tv [untitled] RT August 23, 2010 1:02pm-1:32pm EDT
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gone with the wind it seems that the recent climate change in moscow has brought an end to the recent forest fires that have been ravaging the nation. false intervention the nicaraguan president calls one of them in american culture but that put down and stand up to washington claim it's time the us government still sticking its nose into the people's business. down but not a punch in a drunken brute turns a regular gal into an overnight sensation but somehow contrail pleased with the way she's trained the most obscene. mind of the little world stock markets
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a top investor in london tells us why in the business in twenty minutes. of i will welcome to you this is on line from moscow with me alice have it now the final state of emergency imposed due to russia's drought of wildfires has been lifted the cost of the damage caused by the record breaking heat wave is approaching four hundred million dollars. out of the house the latest update on the fires across russia. it seems that the emergencies ministry did report that all most of the country's fires have been played out specifically in the moscow region as you can see the weather is completely different to what we've gotten used to over the past few weeks it's actually quite cold people are wearing jumpers sweaters and the recent wind and rain according to the emergencies ministry helped
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a lot in extinguishing the fires and neutralizing a localizing all the existing fires in the moscow region but fires in other parts of the country are still ravaging the nation in central russia and of the most affected regions like the region overdesigned for example there forest fires are still ravaging the countryside thousands have already lost their homes the government has been paying compensation and has promised to rebuild all of the homes that have been destroyed by the fire but now with the warm weather coming to an end many people are already worrying about whether they'll be able to actually welcome in the cold and the winter and your home or whether they'll be still facing building construction processes when it comes down to the russia winter which as everybody knows is no mean feat the of families of all those who lost loved ones in the fires were paid over a million roubles in compensation you know they are hundred million rubles has
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already been paid out to those who were affected by the forest fires the russian prime minister's monitoring. practically personally monitoring the construction processes in some part of the country web cameras have been set up in order for the government and those responsible to be able to monitor the construction process a lot is being done but of course the situation is nowhere near over despite the fact that the forest fires have lessened and the murders use ministry is doing a better job of controlling them the situation is no where near an end. now the choking smoke that small the moscow impulse to central russia raise serious concerns about the possible impact on the culture of the college and the campaign to write to at greenpeace russia. says the long term effects are extremely dangerous the fact that that's right in moscow during that period of the plague was growing up to two to four times the ban on different estimates and we can definitely talk about several solvent people who died because of the way people
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really suffered from the influence of this year much serious that predestined that was that come to think of it she said there and talked over the counter and what we've been told so what's being true is that there is a program of this even system we can face consequences of such a common approach the coming few months and years and falls into one month that will be kids. the law in america needs to consolidate to be able to challenge the united states which treats the wage as its backyard also says the curriculum president daniel ortega has given an exclusive interview to say. the world is changing the us isn't this isn't a problem just for latin america but rather for the entire world this country has military and economic power and at the same time it's not changing its expansionary and imperialist policy. they carry on the same policy is always they've been acting
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just like in the past their policy is of unwelcome intervention of coups and threats and guess about a set of what could have been done to find a way out of the situations available to them offered a lot and all of us supported the new format of relations with the united states whenever i speak to presidents of latin american countries no matter how conservative they are in private they condemn the united states added to the words of them they are against the fact that the us government attributes points to them in their own classification of what government can support the idea of the us acting like a great judge which gives you two points for democracy human rights and fighting against drug trafficking in your own country who wouldn't turn will judge the us of course it gives way to emotions to speak about the economy about the protectionist policies of the u.s. and european countries nobody agrees with that the thing is that we have not learned so far to organize a latin american area to consolidate our able latin american people which will
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enable us to negotiate with europe and the us and with developed countries and reasonable terms. where you can watch the full interview with daniel ortega next down. now iran's nuclear power plant startup hours received mixed worldwide reaction after being loaded with fuel in the city of blue shelled saturday while israel condemning the move the u.s. at the facility poses no proliferation risk of more the consequence of the lot less i'll talk to an ancillary a professor of iranian history and the university of st andrews in the u.k. he joins us live now in london many thanks for joining us mr and sorry now israel has said that iran's newly opened plant is acceptable get the u.s. has said that the facility poses no threat now usually these two are on the same page so why do you think it's different in this case. when i think israel always
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has a particular perspective on iran's nuclear program i think in this case they're actually quite wrong and i would have to agree with the european perspective i'm out of the united states. the development of this and opening of this nuclear power plant actually should be welcomed it actually shows that a system can work russia is supplying the enriched uranium and will be taking it away so in some ways it undermines iran's position that it needs to enrich uranium on its own accord look at the geography of this how do you think that the launch will affect the situation in the middle east region how is it being perceived there by its neighbors. well i think those who look at this soberly will realize what it is which is basically a light water reactor which is meant to fulfill some of the needs of iran. kristie requirements power requirements and i think overall in order in some ways to reassure him to defuse some of those iranian allegations that the international
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community or the west for that matter is against iran's development of iran's nuclear policy i think they should in broad terms welcome it we ought to remember of course that for instance the french have signed an agreement with the united arab emirates for the for the development and building of nuclear power plants there so it's not as if this is a it's not as if this is sort of breaking the mold so to speak there are other developments taking place in those reactors i think they've signed for several reactors actually not just one ok but tran will one day be able to operate this plant without russia's assistance a then do you think there is a risk that iran will use push sas has been expressed by some among the international community for purposes other than well they claim well there's two things here and i think one is that this is a light water reactor so it's not actually capable of it's not actually a proliferation risk the other thing is that there is an agreement obviously that russia will supply enrich uranium and then take away the used enriching uranium as
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long as that is maintained as long as those safeguards are in place i don't see any problem whatsoever now bush there has been a combined effort do you think the russians involvement in the project has had something of a calming effect on the countries opposed to iran's nuclear ambitions. i think in some ways it has i mean i think i think it's really in many ways. indicative of the success of russia's foreign policy and russia's economic policy to be honest i mean here is a nuclear power plant that's taken an enormously long time to get going it was obviously started before the islamic revolution it had german help then then the russians took over in the one nine hundred ninety s. it's taken quite a long time to get going but nonetheless it shows that certain systems can work and hopefully as you say it will allow you some of the fears but i hope it will lay some of the fears and some of the concerns not only of the sort of the israeli mentality that we've been hearing but also some of those in iran who constantly
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think that you know everyone in the international community is against everything they do i think you find a mechanism in the center system that's working thank you professor from st andrews university many spang thanks for speaking to us from london thank you very much. now turkish police could soon be seen patrolling the streets of germany is part of any plan to bring increasingly volatile immigrant communities in the country under control but has some of his own barton's been finding out critics say it's just another example of discrimination. jane in her own country daily she enjoys the summer parks and life here in this cologne suburb when not working as a doctor but she feels totally numbed to death alice can't live as a but it all happened very silently and without anyone noticing much the german population when delaying their children are taken out of the schools and suddenly
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there are literacy here and there are around two million turkish citizens living in germany with many more having adopted german citizenship special worker recruitment agreements from the one nine hundred sixty s. made germany the destination of choice for turkish economic migrants. are immigrants who come to gaza where needed the work for now we have. to make them want to make. a great. but as well as being the largest ethnic minority some believe they're also the worst written into the new society if there was probably it's a big problem that the turks of the last generation haven't integrated would have developed further away we have fifteen to twenty year olds who have moved further away from german culture than old immigrants this is a big effect on their behavior. broken known as a small boat many germans think multiculturalism isn't working many also think turks should be allowed religious cultural freedom was.
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always the ordinary. behavior. when we went to some of these areas many turks themselves denied there were problems taken out as they are trying to live together and i understand there are some problems but it's not true that turks can't integrate that we all get along there are many turks russians germans and arabs here on t.v. in the media they talk about people shooting each other and fighting. that's not the case here. but not all where always you feel if you're gay. as well as a cultural divide there's also the more serious problem of crime unemployment among young turks in germany is high zoltan boredom leading to delinquency crystal has seen it all passion betty cept in violence that's what the young ones do in mice
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themselves drugs what turns don't drink as we know it but they do fight each other . and they don't just face off with fellow turks the new prime police from turkey will help their german counterparts patrol troublesome neighborhoods those behind it don't want segregation but rather a more sympathetic approach to policing turkish communities bust them so they start with of course the german police can handle the situation but there have been lots of recent reports about attacks and violence against police officers who try to enforce law in such problematic regions with a high violence potential so we had to think about what we could do better. but the plan is getting a lot of criticism some saying it's clear evidence the police don't know how to deal with turkish communities and crystal is one of those who thinks it's discrimination against turks that you haven't actually i don't like this plan the
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russian polish minorities don't have the police it's not fair for the turkish to have them you have to police other people won't respond german police. this is the main turkish street in the old german city of cologne and streets like this that these new police officers are intended for and it's on streets like this the people will decide whether this plan is an example of police initiative or a failure to engage with germany's immigrant population tom barton r.t. cologne germany. now on the way she is the tall call of america. no he is no good if you know he is here find out why an outspoken reality star is a modern day i go on capturing the public's imagination. crisis in the philippines is now over. and these all of those held captive by
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the government officials say at least seven are dead with eight wounded the gunman was also killed while security forces decided to storm the bulk of the gunshots were fired from within the hostage taker was a former police officer demanding to be reinstated following his sacking in two thousand and eight children were among the hostages believed to be mostly tourists from hong kong. triple suicide bomb attacks in pakistan volatile tribal belt along the afghan border have killed at least thirty six people the deadliest it was at a mosque which after twenty six dead a bomb exploded during a meeting of tribal elders killing seven and a third blast killed the leader of an anti taliban militia along with two thirds aides on the outskirts of peshawar well no one's claimed responsibility for the times but the finger of blame is pointing towards the taliban. more than thirty miles and she lay trapped underground for seventeen days been found alive the men
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are tied a note to a drill that finally reached them after many failed attempts saying they were in an emergency shelter that warned that it could take up to four months to view them out council for food water and oxygen would now be lowered to help them. now more than twenty prisoners with alleged militants have escaped from a prison in town after killing five of the gods moscow's offer to help counter the fugitives in describing the president as dangerous criminals who the men were believed to be serving long prison terms for terrorism a drug trade and conspiring to. and that's what the government following of the collapse of the soviet union did because townsville with a civil war in which two hundred thousand. now sees the girl the whole of america is talking about thirty countries around the world gripped by a t.v. show that follows her life and she's even president obama has had them who is she simply a snooki up or no i took to the streets of new york to find out what all the fuss
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is about. she's the legendary sex goddess who in nam heard the world. symbol glamour and famous for. the fifty's gave us now women row with each passing decade america embraced a new icon who created trends and fed fantasies. but to these a for a snow cave snooki snooki is no peace no case no it's not be easy or snooki or not cool khaleesi is the smallest and hannah just cast member of m.t.v.'s reality show we're sure. it was down to you. from wall street. to the record you know when you got music to the big album. you like we need her was she like oh you know she was cool i think she's that way somewhat entertaining the part that would bring. you. a reality
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t.v. star has become america's new cultural symbol a reflection some say of a different kind of a comedy club or whatever to look and dress. up as her own signature love and secure her child that american really called the jersey sure so relatable even the u.s. president speaks of snow excluded from the indoor tanning tax within this bill. snooki then gets caught should. snooki run as mayor of was ala. the. fact is the streets of manhattan able to find even one person who doesn't know snooki would take me for a drink. absolutely why because she's is average just like.
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we make you popular cast member snooki of that hit reality show has been arrested with a reported salary of thirty thousand dollars per episode over this reality show star has made it so he's a national appeal may be debatable but her international reach undeniable jersey shore is currently broadcasting in more than thirty countries around the globe and foreigners are turning to the learn about america that might meet snooki the most famous u.s. ambassador and that has some americans believing snooki might be worth what the world thinks of the usa i don't associate myself with i just don't think that she's adding anything to to our cultural experience love her or hate her i think snooki is a new and different kind of symbol what am i going to eat it in america. and eat. our new york. well there's always more of the stories we're covering websites altie
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dot com as well as that special opinion video like. lucky escape for one young woman in st petersburg she not only avoided injury. after two calls around into the paper. on the fall of an icon the sit down style yellow cabs in new york city and now on the road to extinction get all the details that dot com. coming up all this business. for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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every month we give you the future we'll do you understand how we'll get there and . the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our jeep. welcome to business the chief executive of norilsk nickel tells us he's worried the company could be used as a cash cow when the bustle for control is resolved so it is that they were put on in their. blocking stake and want to buy the other out but c.e.o. of limits those of course he says the interests of the company most come first. i think you're proud. the situation is quite difficult as you know there are several
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ways shareholders and managers view it something that you should take all you can now without thinking of the company's future other shareholders who are in for the long term think that such a policy would slow down the company's development and would have a negative impact in the future i'm convinced that if you drain all the money out to the dividends it will seriously affect the local society salaries and tax receipts everything should be inbounds dividend should be reasonable and not prevent the company's development what it would cost as a cultural sector has lost around one billion dollars due to the drought the ministry of agriculture says more than a quarter of its arable land was damaged with sixteen thousand farm reporting losses valse majority of the cost of the drought will be borne either by the farmers themselves or the government insurance industry will be making some payouts but due to the low level of coverage in the sector its losses will be minimal and those the countries need to ensure explains this is not an ideal state of affairs due to the fact that their parents ration level is not so deep and roughly ten
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percent for agricultural and precious i mean insureds the impact could be much more a deeper. level of penetration is higher the second. is that the weather conditions and the development of insurance industry in their agricultural here demonstrate the necessity of your regulations and new attitudes of the states towards agriculture insurance. russian stock markets and it must be practically changed with many investors taking a break and the last week of the holiday season for russia's largest oil company least two thirds of a percent on the my six as the price of light sweet home with me a six week lows there shedding today. uncertainty about how the global economy is going to develop is making itself felt in the commodities markets simon denham from
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london capital group says sentiment is turning bearish. the prospects for these these products to steer a certain extent rely on the far east we know what's what europe and america to assert to a great extent and we know what their demand is but if china can continue to grow quickly then the prospects for the price of steel should be good the problem is is that everybody knows that and so we're worried now of course why is it still going higher at the moment it's a stagnating and looking fragile and so again we run here into the wall of what people think about growth where is it going and unfortunately people are just starting to worry and so so metals are again looking weak and you giants may be about severe on the global communications markets russia's vimpel com is reportedly in talks to buy two telecom companies it's an east wind and middle eastern or eskom for six billion dollars the us it's a currently owned by egyptian tycoon negative so we're it's nick pool reports
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vimpel com is in talks to buy one hundred percent of the wind and fifty one percent or risk from the russian operator will reportedly from the deal with shares and around one billion dollars in cash if it goes through vimpel com will more than double the number of its users but analysts say the main attraction is the development opportunities it offers an asia russia and ukraine. growth drivers. at least both keir starmer and will com russia can't. believe of such high growth rate that we deliver several years ago that. looks reasonable to growth. in many activities such markets as the markets. the present rate of the market is not taking kindly to very poor comms plans shares in the company fell
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dramatically as news of the possible acquisition emerged investors are worried about the debts associated with the companies the egyptian try coom wants to sell anyone that we need has long been debt ridden and currently its debt standard eight billion euros this was one of the main problems not service was trying to resolve by during new loans he had difficulties financing his activities and i believe his main objective with this deal is to resolve the problem of winds debt. another reason for the market to be unhappy is that the profitability of wind is much lower than that of import com so while the deal would mean simple calm will become the fifth largest mobile communications group in the world for users it may be a case where more is less nick poole business r.t. has the latest here in moscow you can always find more stories on our website there's a dot com business. news
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