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tv   [untitled]  RT  August 18, 2010 9:01am-9:31am EDT

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investigators say insult the loss of the injured pussy could have been the work of
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the allen played in the minutes and behind moments is mostly that you pollings need some capital on the times. russia brings together afghanistan attention gets down to hug his son for the stuff coming to town hall drunk chocolate isn't heroism in central asia with the afghan war was seen as the major posts to the same. class of already held every day despite the time of year and weather conditions right now it's extremely quiet here but as you can see the troops are fully dressed in their uniform and all have to get used to it since this is what they'll have to wear on the job takes him to the front line of the county trucks find where they were to go it's of some tough training for the mission their heads. i started to look at the american history and politics and realize that my whole life would have been like two. ideals that go on a sound war hundreds of u.s. nationals feel the american dream house failed the and. to the downstairs this is
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the church. and also coming up in the business update about two for ownership of the real cynical heats up to find out why air affords is deemed the ten best acarya join us in twenty minutes time. a very warm welcome to you this is the line from the russian capital with me alice habit police in moscow have to put on a high state of alert over theas a car bomb in russia's north caucuses could signal more time capital of the chechen militant leader linked to al clay does is suspected of being behind the last in the town of pythagoras squidge injured around thirty people investigators and know who the call which was loaded with explosives outside a city's that's
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a cafe the location of the mongo is on their own although he's not currently a suspect meanwhile for victims of the blast have been taken to moscow to undergo operations up to twenty five people remain in hospital didn't get the forms for well our correspondent is on them because. we're at the exact street where the car exploded and this is where they catch fish was just yesterday this is a very business street in a small particles it's packed with a little cafes and it was still rain that prevented many more people from being even if it started just a half an hour before the explosion so destroyed wasn't asked crowded as usual they car that was packed here are was left without a driver but it contains up to forty kilos off t.n.t. just imagine that ten times the last in mound of explosives was enough to kill four two people in. moscow metro lives in march it is claimed that its belongs to
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a local guy was an dandified but hasn't been found here you can see the people are cleaning the area right now they're cutting the trees down you can see how massive that impact was the whole area is the blogs and i and people were shocked when they heard the blast some even thought that it was an earthquake so huge and happy it was here or it was heard from some of them. my shop is near the site of the explosion i didn't have the words to express how i feel i've just been their shop is mostly glass no the glass has literally turned to dust it's a miracle a shop assistant is that i have seen her in hospital she's covered in blood and. she says when the blast struck she ran out of the shop and lost consciousness right on the tram line. up to see if people had been taken to hospital six us
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to freely injured and here is the first hand information from a person that survived the blast. i can remember much i lost consciousness and when i came round it was around me. and we've also talked with the had doctor at the hospital here in piazza course and this is what he had to say he's going. to be busy the situation is under control the patients are stable are surgeons operated all night some of the victims have serious injuries and many are receiving counseling p.r.g. gorski is the center of the newly formed district in the north caucuses it includes church. investigators fear that more terror attacks could follow and police in moscow is on high alert investigators also believe the doctor omar if it could be behind this western pyrgos doc omar is in the tourist church and militant
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here is the one who claimed to be behind the twin blasts in moscow matter of this march and he is on international terrorist watch list. stopping a terrorist and stemming the flow of drug traffickers the topics being discussed and russia's the fulci president with rivera it is there has to go summit with the leaders of afghanistan and pakistan. at the meaning of is following that. providing security and fighting drug trafficking these were the two topics which took a front seat during today's summit in sochi where the route to this is not going to be easy russia afghanistan pakistan and the cheekiest on a well aware of the challenges they will meet some in the world wonder whether success is even possible and if so whether all countries of the international community are committed to achieve it by bringing the four nations together russia shows its commitment to support a peaceful stable and prosperous afghanistan and stability in the whole region.
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probably drug threat is a common problem in the region i've already had a chance to discuss it with the presidents of afghanistan and pakistan and the counter to their strengths should be a joint effort. afghanistan nor russia nor any other country is able to attack on their own with as i've already said it's a joint problem and we should combat it jointly while this summit which is the second in a row is of course a significant achievement of the four countries and it will take a long way towards strengthening economic regional ties providing jobs all of which are critical for the people of these countries russia is ready to align resources behind peaceful goals of afghanistan just recently russia signed to all for the last portion of again a stance that and over all day was twelve billion dollars all this is done because for russia central asia is
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a traditional sphere of interest and it has always been sensitive to stability which the afghan conflict is causing currently it's drug trafficking and islamic radicalism which are the main security threats drug trafficking in particular touches russia rauner as the country is now the world's largest heroin consumer an estimated thirty thousand people are dying of abuse annually which is that the out of the world's total opium related and this is why russia is now trying to take the lead in breaking up channeling of the truck through the so-called northern route opium comes all the way into russia and further into europe through to jake is done because no visas are required to travel from to g q stan to russia and this is why the drug lords and easily through the open door so tightening security on these border was one of the main topics discussed today r t z one to see for himself what challenges the people who are providing security on the border on the
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tribal border between afghanistan and the chick has done a facing every day during a boy. is a tough task but getting him ready to go to one of the most tricky borders in central asia is even more difficult. work at all none of the other people don't don't go out that's why training center. there is no time for games when it comes to dealing with the center of the global heroin creed. classes are held every day despite the time of year and weather conditions right now it's extremely hot here but as you can see the troops are fully dressed in their uniform have to get used to it since this is what they'll have to wear on the job after six months trained soldiers are sent to guard the border while new conscripts arrive continuing the cycle the stones border with afghanistan stretches twelve hundred kilometers that's around seven hundred fifty miles water guards are being trained
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by the russian federal security service under a deal signed back in two thousand and four the use of different weapons physical education combat deck ticks and survival techniques are all poured over the course . terrorism drug and arms smuggling and human traffic have put this region in the global spotlight that's why there are currently over twenty international organizations including the u.n. in the work into g. can stand alone. afghanistan produces over ninety percent of all people in the world but according to the united nations the death toll from opiates in nato countries is five times more than all the needle soldiers who died in afghanistan since two thousand and one but according to the sheet abdulla an independent analyst and the author of dozens of articles about the flow of drugs he's unlikely to stop no matter how strong and in demand that water. this problem may have various technical solutions but it will never be fully solved while there's
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fighting in afghanistan and global demand for opiates. afghan opium production has grown by a third since the us led invasion it's thought the billion dollar business brings more money than all foreign investments put together that's why it's unlikely even the most advanced water control system possible would solve the problem completely business is simply too good you got this kind of r t g gets done. well for the skulls there's the maltese hello i'm joined by i'm going to leave in a professor. king's college london many thanks for joining us here on r.t. well the missing is between four major players in the region but the coalition forces often blamed for the deterioration situation in the afghanistan and pakistan well they're not present why are they then. i'm not sure to be honest clearly this is a russian diplomatic effort in my view the most interesting aspect of it is not the
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discussion of the drugs trade from afghanistan because frankly there's not a great deal that anybody can do about that given the weakness of the afghan state given the fact the leading players in the afghan state of profiting enormously from the drugs trade it's not just the taliban it's the west's allies as well the russians former allies but perhaps the most interesting aspect of it is the development of a regional diplomacy which does not depend on the united states and in particular this very new aspect of the development of new links between russia and pakistan which historically have been almost completely absent because i think it's time that we began to look forward to a day when the united states will not in fact present on the ground in afghanistan and countries in the region will have to make their own arrangements to deal with whatever comes after the american presence. within the next few years coalition
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forces do you plan to leave out ghana stands who do you think that these countries me seeing it today will step up to the plate and play an even greater role there. well if they don't nobody else will but that's to say of course not just these countries. three other countries are absolutely essential namely china india of course and iran and the problem is that the deep distrust between pakistan and india and to a lesser extent between india and china makes region of the great arrangements over afghanistan extremely difficult in the past and to a degree even today these countries have often played proxy wars against each other including in afghanistan now you've previously said that you believe the drug problem in afghanistan is a hopeless situation but it is an issue that needs to be addressed and russia has
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repeatedly said that it tends to eradicate drug trafficking the opium fields need to be burned down in the country but the u.s. has a fall seem to disagree the move why do you think that is. well quite simply that well two things one as i heard myself on the ground in afghanistan the farmers whose fields a opium are destroyed will join the taliban in protest but secondly many of america's key allies in the war against the taliban are themselves involved in the drugs trade including by all accounts the brother of president karzai himself so obviously this makes it virtually impossible for the americans to do anything serious about this issue i think it's worth remembering that that was also true though to a lesser extent. during the soviet period in afghanistan and that over the past thirty years or so there has been only one force only one force in afghanistan
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which has ever been able to control the heroin trade and that is the taliban for their own reasons so my own feeling is that in the long run if we are going to control heroin production at least in the pashtun areas we will need to do a deal with the taliban because they are the only people as a for a generation who've been able to control the pashtun countryside and therefore the production of heroin there if you do you foresee cooperation with the taliban is the only possible concrete measure these countries could actually take to try and fight drug trafficking and terrorism across the region and the country specifically . in the long run yes i mean obviously this is not on the agenda in the short term but my own feeling is that that yes in the long run if we want to control these pathologies it is probably the taliban that we will have to deal with because governments in kabul as i say for more than a generation have been just simply too weak to do and either too weak or too
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involved in the drugs trade themselves to do anything about it now the taliban of course themselves were deeply involved in the drugs trade but when for their own very specific reasons in two nine hundred ninety nine two thousand they decided to control the drugs trade they did actually succeed in bringing it down radically which shows the level of control in the countryside and on a slightly different name russia has recently written off the final portion of afghanistan's debt that some twelve billion dollars do you think that that's more helpful for the country than the never ending nato operations there well yes obviously i mean to spare afghanistan that debt burden is a help but i mean the problem is is the afghan state capable of using the extra money in a useful way is it capable of building up an honest and effective police force for
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example in the context of the. the war on drugs if it isn't then no amount of money is going to help it and recently we had the president karzai wants to kick out private security firms within four months is quite a tight time frame isn't it won't that make the security situation in the country worse will afghan soldiers realistically be able to cope with the situation themselves. well it's a case of your damned if you do and damned if you don't because clearly there is a risk that the taliban will explode to launch more attacks particularly on targets in kabul and international targets on the other hand these foreign military companies have made themselves literally on popular with the most of the afghan people by their behavior. by their offenses against afghan morality and by indiscriminate killing of afghan civilians on occasions so while their absence will
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help the taliban in one way their presence is help the taliban in another way and well obviously president karzai has decided that the benefits of getting rid of them must just about outweigh the disadvantages myriad of complications affecting the country and its whole even professor at the department of war studies at king's college london many thanks for that. now in his first major interview poland's new president branislav komorowski said he wants to improve relations with russia and has invited president advantage of to visit war so it comes as the polish experts arrive in moscow to continue a probe into the plane crash which killed the previous president and more than ninety others on board they had to see the reports and documents from the investigation into april's air disaster in russia smolinski region a joint investigation group was formed to look into the answer didn't they're
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interested in whether the pilots were pressured to land in heavy weather conditions that doomed delegation was traveling to mark seventy years since twenty thousand polish officers were massacred gatty. well for many foreigners an american passport promises all other better life but an increasing number of u.s. citizens have become disillusioned with a country where last year alone over seven hundred people were now also citizenship three times as many as the year before auntie's nor emmett's almost one expatriate why he did it. can o'keefe grew up an american in a nation that he believed was the greatest in the world a bastion of freedom and democracy in order to protect those ideals he joined the marine corps and went to fight for his country in the gulf war and that's when the american dream became a nightmare i was punished for speaking out about something that my superiors were
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doing and my life became extremely difficult upon my return with a different perspective i started to look at the american history and politics and realized that my whole life i had been lied to and i believed in those ideals you know i believed in when i found out that these ideals were really the way america was presenting itself in the world and it became clear to me at some point that i would run errands citizenship and renounce it he did o'keefe applied to the state department to stop being american claim political asylum in holland and burned his u.s. passport o'keefe knows that not everyone will agree with what he's done some maintain he could have exerted more pressure from inside the system but however they choose to do it middle east commentator alan hart says americans must do something i have a love hate relationship with america. on one level americans are the most uninformed misinformed dumbest gullible people on the face of god's earth that's
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the bad news deep down they're also the most idealistic so i say and americans didn't mind me saying if they were properly informed about the causes and effects of things in the middle east. they could become engaged to make their democracy work it hasn't always been this way at the end of the second world war the us was leading the world both economically and morally but according to carol turner from the stop the war coalition it's steadily it rooted that goodwill because it's failing to give its ethical lead now attorneys it's increasingly forced back to using its military power to impose its will can o'keefe is committed to changing that sense since giving up his u.s. citizenship has made it his mission to oppose u.s. military action wherever he can he was on board one of the gaza bound aid ships
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raided by israeli c'mon days in may and following that he was branded a terrorist by israel can o'keefe now an irish citizen giving up his country wasn't an easy decision and he insists it wasn't one borne out of hatred you know i realize that a certain point that citizenship was a social contract and i didn't agree to the charms of the contract obligations you have rights and you have obligations among your obligations is paying taxes those taxes are being used to commit mass murder i don't agree to that a lot of people misinterpret renounce your citizenship or hate america and that's absolutely not the case at all i have a deep love for the american people i wish that the ideal of america became a reality until that dream becomes a reality o'keefe and others like him will be staying away from the land of the free and the home of the brave. it r.t. london. now russia has just a couple of days left to convince international officials it's ready to host the
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football world cup an inspection is now underway khazan one of the cities which could be used for the tournament well the fever delegation to look at a forty five thousand arena which is being constructed three smaller new stadiums a word of loosely good percentage to be officials russia says it's ready to build a dozen stages yada rena's work up to ten billion dollars all of the. delegation will head to the capital of the twenty four to get into a live pics such. ok so let's hear now the latest this is these for us good to see you and i understand reasons for arafat to be cherries today hello yes that's right the first time is being ranked in the top twenty five leading air carriers will have the details later in the program but first this hour maybe the quiet summer season but there's a fierce battle currently being waged in russia two of the country's most notable tycoons the going head to head for control of nickel all the dairy paths. in both
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twenty five percent of the mine are through their various companies ages accuse the other with managing it all nickel and wants to buy their fellow shareholder out but neither wants to sell their own daughter of specialized research and investment explains the conflict. when you look at the conflict i think it comes down to one basic issue and common sense says it's money so both potential and both very possibly need money for their own ventures so. the resolution basically comes down to. who can take full control over else could they either take money out of a company in the form of a dividend which would be fantastic for minority investors that's what insignia. or they use the shares that they own a real as a deposit or as collateral to a bank for a major loan that they could use to further their business interests outside of the rules those are the two basic scenarios you have
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a third circuit of course which is would be the worst of all scenarios which would be just a legal battle that goes on and on and on and on and use an investor would just sit and lose money while they sorted out their own problems so i think the issue is money the resolution will be a decision that will allow the winner to take money out of the company either in the form of a loan or in a dividend and depending on which one they choose as a minority investor you could do very well or nothing at all. russia's largest steelmaker service dollhouse that received any bids for three u.s. plants is put up for sale the company wanted to sell the mills combined but may no offer them separately that's according to american metals markets am one of the that the plant in ohio could be bought by. a great service to have acquired it for one hundred forty million dollars two years ago. let's take a look at the stock markets now and here in moscow they down in the afternoon trade after a solid session and cheese day it's all low oil
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a mess with prices. steel is two and a half the. nerf is the main news on the r.t.s. chatting or plate and it's and. there's a mixed bag over in europe with the dax now hovering in the black of the sector stocks of the worst performance investors have taken some profits off the table and eyeing further developments of b.h.p. billiton has moved the court. and finally arraf last become the first russian airline to be included in the top twenty five leading carriers in the world industry magazine air transport world place the russian flagship carrier ten place one higher than the group and that's just the airline successful financial dealings in two thousand and nine the magazine also preserved eighteenth for net profit in two thousand and nine which is one hundred twenty two million dollars first place in both categories went to everett. some of russia's biggest companies produce first half results this week but many of them reported to russian accounting
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standards and for investors this can be more confusing than enlightening question of reports. corporate results are supposed to provide to guide to how well it companies be forming for investors and russian companies report under russian accounting standards but also use an international standard usually i have asked the reporting season can be nothing short of bewildering numbers can look very different subtypes which makes you wonder why. that makes sense and. if the transactions are identical why would you get different reports in this transaction most significant russian companies fool in the category of dual reporting including major banks energy companies and minus this can sometimes lead to a profit under one system suddenly tensing into a loss in the other and vice versa so why the big difference one reason is who they and counting is intangible the russian standard is for the local tax office to
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determine how much money should be handed over to the government well the emphasis of iowa for us is more towards protecting investors accountancy the difference amounts to one of satisfying legal obligations versus revealing economic health plans to move the russian standard closer to the ira for us have been in the pipeline for some time the finance ministry spitting its weight behind the move saying it will make the country. to international investors the global financial community the global financial. international standards that exist for a reason. accountants and market players believe russia's desire to become a global financial center will inevitably min why did option of i have her us but until they do the reporting says in hand will continue to be a swirl of confusing ficus and like most people when confronted with too much
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information investors will await data they understand before making potentially coastie decisions. my usual business outing. not sure update for this hour but you can always find more stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business.


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