioners have soared and this has prompted the n.t. monopoly service to launch an investigation to find out why the watchdog will examine whether or not companies artificially created supply shortages. prices have jumped sixfold air conditioners have also experienced price hikes overall the increased use of electric appliances in moscow has seen a nine percent jump in energy consumption in july. now internet advertising in russia has increased thirty three percent in the first half of two thousand and ten year on year that's the fastest growing among all the sectors of the country's advertising industry the market as a whole group ten percent. with growth picking up pace in the second quarter experts say if the dynamics keep up annual growth of the russian advertising market could be higher than earlier forecast. for the business use but you can always find most stories on our web site that's r t dot com slash this.
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. culture is that so much of our is about the feeling of my life in the form of them to give a real and present for big bang experiments conducted by the large hadron collider is seen by many as a scientific breakthrough others say to. russia would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from funds to impressions . these films stunts on t.v. don't come.
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coming tonight from the russian capital twenty four hours a day this is team top stories now there's no end in sight to the uphill battle against the wildfires ravaging russian state destroyed lives and homes often living rooms entire villages in there with. compartments wired from the foster strangling moscow driving residence out of the capital and doubling the normal daily death right. on the t.v. supplied this please sixty five years since the us talked of atomic bomb and like it so i think those who escaped with the lives political will to ensure no other place suffer the same fate as this is. the update from less than fifteen minutes from now in the meantime we travel to the caucuses to explore the beauty of the north of national nature reserve that's in a special report coming up right now stay with us.
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among the snowy peaks gorges rocks of the greater caucasian mountain range the republic of north. high in the mountains where ventura. lives on untouched. habitat. and other animals closely here. from the top of the rivers rushing to hundreds of streams which turn into endless waterfalls. attracts many rock climbers they can make their own roof among the rocks canyons and mountain tops up to four thousand meters.
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in spring time the weather here can change several times in a day. is slowly coming to life snowdrops are the first flowers to welcome the warmth of spring the tiny blossoms lurk in last year's grass. the alligator gorge river is the reserves main waterway water is only just beginning to flood its wide.
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