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tv   [untitled]  RT  August 16, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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down in new mexico arizona no you know that they are down there the drug smuggling on the benefits of my brain now i do i do you ever day now lastly i also what is it that you want the president to deal they don't want you need that you need to secure the border and it isn't only that they should not look it is not going to close a very big car thirty percent of the delegates so the ny invented democratic national convention that nominated i am going to find it so i wouldn't close a bill or why i think it might be a little more complicated not the herald they want to air and i think for the interview and for giving us your perspective you do like you said live right there for well i don't know who i am so when i'm showing you the truth alone i don't and the fact that i was very was. we have to go break by coming up is president obama camera shy of the release of course indicate that he does not want any shirtless photos floating around in the media so why is not well we think we might have the
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answer and a look out for us on our heels a new report shows that china's beat out japan for the number two spot when it comes to having the strongest economy so should the u.s. be scared that question after the break. the big . and broadcasting live from moscow this is our team where it is seven thirty in the morning on your tuesday now look at your headlines for. the future in football
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russia shoots for goal in its bid to host the two thousand and eighteen world cup as a fee for delegation begins inspecting potential venues across the country. five years after the removal of israeli settlers from gaza ended in violence thousands of jews in the west bank fear they're also about to be forced out as part of a possible government peace deal with palestinians. in the summer of extremes after two months of a record heat wave and a devastating wildfires russia now braces itself for hurricane force winds which have already hit st petersburg and the northwest of the country. now my colleague marina josh will be in here in about thirty minutes with a full look at your news but right now here's. for tonight's tool time we're taking you down to the beaches of panama city florida
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it's where president obama vacationed with the first family and where he took a little dip in the ocean just to prove how safe those gulf waters really are well this motion surely got the press's attention they are remember what president obama looks like the last time he went swimming but this time around it seems like the press got a much more modest picture of obama in the water intensional apparently reports are saying a president requested not to have any pictures taken of himself shirtless because he thought it would draw a little too much attention i think governor it was last time so instead of this photo showing only his head and just a little bit of the shoulders as the only proof of obama's dip in the ocean drop too much attention. i think there's a different reason we think that maybe it's because obama doesn't have that same old physique that he used to these days after all he is a burger addicts don't you remember when he took russian president dmitry medvedev
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to raise hell burger talk politics while showering down and you know michelle is leading a major campaign to eat healthier and to end obesity in this country so maybe just maybe the president's a little bit afraid of what the first lady would say about him parading around shirtless come on barry maddow show the world what you got since when are presidents known for being modest anyway for that's mr president we're going to go ahead and make it tonight's tool time winner because we'd like to see some skin. well today it's also the day the day that china becomes the second largest economy in the world officially surpassing the u.s. as best egypt hand and guess what america you might be next the red beast has been growing at an almost unfathomable rates and fears are now growing of a chinese takeover so we decided to have a little fun we decided to picture what in america. overrun by the chinese just might look like let's try to imagine i mean we can all say goodbye to french and
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spanish as foreign language options kids are all going to be forced to learn chinese mandarin and cantonese they don't look far because it's already happening in schools across the u.s. take a look at a story we brought you about a chinese language school right here in the d.c. area and. and instead of a border fence we also may as well have a great walk who needs to build the dang fence and we'll have an ancient wall that just keeps all the barbarians out and all that delicious good old american cafeteria food that we've been feeding our children but you can't just toss that away will be forced or you can toss that away excuse me now you'll be force feeding your youth chinese food instead of fried chicken we'll have orange chicken so the french fries to have fried rice and instead of gloopy pasta why not throw in a little bit of child maine which can think of it might not be all that bad an idea
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isn't going to delicious but worst of all ladies and gentlemen our very existence as a country could be in jeopardy and a recent survey which polled women on the hottest foreign accents the brits came in first australia came in second russians had a decent showing but the chinese well they didn't even make it in the top ten the hardest was to procreate when the chinese take over and their accents are so on hot i think it looks like dark days her head of us. all right now in all seriousness and unsexy accents aside what will the future look like japan has held that number two spot since one nine hundred sixty eight until today as the second quarter figure showed a slowing recovery and new as to myths are now saying the chinese economy is set to take over the u.s. at the number one spot somewhere in the twenty twentieth's and is already the world's largest exporter auto buyer and steel producer but could also one day become the world's largest military power and should the u.s.
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be worried what joining me is stephen yates with the american foreign policy council steven thanks so much for going back to your so tell me i mean should americans be scared right now about china taking over the world well there is a little bit of a gap between today and taking over the world there's no doubt that china is big when it's growing not so far away true but we don't know where china will be at twenty twenty just a few points of perspective about what the news today has been telling us china's g.d.p. a country that's ten times more populous than japan has now overtaken japan but it remains one third the size of the american economy and so while china has made historic progress very rapid rates of growth sustained over a long period of time it is important and it is changing the way the world deals with each other but it's still a big big gap between being basically a half developing have to develop economy of a very large population and then being sort of
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a global economy that sort of setting the tone for development in the world innovating creating new product lines basically changing the way we live so yes this could be our future but it's far from certain and i think the chinese have a lot of work cut out for them but do you think you'll be able to keep up this pace of their own right now i mean their economy is increasing almost ten percent a year you could say which is just staggering you know have you seen figures like that before so can they keep it going can they by two thousand and twenty really. overtake the u.s. as the world's largest economy personally i think it's unlikely but they're definitely going to keep growing and i think if we just take all of the economics textbooks that universities have filled with and say you know if they do this you can throw all of those books away because all of the laws of economics have now been violated that have an economy this size growing at this rate for this estate period of time they should be due for adjustments recession's different bubbles in
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their economy and so you can't say that these things are going to happen for sure but it would be a historic for china to continue say for thirty or forty years double digit uninterrupted growth but they're not discussed that before i'm happy you mentioned is that china also has its own bubbles you know a lot of people are saying at this is where the next housing crisis is going to hear the next housing bubble is going to pop so how long until we might see that happen if economists are right well it really could happen at any time because really it's a matter of faith as we learned in our own financial crisis once a herd turns a corner and there's a loss of confidence in markets at prices at certain levels there can be a very rapid cascading effect in adjusting to the the new economy in the united states i think people are still have open questions about how much consumption has adjusted coming out of this recession will go back to the way we were before and some wonder how long that will take and so china depends
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a great deal on being able to have big american consumption as something for it to piggyback on its own development if american consumption slows it constrains china's growth in an odd way it slows china's pace in trying to overtake the united states will of course but that's why china is now trying to change their entire outlook and try to make their own population the new consumers and i have to ask you to how much does the fact that china and so much of america's debt. come into play here so it could hurt them it's symbolically important because it's a large number but in the sense though it's the amount of foreign u.s. debt is a minority share and in majority of america's debt is held by americans so within that minority china has one of oftentimes the largest share but japan taiwan and some other economies are right behind it and so even within that minority china is
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big but it's not sort of head and shoulders ahead of everyone else in the pack so the debt holdings are an issue it's interesting china can't really do a lot with it in a certain sense it's a bet on american competitiveness that this is a good place for them to sock away trillions of dollars and we benefit from having that to finance our budget deficits are i want to look also to the future now and just to ask you we choked here about what the u.s. might look like but realistically if china keeps growing at the rate that it's going at now will we all be forced to learn chinese and at some point will this become the new worldwide language the population there is incredibly huge of all business eventually starts pointing in that direction is that going to be reality well our education and economic systems will have to go where the markets and opportunities are and so if china is the big market and where all the opportunity is just like english became the lingua franca around the world chinese will become a much more common language which will be fantastic for me since i slaved over this
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twenty years ago and now everyone else can start out ahead. ok well you know my other question here is about china's military because there's a new report that came out today by the department of defense and i don't think there was anything too surprising in it essentially they just said that china's military is growing and that the secrecy of it remains and so that's. the part that's really the scariest for americans we never really know what they're up to but how big of a threat should the u.s. consider this military by a communist country where you can't ignore hardware i mean just you know take the simple analogy if someone is pointing a gun at you and they tell you it's not loaded do you still feel safe and with china they have a lot of hardware and they can say well we're not really preparing for war we're just here to defend our principles. but they're buying a lot of advanced hardware and with
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a strong economy they can buy and where they can develop more and they'll get better over time they are sending their navy out further from their shores and senior chinese official explained it to me this way fundamentally the united states and china have a lot with which they should be cooperate in strategically but we chinese don't have a clue where you crazy americans are alternately going and you merican don't have a clue where we crazy chinese are alternately going and that's basically what it is that gets to this transparency and doubt about what ultimate objectives are and i don't see that resolving in the near term so with a growing military a growing economy yes there's a risk of crisis well it does look like trust will become a very large issue between the two nations and the answer stephen thanks so much for being here thank you all right there's one more segment left on tonight's show one california gubernatorial candidate has given herself a major boost for her political campaign and we're going to tell you how much money meg whitman has donated to her own cause in just minutes and with all the heated
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debate around the ground zero one group says that their voice isn't being heard it's conservative muslims so are they being alienated by their own party were asked to help con after the break. because i thought that it was my duty to do it was something that i had to help my country. my government. necessary. for america you know there was a lot of drug abuse there was a lot of murder of american officers by american soldiers there were a lot of. problems by. the rules of war i always thought i wanted to limit a lot of medals and to have a lot of decorations but afterwards i realize that they don't mean anything they're not that important. i don't i don't i never kept the medal.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images for world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule today. british.
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markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with. global financial headlines kinds a report. we give you the future we help you understand. and bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our. hungry for the full story we've focused on the biggest issue. to face with the new.
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california gubernatorial candidate meg whitman made an announcement last night that she received another thirteen million dollars donation from herself you have that's right the republican candidate has just signed another check to her own political campaign making her total donations to herself one hundred and four million dollars now for the former c.e.o. these numbers might seem like chump change she's reportedly worth one point three billion but her opponent governor jerry brown has spent seven hundred thousand dollars now that seven hundred thousand dollar figure is being thrown out is the modest one but what normal person has seven hundred thousand dollars to put on to their own campaign let alone one hundred four million so as you can imagine whitman's means of campaigning is earned her several critics many people say that she is just buying her way to see to the governor's office but here's what i want to know how much is a governor's job really worth yeah it's
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a powerful position but what anyone else dump hundreds of millions of their own hard earned dollars into a job that's going to suck everybody knows that california is in serious financial trouble so why would you drop all of your cash on a bid to be in charge of essentially an ungovernable bankrupt state now whitman is just one in a recent trend of wealthy entrepreneurs who've been using their own bucks to become politicians but none have worked so hard towards a job that well frankly nobody wants so sorry meg whitman but this isn't even a the highest bidder doesn't always win out you should reconsider your campaign financing and rely on the public to get back up your fight otherwise it could be a slap in the face when you're out one hundred four million dollars and a fancy new job title. now this week people from all over the country will go to huntsville alabama for the annual space and missile defense conference might seem
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like a random location but it's where you can find the roots of american space exploration and as our t. correspondent dina kosofsky reports there's more history and education here than anyone could imagine. this is huntsville alabama vast space and a city devoted to just that. in the deep south of the usa. his word all began this was the beginning of our manned spaceflight program it's where one man spatial vision when i was seventeen years old i had no doubt that man would land on the moon in my lifetime became reality he had always dreamed about space travel he was warner von brown a former member of the nazi party turned pioneer of u.s. space exploration given his past how did people here see him a rocket scientist the gentleman who could take us into space but why huntsville we
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had more ph d.'s per square acre than you could find anywhere in the country available and willing workforce a workforce that experienced history. and lived to tell about it back then i was in the in the manufacturing engineering department people like rocket scientists an engineer robert showing hammer what specific properties of. a level cooper bird do better see saturn or saturn five apollo story and dan brown's colleague and friend at buckbee we flew twelve or twelve astronauts to the moon and in spacecraft like this and at the height of the cold war the real reason behind the space race i really believe that. the soviet union drove the u.s. to the moon because there was serious competition between the two countries how can
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it be that the russians didn't do that we thought we would take them on to the wizards of the world but then it turned out here's somebody that already launched the satellite and here at the us space and rocket center that competition lives on and that's the only place in the in a country that you can see all these vehicles including the space shuttle where you can see and experience everything that you are right it was my dream for i'm sure i can find. and they separating go down and land on the moon surface what does it feel like to go on the moon or the astronauts were actually very trained on a device just like this and here anyone could be a space traveler so you want to be an astronaut here's what it takes to get your suit your helmet a frictionless environment let's go to space. but eventually you've gotta come back down. made it safely yes it's been
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a great ride. down to earth do you have a soft. alabama. now in light of the debate that continues to swirl around these so-called ground zero mosque we've seen an increasingly hostile tilt coming from the mouths of republican leaders and if you look at the polls many americans are agreeing with that but what about republicans who are muslims are they feeling alienated by their own party according to the huffington post and informally organized group including former bush officials or others with strong ties to the g.o.p. are now working behind the scenes to tone down that rhetoric to bring it back to the bush years when islam was described as a religion of peace but has it gone too far and the republicans really care well joining me to discuss it is sue helicon former bush administration official and a board member of the american conservative union so he'll think for being here so
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tell me as a conservative who is a muslim how are you feeling about your party right now are you feeling like they're alienating you like they don't care about you it's time no doubt about it especially when you see such giants as new converts coming out and jumping on this bandwagon this is always been something that's been on the fringe from some within the party mainly online and on talk shows here and there on radio talk shows but unfortunately now it's coming to the mainstream of our party with people like newt and others really embracing the opposition but why do you think it got so bad i mean how did we go from post nine eleven you know is right after the worst terrorist attack on american soil where you had george w. bush the republican president saying that islam is first and foremost a religion of peace and how do they go from there to now where you have politicians using the same people are you know are loving it they're people are supporting them for using this kind of rhetoric i think mainly because of cheap partisan point
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that's what's happening right now for eight years we had president bush in the white house there was some adult supervision of the french here he was reminding people that would help the war on terror and not on the whole faith not on one point. bush an adult i just like ok and they were keeping basically these french people in check but unfortunately now that he's gone and there is some partisan points to be made in attacking obama on anything some now are trying to attack him on this rather than attacking the president and debating him on the merits they're attacking him on these silly points and unfortunately this this has gained some traction and now it's starting to spread to some adults like newt and others i saw john boehner made a comment as well and it's unfair and even today i saw harry reid has come out against it so it's now spreading to some of because of his tight race i presume in nevada so people think they could make some short term partisan gain by coming out against muslims and muslim americans when it's really in the long term not good for
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our country interest really attacking all of us what i don't understand is i feel also like the g.o.p. has been alienating a lot of people you know i mean the african-american vote is no longer there is the hispanic vote is overwhelmingly now democratic even though socially hispanics are my much more conservative right and so now if they alien i can excuse me there's this muslim portion of the population i mean can you even be a party if you only have the white people supporting you and that's why i think it's just sad it's sad because wrong and it's just going against the first i'm in the constitution that we would uphold religious freedom but it's also just not to teach it just as you said because you not only will alienate the most american vote which people remember voted overwhelmingly for george w. bush in two thousand so become a large is the muslim american vote it was strategic is it really did they need that vote did the bow can make a difference in two thousand for example over thirty thousand muslim americans voted for george bush in florida alone so from your with winning
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a state by five hundred twenty one boats you can make a difference those americans are not large enough population wise in the country to swing an entire election that way if you look at this in the whole country but if you look at key states like ohio. michigan pennsylvania virginia u.k. and not to mention expensive states for fund raising occurs like california or new jersey or new york most americans make a huge difference so they can make a difference teacher clee but the other thing is when you attack one religious minority in this case most americans you scare others i was last week in europe working with american jews visiting. concentration camps and one of the things they were saying about these attacks on the ground zero mosque even though as you said it's so-called because not a ground zero was they were saying this is something reminiscent for jewish americans of the mccarthy era and even of nazi germany where you just selectively single out one particular or just minority and try to dehumanize them and use them for political advantage so not only would you lose the most american vote but you
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will lose other minorities to say hey i could be next but i mean i feel like people are going crazy because you also have other republican politicians now equating building a mosque near ground zero and they're also using words like naziism right. to throw that out there i mean how do you feel about this mosque at ground zero you personally in support of it or i can't say i ground zero but i mean right it's you know a couple they are on its ass you know it's already been ingrained using their burlington coat factory apparently and you know. personally i'm support of it in the sense that i'm a supporter of any religious institution going through the basic rigors that you would going through local city councils and things like that and going to those steps and they have done that i mean that's still the thing about this that's so sad is that a lot of conserves are abandoning basic conservative principles which is local control private property religious freedom for short partisan gain that's so yeah i'm saddened by it i think any really what are you saying greed by are you i mean the republican party i'm not going to be
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a lot of our history it's not testing you know i feel like that the muslim population is not standing up for themselves and i haven't heard enough from their well the most popular overwhelming has has voted democratic in the last two cycles so right now. they're looking at this as kind of outside the party but the handful of republicans like harry reid just so and we'll see now we'll see what happens if again harry reid in his election nevada if he thinks if he thinks he's going to make some short term gain let's see what happens i know you had a lot of muslim americans and nevada but i think but most americans are voicing our concerns both in our beds and in letters to the editor and behind closed doors and and conserve muslims like myself for definitely making an organized effort to try and stop this we're going to responsible again adult republicans who care for the constitution to say this kind of stuff you know what i think you guys better keep speaking out definitely america is going to hear after killing so much for being here thanks all right before we go it's time for our tweet of the day and speaking of harry reid came out in
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a stunning display of courage today against that much maligned ground zero mosque now harry reid in the past has famously said that he would do what ever it takes regardless of how popular or unpopular it might be so what would brave harry i buck the popular trends tweet today sorry guys it's an election year who cares about religious freedom it's totally unpopular right now. are about today's story we'll have another one for you tomorrow and that's also it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure we come back tomorrow night but in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the low show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all at youtube dot com slash the alone a show where we post not only the interviews but the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.


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