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tv   [untitled]  RT  August 21, 2010 9:01pm-9:31pm EDT

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iran share power plant is fueled up with the help of russian engineers it's said to be fully operational within a month and will be run under the strict supervision of the un watchdog. russian security forces kill a top militant believed to be to have been behind the suicide bomb attacks on the moscow metro in march. new york bidding farewell to the iconic cabs that have graced its streets for decades competition is now underway in the big apple to find a more fuel efficient successor. artie's close up team
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travels to one of russia's northern outposts of the coast of the white sea to meet the locals who depend on the region's natural resources for their livelihood. five am in the russian capital tressa thanks for joining us on r t our top story the first nuclear power plant in the middle east has been switched on in iran the southern city of who share the russian built reactor is now operating under the strict control of the un atomic watchdog amid international concerns over terrans nuclear ambitions archies oksana boyko was at the long awaited opening. more than thirty years in the making with a price tag of over two billion dollars by all accounts the bush era nuclear power plant is an expensive undertaking and the one for which iran has spared no expense
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the chaplet have always been more than just an education or ready to sell it for all it's a symbol of the country social progress and proof but it's more in touch up around critics the embodiment of the family crippled likes of ideological backwardness and a vivid example of a building which a diplomatic bargaining chip for years the station has finally come closer to fulfilling its practical purpose but the first batch of nuclear fuel just loaded into the reactor the station is expected to start producing electricity by the end of this year but iran's top nuclear officials says it's already for celebration we are grateful to the people of from russia to the government of pressure to our great friends in russia that were. instrumental in making us witnessing today. had not been the assistance of the russians certainly would not have been
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witnessing such a great thing with temperatures well over forty degrees centigrade the plant is a vivid example of why iran needs to produce smaller tricity even with air conditioning running at full tilt the heat is still too much to bear for years russia's top nuclear fishel sergei kerry younker has been working up a sweat to defend moscow's cooperation with iran it when you go it's a unique venture because it's very difficult to build new equipment into the equipment that was there from the start the bushehr power plants is an international project over ten countries supplied the equipment european countries as well as asia pacific countries while some countries remain concerned about iran's use of russian nuclear fuel people of pushchair also have reasons to be fearful valeri in their lima. i have been working at this station for three years only the sas initially she was a pretty hands of about bringing their children to iran for medical reasons but knows she and her husband have other concerns with you when i went out we just saw
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reports online quinn israel is planning to bomb it's scary when they do local training here there is shooting and airplanes are flying you never know if it's true or not maybe they're preparing for something for many here is a real threat to bomb the station evolved painful memories of the 1980's when saddam hussein's old tillery berridge the cd causing substantial damage to the station itself yet iranian officials are confident history won't repeat itself and we are not too soon because we know this is a guess internationally. potentially you need a new installation and these are on the. off to me. it's the psychological. we do not take it seriously although we are aware we are vigilant but this does not mean what they are seeing it
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says seriously russia's role in supplying fuel and technology to iran may and settle some but it could also prevent further confrontation between the two neighbors adding yet another dimension to phrase enrichment for peaceful purposes. r t will share iran nuclear scientist john large is critical of the bush era large saying to iran is only trying to get its hands on the technology it needs. break sample we ran off for a few years could say to the russian federation technicians go we're going to take control of this no but importantly the preparation issues are primarily with the training the equipment the peripheral equipment and the management systems that the russian federation and the international community will actually put in at bushehr to enable that plant to operate as safe as it can for that type of technology the equipment etc all of that is transferable and jewel capable so you could put that nuclear technology into the enrichment plants in the tents and into the reactor
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that the iranians have billion at a place called iraq so there is a potential for proliferation transfer. and a security expert in moscow believes it's important to differentiate between the bush era plan and iran's nuclear weapons ambitions i think that there could be a difference between and the problem that could be military. some military are young the problem and the. problem for peace for the station on the planet. regarding his organization on the planet i think practically any proliferation on the liberation in songs i mean this is a major victory of course for your audience because. it's going to be practically has become cost the country in the new year in middle east which has. acted. existing atomic power plant. for
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russia it's also a very great success because russia has proved that russia abiding is abiding for more liberation standouts halmagyi functions bandits and rules according to the a. stay with us here on r t lots more ahead to do away including this. we'll look at why a legend russian arms dealer viktor boot is wanted so badly in the united states plus artes close up team takes to the high seas. now on a four hour journey by boat to one island that's only excessive during the summer months on designing this city a village populated by more people more meeting post around and explore the lives of more people their traditions and their past lives. first though one of the suspected organizers of the moscow metro bombings in which
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forty people died has been killed in a shootout with russian security forces four other alleged militants were also shot dead during the special operation in russia's southern republic of dagestan r t s sean thomas reports from one of the metro stations that was hit by a deadly blast in march. officials are telling us that the map how we build up all of these has been killed in an operation in the southern republic of doubt this time along with four others now this is important because he is wanted on the federal and international most wanted list for more than two years he's also thought to have ties to sharif about one of the two suicide bombers blew themselves up on march twenty ninth at the would be uncle station shoes that would be on station and then another suspected bomber blew themselves up here at the three metro station now in this operation we're told that firefighters had a building surrounded there was a fire inside that building they realized that this wasn't about profit and they
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were shot and killed we're also told that no policemen were shot and killed or there were no civilian casualties in this operation as well let me give you a little bit of background on the moscow metro bombings about both is thought to be one of the masterminds in the organizers of the most committed bombings on march twenty ninth happened during rush hour on the breadline on the bianca and the car the three metro station right here killing forty people and injuring more than one hundred people so this is been someone that authorities have been trying to get to for some time and at this point time that they say they have successfully killed the mother model ali build up as well as four others in his operation also in russia's northern caucasus one policeman was killed and four wounded in a special operation the chechen republic security officials say police cornered a militant in a house in the capital grozny after a gunfight the suspect escaped the building then detonated an explosive device blowing himself up in the process. the thai government says it will make the final
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decision on whether to extradite alleged russian arms trader victor boot this comes after a bangkok court ruled that he was to be sent to the u.s. to face charges of terrorism and conspiracy to supply weapons the decision was strongly condemned by russia as a political move moscow says it will make a. every effort to bring its citizen home who was arrested in bangkok more than two years ago and kept in custody ever since parties military analysts even through his job believes he has a lot of information about say the u.s. dealings and that's why he's regarded as a threat by washington. victor mood is a walking intelligence treasure trove has it phenomenal phenomenal photographic memory and there are several results of why u.s. intelligence community or so keen on getting him to the united states first they try to recruit him the cia made several approaches to recruit him refused him all the logistics of legal and illegal arms supplies all around the world and because
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look now it's too much he is more dangerous than we kill except for the u s smuggling role not only in africa and latin american but all over the world. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe prosecutors in sweden has rocked rape charges against the founder of the wiki leaks website giuliana songe but he could yet face charges of molestation the website says the allegations were without basis and that they had previously been warned to expect quote dirty tricks assad was in sweden last week where he announced the whistleblower site will publish a final batch of secret documents related to the war in afghanistan. australia is heading for a hung parliament in the tightest general election in the country will for more than four decades with more than seventy five percent of the votes counted neither the ruling labor party nor the opposition coalition appears likely to get enough of votes to win outright prime minister julia guillard says it could be days before the result is known but still hopes to form the next government opposition leader
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tony abbott says it's clear the ruling party has lost both its majority and the legitimacy of. a rare world war two dive bomber is seen the light of day after spending sixty five years submerged at the bottom of a california reservoir to anglers spotted the outline of the curtis helldiver on their sonar fishfinder the plane crashed in one thousand nine hundred five both the pilot and gunner bailed out and swam to shore their craft will now be taken to the national naval aviation museum for restoration and display. one hundred fifty animal rights activists have launched an unusual protest against both fighting in the spanish city of bilbao semi-naked demonstrators lay down to form the shape of a ball outside the guggenheim museum somewhere smeared in red painted to represent the bull's blood into like head lonia banned bullfighting leading many activists to believe that a nationwide ban is possible. new york city's iconic yellow
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taxis are on the road to extinction with the economic recession pushing forward to introduce new fuel efficient cars the production of the sedan style crown victoria vehicle will soon be stopped but as artie's laura lister has been finding out some on the streets of the big apple feel they're losing a jewel in the city's crown. in a city that never sleeps the flow with taxis never stops for very long. the line for cabs is tough they can miss the pounding in the city twenty two hours twenty four hours a day but for cabbies it's even tougher. i would. make your money so if you don't hustle for cash during peak hours. and for drivers like this one time banker yeah i used to welcome or destroy your. life on main street means working even harder and faster as a cabbie these days because of the recession. and pounding the pavement in
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new york city's sea of yellow there is one car that is keeping this cabbie and many others afloat on the. new york taxi. it is kept them running for a while now. since ninety six ninety seven for practical reasons it runs and runs and runs but to much of the world this car is more than just a dependable cab this is. the. symbol or not it will be scrapped altogether run into the bone yard of cabs two thousand and eleven is the last model year that the other four is going to make it across victoria texaco actually wrecked the crown victoria at all built ford tough hasn't proven tough enough for these economic times sluggish sales and a push towards fuel efficiency in new york means they'll be out of production and the last of them will be off duty for good and if you hear it's. come twenty fifty
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deaths classic new york taxi cab will officially be a thing of the past history will be filled with more cabs that look like this this one's a hybrid. and may get better gas mileage and made cabbies money but it's not. exactly that iconic new york taxi ride time square place. that the other idea. one suitcase and the one i see a lot of people to a few of those who take this one but if you ask anyone in the big apple things in new york moved real then things changed that change however isn't always for the better. or would anybody want to sit. in for that cab woven into this city's asphalt fabric that's what you need you don't need a car that's built for a soccer mom to take her three kids to practice here and built into the livelihoods of cabbies are forced to buy those cause you know the brawl goes. these all these
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programs they're forcing us to buy that car who are struggling this month ahead problem we'd like you know coming up with my rent will new york be losing more. than this american steel from the street this looks like the new york taxi cab is that going to be a problem the long run i don't know you know maybe for the i love new york people they can have a minute commercials i think for me at the yellow but is yellow cab start to look the same from manhattan to russia to egypt does new york it's a little piece of itself yes it does yes because of course it's going to be bad for new york. but it's on the senate floor and lyster it's the end of an era you know r t oh miss this new york. or you could always take the bus where you can find more on this story and everything else we're covered on our website at our team dot com here's what else is online right now. russia has one month to prove it's
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a legal owner of the kremlin descendants of the ricks the country's founding dynasty are suing the state to get back their property but they say their forefathers built and lived it. and find out why some german and american tourists on a russian refused to leave the boat after it. but the cargo ship got all the details at r.t. dot com. now is your chance to discover parts of russia cut off from the traditional tourist trail our close up team is on hand to take you to the diverse and undiscovered areas of the country from the comfort of your homes.
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this week we have been scouting out the coastal region of our congo skin northwest russia for generations the local people's livelihood and heritage has been intertwined with the white sea communities of sailors fishermen and carpenters of all thrive from the natural resources of the landscape as artie's tests are still used and finding out a way of life there is a timeless as the see it sir. they were one of the first conquerors of the northern waters. fisherman with. not so many fresh it's off season now filled up with salmonella northern fish it comes to a reverse responding ship builders sea captains the norse have a bond with the sea unbroken for centuries. my grandfather used to build one. votes he was one of the best ship builders out there everyone in my family is connected to the sea they were either sailors or captains. work of is
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a native of but they keep got island one that he calls the homeland of captains so we traveled to put it on a four hour boat journey to an island only accessible during the summer months today it's inhabited by about four hundred to moore's descendants of the very first settlers here we discovered that the so-called traditional more way of life is certainly not just something out of a history book. constructed wooden boats using old techniques. novel this is a car kind of boat it's very stable on the scene it rises and falls smoothly with the waves. making their own fish nets. raiding the ropes used for making those fish nets or catching their own fish. but i've been fishing for a long time now this year i caught a big fish this big and living in guinea can you can move houses the houses in this
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village are very well preserved dating back a few hundred years now this house in particular is three hundred years old and the unique feature of these old houses is this fireplace here they cook and they bake but it also has another use on top of it is a bed which they use during winter so they can have a warm bed during the harsh conditions. for the few more adapting to whatever mother nature throws at them has become second nature this bridge for example is down every winter and rebuilt every spring. this one is also what has kept their cultural life throughout the centuries yes and yes the cli sharing a heritage they're proud to call their own no no a. place as in singing my who life my mother still sings we can act old retells and songs and revive them this dress belongs to my grandmother when it time this dress i feel very good and i have the desire to sing old songs feel
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a desire she hopes to pass along to her young grandson to answer celia r.t. on hungus region. now you're up to date here on r t i'll be back with a recap of our main stories in about ten minutes twenty ten has seen more than its fair share of extreme weather and on natural disasters all over the world up next in our interview we speak with piers corbyn who says it has nothing to do with global warming just the weather cycle repeating itself stay with us. you're. i'm in london today talking to piers corbyn who is
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a long range weather forecasts and we're now and climate change skeptics are going to be talking about the recent devastating hot weather that's taking place in russia and also about climate change in general thanks very much for talking to us now we've seen the devastating heat which has caused widespread wildfires in rust save the summit yeah did you see that coming yes a long road for calls for europe western part of russia predicted a heat wave in most of europe especially east europe and west russia and we also predicted when it was going to end and ended when we said what's in your opinion of course that it was caused by. dramatic changes in solar activity. which caused it to happen and we also predicted very specifically when it would end q two we said to be extra special solar activity on the sun. around fourteen four so. that would lead to changes in the jet stream which would get rid of the heat
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wave in western russia and also the party's problems for the pakistan floods have also ended when we said and how scientifically of these two events related they're related through the jet stream which is the poff of low pressure is around the northern hemisphere if you like pattern shifts and sometimes it sort of gets stuck in a stationary position which it was which is what was supporting washer and one of the super floods in pakistan on the side and on. to victory on the. part of the moon caused it to switch to something else which it's. what we have is a tremendous amount of activity on the song. affects the rush of particles from the sun to the earth not changes there on a sphere that also then changes the patterns of the boys no knives the. spring that caused
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a shifting of the weather patterns. so if wind in western russia terminated and instead we got north westerly flow of massive thunderstorms and cooling of the sun toward the party star floods also indeed substantially some people say that this extreme heat wave that we've seen and rust and also in other parts of europe coupled with the pakistani floods are evidence of global warming what to say well there. you see just look at the facts it was actually been very cold in the southern and sphere or northern russia as being cold and these things have happened before in particular the pakistan floods and the west russian heat wave happened one hundred and thirty two years ago all there about which is the situation in the earth magnetic lunar soil cool.
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so it's not surprising it happened and it more it indeed happened next year we've got to go to work on that the people who watched climates global warming or are ignorant who wish to mislead the public for political and financial and what significance does this one hundred thirty two here span have well if six storms twenty two which is the magnetic socket of the sun and also seven times nineteen and nineteen years is is the lunar eclipse are called which means the moon and the sun the earth who are going to be in about the same place are multiples of nineteen years so you're saying they're going to hundred thirty two s. yes this could happen again in doing it but. in england we have a series of three very works almost all of which corresponded to three very works on this one hundred thirty two years previously so. we were going to have a series of these things in russia and pakistan one of the main effects of this
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heat that we've seen in russia is that wildfires that break now it's all over the place including underground in peat bogs what's the effect on the environment or something like that well. the first thing to understand about it is it makes the air war so all these people are saying while this is the hottest you actually have to take off the effect of the four if you stand near a four it's warm those ash particles in the air were created at four thousand degrees centigrade the heaters gone out of them into the air so there's that extra tidy so to describe it is hottest over or something is it is just nonsense i mean you have to look back what are the hundred and thirty years ago and was there a simon amount of tinned crops and so on which could burn easily there and. of course because of boredom forming probably more vulnerable to for more on not sure but the mining for mental effect is just people getting you fruit through it
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through smoke and the range of problems with the world does this very hot summer mean that we're now going to have a very cold winter. to come in pairs lot is true in the last winter was it was cold in much of europe and. in russia we are working on the question because that obviously the purpose of hot summer cold winters don't carry on like that forever and they disappear often they come in through us but we need to work on let's talk in general about your long range forecasting explain to me in layman's terms how you do that well what we saw what happens on the song. dictates the circulation patterns of the globe geo to a lot of magnetic connections particles coming from the sun and the moon modulating they are the impact of those particles so what we say really is well similar
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situation of the sun earth magnetic lunar total site in the past will cave similar weather patterns. then as to sometime in the future when the patterns repeat does not clockwork so we have to do a lot of small things to understand but that doesn't are able us to predict weather toit's and indeed to draw a lot of detail many months ahead i mean for example we caught the correct tolling of the breakdown of the european world for example recently which would be trapped in the ability of the we described correctly the deluge users happened in england over the last resort three summers to this one zero seven zero eight zero nine zero s. coping thank you very much thank you.
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it's wealthy british.


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