tv [untitled] RT August 13, 2010 5:32am-6:02am EDT
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again being veiled a small group from pods on a reef or creek or in tears have been using shovels and buckets of water to help fight the flames but drought has also destroyed a quarter of russia's crops forcing a temporary export ban to come back to surgeon prices. soldiers in germany are accusing the army and government or ignoring the post-traumatic stress that. becomes as the country steps up its efforts and will not get a start. and psychics are putting economists out of a job or the italian stock market since the global recession their best is out of their depth more now leaving their shoes in the hands of credit boys and home readers. well after a glut of credit cards overdrafts and bank loans to satisfy the bloated conceivably we report next on how unguarded spending can sometimes lead to dire consequences.
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fifty kilometers from st petersburg. they love some black uniforms are taking people who don't pay their utility bills to their office. i guess they're expecting us. the law prohibits from taking any action after ten pm before six am or on weekends that's why they start work at six o'clock some may have already left for work still sleeping. we need to see the. yes you need to deliver here to the office of the. we must deliver you so you know. you haven't. major utility bill.
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debtors are picked up from across the town these people haven't paid their electricity gas and water bills for months. they don't know yet that they're about to take part in a big reality show t.v. cameras waiting for them at the bailiff service office. and the head of the municipal court. in january two thousand and nine unpaid utility bills accounted for half of. it again launched the first p.r. campaign acting on a. company by t.v. crews. apartment and delivered to the bailiff service in february local residents
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not only paid their bills in full but even settled some of their debts after that considered in decided to organize such campaigns on a regular basis. for the sake of the who will watch the t.v. . local officials are explaining to sleepy delinquent bill payers will happen to them unless they settle their debts in the meantime ten uniformed female bailiffs are getting ready to hand in court papers to the debtors. do i show my id. to the other man. the bailiff screen entrance is an important part of the show t.v. viewers must see that bailiffs are nice people and there's no need to be afraid of them as long as you follow the rules and pay your debts the papers have been served but that's not the end. the debtor's board a bus. seats and
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a little uncomfortable. but is there any bus without. the bus takes the debtor's to see similar shacks. this is where these people will have to move unless they start paying for utilities . lots in this house you will fix them up a little there's no central heating no water just a. real are not the scare tactics prove it stream we convincing two people out of nine pay their debts on the spot if a person refuses to pay even after a tour of the shacks bailiffs go to their house to impound their property. oh. refrigerator white dish unused valley one thousand five hundred roubles while
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taking an inventory catch it again in his subordinates continue putting psychological pressure on the debtor the t.v. set cost seven thousand rubles but they appraise it it only seven hundred seven hundred is too little to make it at least seven hundred fifty i'm sorry i can't help it i'm going to need t.v. this will be my third. include the goldfish. just for lunch. another t.v. . works ok make it five hundred roubles. have a little off and doing my job. i guess humor is my way of protecting myself against the stress. if you take everything you see to heart.
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all of. the mail each of them has experienced what they call a professional transformation they've learned to show no pity whatsoever to the debtor but these outwardly tough and sarcastic women have human feelings like anybody else. unfortunately i'm not wearing a tie right now. they often come to my office sit down next to me and start crying before you know it my time. with it. nevertheless contain their emotions flawlessly even if they do business with celebrities. surf sports stars. a short while ago police detained. the former
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goalkeeper for russia's national football team at an international airport outside moscow. enough because you were on the phone i talk to myself as you talk to me i never talk to you. used to be with just the phone company to produce call records ok do it to. the goalkeeper owes about twenty six thousand dollars in alimony payments his former wife went to court and now cannot leave russia without paying the debt. yes because of those instant but if you don't pay the debts we will see easy a ticket if you return it to the airline the money goes into your wife's account we impound what else we can impound of your property you are still not free to leave russia so if you go back to moscow in the case of russia's family goalkeeper bailiffs have used a method of so-called reputation influence such methods are usually used in collection agencies. this is
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a relatively new business in russia many people still think debt collectors are bandits who extort money through violence. but let me stress this is a myth we often use myths in our work people are afraid of us that's good that doesn't mean we're doing something illegal if they're afraid of us this means they will take care of their problem more quickly with a debt collection agency today needs a nice office charming employees and an understanding of the debtor psychology these people get up to fifty percent of the collected amount for their services. here's how debt collectors often work at first a woman with a gentle voice calls the debtor and tries to persuade him to pay off the debt the agency's director says single mothers from twenty five to forty years of age are ideal for the job. i don't know if this piazza. this is a debt collection agency calling yes that's me how you've paid your debt.
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no not yet i don't have the money right now. so i understand but you know last month you did it was only two thousand and twenty roubles this month it's all way to four thousand six hundred fourteen. i will pay it before the end of this month to be sure. we tell the person what will happen to him unless he starts paying first of all we tell him we will send a letter to your boss so he knows your dishonest person then we'll send this information to your relatives and neighbors after that we'll get court bailiff and we'll come together with a court bailiffs to impound your property when dealing with women we often tell them do you really want bally's to come to your house and walk on your fine carpets and their dirty boots do you really want this. debt collectors
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methods are generally effective up to thirty five percent of debtors return the money a very good rate most people do their best to pay off the debt in order to save their reputation. almost fifty percent of russians use bank loans people often borrow money to buy appliances furniture or new cars. psychologist claim that people are often tricked by easy access to loans and may not truly realize they'll have to return the money sooner or later and this is the first symptom of being addicted to other people's money. two years ago psychologists came up with the concept of credit mania. i'd say it doesn't go beyond the limit of what is acceptable but it's still a deviation it's an obsessive desired to buy things on credit without the realisation that you'll have to repay all these loans. psychologists believe up to
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one and a half percent of russians suffer from credit mania these are usually junk people with a good income and the prospects of career growth they don't yet have enough money to buy an expensive car or a nice apartment so they try to solve their problems by taking out loans they can no longer live without other people's money. or these are impressionable people they are proactive and to a high degree of their behavior may be determined by emotions there is no great logic in the us actually. with more and more debtors the burden of payment often falls on others.
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to join the military. because i thought that it was my duty and it was something that i did to help my country. that it is necessary for america. there was a lot of use. of american office by american soldiers. out of. desperation. their words they. never kept. the economic crisis dealt a serious blow to the credit market in russia. interest rates went up making it
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more difficult to pay off debts statistics indicate that the percentage of overdue loans has jumped from three to twelve percent. this is the village of me in the quarter gun region two thousand kilometers east of moscow there have been several major bankruptcies in this little village over the last few years local businessmen took out a lot of loans to develop their companies and then simply disappeared now bailiffs come to their guarantors to collect the money from them. hello barely upset if i haven't a fare for you. i know who you are thanks come to wait to say goodbye to you forever . lydia lexie of a lives in an old wooden house her little garden with a few hens and old t.v. and a washing machine is all she has all of this has long been impounded several years ago lydia worked at a local food company the company director. asked lydia to sign her loan application
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as a guarantor video agreed and soon the director ran into economic problems. and i think she was precious she was afraid to stay here any longer and so she took off and no we have to cover all her. lydia lexie of a now has to pay off two hundred fifty thousand roubles for her former boss that's forty five times more than her monthly pension the dia will have to pay for another person's debt for the next thirty eight years. i'm left with only room chinese to hang myself. but. when i sound comes when i want to be able to feed him properly. fifteen people were guarantors on much of his loans to attend the beak of also worked at
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the company to tennis as she could not refuse to sign the guarantee. she was a boss you know so well under pressure in these times nad he wants to lose their jobs. today to china pays half of what she earns to cover what her former director of those her property has also been impounded known to john is able to talk about her problems without getting angry the main lesson she's learned is that she won't ever be a guarantor again even if it's her closest friend who asks. an expensive now it's more like a quiet disband i have to pay this money anyway either i paid voluntarily or they will deduct it from my salary. in charge of the case would be happy to find the throes of the company's former director and collect the debt from her rather than torment her. the only problem is both the debtor and her property are gone. when you are number two you have done it and doesn't exist please try again only.
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locating a fugitive debtor is one of the most challenging tasks for bailiffs according to law they cannot impound and so property unless they have proved that it belongs to the debtor this is a loophole for many evading their debts they simply register their apartments and cars as belonging to their relatives and get a low income job or move elsewhere. these people have come to the bailiffs office. looking for justice for three years now furniture company owner said of his owed almost one hundred fifty people money the businessman collected almost three million rubles in down payments it is customers never got their furniture. you're not doing your job. you're not executing court order we don't care how you find them you are not doing the job. in the meantime the bailiffs have impounded all the property that was registered inside against amount of snake but it's made up for only three percent of the debt the businessman rebreather the rest of his property
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and his wife and sons names and has been in hiding for a few months now. we've done everything the loan execution court permits the property and froze the debtors bank accounts. all these measures and. the bailiff is going to make another attempt to locate the fugitive this time together with our camera crew the bailiff goes to the debtors wife she continues to take orders for furniture she doesn't ferd different company . as i need to talk to. people i'm not going to talk to anybody. we just talk for a second you know you cocked.
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up. as a rule bailiffs go out to execute court orders and usually it's two women today they've come to a local company in penza. to see and the safety let's go out to myself company bosses are clearly not happy to see the bailiffs they're dragging their feet and are not willing to open the cash register and part ways with their money. show me where the cache is what cash for september there was no cash in september no revenues acceptable think through both the head of the company gets almost hysterical when he sees the bailiffs he's afraid of attacking government officials so he turns his rage against the t.v. camera instead we get this camera out of here i said get out of here. turn off your camera get out of here. what are you doing here i said get out. get out. in case of emergency get to physical with the bailiffs the rapid reaction
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squad is on the ready. for tons handcuffs tear gas pistols and submachine guns the rapid reaction force has the same authority as a swat team and is armed according. must be clearly visible of course that they are negative towards us sometimes they. because people need to vent their anger when their property is being seized. these members of the bill of service have regular shooting practice. each member of the rapid reaction squad is an athlete most often experts there's
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even a special martial arts training program designed specifically for. your not an enemy helping him learn this technique so relax and let's start again that out i go. before he joined the rapid reaction squad he's a football player the captain of the pens a bailiff service football team the team plays and beach an indoor football tournaments yes dozens of awards for athletics achievements. when i came back from the army when i was playing in a local tournaments and somebody invited me to join the. team. and first his parents didn't like his new job there was too much negative press about bailiffs but now the situation has changed. eventually people realized we're
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not. we're acting on a court order. doing this on our own initiative. but even in a quiet town like pens there are places where court bailiffs don't go without special support. the entire rapid reaction squad is on its way to a roma village carrying their guns to protect themselves against a potentially emotional reaction. as a sound bite here on a cord bad wait why don't you pay your debts we have no money much of what then else back to your property now. probably see i don't have anything this is all i have what are you going to take a look at my pilates. used to paying utility bills or the land tax no hurry to pay off the debts they've run up over many months they claim they can't get a job because i want to do you fortune telling you everything is try to get
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a job at a factory but they were told you're illiterate you're gypsies and that when you come in we don't have anything for you you have they want us to pay for electricity for gas for water discounts no favors. the main objective of the rapid reaction squad is to protect the executive bailiffs in the past there were several attacks on bailiffs in the roma village this time everything was quiet but there have been situations in which people attacked squad members with firearms pitchforks or axis . what are you doing ok lady give me the x. back. almost. constant psychological pressure is the most difficult part of their job perhaps that's the reason only psychologically stable people can work here. as one of the most experienced workers at the service she's been working here for fifteen years. i'm ready to go. going out to execute a court order she's accompanied by her son. he's been working as
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a court bailiff for two years now the sales job is to protect executive bailiffs and today is the first time he'll protect his own mother. which of these cordona says you must present tomorrow at seven am please sign these forms. started a dynasty of bailiffs. in addition to her and her elder son out of works in the system as well. bailiff to do sion reporting nothing out of order business as usual. during the day i posted as a guard at the regional court building in the evening he usually accompanies executive bailiffs he comes home late his wife at the door now the whole family's here mother brother and little. how i did he he says.
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projects same as birth also worked as a bailiff she met her future husband at work he was assigned to protect her now as to it takes care of all go all the time not only at work just as he knew his strong his bright he's not afraid of anything he always protect make he wanted anybody mistreat me. did addition dynasty includes four bailiffs the four runner natalia hopes the tradition will continue and her little granddaughter is saying it will follow in her footsteps. one mind bringing delta was born my colleagues send me a text message congratulations another court bailiff born. since the start of the global financial crisis the number of delinquent debtors in russia has increased significantly the court bailiffs say they would be happy to run out of work some day but this isn't going to happen because debt is part of our financial system and for many people human nature we like to borrow money and not everyone is
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