tv [untitled] RT August 23, 2010 11:32pm-12:02am EDT
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this far out of their way is this one to push israel away with very little to show for it because they have been paying us we actually have to wrap it i was originally going to get our break but you know it's funny that some people would say that all right we got to go thank you once again so to come tonight still as i wonder if a candidate for governor who thinks that people on welfare should be sent to prison for training i'll explain that in just a moment and you know what a juggalo is there a group of people who follow the insane clown posse they say they're just music lovers but some think that they're a violent mob so i'll speak of a jackal i won't come back. let.
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russia lifts the final state of emergency after the rains help douse the wildfires that are driving much of the country the flames driven by record heat wave playing fifty four lives and caused hundreds of billions of dollars worth of. the turkish community in germany may soon be policed by officers from their homeland with more than two million ethnic turks in the country the domestic police force says it needs a new approach to tackle while the country's largest minority. the world is changing the us isn't this isn't a problem just for latin america but rather for the entire world this currency has military in the konami power and at the same time it's not changing its expansionary and imperialistic policy. speaking exclusively to our team nicaragua's
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president daniel ortega calls on what an american made against the us. back now to be alone a show find out whether bloggers may have to pay a tax for the privilege of writing a web log and why the department of justice may be looking for translators to interpret african american drug dealers into english all next on our team. for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. it's time for tonight's true all time winner and this one goes to a right wing businessman running for the republican nomination for governor in new york carl paladino who calls himself a member of the tea party has an idea on how to help all those people on welfare and the empire state just provide the poor with job and lifestyle training by
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putting them in prisons. would use facilities available prisons were just one of them and when we were talking about prisons we're talking about minimum security facilities which are basically dormitories basically something like a college campus for all intents and purposes and you take the barbed wire down and you confer and repurpose the facilities for that. now that was paladino on the fair and balanced fox news talking about this program he went on to say an interview with a.p. that while at these prisons they'll teach people how to earn their checks and the also tell them teach them about personal hygiene you know the basic skills that they don't get when they come from dysfunctional homes this actually also think that this is a little bit condescending but if you're poor it's your fault and you clearly just need someone to give you lessons on living your life and on top of that i'm not sure anyone would volunteer to live in
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a prison even if the fences around the facility were taken down but paladin now says that these are beautiful properties of basketball courts bathroom facilities toilet facilities he also thinks the young people would just love to get the hell out of cities so we should just send him to jail give me a break i've got a suggestion for carl palatino if these properties are so great how about you and your family check into one of those super nice prisons for about six months and then let us know how it all goes i'm betting you're going to rethink that plan so carl paladino is tonight's tool time winner. now it looks like even the suits on wall street are feeling the recession and have begun adjusting their everyday spending habits when we explain an article out of the wall street journal shows that cocaine consumption is down amongst brokers and that they've switched to less expensive drugs things like wheat or uppers so the wall street lifestyle is notorious for having a tight knit relationship with the white powder i guess that's how they work all
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day party all night and we just told you last week how important alcohol is to networking and keeping your job but don't get too excited this doesn't mean that real change or reform is coming to wall street in fact these minuscule changes in drug habits kind of look like the minuscule changes the became part of the financial reform bill a recent study shows that cocaine showed up in seven percent of the brokers who were drug tested which is down from two thousand and seven and about sixteen percent of those tested showed positive signs of coke in their system now meanwhile marijuana testing spiked in the past few years from sixty percent to eighty four percent proving the pot is preferred if you're trying to save money right now before anyone goes and fires their stockbrokers we have to tell you the only two per cent of all brokers have tested positive for any sorts of drugs but come on we've all had a glimpse of how stressful wall street is it's really hard to rule the world so of course they're going to need some help staying alert and on top of every breaking
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financial update. my question is why are they turning to wheat is the way the drug that makes you lazy lean slow and forgetful even with the uppers out of the mix i still wouldn't want my broker going out for a two hour lunch break in search of a white castle burger so why not just switch to crack i'm sure you can get some if you take the subway out of the bronx not that anybody who works on wall street would ever take the subway anyway that was a bad joke i prefer anyone who would be holding my money to be sober and well rested but i guess us normal folk can feel least a tiny bit better knowing that two percent of those on wall street are cutting down on their spending too now today we're going to tell you about some musicians that you may have heard of but probably don't know much about or called insane clown posse it's an american hip hop group out of detroit who has been around since the early ninety's ninety's and i've been putting out records on a regular basis now throughout these years they've also gained quite
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a following their followers or groupies are called juggalos and the females are called jekyll let's now these people identify closely with insane clown posse and even consider themselves one big family for the most part these juggalos share many characteristics or face paint just like the musicians do during a detroit soda called faygo and they consider the violent and hate filled lyrics of i.c.p. a catharsis for aggression and many juggalos have been associated with crimes ranging from robbery to murder and some states even consider these groupies to be again banning their music and paraphernalia and on top of that insane clown posse hosts an annual concert called the gathering of the juggalos take glimpse at this documentary of some of their past gatherings. the people there were. like. ok we'll be following you know we're going to express ourselves. now their most
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recent music festival made headlines when tila tequila and method man both became victims of the jackal is usually underground events like this don't get too much mainstream play but thanks to the stalkers it t.m.c. we got access to pictures of both artists which well they're pretty bloody i gotta admit now both of them claim to crowd through everything from rocks to full beer cans to human feces happen so that was this violence a planned part of the jekyll gathering and if it was then who are these people and what makes them want to be part of his family earlier i caught up with joel lor who's been around juggalos for more than ten years and he also own one of the largest social networking websites so i first ask him to explain to us exactly what it means to be part of the family and how exactly one gets to be a part of it. though there is no actual joy babysitter's over here and. there is no secret societies are. basically all it is we are a group of
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a degree jewels who share their love with the same type of use. all right some of it so what does it mean to you to be a juggalo is that only about the music because you know a lot of people. would almost say that if it's become a cult like group. co like group. x. are. no more then. i just can't see it being a cult what group you know we do have a large food they do have a large following. we all go to the gathering to join was over here a lot of. it's far as a cult like following oh. you know i don't i don't really understand where they get that look throughout your bitches show. they claimed they had a cult wife on. why i think it. well
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a lot of people are perhaps misunderstanding i don't know the way that you see it or just don't understand the juggalos you know because they look at the band they look at the insane clown posse they look at some of their lyrics which often you know include a lot of violence to talk about rape talk about murder and so i think people wonder what's so appealing about that perhaps you can explain to us. i would love to the red part is really be. clear it's have i failed or is anybody else failed where they're talking about a great big. sure oh there's murder of girls violence. you know that's the way we get our entertainment it's through our music. you know we were at the bar the music barter for the juggalos it's the oldest. we love that kind of music and it's no really no different than if you go to wal-mart
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because of a good movie there's been research out there more scary good album. now tell me this because of the reason really that the jugglers i think came into the spotlight again in recent weeks was because at this and you want to bring. method man to performers say that they had bottles and rocks human feces thrown at them to your knowledge who knew what was this planned. i'm sure it was not like. some of the people in the crowd absolutely ready to play and not doing elevators are suddenly they have the stuff in your head. but you know but i understand he has to you know it was in order to you she talks about what she was showing him how violent the crowd was so bad they had to get around it and were trail in the trailer they told her not to go on stage it was dangerous out there and she still
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chose to go out for the corral on the same behavior. i have a problem with anybody that throws stuff and there are a series of former i could see them doing her off stage or baby water on stage but if there is a clique or a performer no matter how bad it is like it's just wrong i cry but tell me this i mean even if she hadn't gone on stage why why was it so violent the environment you know i mean do these concerts always get that way to where certain point performers maybe should be you know afraid to go out there and be in front of a crowd. i don't know what she considers five once she's sure but there's a world that i am wrong. over here to. get her you have the juggalos is there's a lot of already you go on the live go going on i'm sure there were heavily you
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have. you know. that tell me this joe you know being an juggalo does this have anything to do do you feel like this is like an underground culture or perhaps one that's misunderstood by the mainstream in any way you know what else brings you together maybe besides the music is there does socio economic status play into it at all. is well let me put it this well i've been going to shows for well over ten years in the chair years i've been everybody from police officers corrections officers one drop of sterling issues good for good duckie fried chicken poor no bookstore operators all walks of life i have bet it differs shows so as far as your your different selves you have not and i don't agree with them however. yes it is
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the abuse it that worries us together it's the fact that i believe that everybody at some time in their life been treated badly but nicely. everybody has their role why you know this is just our way oh do go away and the more music do the burger or. the blood or do it when you get entertainment out of that it's. our job well i thank you very much for joining us and explaining to us you know what what juggalo college here is all about and really what it stands for and means to you thanks so much thank you. we've got one more segment ahead on the show he likes a blog one city is coming after you with a three hundred dollar fee we'll have to pay up to state your opinions and trying to get a better education for your child when many are turning to charter schools i'll
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mum is. an enemy on the internet. this history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to move feel live in the soviet firearms and oxys. some philadelphia bloggers were shocked recently when they got a letter saying that they were required to shell out three hundred dollars now the money is for a business a licensing fee that the city claims would be a girl or a source of income for a city that's facing a serious budget crisis that would be is for philadelphia's business privilege tax which is designed its hacks residents who do any sort of activity for profit but i think we all know that bloggers don't make any money in this instance of bloggers who use google ad sense and other ads services are subject to this tax no matter
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how much money their blog or website brings in and i know several bloggers who probably make two dollars a month off google ad sense so the fact that they would have to pay three hundred on that income it's pretty insane if you ask me and on top of the license fee the blogger would still have to be taxed on their blogs net income even if it's only twelve dollars a year so as you can imagine lots of bloggers out there are crying foul with this tax claiming that they just don't make enough money to shell out that kind of cash in the first place but this privileged tax doesn't apply only to bloggers also applies to freelance writers amongst other contract workers within city limits which i guess makes a little more sense to me and of bloggers remove those advertisements from their blogs what then they won't be subjected to the tax and i'm sure this is just the start of a new forms of internet taxation to come as more places are searching for any excuse they can find to bring in the money even if it means taking from people who
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are only bringing in twelve dollars a year now the department of justice is looking for you but there's a catch they're looking to hire linguists fluent in ebonics not sure even exists well comedian steve harvey gives you a brief lesson. if you put the word hello in the bondage dictionary you know how many ways we got to slow you down lol take a page. yeah that's the moniker which has widely been described as a nonstandard version of english spoken largely by african americans and some people call it black english now the geo j. is looking for nine ebonics experts who are going to work in the drug enforcement administration is atlanta field office and they'll be used to monitor translate and
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transcribe the secretly recorded conversations of subjects of narcotics investigations you know apparently there are one hundred fourteen languages listed and they're divided between common and exotic any body x. is listed as a common language spoken solely in the u.s. but is it really that common is it really even a language i think most people would say that it's only a dialect but anyway if you are looking for a job and i happen to speak ebonics on a looks like you've got a ticket out of the recession because the d.o.j. wants you i can just see rosetta stone trying to capitalize on this right now. now is getting a good education just a matter of luck you would hope not but these days it's becoming impossible to ignore the drastic differences that a zip code can make when it comes to kids grades and levels of literacy in fact by fourth grade students living in low income communities are on average already two
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to three grade levels behind their peers in more affluent communities and not because they're not as smart it's just because their schools aren't as good and a charter school program in new york has been proving that bringing seventy to ninety percent of their students to grade level achievement or above compared to the fifty or twenty percent of students at grade level coming from zone public schools in the exact same district now is a touchy political issue and a painful one because there aren't just isn't enough room for everyone so the chances for a better education are left up to a lottery now a documentary entitled the lottery follows four families that are hoping to win a spot in the harlem success academy out of thousands six out of seven kids don't make it in or earlier from our new york studio i caught up with eric roachford who is featured in this documentary and whose son had entered into the lottery i first asked him why it is that he wants to send his son to the harlem success school or for that matter any charter school. when i went to harlem success. so
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look at the environment that was there i saw post talking about you know they had basically had all the colleges up and i even seen some teachers in action that seemed that way to actual children or always well. just an environment you know this kid seemed like for excellence that was structure that was disciplined and you know they really had the kids. to a higher goal even beyond what i even thought you know for kindergarten to set them up. ready for college so that's something that i liked but in general charter schools i was a every charter school but the charter schools that we did look at. the . standard for success in somebody's schools was just greater than what we saw and few of the public schools that in our district yeah could you describe to me
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you know exactly what was so different from the at the regular public schools is there in public schools in your district. me and my wife who look online at the actual report cards. for those particular schools that department of education website and a lot of the schools in our district very poor in our particular neighborhood we have a. e.s.l. . demographic you know and it seems like you put it played a part in some of the low scores for reading and math and so what we were left with ours old school for the public elementary school wasn't that bad but we want to push what we knew our children were capable we know that they would definitely benefit office of the school that had a higher standard my wife was already working with them at home so they were
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already. ahead so we want to even push that even further and going into a school that was basically up to this b. what you know what's interesting too is if you look at these charter schools in the harlem success school in particular you know their rates seventy to ninety percent of the children are at their own grade level or above whereas compared to some of the public schools in the same district there would only be twenty to fifty percent so you know some of these people are the harm to excess cool would argue that clearly that shows it's not that these kids can't learn it's that the teachers and the schools are failing them and so you know this is where an interesting part of the debate comes in or a lot of people blame this on teachers and they blame it on teachers unions and the system i mean considering it takes it cost two hundred fifty thousand dollars to fire a teacher in new york city you know you yourself you're you work for the m.t.a. you are union members so how does that make you feel or do you feel conflicted at all with that debate what we saw. i mean i look at this
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honestly as. this is the setting up of more charter schools as a threat for unionization by. and me my wife's we're in agreement in regards to it's not about you know the jobs is about the children and our child's education is more important than you know then the union so to speak i mean if you are a teacher and you have a passion for teaching children you shouldn't really to me worry about. your employment security it's something that's a passion in your heart you teach the children and there's so many different learning styles out there are so many different ways that a child can learn and you got to. you've got to adapt to
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a different child even leave the home life plays a part but adapt to that child's learning style in order to get them to my yang clearly you know it's something that can be done lastly here eric i just want to ask you know how does it as a parent make you feel to have to depend on luck depend on a lottery for your child to be able to have a good education. it was nerve racking you know especially at the actual. the day of the lottery being at the lottery and you know. you you're waiting for your main to get in you don't know what's going to happen and we look at other people there we don't know you know is this is this too much too much of the edge to see you know especially for the future you talk about the child what does necessarily have to be a child's future but at one time before a lot of people that term means that their child some time to determine that their child will be a success or failure that one pick of the lottery because some people some parents
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don't have the resources or don't know all the resources that are out there for them to have alternate plan in order to teach their children or given the options to get a better education so it's it's whole you know when you go into these actual lottery picks and you're hoping that you know but it shouldn't be like that it should be yes it is definitely sad that you know you have to you have to rely on help to get your child a good education eric thanks so much for joining us and you know sharing your personal experience with us. thank you. it's time for our tweet of the day the tea party is planning a protest here in d.c. this week and a member of the maine tea party sent out an e-mail offering advice to anyone who's visiting washington and it told people to avoid the green and yellow lines of our natural system and why i those are it provides. as to parts of the city where
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people live and visitors should stay in northwest d.c. which is where most of the monuments on the white house are located so we've got a tweet for all the glenn beck fans coming to town stay in richmond it just might catch a liberal disease if you visit this elite city that's tonight's tweet we'll have another one for you tomorrow that's also it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and come back tomorrow night when we speak to salons glenn greenwald on islamophobia in america some are calling debate over than mosque near ground zero a distraction from the real issues but is treating this as in consequential just what the hate mongers with in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of they want to show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all at youtube dot com slash the alone a show where we now oppose the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news of the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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