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tv   [untitled]  RT  August 18, 2010 11:01pm-11:31pm EDT

11:01 pm
this is not a. war. that we should. do you sure disapprove they have no idea about the hardships that we face. this is. tunis and. the army. is the most precious thing in the world. uses of self sacrifice and those who understand that you have to live a. real life stories from. russia hosts afghanistan and pakistan to discuss battling the drugs coming from central asia with the afghan war seen as the major cause of instability.
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moscow police on high alert as investigations suggest russia's number one terrorist suspect and the man behind marchers moscow metro bombings could be responsible for tuesday's car bomb blast in southern russia that injured thirty. also a human rights group says the scandal involving an israeli army officer posting the pictures of herself posing with palestinian detainees is just the tip of the iceberg. and of the new polish president pledges better relations with russia as investigators from both countries joined forces to continue examining what caused plane crash which killed president lech kaczynski. that's a look at our headlines next over to our washington studios for a distinctive look at american economics and politics in the show with host. it's only here on r.t.
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. welcome to the alone a show where we get the real headlines with none of the mersey we're coming live out of washington d.c. and today we're going to dive into the state of the economy obama gave a speech touting his policies as steps in the right direction towards recovery and asking for patience today but will the people be able to wait new poll shows that approval ratings on the handling of the economy are dropping fast so will host a panel on the issue next a new police surveillance video surfaced today showing an officer threatening a citizen on camera so we will talk to the filmmaker himself to get his first back to on the growing problem of police harassing civilians who are filming them even though it's legal and a recent report shows that sovereign citizens are on the rise they are human beings
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not persons who follow a law that is not created by the government and some are worried that they're above the law attitude is a danger so we're going to talk to one of these seven citizens to see why they think they can live outside of the government's reach then we'll look at the public housing crisis that's plaguing d.c. and the rest of the country as section eight housing is being converted into middle class properties many lower income families are fearing that they'll become homeless saw have a d.c. reverend anthony evans join me to discuss the gentrification of the nation's capital and today we're going to look at the phenomenon that is snooki it seems that everyone even the president knows who the reality t.v. star is but how does her off the cuff attitude and sometimes crude behavior play off the rest of the world we'll speak with a radio host ralphie aversive but now let's move on today's top story. barack obama is currently on a five day trip across america to raise money for democratic candidates and of course tout his economic policies so in order to garner support he has to be
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bearing good news now the president assured americans today in columbus ohio that slowly but surely we are moving in the right direction we are on the right track but he also asked for their patience saying that we're not going to get back the eight million jobs that were lost overnight but will americans have that patients according to a new poll by a.p. obama earned his lowest marks ever on his handling of the economy with only forty one percent approving of his performance so what happens if that patients runs out completely by november well here to discuss it with me is my calculator a journalist and contributing editor for in these times and nicky curry college director of research and analysis at the winston group thank you both for being here so first of all tell me if you agree with obama's speech today where he says we're on the right track i don't and i think it's also important now that the american people don't agree with him sixty percent of people in that same poll feel the that the economy is moving in the wrong direction and that's that those are bad
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numbers and that just reinforces this message that republicans have been finding that the president and the beltway is out of touch with america well i certainly agree with you and i'm a former staffer of the present but i agree with you totally different reasons that i don't think the president has done enough on this issue i mean he hasn't addressed the three issues that are really playing in this economy one the lack of manufacturing in this country the decline of workers' rights closely bargain for better wages and three the housing crisis and then to addresses those issues this is a kind of he's going to keep on the wrong track what you guys both brought up a lot of good points but i want to get to that speaking of manufacturing because obama was like i said in ohio today where a lot of manufacturing jobs have been lost so naturally people asked him the question as to how these those would return and he of course went back to green green energy. so clean energy jobs to to the green technology talking about building solar and you know windmills is that really possible i mean how long does
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that take to build up. well the problem is that the green industry is already in china i mean you got to eighty percent of the world's windmills being made in china right now and a big part of that is that the terms of trade we're not even talking about labor issues anymore we're not talking about textile the terms of tree with chinese currency manipulation which is illegal and makes chinese goods thirty five forty percent cheaper and with the environmental issues in china makes china so much cheaper that none of that stuff is going to ever be made in the united states it's all going to be made in china where there's no environmental laws so let's we're going to already going to make of the united states because i keep asking myself this question obama also wants to double our exports in the next five years but i just can't figure out what it is that we're going to start producing and that we're going to export and that at the end of the day people don't care where the jobs are coming from they want the jobs we still have a nine point five unemployed that point five percent unemployment rate under employment is still super high as you said we need to get eight million jobs just to get back to where we were in two thousand and eight so saying it's green jobs it
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doesn't like it it's like he's talking but they're not materializing and so i think these schemes you know the stimulus none of this has happened when we were sold the stimulus in two thousand and eight we were told that it was we were we were at eight percent unemployment and if we didn't have the stimulus we'll go up to nine percent now i mean you know we've gone above that we're back down a little bit but you know the government can't create jobs and i think americans are just skeptical about where is the money going to come from because debt and the deficit is still a huge concern in america and i think would make it brings up here but where the money is going to come from the reason we can't create jobs consumers don't have enough money to spend right. there's an interesting situation corporate profits are at record high s. and p. is that higher cooper province and then one of the ninety's during the boom you know. hoarding you know money at record levels productivity is at record levels but workers' wages are flowing and part of that is that corporations are taking advantage of this crisis in the weak state of organized labor to push contract recessions agreed cases mark applesauce up in new york right. mock had its best
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year in its hundred year history yet they're asking the workers to take a three thousand dollars pay cut and freeze their pensions and the reason they're doing that is because they can because people are so desperate in this economy and until workers can have some voice on the job where they can bargain for higher wages we're not going to be able to spend enough money to get this economy going instead we're going to face a threat of deflation was the reason that i know that they're really in their holdings money is there so much an uncertainty look you're looking at the expiration of the two thousand and two thousand and three tax cuts so companies don't know what they're going to be hit with but we don't well when neither one of those talks is going to do for the economy we're also looking at the impact of the of the obamacare taxes that are going to start hitting you know individuals are going to feel more people don't know what their health care costs are going to be and so just everyone is holding on to money because no one knows what the future is there is so much uncertainty in the market you know what the economy to look like in a way as i read about where i'm at there is a little uncertainty that people weren't just tragic you had blindly thinking that nothing could ever go wrong i mean that's what got us into this mess essentially in
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the first place but you know is it fair to then blame it on obama is it fair to them blame it on the government if indeed you know a lot of the private sector just simply isn't hiring right now even though they have the resources that well president obama deserves part of the blame for not doing enough on the issues of trade although he's recently taken some tough stance on the china trade issue on this issue of guatemala a few other issues he's taken some tough stances although he's still pushing the soft treaty he doesn't do enough on the issue of chinese currency but this is a thirty year project that started with ronald reagan where the basic goal was brick unions and send jobs overseas and unless we reverse that trend was ronald reagan's program let's be clear what i was i mean all right if you are your brother you go you have a control you're a he said no no you're literally you know the jesuit already i want to stimulate all of you did i mean he said you know you saw the biggest match of i'm going to take her out on reagan doing that now let me let me ask you a good story you know let me give you
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a good story my mother my mother ninety. three were due to folks wagon auto plant auto union plant she's making thirteen dollars an hour she got laid off ninety three this is new twenty seven years ago went back to school got a bachelor's degree did all the right things that every free market economist says and now she's still not even making thirteen bucks an hour and she's four thousand dollars and the little guy union contracts that are monitoring these more these benefits that are not found in the private sector the post office last week announced second quarter they lost three point five billion dollars billion dollars in a three month period because they have to prefund their employee retiree health benefits those are not benefits that the private sector gets and they say that they have to there's money there you have private sector firms you get we're going to benefit you get i don't i don't after i retire funded pension after i retire i don't have my company paid my health benefits until i die so the fact that the federal government where your time i'm going to that you don't have any type of retirement plan for after i have a retirement i don't remember a time everyone else you know having that i don't think i'm going to govern messed
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up but you know the fact that there aren't that we are tying companies hands to fund these obligations you know there's a reason that it's government motors now it's not general motors any more let's be honest what i want to get to here aside from your personal pension plan which i'm very interested in finding out about after the show is attitude because the point is that no matter what obama says we also have the federal reserve coming out last week telling us that recovery has just come to a full and complete stop so you know how long is everyone's patients going to last when is it really going to run out is it going to run out in november i mean you can say the eight million jobs will be created overnight but but you know these are people they're suffering so how long do they have to wait while i think just between the two of us there's not much patience on the left or the right to do something anymore people are desperate there was a great article by a you already in the washington dependent that suicide rates among jobless people are two or three times the national average of four million people that can't even qualify for unemployment benefits have no idea where the check is coming from this
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is one of. greatest human crisis we faced since the great depression i think location is running out and that's you know we had at this point where to trust you know the president's job approval on the economy in specifically but also i also want taxes also on the deficit these are record lows and this is really going to come back and hurt democrats in november because the president's talking about the mosque the president's talk about immigration the president talk about climate change and he's not talking about issues that people care about well i don't care about zero zero zero zero people care about you everyone has their own priorities and we will see that's all the time we have but i want to thank you both for joining us all right still to come we've discussed in many cases on this show of citizens being arrested for filming police well tonight we'll have the video of a new york police officer telling a man that he will not only be arrested but also rate if he doesn't stop filming it so i'll speak with the man who shot that video in just a moment and could it be true that the u.s. congressman say that they have a plan to cut military spending that will their proposal ever fly it's my unplugged
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moment coming up. extracting black gold. dangerous. blood pushes the limits to catastrophe. is the price. is it possible to prevent such disasters. and can be enough to be dealt with quickly defectively. the oil spills and trill.
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two american lawmakers barney frank and a ron paul need to be commended these two men have been trying to take a realistic approach to cutting down defense spending months ago they wrote an op ed together calling for a reevaluation of our bloated military budget barney frank then appointed a bipartisan commission to look at the ways that this could actually be done and they released a report in june outlining how one trillion dollars could be saved over the next decade without compromising the oh so important notion of national security and you know what their approach is probably the most logical one i've heard in a while no they're not cutting funding to the wars that we're currently fighting and to the troops that are currently abroad no they're not asking to cut services for matter in this veteran's or for military retirees quite simply they're supporting the reduction of overseas u.s.
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bases especially in those wealthy countries where they're clearly not need it countries like japan and parts of western europe they do go that we have almost eight hundred bases abroad i think it's seven hundred and seventy seven bases to be exact is anybody realize how ridiculous that is how unnecessary that is what a waste of money that is the majority of these bases are relics relics left over from the cold war so how come our president members of our congress the ones that are so eager to reset relations don't take these suggestions seriously see paul and frank have written a letter asking other members of congress for their support and trying to get the commission on deficit reduction to pay little attention and currently this letter has fewer than ten cosigners so wake up people everyone loves to complain about how difficult reducing spending is so that critical programs and critical jobs will be cut well guess what a lot of these bases are not critical in fact considering how much money we waste
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on them i'm going to go ahead and say the they're detrimental anyway i guess all that we can do is cross our fingers and hope that somebody listens to these voices of reasons but for now from the looks of things crossing fingers isn't going to be enough. in three states in america it is illegal to film the police illinois maryland and massachusetts now we discuss numerous cases at length here on the show but tonight we bring you a news story a story out of new york where despite the fact that filming the police is illegal one policeman decided to threaten a man with not only jail time but also physical abuse take a look. for what he's going to be used you can get abused in jail to come into a gym and i'm going to tell you i don't get abuse and guys in jail are going to rape you. so why do
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police in america think that this is acceptable behavior are they turning the people against them well joining me is lad type word mixed media artist and glass bead collector with glasses collective excuse me vlad thank you so much for joining me now tell me this first you actually make a hobby of going out and recording police on video why do you do it well. we're going to support i think it is a chance to do is to keep. but i think what the police are doing a lot of things happening there has to deal with this is a joke in particular but i think it's a problem. there's a culture that existed a police crisis where it's ok to lie to make testimony to convict people it's existence of cameras in the hands of the people sort of. the whole situation was it because part of the sort of people if you've got hard to make up stories and so on . what definitely these days i think the cell phones to have video on them it's
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a lot easier to go out and actually film police in action but you know since you do this all the time isn't the first time that you've had this kind of response where a cop tells you that you're not only going to go to jail for something that's legal but they're also going to be raped once you get there. this is the first time i've ever experienced something. in general the people have been do the thing that's happening because of these cameras that sort of changing the balance of power before the police can make up any story they want to have anyone they want make up a story and convince them to take some kind of plea deal because if you could contemplate that they don't in the existence of cameras the ability of people to record what actually happened is changing the dynamics so i think we should see it around this is happening across united states not approach to the world is that the unfortunately agencies are sort of fighting back and it's fighting back with you know still with a look at which is mile and so forth a violent end in terms of these laws in some states to be critical to the police as
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well not tapping the concrete to do so mastering phone but this is a little. money spot. for them to attack younger people to change the culture of lying because it's a culture is extremely easy for anybody to pursue an agency. now how do you think the culture got to be the point is today when people not only fear the police but they also hate the police rather than look at these people as someone who's there to serve and to protect them. well it's a culture of impunity because they could not get new york for example there's this concept of the political asylum if a policeman used to do something that. would be in silence and protect their own and there's a situation basically we are situations with people not of by the police and so it was a little personal consequences for the officers involved its use of the authorities
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and other is not that because she was forty that you could pretty much get away with then you think if you're if you're working with a problem. that caused obviously people to condamine in the face of the this isn't really one of the most fundamental institution to not study well in new york you know i wasn't here reports you this is especially a problem of a very aggressive police force there lastly blacks who just tell me you know what kind of responses do you get do you get to the fact you go out and you feel me stop you think you're changing attitudes and people are starting to turn against the police for. yes i think people are going to change because the reality of the situation is that it's not just like somebody like me quit filming everybody has a camera in the phone so everybody saw me so the gentry to stop people from recording what's happening they just get up there just a behavior in order to be able to just be in with the saudis being a problem is by not you know not behaving in the way that the do go to war or you know if the social improper and whatnot are vile i want to thank you very much for
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joining us and definitely this is quite the video but this is something that's happening more and more across the country thanks so much. isotta come on tonight's show the sovereign citizen movement is growing in popularity but what makes someone think that they can live above the law they all speak of the man who says that he is a sovereign citizen and ask him to explain to us what exactly that means when we come back. every month we give you the future we'll do understand how we'll get there and one more reason best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. not only update on our jeep .
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when i found out that dissed me was getting attention for having cookies on its website i have to admit first i got a little bit excited because who wouldn't love seeing cookies when they open up a web page it's just that perfect combination of sweets and technology all wrapped into one but of course that i found out that's not what people meant when they were talking about cookies on a web page. and i got a little bummed out turns out that disney you know that everyone's favorite children's film maker well they were using their cookies not the sweet kind to follow users who visited their site creating a major privacy issue those cookies were following users tracking every web site they went to online after they initially visited disney's web site putting their
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young web users at risk now disney of the company who designed these minuscule tools for the site are facing a serious lawsuit and it's making other websites reconsider how they operate as many of you know facebook and google are no strangers to the privacy struggle between users and providers but now there's a site geared toward kids that is doing the exact same thing that's ridiculous of all people kids should be left alone not targeted by advertising agencies oh and for the record just turns out there any web designers in the future are listening having real cookies on a web page in my opinion would be awesome just a suggestion. well still to come on tonight's show the g.o.p. frenzy over the mosque i'm sorry but we're not at the break yet in fact we're talking about the sovereign citizen movement in the u.s. according to a new report by the southern poverty law center this is a movement that really is gaining a lot of traction we discussed it before but now they say that there are over three
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hundred thousand americans consider themselves to be sovereign citizens but the thing is the southern poverty law center also in their in-depth report goes into a number of the leaders of this movement and even go to a father and son team who murdered two police officers so they're calling these people perhaps a danger to society but is that true well earlier i caught up with someone who is himself a sovereign citizen and his name is kurt and curtis nixon check it out. basically being what a sovereign citizen is all about is. we don't believe the government should have any control over our actions. you know there is and i'm going to. demean sink the biggest thing about this whole saugerties thing is that there is a call that law which basically states that you are that you're not supposed to
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harm someone you're not supposed to cause harm to someone cause harm to their property lie cheat steal basically the golden rule do unto others as you would have do you want to them do. you know do not commit fraud to your contracts as i said basically it's a common law. there is no actor statute that says that first for example there's no actor statute that says that i can't smoke marijuana you know like they can those those acts are statutes apply to what is called a person. now a person as we see it is a. fictional corporate entity thought a real human being i consider myself to be a human being and all the axis statues that do that apply to a person's. total quiting you don't close incurred if i ask you this you know i'm just
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i'm curious as to are how do you go about your day to day life as not a person but a human being i mean do you have to drive on the roads that are paid for by. taxpayers and that are billed by the government. well when it comes to driving i'm . i don't really drive i had never really have that's more what i do i was billed by the government. well the sidewalks are public property you know like they belong to everyone you know that sometimes like she just somebody has to pay for it in order to to lay the conquering dima ground well if the thing is everything's been paid for that's the thing that most people don't understand about this and about society a general rule it hasn't been you paid for by it has been paid for by your governments it hasn't paid for like ok. tell me this has not been paid for by by other people by taxpayers so you know i think it's
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a fair question to ask whether you're perhaps kidney advantage of other people that actually do pay i understand i understand what you're saying i'm not saying i'm not take advantage of anybody is the way i see it the thing is you have. and this is all going to be edited and i know little bits will not be edited this is the interview well ok whatever that and i'm just curious is that i don't really have any real chance i've been really busy the last couple of days but i just want you to explain you know your lifestyle your ideology and how it is that you go about day to day life living in i understand in civilisation but not wanting to necessarily be a part of it. well the thing is as i said everything is been paid for what you pay taxes your tax money isn't going to infrastructure it is going to a debt that has been incurred by our governments for the last who knows how long
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right ok seventy years. so where is your line of come from for the inner infrastructure. that money well i couldn't tell you exactly but let me tell you somebody a while ago curtis i want to move on very quickly because i want to ask you a question. you know i know here in canada the southern poverty law center here in the u.s. recently wrote an entire report about sovereign citizens they said that now in the u.s. there they have amassed to about three hundred thousand people but they essentially painted sovereign citizens as as dangerous people they mentioned humana father and son team that murdered two police officers they did an entire profile of some of the leaders and you know how does that make you feel to have them label this group of people as as a danger perhaps a threat to society i would say that anyone who labels sovereign citizens.
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as a broad group like that as dangerous or extremists i would say that that is ignorant and an educated day obviously haven't researched into what sovereignty is they obviously don't know what we're all about like i'm a very peaceful person i do not condone violence of any sort i think that violence in general is a point and make. it like getting what he's saying that obviously as i said oh see has it done their research perhaps so our listeners are too bad seeds that this father and son team that ended up murdering two police officers i would call them softer and i would call them obviously they broke a competent law by murdering someone day cause harm to someone so they broke to call the law which very clearly states do not harm right sorry curtis what we've got to wrap it up i very much appreciate you get.


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