tv [untitled] RT August 18, 2010 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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perspective telling us about your lifestyle but you know very quick last question if you were in trouble would you call the police to come help you i would call a police officer not necessarily the police but i would call a police officer all right curtis thanks so much take care thank you have a great day. all right now it's time for a break and still to come on tonight's show the g.o.p. frenzy over the mosque being planned near ground zero takes another twist the far right condemning the far right that's going to be tonight's tool time and is it the end of public how the obama administration is trying to change the way the government helps others find a place to live will have a report on the issue and how it affects the nation's capital as soon as we come back.
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broadcasting live from moscow russia's capital this is our team now look at your headlines russia hosts afghanistan. and pakistan to discuss battling the drugs coming from central asia with the afghan war seen as the major cause of instability . in moscow police on high alert as investigations suggest russia's number one terrorist suspect and of the man behind march is moscow metro bombings could be responsible for tuesday's car bomb blast in southern russia that injured thirty. also a human rights group says the scandal involving an ex israeli army officer posting pictures of herself posing with bound palestinian detainees is just the tip of the iceberg. and the new polish president pledges better relations with russia as investigators from both countries join forces to continue examining what caused a plane crash which killed president lech kaczynski. those will look at the
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headlines coming up josh will be had about thirty minutes with a full look at your news but right now it's back to the only on the show. well tonight's tool time winner involves the g.o.p. and a man who has his eyes on the white house in two thousand and twelve newt gingrich is flirting with a presidential bid and he's waited for shall i say jumped head first into the ground zero mosque story apparently new doesn't believe in the constitution because he's opposed to the planned mosque and he's not alone dozens of republican lawmakers even some democrats are all in a frenzy but it's newt's comments on fox news but has him at the center of this political firestorm. newt is doing is he's trying to get out and be more flamboyant and more charismatic if you will and more controversial than sarah palin who is his
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primary challenger if he gets into new hampshire the right to put out a sign next to the holocaust museum in washington we would never accept the japanese putting up next to pearl harbor there's no reason for us to subject a mosque next to the world trade center so new compared the mosque to nazi even if you don't believe that mosque should be built near the site of nine eleven making that comparison is just deplorable you know believe me then listen to a man who's made a living out of making hateful and bigoted comments on t.v. . hillary she's trying to get out and be more flamboyant and more charismatic if you will and more controversial than palin who which is probably. if you get to new hampshire. you see that was pat buchanan the guy that was supposed to be the voice of reason for the g.o.p. on this ground zero mosque debate i that's depressing i never thought that i would
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long for the bush years we at least republican party kept a lid on some of their crazies i know it's a slow news month but the republican party should keep in mind they are painting your party as one that is intolerance and opportunistic so voters when you head to the polls in november and when newt gingrich runs for president in two years just remember how this party acted when it came to freedom of religion and that's why newt gingrich is tonight's tool time winner. a government subsidized program that's been around since the great depression is now in danger of disappearing i'm talking about public housing more commonly known as section eight the obama administration has introduced a proposal that's not being welcomed by advocates for public and affordable housing and the initiative has partially gone into effect here in washington d.c. already r t correspondent to hand hafiz the story. the united states of america land of opportunity but also
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a land of two tales one of city's booming with business and politics. the other of a growing wealth divide. as the great recession continues to claim its victims more americans are in need of public housing but public housing or section eight as it's widely known in the us has been drying up over the years the housing and urban development agency estimates nearly sixty million people either live in public housing or on the waiting list for a unit however the obama administration is gearing up to transform the future of public housing to congress let's get the federal government out and just take this private housing three. housing and cravat tazz it under the obama administration petra the preservation and hansen and transformation of rental assistance act would hand over the public housing system to the private sector to
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say that we're going to convert it to private ownership is a way even getting rid of public housing linda leaks of unpowered d.c. insists it will lead to desperation like this scene played out in atlanta georgia. the p.p.d. where thirty thousand people scrambled for public housing applications that would only be guaranteed two thousand one hundred people the best example of what petra would offer public housing is washington d.c. washington d.c. has always been known and perhaps will forever be known as chocolate city the demographics here are predominately african-american and the city was once written with drug and gang violence but now the tables have turned and where section eight and public housing once aided desperately in need communities corporate buildings and condos now stands. an extreme shortage of housing.
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a lot of money and it was adrian fenty washington d.c.'s mayor who decided private owned public housing units would service the city's poor better than what the government could offer became the mayor. he did fundraisers at the mansion of developer friends for instance donna tele has has hosted a birthday party fundraiser for him and then coincidentally or not on a tele receive two properties on georgia avenue by the metro valued at over a million dollars for for only one dollar this is one of the buildings of christopher donna telly of donna telly development a close friend and financial donor of mayor fenty he refused to speak with r.t. but told other media outlets this building is for affordable housing that's if you can afford a studio apartment for more than one thousand five hundred dollars a month these are low income and moderate income families that are being abused
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this way when you look at the wealth divide and d.c. a big part of that is the two cities that exist here. tales two very different narratives reflecting the future of struggling americans in peril office are to washington d.c. . so how did it get to this point in the nation's capital when did gentrification become a priority for city was so many in the we're here to discuss it with me is reverend anthony evans the president of the national black church initiative reverend thanks so much for being here it's good to be here first i want to get your take on a new plan this petra plan which essentially is handing over the public housing to private developers do you think this is good bad this is a terrible time to do what the government should be doing its what they have been doing in foreclosure should look very closely at the housing stock in major cities they should look at a forty. housing increasing fordable housing and then began to do what we what we
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call mix density hope six and all of that stuff but what they have been done up until the time of the foreclosure crisis is adequately fund public housing and adequately had sufficient amount of stock to take care of those who had moderate income so it makes no sense but the thing is you know d.c. is public housing system has also come under a lot of criticism it's one that's been riddled with violence it's i think it was ranked the second worst in the country you know in the past it's also been placed under receivership so clearly there are there are problems here this is not a perfect system so is throwing more money out of the best idea perhaps could you know part public part private ownership help it well that has never been the case the case has been of course is that we have never had a situation where we had what we called mixed density where there are middle class whites and middle class blacks and lower class blacks and lower class white live in the same apartment complex that has never existed on the mask as have done some
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experimental stuff in chicago and other cities but what has taken place in the district has been just criminal. between the election of anthony williams our former mayor and mayor fenty they have literally given the store the store away so there is no wonder there is no affordable housing simply because even though we have a formal control in the city it still hasn't helped those who have moderate income in his own eyes fixed budget so in other words he never allow the poor to catch up to the housing in this city you spend sixty percent of your income on housing that's outrageous i will agree with you that prices in the city are completely outrageous i was i was shocked when i first moved here from los angeles which is not a cheap place in itself i didn't know what was in store for me when coming to d.c. but still you know about my question the fact that they say this is the second worst in the nation the system here is that's because i know if money wasn't sent to why is it why was it so bad it's going to new
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a story of how the district of columbia and other governments have ran public housing poorly. and they have ran it poorly because they have no it is not because they have not gotten enough money that has never been the case creativity. listening to goes who are neat. doing different ventures in housing and r. c. in c. r. c. in the neighborhood works is to perfect national non-profits who have given public housing people around the country new ideals who have failed to implement them and so when the developer came calling and said that i'm going to make this a very beautiful place and make two or three hundred apartment. on low income moderately income that's not public housing that's given the store away anthony williams did it and mr fenty is doing it and other big cities mayor is doing it just to deal with the issue of blight in the city so let's be honest what would it do with the real deal this year well sounds like
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a lot of mismanagement tell me this you know because everyone is suffering right now country and the entire country is in a recession you know some are saying we're heading towards a depression but when you look at the figures do you see itself as a city is actually booming this is where people can get work right now but that's because there are very two different washington d.c. how does it make you feel that you know statistically if other people are listening they think that washington doesn't understand them and washington doesn't feel the same crisis but washington does i mean this is a case of racial. underpinning. any big city mayor even marion barry feel to do this it brings those to washington's together mary had a wonderful opportunity during his reign as mayor of the district of columbia to do that he failed to do it because marion understood that the big city been this interest did not want to make that to make that happen we washington could have the best housing stock in the country over the past twenty years right now prior to it
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see washington have gone through to boom we went to a boom right after marion barry and anthony williams and then we went to a small boom under mr fenty but prior to that they have thirty thousand people with section eight looking for housing and so it was no way that those who were looking for housing for sex in the money prior to washington revitalization and revitalization really means is that the the whites who could afford to live in the city and pay market rates moved into the city prices so that's really was the last year and is very quickly i have to question was exactly one minute left is where will these people go. that will have public housing and also you know do you predict that it's going to get so bad that we're seeing a scene like we saw in atlanta where thirty thousand people were out in the streets just to get on a waiting list absolutely and this area is going to go to places they're going to
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go to northern virginia which they don't they don't want to northern virginia and they're going to go to prince george's county and pretty sure this county has been absolving washington d.c. poor for the past ten years so are we going to have a crisis like it takes place in east point allana absolutely and we're going to have a crisis in other major american cities simply because big city mayors will not face down developers and make sure that everything is equal you cannot have a city of rich and haves you've got to have diverse of a kind sure to say we have an entire country. there are exciting the haves now and the have nots. you know it's playing out here in d.c. to record up so much for being here thank you very much all right so to come on tonight's show two candidates are taking their political protests so far that they're starving themselves but this sounds like more of a ploy for attention but a real form of protest to me i'll get my thoughts when we come back and snooki mania is sweeping the u.s. but how the reality star become such an american icon we'll look into the issue and
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find out why this overly spray ten young woman has become a worldwide phenomenon. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world acknowledging update on r g. c two showing the military because i thought that it was my duty that it was something that i could do to help my country. my government that it is necessary for america to vietnam there was a lot of drug abuse there was a lot of murder of american officers soldiers there were a lot of. ways. to get out of. this all the war i
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was stunned i wanted to win a lot of medals and they do have a lot of desperation. but afterwards i realize that they don't mean anything they're not that important. i don't i don't i never kept the medal. the united states of america is waging war within its own army. kill no advantage it is our no one sign. and human losses are quite significant. is it possible to win the war against sexual assault in the u.s. armed forces sex in the army on r g. it's next story he was somebody exactly what's wrong with politics in this country a little too much showmanship and not enough policy two men running for congress in
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california are currently on a hunger strike because their opponents won't debate that we have democrat ray lots and libertarian might annoy who began their hunger strike earlier this month and they'll continue that strike until friday so they're hoping that the media attention will force republican congressman duncan hunter to come out and debate them now hunter has agreed to a series of debates just until october but these two guys on the hunger strike won a series of debates starting later this month and get this lots is had a difficult time on a strike he's missed seventeen meals he's a lost fourteen pounds and he's taken an enema to avoid toxic shock not really sure he needed to tell everybody that but moving on you get the point now hunter's campaign has dismissed this hunger strike as a p.r. move and said that they've agreed to a series of debates that will be in october so just wait but as to competitors point out the early voting is already underway so the residents in the district
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need to see the difference between the three candidates but you know what i'm actually going to have to agree wholeheartedly with the republican congressman here with all of the issues this country is facing unemployment the housing crisis two wars personally i just find to want to be congressman holding a hunger strike for media attention to be a little pathetic let the people read about real issues and not about your empty stomachs. now when i say the name snooki what comes to mind lover hater she is everywhere even president obama knows who she is and if you don't know snooki she is the current it girl from the reality t.v. show jersey shore those niggas fame making her the new u.s. ambassador to the world r.t. correspondent newport naya takes a look. she's the legendary sex goddess who in now emerged the world. symbol glamorous and famous for. the
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fifty's gave us now women row with each passing decade america embraced a new icon who created trends and fed fantasies. but to these it for a smoky snooki snooki it's look it's look it's not good enough he is here snooki or nicole khaleesi is the smallest and hannah just cast member and t.v.'s reality show we're sure. from wall street. to the red carpet i mean you know when their government solutions to the big powerful. just like we need her was she like oh you know she's cool i think she's that way someone entertaining you are the one thing. that you are a reality t.v. star has become america's new cultural symbol a reflection some say of a different kind of
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a member comedy club or whatever to look and just. look at that really has her own signature laugh and figure while that american really you know it's called the jersey shore so relatable even the u.s. president speaks of snow exploded from the indoor tanning to within this bill. snooki then gets called to be sure snoeck a run as mayor of was ala. oh the. fact is on the streets of manhattan able to find even one person who doesn't know snooki yeah we're taking you for a drink right absolutely why because she's every just like they commit to we make you popular cast member snooki of that hit reality show has been arrested with a reported salary of thirty thousand dollars per episode this reality show star has made it snooki is
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a national appeal may be debatable but her international reach undeniable the jersey shore is currently broadcasting in more than thirty countries around the globe and foreigners are turning to t.v. learn about america that might meet. the most seem less embarrassing and that has some americans believing snooki might be worth what the world thinks of the usa i don't associate myself with i just don't think that she's adding anything to to our cultural experience love her or hate her i think snooki is a new and different kind of symbol. made in america. r.t. new york. so it's officials mania is real ever better or worse the rest of the world is watching her but what is it about this reality t.v. star that's made her such
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a sensation most new yorkers don't want to be associated with her so do we perhaps love her just to hate her to make ourselves feel better well joining me to discuss it from whites very pennsylvania is syndicated radio host ralphie a verse of ralphie thanks so much for joining me. i want to ask you what do you think has caused snooki to become this cultural phenomenon. well the biggest we're going to create a timeline of i think the one incident the one of guns that sticks out is her big new to bowman obviously youth who can help anybody go global it helps was lucky when she was punched in season one of jersey shore by the guys the bar she was an annoying figure through a not so annoying book or sympathetic. people. and i think that's i think we lost him for a second there ralphie american you're not are here you know a guy lost
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a half way through so when she got punched in the face that's i have to admit the first time that i ever heard of snooki i was a fan of the jersey shore i definitely myself watched that you tube video as well but do you think people really sympathize with her i mean i can't decide if people in america actually like her and want to be like her or for have they just like watching her because like i said they make her you know she makes them feel better about themselves because she's such a wreck. i think it's a little bit of both i think either everybody has a snooki in their life or they are like smokey in one way or another so the fact that this person can act like some teenagers or people in their early twenty's do and make the amount of money that she does end up in the amount of fame that she has obtained i think that makes her such a big figure because people will go up there in the be like wow you know i'm i'm just like her and look at her so. wow i can just eat and drink beer all day
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make thirty grand and i said i wish signing up for that i don't know if you wish and that's why she's so fondly of course i mean she's taken thirty grand episode recently actually not too long ago a few months ago she was back in my hometown inaugural balls of fifteen minute appearance she was paid thousands of dollars who wouldn't want to do that and i think that's kind of the mystique around this whole jersey shore thing i mean you look at even now the j. pauly d. and his deejay business in the situation they're getting tens of thousands of dollars to appear at these high end nightclubs in las vegas and across the country everybody would want to live like that. hardy and make a ton of money and call it a day who wouldn't want to live like that and they complain about ten percent taxing on their tanning i don't feel bad for that one now tell me if you find this is funny as i do see snooki herself was in court today bear attorney was and he pleaded not guilty for her on behalf of her for disorderly conduct for creating a public nuisance and my favorite one for not violating a municipal ordinance of annoying people on the beach i don't even know that
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legally you know someone can take you to court for being annoying. i think what with her crying noise that she makes i think snooki is guilty of annoying people worldwide and globally as that package pointed out what she was pretty out if you saw me the footage of her on that beach i mean i know the only footage of her drinking is out of a coke bottle the contents of that coke bottle i think are debatable but it's not the wherever she goes and the jersey shore has a problem when they were filming season two in miami they are such a spectacle now that you have the cast members their entourage the camera crew the paparazzi and then all the other fans onboard that want to get a piece of the action and it becomes a nuisance wherever they are that's why they had to leave miami earlier than expected well i think you also forgot to mention that it wasn't just a coke bottle it was a beer bong that had cocaine it was a little the following a little more visible but really the i you know the story that marina just said or as she described it was that now in surgery countries they're showing the jersey shore thirty countries around the world so the whole
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world the whole world but you know a lot of the world is seeing this show what do you think you know that that kind of impression does that make about america. if you're going to judge the america strictly on the jersey shore obviously that's not a great impression i would hope i would hope that people around the globe don't judge america or for that matter every country on one particular so because i think in other countries especially overseas for race there on both national broadcast and cable t.v. but certainly i wouldn't be cast members of jersey shore as an american ambassador any time soon yeah but do you think other people are going to see in that way i don't know personally and i certainly i mean your degree of course i think that's an issue i think every part of american culture especially these days that could be an issue whether you talk about a blogger like paris hilton or you know i mean those all the t.v. shows i mean all these real housewives and some of the things that they do on those
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shows are many parts of american culture that can make america as a whole of course i agree about well it's an interesting phenomenon and when i don't fully understand it unfortunately we're going to keep covering it i guess thanks so much thank you thanks all right time for a tweet of the day north korea has finally joined the social media world reports are saying that the country is officially signed on to be part of twitter and they even started a you tube page wait to catch up north korea now i personally think this because kim jong il. being the de facto leader of the country i think it's only appropriate then that today's tweet of the day is dedicated to this head honcho so what kim jong il tweets well maybe twitter is the key to helping you make some friends. here at the top. was today and. we'll have another one for you tomorrow and that's also it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure you can back tomorrow night when we take a look at google c.e.o. eric schmidt latest comments this time he's advocating that today's youth just
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change their names in the future so they can erase their messy social networking pasts and that really what it's come to these days we've lost so much privacy that we have to change our names. that discussion will be tomorrow now in the meantime don't forget to a fan of a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you tube got dot com slash the alone a show where we post the interviews as well as the entire show coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. would be soo much brighter if you knew me by some from pundits to pressure these.
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stunts on t.v. . news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are on the day. this is not a problem but one. thing that you should see everywhere you should it's a pretty tree they have no idea but the hardships to be face. like one it's this is it all going to need to. bring the army to life.
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