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tv   [untitled]  RT  August 26, 2010 8:02am-8:32am EDT

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the summer's record breaking heat wave. wiki leaks drawing off the online whistleblowers accused of nearly courting published of the after its latest cia revelations fail to live up to the hype. was we tracked down the youngsters going off the rails in pursuit of adrenaline as the dangerous hobby of train surveying sweeps one shot. live from our headquarters in central moscow this is archie with me a nice to know way first this hour a tropical virus that's rapidly spreading in the south of russia has already claimed six lives while millions could be at risk of infection nearly two hundred people have so far caught the west nile virus which is carried by mosquitoes are to figure out grown of reports from the volgograd region which has been the worst
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affected by the virus. a steady stream of patients has been arriving at this hospital near volgograd all with the same diagnosis where. more than one hundred are seriously ill and five the real number of those affected might be several times higher a lot of people are being treated at home without knowing what's wrong with them and don't ask for help until it was too late when you had known that high fever was a symptom of the virus and gone straight to the hospital things might have turned out differently and my mother could have survived because she was a very strong person west nile fever affects different people in different ways but those who are young might pass without symptoms others might suffer a mild form of flu or something like that but for those most seriously affected but those who are vulnerable all the people it can be critical it starts off with headaches vomiting with diarrhea and then for the rest of the damage the whole nervous system eventually leading to death i was allowed to see some of the
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patients myself many are still too ill to speak others can but are still suffering the severe aftereffects of what they have been through many don't remember how they fell ill they don't even remember where they live or how old they are they're simply full of their mental faculties will never recover from this ordeal west nile fever is as exotic as it sounds it's much more typical for countries around the mediterranean it was never discovered here until eleven years ago just as the summer it was a period of particularly hot weather here doctors are issuing warnings to everybody to keep their clothes with long sleeves to spray them so with mosquito spray and so on but they're saying that people are refusing to follow these instructions and that they have the threat quite seriously enough but they're saying that the threat will remain until october when the weather is expected to become cooler. well experts say the record breaking temperatures that gripped russia this summer have triggered the spike in the disease but never the. current outbreak of the virus as
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a result of the record heat wave our country has just experienced the abnormally high temperatures made the quantity of insects rise abruptly in the west nile virus is only passed to people by mosquitoes which get it from birds domestic animals and horses the first symptoms are a headache but high temperature in fever but ninety percent of those infected experience almost no symptoms in fifty percent of cases the disease leaves two million giantess. here with our team live from moscow still to come in the program . from spy suspect to celebrity on the chapman capitalize on her newfound fame with a photo shoot. the flu the slowly killing us making us unhealthy and that why is it on our stupid market shelves and even more important why aren't j. lo products labeled supersized threat to the american nation are two books out what's wrong with the american diet in just a few minutes time. the whistleblower wiki leaks is back in the
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headlines after publishing a classified cia report the document focuses on the perception of the u.s. as an exporter of terrorism but with the paper falling short of matching the scandal of the previously and with the site's founder under investigation over molestation claims it's let's accusations that wiki leaks is pursuing a secret agenda more m. it has the details. there's been much less of a media florrie surrounding this than there was the beginning of the month when the war diaries were released and i think there are people who reasons for that one because. it was seventy five thousand separate documents that came from inside the u.s. military and such a huge volume of information always creates an impression whereas to compare it with this this is just three pages although having said that it is a secret document from inside the cia. that came exclusively from the
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u.s. military. the other thing is the afghan war concrete evidence each of these documents was called the evidence of events to take place the deaths of civilians casualties. where is this is an internal cia document describes a hypothetical situation. what would happen if the international community received the u.s. as an export of terrorism it's written by departments in the cia called the red cell which is specifically charged with coming up with hypothetical scenarios and looking at what might happen so obviously the impact on how we believe the world is much less than the impacts of the afghan war this report takes a couple of examples of u.s. citizens taking terror broad's talks about young muslim americans who travel from north to pakistan allegedly were hoping to join the pakistani taliban while they
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were that case that you may remember from november two thousand and eight when a man called david headley who was a pakistani american. and he took part in this is a valence meeting up by bombings which killed more than one hundred sixty people but we do have to ask ourselves why has this report being released now particularly as it socialism describes this hypothetical situation. has been in sweden and last weekend it became clear. that two swedish women had come forward one of them was accusing him of rape and the other was accusing him of molestation and that rate has been dropped but we think that as we discussed a piece of will want to question. about the molestation charge which is unless. it's been suggested that this is a smear campaign following the afghan war diaries the noise of these two swedish women say that's absolute nonsense as do the two swedish within themselves but we do have to ask ourselves whether this report is being released now in order to
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deflect attention. well investigative journalist wayne madsen believes the truth about the cia's activities has yet to emerge. i think one thing this shows is that the cia and the government in general is over classifying a lot of its documents there's really no way that those documents should be secret because it's a bunch of talking points that could have easily come from any washington d.c. think tank if we were going to see something really earthshaking you know a leak from the cia how about some something that has to do with the cia involvement with what's known as state sponsored terrorism for example the united states during the vietnam war targeted people in vietnam for assassination it was operation phoenix and we also had the shock and all in iraq where civilians were indiscriminately killed we've seen the same thing in afghanistan and where do we
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see these revelations and there's nothing here that should. anyone in the cia and i think this really is just another case where wiki leaks selected this document looking for a big publicity run but i don't think they have this got the same reaction any have received in the past. well despite barack obama's promise to close the guantanamo bay prison at the beginning of the year nearly two hundred detainees remain as do claims of torture mistreatment and dubious interrogation techniques are to take a look inside the prison in a special report coming your way later today. disarming saddam hussein. asked majority of iraqi citizens. this event brings further assurance that the torture chambers and the secret police are gone forever.
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is again over embassy in kabul. generous to watch occupied afghanistan. now occupy sales at guantanamo bay. in the manner. it is appropriate to the. accordance. with the to the. face life style explained if you can she do so that it shocks them especially for you to sleep but you don't actually break it you. could deter a geisha techniques that we. all approve but the senior leadership of oregon. you see. we believe transferred. the russian president ordered an inquiry into the investigation of the death of a high profile lawyer last year while in custody thirty seven year old sergei
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magnitsky died in jail in the autumn while awaiting trial for tax crimes and supporters blame prison officials who they claim deny him the medical attention he needed when he fell ill the international lawyers association last month pleaded with to meet the needs of a diff to punish those responsible. now a strange rush so does the adrenaline for a growing number of youngsters in russia they're taking part in the highly dangerous activity of train surfing riding on the outside of carriages artie's jacob grieves me think young people who are willing to risk their lives. some would find these acts stupid even crazy but for those who take part of what's become internationally known as train surfing it's all about the adrenaline rush the great involves riding on top or at the side of fast moving trains clinging on with their hands or the aid of a belt the danger involved this is for many a major attraction but authorities are worried that those taking part are fully
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aware of the risks running along these cables above me of three thousand volts of electricity if you touch one you most likely be killed and that's just one of the dangers riders also risks feeling from the train and being crushed but that hasn't deterred these guys they took up the hobby at an early age claiming it gave them an unbridled escape from reality. but we mostly just ride the trains are not pulling any crazy stunts and this is just the hobby the gigs are gentle enough. and as if that wasn't daring enough maybe even taking to riding the metro just to get their daily kicks to these young men is also become a form of expression and they don't see why this extreme sport is being seen differently to other one of the practice pastimes of the people start idle climb mountains sort of we ride trains on the outside i mean certainly there's a risk but we plan all our steps or if we know trains very well we're different
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things you can hold on to are we have certain safety guidelines. they and other adrenaline junkies a lot of them have said have a list of these to avoid injury and even the likes of andrei mit the activity has had tragic consequences for some but. have not been any true. you get accidents in a group things like that do happen just recently a teenage boy tried to climb into the driver's car from the roof and fell down he got severely injured. regardless of the dangers this craziness whipped across moscow with the web swirling with uploaded videos meaning people like andre is likely to keep turning to the tracks for the next regardless of the price they pay jake agrees. just to remind you we've got many more stories on our website r t v dot com we feature various guys fashion columns and even space blogs but have a look at what's there for you on line right now russia's figure skating prince
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again you're producing call maybe out of the sochi olympics although he's continuing training find out what he was punished for. and the first russian u two concert has rocked moscow with tens of thousands of fans bopping to the legendary. all the pictures are dot com. well not content with provoking an international incident between russia and the u.s. from for tao and that chapman is back in the news now the face of the recent spy scandal is being sued by a glossy magazine apparently she broke a contract by posting pictures of a recent photo shoot on her facebook page let's find out more from our team is telling barton now joins us live hi there tom it think she cares stay away from
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someone like button it. does seem so if you think of july's spy scandal it is the name on a charm and it sticks out more than any other she seems as synonymous with this big spy scandal and one of the reasons on avoided. everyone knows it's her looks and she has realized this she came back to russia greeted as a hero after the exchange of her spies in vienna back in back in july and she has capitalized on that almost celebrity status since it's in the hotel behind me the hotel bulge but she recently conducted a photo shoot she seemed to be enjoying it very much in videos posted on the internet using her glamour and this was for the russian edition of heat magazine but she since got into a bit of trouble it seems putting photos up on her facebook page of that photo shoot before he did heat wanting now to take her to court the whole spy scandal and
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this whole thing has also opened up a wider really fascination with spy stories in britain and america it seems that it doesn't take much to send people back to those old cliches and the old all the old fascination with its life story which everyone all the general public seemed to love when this broke it's in the media just today other there's a story that one of the screenwriters on a on a james bond script was investigated for many years by my fire for possible links to the old cold war k.g.b. and it seems that this is just one of many stories that seem to emerge when these when these spy scandals break however small or insignificant they are commentators all over the media have really got their teeth into this story and some are saying it's a more serious the it's actually part of a serious spy work spy network and that people should be careful of this but the majority of people seem to have responded to this the other chapman her fellow
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suspect spies with a lot of amusement really doesn't seem to be quite the sort of james bond thrilling stuff they grew hydrangeas they held barbecues it's not really cutting edge sort of car chases through the through the suburbs. some things but it seems that it's a it's it shows how easily people can get their teeth into a good spy story as far as on the chart on shore she's loving it well the anyone else roll the attention that is being brought to her that's right you would have thought she may have what a land low after about spy scandal i guess not for now tom barton live from central moscow. let's take a look at some international news in brief for you this hour thirty three chilean miners trapped seven hundred meters underground have received oxygen food and water supplies along with messages from their loved ones officials say it could be christmas before a hole was drilled to get the men out anxious family members have set up
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a makeshift camp at the site the miners have been stuck in the san jose copper and gold mine following a cave in at the start of the month. north korean leader kim jong il is reportedly in china and possibly accompanied by his son and potential successor kim john however chinese and north korean officials are not confirming the trip the purpose of his visit is not known but it's speculated that bilateral trade kim jong il succession and north korea's nuclear program are the main issues to be discussed it comes as former u.s. president jimmy carter is in pyongyang trying to secure the release of a u.s. citizen currently jailed there. in fresh clashes have erupted in east jerusalem with palestinians throwing stones at israeli police and setting cars on fire tensions have been high in the neighborhood over a settlement plan palestinians don't want to see any more construction on the territory they see the sight of your state the fate of east jerusalem is to figure
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in israeli palestinian peace talks set to resume next to me. watch what you eat america's fast food culture is not just a threat to waistlines but also national security the genetically modified food that makes up a lark. portion of america's diet is thought to be a main suspect in the country's battle with obesity john hafitz reports. among all developed countries americans are the fattest in the world that's according to the world health organization where over sixty percent of the general population in the u.s. is obese what's even more disturbing the u.s. is the only country in the developed world to label obesity as a prime national security health threat. it's all part of a growing epidemic in america supersizing questions like why are americans so fat and what brought the fast food nation to rely heavily on foods most developed
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countries banned decades ago i believe that food is medicine and that genetically modifying these the food that we eat is going to have a great health impact on it the united states also holds the record for the largest production of genetically modified products in the world according to g.m.o. compass ninety five percent of american corn and eighty five percent of the soybean industry is genetically modified the ingredients in all processed foods contain g.m. ingredients the grocers many factors of america estimate seventy to seventy five percent of the food we eat every day is genetically engineered this is one of the most dangerous massive experiments we've ever conducted all of our planet in the mid one nine hundred ninety s. the f.d.a. and the u.s.d.a. allowed genetically modified food products and ingredients to flourish through the american food supply and farming industry. way jimbo's rendered tuesday night
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hundred ninety six seven percent of americans had three or more chronic illnesses within our years that went to thirteen percent to allergies doubled in less time food related illnesses doubled to ninety nine for two thousand and more autism is a zero. diabetes is a no one is checking to see if the most radical change in the human food supply the introduction of genetically modified foods contributing to these dangerous just picks however statistics that lower income areas very according to a report conducted by trust for america's help minority communities in the country are more vulnerable and back to test its recorded and african-american as banneker native american communities are nearly double the rates of white american dr carolyn alexander suggests the alarming numbers plaguing minority communities is directly linked to g.m.o. foods i believe that these are certainly at the root cause of
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a lot of our children's health issues in particular in low income communities because they don't have the access to real food or feeding the products of an infant to the entire population so the food is slowly killing us making us unhealthy and fat why is it on our supermarkets shelves and even more important why aren't you in the products labeled. r t washington d.c. . that you know joins me on the business desk there stephanie how are the stock markets shaping up this hour well we're seeing a bounce back across the board so far in london the footsie is gaining after hitting a seven week closing low on wednesday i'll have more market news for you in just a moment but first russia's biggest carmaker is back in the black the company's profits of less than a million dollars for the first seven months is small but it shows a considerable turnaround for a company that required a federal bailout just twelve months ago the improvement has been widely attributed
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to the government's cash for clunkers program which has helped lift sales of firearms fifty percent. speaking at the moscow international may to show after vice president victor come out of the company is aiming to stay profitable for the rest of the year his ambitions could be. helped by a brutal rebound in the russian call market which is being targeted by manufacturers from all over the world. this to them and to show to find out. i've been several will permit is here at the most going to national mode to show after business pushing a new competitor to the globally dominant g.p.s. sat nav system is called blown us has been in development in russia for decades and . will now put it in his calls from next year but the key focus is luxury mosco ready as more are luxury cars than anywhere else and jaguar hopes the new allman will tickle vocal fun see i remember two years ago the head of b.m.w. here showing me
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a brand new bullet proof beam this follows in the tradition there's also world firsts like the new landrover the most powerful ever porsche nine one one. the show was counseled last year as the months long but i sense that i have the same balls but there was two years ago and i feel sales in russia call sales have jumped almost fifty percent last month on july two thousand and nine the company with one of the most ambitious strategies these guys is trying to revamp its entire range russia's number two called make up says the sales back on the rise between now and the end of here told to go sales sales would be around seventy five thousand think we can finish roughly twenty five percent higher in sales for this year versus last year and if that keeps the more important thing for all us production we're going to be up fifty percent european call john poser citron has just started production in russia with the citron c four but the head of pars show told all to me that
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that's just the beginning but we don't as such i'm on the phone they have just one guy and then we start to speak ha and then we will go to. the pool. seven and then we have other ideas once you do. in the ball game here we believe that the ball game is going to be called for the next the next yes i'm not going to objectively believe that w. all the luck to all your beats a target that we should be reaching for something that you. that brings the first day of the twelve to an end here at the most going to the national mall it's a show on the walls call joints really hoping this show will relaunch the fortunes of the car industry which of course have been down in the doldrums for the last two years. but now let's have a closer look at their stock markets here in moscow traders quiet as investors enjoy the last week of the summer holiday but energy names are high as the price of
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light sweet has passed seventy three dollars a barrel banks have found passing the previous sessions and gaining some point four percent on my six of the sour. on your financials a high on positive corporate news commodity link stocks a boost in the footsie follows shot falls in the previous sessions but a late rally over night of wall street has picked the index back up from wednesday's to seven week closing. profits at russia's x five. to eighty one percent year on year in the second quarter to twenty five million dollars that's worse than analysts forecasts the country's biggest grocer by sales took a seventy two a million dollar hit on foreign exchange due to significant ripple depreciation but the headline figure only tells part of the story that spike was one of the first retailers to cut prices during the downturn to win budget conscious customers it says it is now reaping some of the benefits of the recovery and margins are
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improving. russia's largest move one operator m.t.s. has reported a thirty nine percent decline in profit for the second quarter to three hundred fifty million dollars that was slightly better than full cost the company has improved its revenue growth forecast for this year to around ten percent as the economic. pushes up to mom's. russia's seventh largest co-producer bonds has announced a ninety eight percent food in that profit for the first half of the year the company blames a low demand for steam coal but it's positive about the future expecting production to grow fifty percent in the second half because miles became a listed company in may. russia's largest independent gas producer nova tech made by a twenty five percent stake in the yamaha l n g project that's in addition to the fifty one percent stake it already owns according to the company c nova tek a van wants to sell part of the consolidated stake to foreign partners these could
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include exxon mobile conoco phillips and francis total the project on the yamaha peninsula aims to exploit one of the largest gas fields in siberia but progress has told as the government decides what incentives it's prepared to offer companies working in the region. and that sort of business use for now but i'll be back with more for you in about an hour's time and you can always find will stories on our website that's r t dot com slash business.
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some. absurd . the beyond the enemy. this is true still keeps its secrets but now it's time to move feel up to the soviet forms and r.t. some.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada from china the corporations are on the day. come up.


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