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tv   [untitled]  RT  August 30, 2010 6:03pm-6:33pm EDT

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hello and welcome to all see twenty four hour news live from moscow my name is you dash volatile main story a major crime down on terror is in full swing in the north caucuses with security forces saying that killed more than forty militants over the past months at the weekend twelve terrorists and six security officers were killed in a tank by gunmen on the home village of the president of russia's chechen republic ramzan kadyrov north caucuses correspondent acts on that he had tried the hospital . during the operation twelve militants were killed because they were of himself headed their own to terrorist operation actually his kids were asleep in a house just a couple of blocks from the street where the operation was going on and this is how could their himself describes what happened and how it happened if he did the gunman came into the village joining the night live to mentor as
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a group because this was the most convenient place to destroy them was surrounded them and shot at them and then with your hand grenades here's where it all ended we had been expected to lose our officers but it was inevitable but no students were injured titular sources have already promised around so just told in dollars in compensations for the family is that lost their relatives too in the counterterrorist operation five offices are were killed and many more injured actually of terrorists a couple of houses on fire and they burned down several cars and runs on cars they're also promise that these will be arraigned the worst you know the situation in chechnya is calm and stable but all the chechen president runs on could do of things bad militants will continue their attempts their terror attacks and this is the reason why the government's abusers are broods their people like bin laden they want to destabilize the situation in russia that's one of them keep sending them
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here meters will keep shooting and blowing things up and you could destroy them and preventing them from achieving their goals this is not the first response and a terrorist operation in the north caucuses just a couple of days ago ten militants were killed and i just on and covered as you know bill carter overall war to militants were eliminated in the north caucuses it's just an organist and russian federal sources say that now they have proof that the killed militants have links with al qaida and they must mind behind them or school board. this march mohammed. was also killed in one of these operations during the moscow metro bombings forty eight people were killed and many more injured these were the two blasts that were carried out by suicide bombers. we have children reporting there from the capital of russia as chechen republic. a
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string of violent attacks on hispanic immigrants in new york house from to fears of a new wave of racial hatred the victims say they've been targeted by african-americans who want to claim mexican people from their neighborhoods lower mr reports on how frustrations are. the united states has always been a country of immigrants but they're not always welcome we've seen mexicans targeted in the western state of arizona which passed a tough law targeting undocumented immigrants there's many many people are coming to this country and they go through the proper channels to do the proper thing and and the people that don't do that they're breaking the law despite a backlash. now we're seeing more signs this sentiment is making ripples across the country far from the mexican border in one area of new york city. where. there has been a string of a dozen attacks on hispanic residents in recent months they like were helio victim
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number nine infidel you can literally find them simply walking through the neighborhood and the suspects unfortunately most of these attacks most recently by the acts against mexico according to these victims they were targeted by teens while minding their own business like it was right here in the back of my head. and then they hit my arm which poisons for no other reason than being mexican they were peers to be a divide between the minorities sharing this poor area of new york despite this when you go through these statistics you want education and trying to bring at the bottom the blacks and hispanics i'm still here for one common then we don't have that here the rift appears to be growing but the influx of hispanic immigrants city blocks that used to be vacant are now for. appearing to leave some behind you she a lot of mischief you're working you know let's work in here this is the main
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thoroughfare of this neighborhood where many of the mexican shops and markets like this one have popped up it's also where many of the anti mexican attacks have occurred now the police presence across the street as a result is new but residents say the issues are not or was she says. she's up to forty six years. when i was in high school i was really getting think so because i was mexican some argue now blacks are unfairly targeted by all the attention the blacks feel slighted they feel mexican and share in the blame too and i here legally and they commit crimes here is an argument being made from this talk to a new york town to the streets in arizona so in a country of immigrants does this point to a pecking order that has always been really. the latest and why we always and i suppose. is the tension among races simply evolving to
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a new era like the ones you something that was a period now is that wise you can do more secure and has america always been a melting pot where someone's getting burned we leave. lauren lyster our t. new york. this is coming up later in the program driving for their work prime minister took time out during his road trip to russia to discuss foreign policy. more u.s. troops are preparing to leave a wrong despite a recent wave of violence in the country american soldiers are on was a bit end of that combat mission off to seven years of slicing however about fifty thousand will remain in iraq to provide training and support for local security forces and their presence a goner. i like it as getting his poem is that some. of this troop withdrawal
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and. we see a rebranding of the occupation if you leave fifty thousand heavily armed soldiers backed by all sorts of aircraft the latest high tech aircraft of course all the naval destroyers the submarines the aircraft carriers that are all throughout the region that have cruise missiles and all sorts of means by which to intervene in iraq we see the end of an occupation but a certain diminishing of the occupation in terms of some of the troop numbers but are we branding of the occupation so that instead of calling it combat troops they call it advisory troops they still have guns they still shoot those guns when they're shot at in their head they die it won't be sufficient to tell the iraqis on september first or second or american families who have g.i.'s and loved ones there who may perish after the so-called end of the war that their loved ones indeed are not dead because the war has been officially ended i believe the occupation of iraq will go on for many years of good president hamid karzai need his criticism of
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coalition forces he said the counter terror operation in the region was infective and only caused civilian deaths and other dot military analysts believes the media is trying to block u.s. efforts to beat corruption and drop production in the standoff between. general betray us. president has scored again in his in c b a battle against the american anti-corruption efforts first time scored when he completely blocked and stalled the investigation or his chief of the national security council. and the second time just recently when he consolidated his momentum again the american anti-corruption drive in afghanistan and he not only if voided the american pressure but in
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a way he could go to the american scene afghanistan then instead of reversing his decision against the handed. corrupt officials instead he fired one of the senior prosecutors in afghanistan demonstrating to afghans to americans and to the whole world that he is in charge not only of drug production but corruption as well right now this standoff is coming to a head again it's opened up an opportunity to brush off an old idea which i erred one year ago that is to regain the initiative and momentum fighting the corruption in afghanistan general petraeus has to be appointed as a governor general again a stand so he could introduce the martial law and to disband the presidential institution in again a stand once and for all and to call for the loya jirga to postpone the
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constitution and to disband the presidential institution altogether so he could exit q would the palace coup and to appoint himself as a governor general this is the only way to wrest the runaway flagrant corruption that threatens to implode the whole social fabric of afghanistan corruption and drug production in afghanistan actually of the two parts of a binary weapon that threatens to implode the evan society and totally and completely discredit any notion of democracy in afghanistan. and you can check out all the top stories at our website available twenty four seven for you and here's a taste the bottom line right now is on t.v. dot com. they've been told they've out stays the welcome of the country with the ones gave them sanctuary from the violence of the balkan conflict find out who they
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are and why they have played overturning. of the motor industry leaves its troubles behind as a glitzy international show in the russian capital opens its doors say they hold wills and lots more. u.s. president barack obama seems sincere in his desire to improve relations with moscow but u.s. policy is couldn't big telling the opposite that's the view of russia's prime minister vladimir putin who gave an interview to the comber sound newspaper in unusual circumstances he was driving at the time in the country's far east and so more his office he's on the board. a very interesting interview these time around
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is that it's extremely rare these days for journalists to get a chance to chaffetz vladimir to wonder why and this interview was very unusual not only in a way to was conducted with but if we can sitting at a wheel of a car driving through russia stories but also in the questions in the questions that he was asked now jake lastic of commish sons reporter who was sitting at a passenger seat is known for his sort of tongue in cheek style and many of the questions he asked posed in a joking way but at the same time they were very very serious for example he asked not to be put in a box by their own not he believes in the use intentions to reset relations with russia and he said that personally he would very much like to believe but he also sad that the actions of the current administration are inconsistent with some of its declarations the mantra for example here is continues after it's to arm georgia
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and the regime of me feels that this really shows assad that if the united states wasn't sounding robin to georgia there were a bit south us to cheer in two thousand and eight it would have happened he also mentioned use continues to have plans. bad at its missile defense system in europe as another store in the south so to speak at moscow's side but at the same time he mansion that personally speaking he thought that the rocket bomb was in time sions first sincere ingenue but at the same time he these say that the white house was not doing what it preaches but many years political parties and political opposition in russia have been accusing largely or put it off stifling political freedoms and denying them the right to gather peacefully both in moscow and in hotter russian cities but it wouldn't brushed of this criticism saying that. everybody east free to i gather as long as they have the sanctions from the local
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authorities the deep sidestep the fact that it was extremely difficult for political opposition to gather any sort of authority station from local authorities just and he defined it and having founded police actions to disperse these protesters in fact he said that. as long as they have permission it was a kid but he gone out without permission still to take the bait and to have it very straightforward isn't it and i was speaking about one of the most prominent opposition figures in russia me put our policy for his current case santa is still serving his sentence on tax evasion charges he's sad. personally but important. had nothing against what are called speak that he was surprised to hear that prosecutors open a second case against him that many critics favorite open on the very same charges
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that he was already serving his standard song but he did say that as soon as. we can sort of settles his problems with the lawyer he will be able to work as a free man. works on the boycott reporting there from moscow and you can find more awards lead to me if we're going to have to say by an overhaul to a website called. a fire at a nursing home in central russia has killed nine people and left two injured is so was the blaze was started by a note in a resident who committed suicide by setting himself a light emergency crews managed to evacuate almost five hundred people from the home office he states to business reports now from that region. or early morning panic strikes the central russian nursing home as firing golfs a third floor apartment killing nine and sending hundreds more on a dash to safety but you know if we woke up and heard somebody screaming burning
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fire at first wouldn't even believe it but then i saw smoke coming into our room i started to cough i opened the door to the corridor but because of the smoke i couldn't see anything there. i followed the smell of smoke it was spreading down the corridor and i heard the residents groan i opened the door and saw the whole room on fire i was instantly surrounded by smoke a man was lying on the floor all charred and he was burning like a torch i attempted to grab him but there was nothing to get hold of he was burning all over the alleged arsonist was nicole i didn't and eighty six year old world war two veteran and a resident of the home it's believed that he was trying to set himself on fire in an attempt to commit suicide if that was a he succeeded he died in the blaze but so too did two of his business leaders able to roommates the flames were confined to the apartment but the toxic fumes were not six others died due to smoke inhalation the motivation behind didn't the parent
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actions are not known initial reports indicated anger over having to wait for government housing may have affected him but a social worker affiliated with the home says dieudonne had no plans to move described as a man of difficult character didn't call this third floor apartment home for four years however during that time it's reported that he made no friends and was a strange from his family still despite his social struggles monday's death and destruction come as a surprise. is to deny the medical nurse on duty made the round of all the wards and everything was normal if someone heard anything amiss he would have been given additional attention for us it's unexpected. russia has had several high profile nursing home fires in recent years and march two thousand and seven more than sixty elderly residents died when they could not escape the flames and the smoke and a facility with a record of substandard safety procedures and more than twenty people were killed
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by a fire in january of last year and a home in the country's northwest the common denominator and both incidents with poor fire safety planning and slow emergency response last year's deaths pushed president medvedev to call for sweeping reforms and for the firing of all regional nursing home officers the difference between then and the now was in preparation and response that's according to fire investigators this home passed on march safety inspection and firefighters arrived to the scene three minutes after they got the call rescuing four hundred eighty people officials believe the handling of this incident shows signs of visible progress compared to previous cases even so investigators will continue to see if yet more improvements are needed stacy didn't r.t. . to some other world news in brief this hour at least seven people have died with fifteen more injured after a gunman one on the run page in this the balkan capital bratislava
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a three year old child was among the victims the fifteen year old male a target then committed suicide as he was surrounded by police the country's interior minister said at least five of the victims were members a one rover family who lived in the apartment where the month started shooting. the u.s. has imposed french sanctions against north korea targeting supporters of the regime all individuals companies and organizations suspected of links with pyongyang have had their assets frozen tundra has soared with seoul since the sinking of a south korean warship in march and the loss of four to six crew blamed on the north which denies the us has retired to its concern about pyongyang's nuclear capabilities as international efforts continue to get the country to end its atomic program in return for aid and concessions. and the eleven year old boy has been told while twenty two people have been hurt in demonstrations against indian rule in kashmir use of the child's death spread thousands of protesters from the town of
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and then snog were joined by others from neighboring areas forcing government troops to retreat more than sixty people have died and continue unrest since june protesters want an end to indian rule in part of the kashmir region with the other part controlled by pakistan. and i would love to remind you our top stories in ten minutes time but first we talked to nick and of a political scientist and president of the moscow based politics foundation a non-governmental research and political consulting organization and he gave his assessment on iran's russian build nuclear power plant that's up next here on ati. today we are joined by a mr vyacheslav nikonov he is a political scientist and he's also the founder and president of the polity foundation thank you very much for joining us. now the first question i'd like to
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ask is iran has now launched its first nuclear program it's a first in the middle east and russian engineers were a big part of that now what is the implication on russian earing and relationships and how can russia be sure that they're really pursuing this for peaceful purposes actually russia provided a. nuclear reactor of the same to americans who are supposed to provide to north korea to prevent them from having nuclear weapons this is a light water reactor which is not capable of providing any weapons grade uranium. and all the fuel will be provided by russia and all the waste fuel will be taken away by russia so it is safe facility which is very important which is the first nuclear power station in that part of the world which i think is extremely
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important. as you may know russia was the first to build a nuclear power station which is the first to build nuclear power station in in the middle east which i think is so important. if you follow the reactions of the major countries. opening we should by the way is not yet their station will produce electricity only. december the reaction is quite neutral or even positive the only country which reacted negatively was israel but to whatever happens in relations. with iran any other country since they are for isolating iran i don't think russia is on the position of. the russian government saying. with iran
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diplomacy. still can work so all the controversy with that we've been hearing in the past few months with major and the west here up reacting to iran sat. wanting to build nuclear power stations all this is unfounded if you're saying that technically speaking it will not be possible to produce nuclear weapons napsylate not this station isn't capable of producing weapons grade uranium iranian nuclear program which war is americans and europeans and russians is not about bashir it's about some other facilities which are around us. don't like to stress that. russia being very critical of iran not really following all the procedures of international atomic agency still does not agree on whatever is in washington the london or paris or berlin as
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far as iran is concerned because russia has its own agenda with iran which is somewhat sometimes different and sometimes not related to nuclear energy at all russia and iran. difficult history of relationship. same to they have quite a while agenda. economic agenda including. the development of the reaches of the caspian sea. we have some common strategic interest since four is international terrorism is concerned in iran is very. the us is. l.-i and certain aspects of. this is fighting terrorism so we have some interests in
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common we of course in russia north supportive of you raney in nuclear military program at the same time there are also though it's whether iran is really up to have a bomb. or just a capability which of course is a big difference. say germany or japan countries with nuclear weapons capabilities they just do not have any bombs and that is their choice so as far as i read this situation iran is not in a suicidal mood and i don't think they really want to bomb they want to keep ability and a capability is harmless the capability is harmless if the government is responsible. depends on whether these
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government really. wants to. keep peace with the neighbors or has some aggressive inks things for we are not quite sure about the things of the iranian leadership so we should be cautious of course but at the same time iran is an important country it's a country with great history it's a civilization in itself persian civilization. with self-esteem which with a growing economy. and they or russia's support for import a few issues moscow has said that it will ensure that iran does not pursue. peaceful means how those russia intend to do that in terms of bushehr there is no way it can be perceived for non peaceful means in terms of general policies over on
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the russian proposal is quiet clear we are not against iran developing peaceful nuclear program that's their right including their rights in the nonproliferation treaty to which the member. of course it is very important to. to make sure that iranian program is peaceful one of the ways to do it is to go in with. quite well known russian and french proposals to provide. low enriched uranium to iran or even enrich to rename to iran for their research purposes but. all this in reached uranium should be under control and should be returned to the countries. france russia so there could be a proposal which could really engage those two purposes let
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iran develop their nuclear program and to make it peaceful. it was overshadowed by this tragedy. the still feel fear the. remember every second of this nightmare. it will remain in their memories and hearts. and using so. little.
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for most of the headlines. security sources have claimed that the successes in russia's troubled north caucasus killing of a source in that incident reduced unload twelve terrorists and six security officers died at the weekend also in the times on the home village over the president of russia's chechen republic comes on to do. a series of tots on hispanic immigrants has raised fresh racial fears in new york the victims cited they've been targeted by african-americans. defies a central russian nursing has killed nine people and left two severely injured investigators say it could have been started by money set himself a life so can.


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