tv [untitled] RT August 10, 2010 10:31pm-11:01pm EDT
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setting the moral agenda in the american landscape and there's no leadership in white house to counter that with any kind of moral leadership whatsoever they've outsourced their morality to wall street and wall street of course is a cesspool well that brings us to the main headline deflationary blackhole the sequel who will wall street sent to congress to extort fifteen trillion this time this is the headline from you but you're talking about two headlines here i am math u.s. real estate sector could bring banking crisis two point zero and banking system on verge of new crisis according to a hedge fund manager in the u.k. so this is a hedge fund manager in the u.k. is no star capital and they've taken a massive short positions against a bunch of european banks because first of all they believe that the so-called stress test on the banks here were totally bogus that there are for example six percent of tear one capital in these banks but actually less than two percent well what got the whole crisis started was a collapse in the real estate market as
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a result of wall street kwanza the finance scheming and to try to clean up all the bad mortgages paper washington in the federal reserve did a deal where they put on the federal reserve balance sheet trillions of dollars of bad debt turns out bad debt is even worse than they thought and there's another many more trillion on the banks' balance sheet so we're going to talk about another down leg of the real estate market china by the way their stress test assume a sixty percent mark down in real estate they're doing real stress tests but the u.s. and the u.k. these european banks are not doing real stress test another huge down like real estate which means as you point out another huge extortion narry confronted with congress for another ten to fifteen trillion in money to bail out these guys but the i.m.f. and then this hedge fund in the u.k. are saying it's the biggest danger is however the u.s. housing market and we've. warned about this for quite
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a while too because remember it was the subprime mortgage crisis that happened first and those were the very bottom of the mortgage lending ranks and that the next leg is the old a it's called these are you know also liar loans but they're from the upper middle class allegedly upper middle class so they were allowed to have bigger mortgages and these you could see in the charts here that credit suisse in february was warning and you see the charts were in that very first rise up and then there's a little bit of it lol in the towards the end of the year in terms of resets on these mortgages but next year you see this giant everest like mountain of resets coming the fault is with the banks not the people borrowing the money if the casino who has given you chips to go bet if they take your money and they bet it on some global casino racket the derivatives market they lose money it's not for the casino then to go back to the customer where they stole money from to begin with and tell
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them that's their fault and to beat them opt in to steal more of their money no they made the mistake these wall street banks are these washington politicians who stole the money from the retail borrower to begin with and then blew it on the global derivatives to see the exchange they're now saying well it's not it's the fault of the people who borrowed the money to begin with no it's not their fault is your fault because you are you're an idiot for having stolen the money to begin with and then blowing it gabbling on the global the ribs market you're you're a you're a derivative of pawlik you're a gamble hall of goldman sachs j.p. morgan b.p. being the parent bank the whole lot of you you should all go into rehab because your gamble all x. and be just locked up for years until you learn to overcome your gambling addiction well max another sign that we may be about to encounter a second heist of the u.s. taxpayer is this headline market data firm spots the tracks. a
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bizarre robot trader now mysterious impossible in the ferias trading algorithms are operating every minute of every day in the nation's stock exchanges and this is according to this chart you see here and this is compiled by mannix a data services firm that has put together all the background noise happening in the markets and those are algorithms trading there that's right robot traders algorithmic traders that are programmed to commit larceny in the name of neo liberalism or some other out of date ideology for the fundamentalist bankers on wall street who are willing to blow themselves up there are suicide bankers they use these these are like drones when they send the drones into afghanistan or some other country they just kill people without any regard to what they're doing or just blindly killing people wall street has these robotic trading robots that are executing trains that are designed to steal money they don't care who they steal the money from even from themselves yes but max the article that we're discussing
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here they they speak to several professors that say you panned a very famous business school and none of them critics understand what this constant her thing is now i have a theory that it's perhaps even the u.s. government just giving a heartbeat to the markets that are effectively dead there's nothing there unless other than this artificial heart what we know that seventy percent of the trading activity in the new york stock exchange is program trading and all it is they set up accounts and they have these robots training with each other and as i wrote wrote about on a blog you see as part of this new model of the whole graphic pricing wall street first picks a price and then they have the robots fill in the trades to get to that price it's a complete opposite of free market capitalism or the buyer of the sollars come together and the result is the price no that's not the way it works anymore now the price is set first by the corrupt bankers on wall street then the bars in the cells are filled in by. pewters after the fact to make it look like that price is
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a legitimate one it wasn't legitimate it's a commanding control centrally planned kleptocracy run out of wall street the city of london for a few people it's killing society it's killing the ecology but also if you look again at this chart like the consonance the heart beat like quality of this and i think perhaps you could look at maybe the may sixth flash crash you know thousand point drop in the dow as perhaps the forerunner to see how terrorize the population would be and what they would be willing to accept under those circumstances so are you just being lulled into this false sense of a genuine constant heartbeat that they could then pull the plug on and create panic that's exactly what happened on may sixth the computers went through a glitch the buying and sun with each other evaporated and stocks hit a vacuum and dropped six one thousand points in fifteen minutes so we've got a frankenstein monster stalking the global economy that's program to commit larceny
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and disrupt the economies around the world for him the robotic itself is without a conscience explains that there was actually another kind of test run on july sixteenth in a quiet hour before the markets even opened suddenly he saw a huge spike in bandwidth on his own system monitoring this algorithm there when they looked at the data they found that eighty four thousand quotes for each of three hundred stocks have been made in under twenty seconds he says quote this all happened pre-market when volume is low but if this kind of burst had come in at a time when we were getting hit hardest i guarantee it would have caused delays in the central quotation system well examine that statement they were doing trades quote before the market opens that's absurd it would mean before the market opens the market opens and training commences based on legitimate buyers a legitimate. looking to transact business you can't have trades before the market
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opens unless you're using phantom traders phantom money phantom money from the fed phantom money from the treasury and you're rigging the market like a casino and you answer only to yourself and you run the system out of washington to wall street oh and by the way you're a psychotic gamble halling with unlimited credit and zero percent interest rate and you pay nothing for commissions and so it's amazing that goldman sachs doesn't make more money i mean given that circumstance is a recess monkey could make a billion dollars just but getting like this you know basically what are they doing it's just they're pleasuring themselves you know using the market as a as a mechanism to do so it's absolutely pornography it's financial pornography as we've discussed on this show these guys are basically the equivalent morally of the most average elements of society lloyd blankfein should be going door to door and telling people to ever heard that he's a moral pornographer and a financial pornographer and let people know in his neighborhood that somebody in
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their neighborhood lives in their neighborhood who's a financial pornographer well if you did mention washington and i have this final headline extend for ten and the obama administration's failed foreclosure program so yes it turns out that the obama administration is using the exact same methodology of the wall street banks basically accounting fraud it's just extended to ten none of the bad debts have gone way where the monster is being kept alive by an algorithm that creates a false heartbeat re securitize the same ungodly mass of paper that they say has value of one hundred cents on the dollar but really is worth about zero cents on the dollar just keep rolling it forward preventing it's there you know it's like that huge toxic plastic waste dump in the middle the pacific ocean or how about the dead zone down the gulf of mexico thanks to b.p. it's a financial dead zone that they keep rolling over and bernanke it keeps rates near zero big. she's part of the psychotic gang of financial terrorist ben bernanke inc
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all right stacy herbert thanks so much for being on the cars the report thank you max don't go away when we come back we'll be speaking with someone who actually has got some ideas for you to protect yourself against financial terrorism so stay there. every month we give you the future we'll do you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join your knowledge and update on our g hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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welcome back to the kaiser report time now to go to amsterdam to talk with brett keogh a vendor ak a documentary filmmaker whose most recent film is time for change on the pro international in the netherlands a film travels from barcelona to lafayette to carson to look at people responding to the banking crisis by taking matters into their own hands i just saw the film again recently it's really a remarkable piece of filmmaking welcome to the show. all right tell us about time for change why did you make it and what did you discover along the way well it kind of started working on the project becomes i felt that some parts of the crisis the economic crisis are under reported we hear not about what's happening to financial institutions and said to finance but i think one of the things we don't hear so much a bad these were people are jury to kind of reinvent their life now did they don't
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trust financial institutions anymore i think we'll know where your world you see people taking initiative coming up we've kind of alternative structures not to depend on financial institutions and on currencies anymore that's right there is certainly a need to. a certain myth and terms of how the system can operate and can only operate a certain way and what the film discovers is that there are many ways to operate crossing many different cultures civilizations and historically now let's talk about what's going on in jakarta the golden arm of the silver durham very interesting because this is exactly what libertarians and ron paul like ron paul in the united states are talking about the only real true example of it isn't islamic jakarta tell us about it right well i think it's not the only example because worldwide that you probably know there are thousands of local currency system that are trying to to experiment with their currency get these not connected to the global financial system and that will work for
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a local community but i was interested in the girl dinar and the silver deerhound because they are connected to islam in islam it's not marginal phenomenon that's real no you know it's it's a one billion population really right and. enjoy a car tire and i mean same saidee any journalist public affairs and you know work a thinker and he's been working on this project for introducing and to get home and to being our sort of gold and silver currency in a kind of general matter based. thinking and the idea is for him it's both political and religious and he feels that now gold is too much in the hand to reach people and there's been another thing patient in indonesia so another four people i have seen paper money working hard to earn a little bit of their paper money but then as they say they don't have it's kind of not worth that much anymore after a year or two it loses already ten twenty percent of its value so lucky saying yes
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you know why don't you buy gold currency why did you buy silver currency and that way you will it will keep its value right so this is this debate in america right now between inflation and deflation the wall street journal. they saying basically that the deflation camp has won the day but in other countries like. in jakarta inflation that is to say the debasement of the paper money is running rampant and exactly what you'd expect would happen is happening the purchasing power is collapsing and you find out some smart entrepreneurs' have taken the role what should be the central bank and take it out of themselves they've introduced their own gold and silver coins this is what they use as a medium of exchange they are maintaining their purchasing power as the the man in the film says that the the gold dinar could buy him i believe it was two goats
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going back several years even even fifty or one hundred years and today that same gold are can still buy two goats so in other words that the currency maintains its purchasing power and it's right there are alive in jakarta and as you point out this is the remarkable thing because shariah law islamic law has always looked down on usury money lending i think i would just think it is not just smart entrepreneurs trying to make an investment decision or help people you know think about where to store it our surplus money it's really also a kind of moral and political few points to to islam and to the qur'an says that money should not be searchable it's money is exchanged fairly or it should be used to exchange groups rather you know ritual realities and so also do save you have you sure to mention it's very strongly in use now that money can not be used to make more money you know money is just
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a means of exchange so in bringing in the gold and silver standard again he's saying look this is what really what money is it should be used to exchange goods it's just a means nothing end in itself so it has a moral and political connotations well yes it's remarkable because right there in the united states constitution. it says no money shall be of any medium other than gold and silver it's hard coded because america revolted against britain to get away from the bank of england to get away from fractional reserve funny money and that's part of the reason as brant franklin said the primary reason that they started the united states of america now they're enslaved by a federal reserve system that's not even owned by america it's owned by foreign interests and now of course in america the entire islamic culture and religion have been completely vilified but as you point out in the qur'an they say things that are exactly in the u.s. constitution they recognize gold and money is the only viable medium of exchange
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that wall prevent the kind of ponzi scheme market manipulation insider trading we see in wall street the city of london perpetrated by the the shucks and the schnucks you know associates down there at the various banks that we always talk about so it's remarkable to me that ron paul if you were really to be honest is that hearing to the tenants of the qur'an seems more clear exactly and also interests there it's not going to turkey interest in. exactly and this is interesting also in this law nick world because to try to keep up with various banks around the world they've called in the mood to try to interpret cronic law to see whether they couldn't create the riveted to go to go with that so there is a market for removal laws to try and look at this stuff but one of the reasons why these banks these are slamming banks say out through the crisis of the past two or three years is because for this very reason they weren't stacked up with all these hundreds of billions and trillions in derivatives now let's move on regarding these
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parallel banking systems the analyst you speak to in the film he concludes the following we're going to play a little ten second clip let's play that clip right now the terms we have not is between trust the banks or trusting people most people chris. still hate banks but they trust them more. than the clip just says something interesting that people even though they hate bankers they trust bankers more than they do their neighbor now i've got my thoughts on this but speak a little bit about this place well i think it's manic or sales associate it is who is saying this and i think that he sees from all kind of empirical research that people are using trust in institutions not just in financial institutions but also in political institutions they go to vote less and they felt very predictably they felt put it in and out of power you know by the year to change loyalties and
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alliances because they don't trust institutions but then the question is always what is steel turn it to you know what can we do without and can we do without banks can we do without well it exploded titian's is hard to imagine out there hit it and one of the reasons it's hard to imagine is that to rebuild a different structure means that you have to rebuild it we saw your neighbors in with your community and in your community and that's not something that we've been doing much lately most of us especially not in this western part of the world in europe and in america i think so in a way i think we've lost interest in the institutions we should i guess in both in the process of rebuilding trust in each other in our neighbors but this is something that's going to take a long time because i think you know many people have gotten out of touch with their neighbors most of us live in cities now marra they have to work
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a creation then it's not so easy to imagine community building from the ground up and i have been doing a new documentary no st louis where you actually do see a lot of people trying to know you see people starting to build new communities that are based on the idea that they don't want to depend on the system so to say so. people buying homes that have been for clothes for a very narrow price starting urban farms starting come you starting if you care you know child care services share responsibility for it here garrett trying to get away from using cars using bikes more leaping more you know crazy and eating food that is grown locally and you know way too meager sounds like you know going back but in another way it's maybe back to the future because i think to go forwards on that part that we're going to see that very clearly in the centuries it's a dead end street you know it will end so i think those who are able to prepare themselves will turn their systems or need to precipitously they will be better oh
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i remember a story recently of a garden an urban garden in compton a ghetto in los angeles that was ripped up and paved over and the government came in and destroyed it and the government knows that if they stir up hate that they can control the population and they can charge rent their rent seekers because the government is number of the banks and the banks are pernicious predatory rent seekers and they'll do it any way they possibly can so it's not that people are not naturally going to gravitate toward solve sustaining communities that's in their d.n.a. the problem is they've got you've got clipped a kratz running the government in america and other countries around the world who are hell bent on destroying any community sustainable programs so the matter how many gardens you start no matter how many soup kitchens and health care and community classes that you begin you still have to deal with
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the gestapo that is the u.s. government storm toping in and destroying your face because they don't make hatred makes money for them they make more money on hate then than anything else so how do you how do you deal with that i don't necessarily feel that's the case because i think they were nicer in the same skills government it's much less powerful. people's lives daily lives than it is it's also offering his services stock offering very good probably get a cation it's not offering a very good public transportation system and people are not willing to pay more taxes to have that but the other side of that that there is more freedom and there definitely is a possibility i think to cut yourself more you loose from the system and to organize things the way you want and i interviewed one well and i think she's kind of a visionary and she said you know it's always better to apologize than to ask permission so that's what a lot of people are doing and i said i said it's under reported it's not so much in the media but another of people are doing this on the very next kill they're just
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doing things that are hurting on the illegal that are not necessarily legal or even written about in laws and they're just inventing new lifestyles and it's not so easy to to stormtrooper in and get rid of that you know i mean how do you know first of all if it's not it's not registered is just starting on a very small scale and you know doing it so i don't know we may have to see it's hard to to really predict how this will go and how think you'll react and there is also something that make. you know not so much the political power of the people this is definitely nothing america but i think the power of consumers and of mentality change you know if people really don't trust banks and don't trust institutions i think it's some point but if this is have to react and something will slowly should you know any fear but if you don't react people will find other ways to deal with their well i mean there was
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a utopian vision once two hundred thirty years ago called america now it's controlled by the kleptocrats it's all gone and so i just see this cycle repeating again and again until you do what iceland i think i saw as an intern story but we can't we don't have time to talk about that today breaky of under attack thanks so much for being on the kaiser report today already and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report i want to thank stacy herbert and i want to thank my guest break event or hack and so next time this is max kaiser wishing you all don't forget so i mean e-mail if you want to send me one the address is kaiser report at r t t v are you until next time nice guys are saying bye oh. no no no no.
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the smog that's blanketed moscow over the past week now showing signs of relenting a change in wind direction and unexpected thunderstorms brought some relief from the forest fires after a month of record breaking temperatures forecasters say the heat wave could continue into mid august. watada moby's youngest prisoner detained at just fifteen is facing military trial for crimes he says he was tortured into admitting omar
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kotter now twenty three zeke used of killing a u.s. soldier in afghanistan. a european union project aimed at tackling terror has angled civil liberties angered civil libertarians in the u.k. they say a plan to monitor airline passengers aboard planes is a step closer to a surveillance state those were your headlines now over to our washington studio for the alone a show where the case of omar potter get some further explanation stay with us. well can be alone a show will get the real headlines in one of the mersey or it can mean live out of washington d.c. i doubt many are shocked are the brutal killings of six american aid workers and afghanistan the taliban have claimed responsibility i'm sorry that was from yesterday's show. today we're talking about the first trial in guantanamo bay that in military commissions and this is for carter omar kotter who is only fifteen
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years old when he was forced to taint by the u.s. so we're going to discuss that trial then later on the show we'll speak about google and varieties and the new deal that some are claiming could be the end of the internet as we know it so we'll discuss whether it's really as bad as we think with this net neutrality deal whether it's dead then we'll discuss afghan casualties civilian casualties in afghanistan a new u.n. report says that they've gone up by twenty five percent in the first six months of this year according to the same figures last year so we'll speak to our t.v. correspondent marine important iowa in new york with all of the details from that next we'll speak with reason magazines radley balko about people who are being arrested by police for filming them at minor traffic stop so should that be allowed the idea of police surveillance of getting arrested for that as a citizen will find out what bradley has to say is in
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a lot of research and then these people are called the ninety nine er's the people who've been unemployed for ninety nine weeks now and they're fed up as incomes fall consistently across the country that he sea area seems to be immune to this crisis for some reason so we'll speak to one of those ninety nine ers to find out why that is but now let's move on to today's top story today the obama administration's first contest a trial of a prisoner prisoner held at guantanamo bay began now the prisoner. question is omar kotter who was captured at the age of fifteen in a firefight with u.s. forces in afghanistan and who has since been detained allegedly tortured and interrogated now carter who many deem should be considered a child soldier is being tried as a full fledged war criminal i military commission rather than an experienced federal court so does that set a precedent and what kind of legacy will all of that lead for obama the president vowed to close gitmo down on his very first day in office.
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