tv [untitled] RT August 17, 2010 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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all. the delegates are in moscow to inspect russia's facilities as the nation promises to temporarily suspend these regulations for details. like paste breast enlargement look and honks in the quest to become embodied pulte perfect surgery becoming more and more popular and more and more affordable can be easy to
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figure out what the real costs of going into the night could be as the demand for plastic surgery grow using russia so goes the number of inexperienced along lines so it's plants. that it was good for. fun. and out of this world experience along with the recollections of space exploration play it is in on the report from the u.s. space on the rocket center in alabama. a very warm welcome to you this is the line from moscow with me alice have but now international officials are in russia to assess the country's bid to host the planet's spectacular football of the world cup and the government is pulling out
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all the stops in its attempts to sway the inspection delegation stacey bivins one hundred. the meeting between the fever delegation and prime minister putin has wrapped up at r.t. has learned that russia is willing to suspend these requirements and attempt to woo the international delegation and they're also trying to woo the delegation and other ways of bringing them to looking at luzhniki stadium to show that russia is capable of building a stadium that fits the the requirements which this does and there and also they're going to host the delegation at a special dinner at the kremlin tonight also there really. is the sports minister says they're really going all out to make sure that russia secure as a bit in order to get the world cup either at twenty eighteen or twenty twenty two and they laid out a specific guidelines and they say that they're pretty confident this is what
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people are looking for and to go more into the bed i'm going to turn you over now to my colleague a cutter in a good show over. much of. brazil. and seoul vesey from. russia be next it's hopes of posting the twenty eighteen world cup a facing a key test this week as fifty inspectors arrive to assess the beat also in the running are england australia the united states and two june fits from spain and portugal and golden and benevolence what's so difficult hosting this year's tournament and brazil in four years time it still would be europe's turn will be next in twenty eighteen and many see russia's chances and honey the chances are pretty good that russia can succeed and a lot of people say maybe you know i got more political decision than the football decision to give to
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a big country like russia or the biggest country in the world for a chance to before school go. through between right also believes russia's biggest strong and. helping to make it even stronger he's the director of a commercial to be shown to the jewelry group it was the all this suit to win trading picks can pay in each short russia is humor visit and the beach one incredible new stadia incredible new locations in terms of from some petersburg to sochi and kaliningrad and of course moscow you know there's a tremendous in a tourism spec to it on top of the games and again it's the first time that it will have been held in europe and there's always a huge base of football fans in eastern europe who've never had the opportunity to show how much they love the game at home. to see the game until the government is ready to paint brushes beads includes designs for over a dozen new state of the art studio worth up to ten billion dollars what we have
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team brand new stadiums are under construction currently it's only moskos luzhniki which fully matches people's standards and has had experience of all staying major international events but in fact the very need to build new infrastructure could be russia's major selling point the other contenders already have infrastructure in place but fever is interested in expanding it across the continent and beyond class most game has successfully coped with the logistical challenges of several big tournaments in the past the people who were brought in this. are the same people who organized. the you for cup champion. finals in two thousand but was making between you and chelsea fans were allowed in without visas for the first time and they all came in you know off to different ports and it went very very
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smoothly and i think it will have a great time so people knew very clearly that russia was really tip top when it comes to organize. and begin to lost loved ones like russia's progression for the twenty fourteen sochi olympics is likely to come under scrutiny by three for two and with the first results appearing to be impressive then such a success could mean another winning goal for russia in its world cup that exude integrate yard t.v. news scale. and we've got plenty more few coming up later this hour including a place to get a taste of space. want to be an astronaut here's what it takes to get your suit your helmet a frictionless environment let's go to space. troy in our correspondent at the u.s. space and rockets and in alabama and find out what the best friends here think was really behind the space race. it's
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a year since the devastating accident at russia's the biggest hydroelectric plant in siberia which killed seventy five people. but the sun shushan sky station was badly damaged when he crashed into the turbine last august the investigation into the cause of the accident is still ongoing commemorations are being held in the republic of higher calcio where the designs to took place full restoration of the plant is planned by twenty fourteen and you can get. the tragedy on our website and of course on home we will find witness accounts as well as expert opinions. afghan president hamid karzai is expected to dissolve all private security firms in the country a government spokesman says the companies will be ordered this band within a just four months will this comes as the u.s.
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is increasing its military presence in afghanistan to discuss this in more detail now joined by we have a member of the afghan parliament many thanks for joining us what's behind this planned move do you think. well this is think you're one of those things that they probably. slipped something that they will probably regret regret in the next few weeks or months because the president thought that security companies are the problem. and i think it's not. the security company by per se it's the poor management and poor implementation of the law but the president made a statement and now he is caught in a very difficult situation. from it and more than fifty private security firms with some twenty five thousand staff the staggeringly high number they all currently work in afghanistan so we are going to be
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a huge blow to security in the country when they disband. i think. not only it will be a blow to the country security wise also employment in a country that very little other employment. innovations are there are no other industry has developed nothing has developed in terms of. creating jobs this would be a very very. proper and l. time and decision and announcement and these people will need jobs and they will have families if you can sort of h one five or six people in their family just you can imagine what will happen let alone the security situation i don't think that our security forces are are going to be able to fill that gap that quickly. if they can achieve this i think it will be america and afghanistan should teach the rest of the world how to replace private security companies within four months by their own military and police force i don't i hope they can do it by i don't think so so
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what's behind president cause i think you know this because the u.s. is increasing its military presence in afghanistan but the state department has said that is forces really does need those companies so is there some kind of a conflict do you think between the afghan and u.s. administrations a view this decision. i think whatever you think god knows what he's thinking but the result would be hampered capabilities by the nato and college and forces and convoy protection and delivery of goods and services and other things that they need in different bases and different p.r. to stations and different different provinces even our afghan consumers will be suffering because if we cannot protect the convoys of consumers consumer goods that go to different cities fuel and and basic supplies. not only military but
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nonmilitary ramifications are something to think about. finale a member of the afghan parliament many thanks speaking to us from kabul while the us rapid immortal technique believes america has compromised itself around the world by not practicing what it preaches his interview is coming away and now it's time but here's a quick preview. america went around proselytizing. democracy to all parts of the world saying you know we should should have a democracy that people can be in charge when the people saw that the same prognosticator the process of democracy was sitting there supporting these brutal dictatorships they said well who else has something on the table. you want to of the news now one police officer has been killed and three injured in
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a suicide bomb blast in russia's republic of north set in the caucuses the explosion went on from near a police checkpoint to the border with the republic of ingle shetty or the bomber detonated his device when a police officer asked for his papers as he attempted to cross the frontier a man thought to be his accomplice has been detained. plastic surgery is enjoying a boom in russia with beauty seekers of all ages flocking to hundreds of private clinics the end results however are sometimes far from desired and instead of enjoying their new faces they're facing endless legal battles with inexperienced and underqualified surgeons and you may find some of the pictures and their first report disturbing. the ugly side of the city despite being one of the most unregulated areas in
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russian health care plastic surgery is seeing a boom in demand the idealists have been most i've had to the nose jobs liposuction my lips repressed and huntsman's and older forth when i make money with this work when people call me crazy i answer that in my house in florence i don't care what they think plastic surgery clinics easy to find in most cases and procedures cost less than you might think like a thought breast enlargement. the quest to becoming body beautiful three plastic surgery becoming more and more popular and more and more affordable can be if they get what the real costs of going and the knife could be. far from people being pissed off by the dangers the plastic surgery crowd is getting younger by the. board i have a twenty one year old friend who is a fan of pamela anderson so she copied her huge breasts that's a personal business i can't judge but then she also had a facelift at twenty one of course that i don't support it's this that causes
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a negative attitude towards plastic surgery but i blame the surgeon who gave a feast live to a twenty one year old russia stands fifth a month countries with the highest level of plastic surgery operations that being a relatively new market many private clinics of any popped up in the last decade and there are still very few experienced professionals. through the system of medical training different in russia and western countries it takes up to ten years to train as a plastic surgeon in russia if you're already a surgeon you just need to take a month long course in order to get a license to practice but if this doctor comes from a completely different kind of surgery they need much much longer training which we just don't see happening in. russia and that's what causes problems for one twenty seven year old girl who entered a clinic recently. the risk cost her her life when she had a suspected allergic reaction. the legal repercussions in these situations
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often. more than news corp there are no clear controls or sanctions for doctors avoid punishment and a large number of cases one reason is that medical documentation submitted to the judge or the investigation officers are often falsified also patients who often sign consent forms with off thinking of the risks unfortunately such circumstances make it hard to ensure an objective trial today there is still no official statistics on the number of institutions providing plastic surgery or the exact data on how many and what kind of operations are being conducted. with tragic cases and little official. russians might start thinking twice about the risks involved the forgetting under the knife. because of a briefing gets more international stories making headlines now and up to sixty
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people the killed in a one hundred injured in a suicide bombing in baghdad the attack targeted people queuing out finds an army recruitment center police say several soldiers were among the dead it comes as the u.s. is preparing to end its combat operations in iraq later this month. the world bank's pledged always nine hundred million dollars to aid pakistan's recovery from devastating floods it follows complaints from the un that countries around the world are not giving any when they were not to provide immediate relief destructive floods have been ravaging the country for more than two weeks now twenty million people are estimated to have been affected by the disaster. a former israeli soldier has posted photos on the internet of himself posing beside bound and blindfolded palestinian prisoners should title the facebook page as the best days of my life the israeli military condemned the behavior shameful and pledged an
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investigation the palestinian authority said the incident was proof the four decade long palestine has led to its rabies being proud of. him in its. later today we do get the after effects of the vietnam war in the personal recollections of american veterans thirty five years on what's coming up in all special report. to the world. because i thought that it was my duty that it was right to help. my government that necessary. or you know. it was a lot of. it was a lot of murder of american officers so. there were a lot of. the hour right. the i always thought i wanted to win a lot of metal. about
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a lot of desperation. but afterwards i realized that. i don't i don't i never kept the medal. huntsville alabama played a unique role in the u.s. mission to the main and office of the space race today it both extraordinary collection of fly told webb an office the channels to put yourself in an astral she's going to discover the even american experts say it was the russians who drove the nation to the moon. this is huntsville alabama vast space and a city devoted to just that. little in the deep south of the usa. his word all began this was the beginning of our manned spaceflight program it's
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where one man spatial vision when i was seventeen years old i had no doubt that man would land on the moon in my lifetime became reality he had always dreamed about space travel he was warner von brown a former member of the nazi party turned pioneer of u.s. space exploration given his past how did people here see him rocket scientists the gentleman who could take us into space but why huntsville we had more ph d.'s per square acre than you could find anywhere in the country available and willing workforce a workforce that experienced history. and lived to tell about it back then i was in the in the manufacturing engineering department people like rocket scientists an engineer robert showing hammer what specific rock in. all of them. do gooders the saturn saturn. apollo story and dan
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brown's colleague and friend at buckbee we flew twelve or twelve astronauts to the moon and in spacecraft like this and at the height of the cold war the real reason behind the space race i really believe that. the soviet union drove the u.s. to the moon because there was serious competition between the two countries how can it be that the russians didn't do that we thought we would take them on to the wizards of the world but then it turned here's somebody that already launched the satellite and here at the us space and rocket center at competitions lives on and that's the only place in the in a country that you can see all these vehicles including the space shuttle where you can see and experience it is exactly what it was in my dream for i am sure you have fun. and they separating go down and land on the moon surface what does it feel like to go on the moon or the astronauts were actually very
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trained on a device just like this and here anyone could be a space traveler they want to be an astronaut here's what it takes to get your suit your helmet a frictionless environment let's go to space. but eventually you got to come back down. made it safely yes it's been a great ride. down to earth do you have a soft ski r.t. alabama. well if you want to stay in space just visit our blog section of call for more we've got some pretty neat khalil's of life in orbit from the first russian cosmonauts a blog from zero gravity you can find out how to wash your hair in space how to read a bird and even houses scrunch all known whilst wearing a space suit so you for all of these that space to bits and much much more just.
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i welcome to the business program here on our table with me. all you may be collecting a war chest and his fight to take over a nickel russian david almost he says the both of or sell could borrow as much as six billion dollars from state run linda d.t.p. group the money would be used to buy the twenty five percent stake of rival neuros nickel shareholder loving their protonic which a man has been locked in a heated battle for control of the minus eighty kucing the mismanaging the company . reportedly agreed to price forty five percent of its end plus grape as collateral for the. president it is called on russia's leading businessmen to help rebuild villages destroyed by the wildfires. you have. used to call that story have all been summoned to the presence of black sea
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residents a pledge their assistance their processor promised to build fifty houses while you have to said he was ready to contribute six hundred fifty thousand dollars the government has said it will rebuild houses worth up to sixty five thousand dollars each but all three thousand people left homeless. times take a look at the markets now both london and frankfurt were out more than one percent of mine is the top gain is in the street like you. it's the same increase in second quarter profit for carlsberg as being well received by the market today is through accredited improvement in the russian market to make better ruble exchange rate. russia's high in quiet afternoon trading for fertilizer john or will collins gained over three percent as owner three m. on karimov moves to buy chief rival through the news. and worrying signs of russia's economy wage arrears last month shot up eleven percent compared to june the federal statistics service says the backlog is now hit one
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hundred twelve million dollars it comes aspire president of a to ordering bigger fines for employees who hold back salaries. a top official has admitted foreigners face serious problems in bringing goods across the border into russia but the country's finance minister has pledged changes to the law as a new customs union comes into force. russia last month formed a single customs area and promised less checks these forty four percent of goods coming into russia are held up at the border and inspected in the u.k. that figure is just two percent we want a new bill and customs regulations to come into force in october fronts russia is moving closer to creating a new national fertiliser champion is a sector the government is keen to support as it provides the country's third biggest source of export revenues the united reverted to reports. the prime movers in the consolidation of the sector billionaire suliman and his associates. a
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controlling stake in anger chemical giant. now two offshore companies believed to be close to. forty four percent of cillin eat the country's largest but produce just. five percent of the company the thirty's of the puzzle will be when. a takeover be unleashed it's all the need that expected to happen in the coming days it would create the world's second biggest producer but analysts believe that russia and to monopolize service will allow the deal with certain provisions for us reduced the federal antimonopoly service which is you detailed instructions concerning you'd be able to merge in your colleague even if the structure with offshore companies is used there will be strict limits for domestic processing exports account for eighty to ninety percent of the company's profits ever chemicals are the third biggest export item for russia after fuel and metals and the government is keen to encourage growth the merged company around collinson we
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need to hold thirty percent of the global but tough reserves forty percent of global experts are justified size the new company would have to grow both domestically and internationally but as of today is a share. of what this president and russia. expect the share will increase. next question this. this tape will control this process and that is always good to hear in this context by crisis but i don't think it will be so negative for that so as a process and i am sure export markets portion of the company because if the merger of so many do not all call it could be just the beginning of the consolidation the fertilizer sector recent history in russia shows as was the case with energy that it takes time for sector to take on a stable form with the government clean. and next to no not just in its creation but also in its operation to influencing domestic price is an expert g.p.s.
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zinaida video business r.t. . general motors expected to fall paperwork for the initial public offering on tuesday they were to make a nice raise up to seventy billion dollars in order to pay back the u.s. taxpayer after last year's bailout was the case takes a cash rich foreign funds but fears a backlash from a nationalistic american public lash out there for now we can always buy more of our stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business. you're.
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