tv [untitled] RT August 31, 2010 11:03am-11:33am EDT
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live from the russian capital this is r.t. well the u.s. says its combat mission in iraq will come to its official end within hours u.s. vice president joe biden is in baghdad overseeing it with all american combat troops having already left the country washington says this means the end of the seven year old war that killed over four thousand u.s. troops however about fifty thousand will remain in iraq to provide training and support for local security forces u.s. troops will no longer be allowed to go on combat missions unless requested unaccompanied by iraq forces but many analysts say baghdad doesn't control the country which remains split plagued by insurgent violence last week alone dozens of iraqi citizens died you know wave of terror attacks.
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or let's get more details on this now we're joined by pulling graham from the british american security information council so despite politicking to fight despite the western news reports the mission may be officially over but tell me is it really. well the mission is not sorry for the terms of engagement have changed the the. quality of the mission itself i guess has changed today as you were outlined just now the rules of engagement have shifted and many of the troops have left but fifty thousand is a large number by anybody's calculation and they could easily be brought back into play but so it's difficult to give you a definitive statement one way or the other i think i think today is significant i think it's significant because the power of the united states troops to engage in combat operations has left them in as much as it's not their decision but on the
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other hand are i wouldn't be a total surprised if they were brought into combat by the iraqi forces various points in the near future and of course the key date that we have yet to reach is the end of next year where troops ought to be pulled out that's quite significant given the amount of investment the americans have put into the country not only of course in terms of blood and in terms of the political risk but also in terms of the amount of money they've poured into building the bases that they claim they're going to be abandoning in the next sixteen to eighteen months ok let's delve into the slightly more deeply if we can the government the iraqi government is in a state of stalemate there is widespread corruption there's been recent surges of violence in the country is now the right time to be withdrawing. well it's a very good question it's not the right time to be withdrawing if one believes that
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american troops on the ground can bring stability i think that that if if the americans did care about stability in iraq and if they thought that they could influence it then it's the wrong time i think it's a thin mission in a way that they never did have the capacity to bring stability to iraq they unseated saddam hussein relatively quickly and easily but of course bringing stability and security to the country was a much much bigger deal and i think there is there are many even within the u.s. government itself who have come to recognize that american troops in combat formation in the country actually create more trouble. than not having them and so withdrawing them from the country actually it is the right time it's not too soon it could have been sooner if the genuine intention of the americans is to
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eventually. allow rather than bring security and stability to iraq now there are some say that this is politicking on the part of president obama that he's trying to fulfill a campaign promise here but tell me let's look at the bigger picture has washington really brought freedom and democracy to the iraqi people it certainly has not it has not brought freedom and democracy that much is clear as you just said there is corruption is rife the quality of government within iraq is downright appalling there is no there's no sense that the politics within iraq will be stable any time see the oil industry there is open to foreign intervention foreign exploitation for years to come there's no real sense of justice on the streets of iraq so no the a merit. of not brought it but on the other hand if one were to criticize president
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obama for fulfilling in an election pledge i think the. that would be misguided because president president obama has an election pledge democratically he ought to be fulfilling it it was a pledge that came from a recognition that the americans couldn't bring democracy and freedom to iraq and the best chance there is for iraq for democracy and freedom is for the americans to exit because their presence is itself a very clear source of insecurity and reaction by many with the wrong all right the executive director of the british american security information council paul ingram thank you thank you thank you well while tara remains a threat in iraq it's also where the forefront of other trouble spots in the world political scientists a laugh nikken off says the danger is widespread. so. there was an assumption
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that terrorism is more or less localized in afghanistan and they were looking for causes of terrorism in iraq what it looks like it is more widespread i know we can fly and the terrorist training groans in some countries of asia. they are also quite active in central asia in the former soviet union so it is spreading is financing and weapons are there. courses for terrorism or created. almost daily. and you can hear more of what the can off had to say in the full interview that's coming your way in just over one hour here on. well despite desperate times in one indian village certainly has prompted residents there to take desperate measures
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a severe two year drought has left three hundred families on the edge of starvation beth threatening to commit mass suicide if there's no aid from the government but despite the stark warnings so far no help has arrived he's counseling investigates . here in the british you know remote part of eastern india. molly spends time with his family including his little grandson this may look like one happy picture but the reality is quite the opposite with no food to eat. and over twenty other farmers in the small village of about three hundred families have threatened to commit mass suicide. not intimately we will have to die sometime so when we suffer like this every day it's better to die now we're so hopeless that we've come to the conclusion that committing suicide is the best option would like to do nearly two to eat how many days per person when.
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the region has had elocute drought for two years now this has driven villagers from just write a letter to the president of india and the state government asking for rations and it a geisha in facilities if help. they say they'll commit suicide alamut all of them he says because we requested immediate aid from the governor and for the long term development that could provide us with employment such as digging a new well and improving the road to a village which is in a bad story and the families are desperate as the state of charge could grapples with a forty two percent rainfall deficit this year. as field which would have been full of crops at this time of year but lies baton instead. not in the used up all receipts with over the last two years there hasn't been an. obvious to grow scene in the desperate attempt i mention you know holdouts were thinking it is the point
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of living. this suicide request has to the local administration into action promises of development have been made but little has actually made it official that the district headquarters didn't respond to our request for an interview meanwhile enjoy going to just wait for the promised. the senior officials have visited us from the local administration uloom with our elected member of parliament they've given us assurances but i do know when to expect action it may take five days fifteen days or even a month we are. clearly not so important to the government. this crisis has been in the making for two years now and this letter has just brought it out into the open with an entire village driven to despair the government will have to take urgent steps to prevent this from snowballing into a major crisis gotten saying r.t.
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from the village of. it's now just after ten minutes past the hour here in the russian capital you are with coming up a little bit later for you in the program bullet point find out why people in the u.s. state of louisiana are saying give us our guns back five years after they had them taken away. russia's high tech lawmakers who are exchanging tweets in the workplace telling off from the president. now people in the u.s. have just been mocking five years since the deadly hurricane katrina in the wake of that storm many people in the state of louisiana had their guns confiscated in an attempt to stem the looting and violence but has priya sridhar reports some are still fighting for their right to defend themselves. it's a sunday afternoon in louisiana i just came on here to shoot practice. thanks and
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guns are a blazing at this shooting range. thanks to our forty percent thanks i believe everybody should have the right to defend themselves at any cost in this part of the united states the right to bear arms is part of every day life i believe. is right for ask questions later. before i know what it's like. living in america may say we should be able to carry a handgun but that wasn't always the case so what do you. so we've taken your weapons. richard stiring and his friend wayne shoom were on lake pontchartrain about a week after hurricane katrina made landfall and i had almost say anywhere from six inches to a foot of water in the house. but it was still when they went to styron's house to get his things we heard of the. stuff that was going in the wall and all the
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shooting and the people that were getting heard some killed from what i've been told. while heading back across the lake the pair was stopped by law enforcement and asked to give up their weapons. from you know what are i mean if you're private property and i don't have any right to take in iraq. as the hurricane took the city by storm residents felt their constitutional rights were being blown away the armed populace keeps a government in check the government should not be in charge of the populace the populace should run the government at whatever the government has the guns and the populace doesn't have the guns the government does what it was in the aftermath of katrina new orleans was in complete chaos law enforcement couldn't handle all the problems and on streets like this one every single building with looted except for one occasion is pa as they are three smith and wesson club action shotgun twelve
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semiautomatic joined guido's is the owner of cajun's pub she decided to take things into her own hands there was vans with. them and they were breaking into any businesses where there was no sign of anyone around them that they didn't mess with us here because i stood up front. with my shocked we don't protect her patrons when law enforcement was nowhere in sight after guarding her pub for about a week we decided to evacuate u.s. marshals came across the san fran saw me with my shotgun. you know they pulled about a dozen and sixteen's on this but everybody against the wall check their buys i do took all my weapons and then left she couldn't believe this was happening in the united states i was furious i had no way of protecting myself beyond the physical destruction they saw their city and even their country transforming before their eyes look at the communist countries look at cuba look at nicaragua look at any
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country you want to take where the government has the guns and the populace is not are and look at how they live and how they're treated it's a story they want remembered so it never happens again preassure either r.t. new orleans louisiana meantime american radio host alex jones says the actions of the government five years ago did breach people's rights to defend themselves what's scary here is the first time the federal government was able to take control of a u.s. city during an emergency they wouldn't bring food and water to the people at the superdome in fact they blockade in many cases their main mission was set the precedent to get the american people's guns five years later we still see the continued anti second amendment mission of the federal government we are now a total third world police state total cherami setting in and the system doesn't know what to do because they haven't been able to get our guns yet and they tried
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to use katrina as a case point to set the precedent and a train that illegal nationwide under federal and f.b.i. control to go into high and dry areas and take people's right to defend themselves and leave them by themselves to be right robbed and killed by the looters many of which were the government themselves. that was american radio host alex jones sharing his thoughts from texas we can always check out our website auti dot com for many more stories and here are some of what streaming there right now russian police bust a gang of hackers who swindled trusting internet users of over thirty million dollars in just a month. and the endless black expanse of space has its own scent find out what it is. dot com. the ban on gambling in russia has seen casinos forced to move to four designated regions so far the remoteness of those places means many casinos have struggled prompting
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investors in the country's south to spin the wheel again by considering switching locations. looks at stake for the russians since it. this is a gambler spera dice the oracle offers all kinds of games from the army of one armed bandits to poker and roulette. however most of the time the place is deserted . this is the only legal casino in russia a private company invested ten million dollars into its construction and even though there are a few other swell willing to build gambling spots here in the area it still looks like most in the industry see it as making bats in a burning house last year russian lawmakers banned all casinos and gambling clubs across the country to be replaced by force specially designated and developed serves in siberia western russia the south and east the industry reacts its
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immediate plague you know shutting down the facilities moving them abroad or going on the ground even the most successful the southern gambling zone is mostly being ignored by the end of her nurse. most investors are passive mainly because as the city is far away from other major transportation hubs and local airports under developed in the roads and not like that only that and the other factor is that the gambling ban in russia is really how to be a force. in cities just a few hundred kilometers away from us all police discover illegal gambling down every week. of course it's officially prohibited but in our neighborhood everyone knows where to find the underground gambling den you can have a good time there if you play your cards right in the regions authorities have come up with a new plan to make the rules work they want to relocate the whole seldom gambling zone closer to popular tourist destinations like the black sea coast resort the phenomenal and inspired by les vegas they wanted to be about more than just
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gambling. so we said why can't we try and do something like that in russia shipping it without making the same mistake we can use the best that las vegas has to offer so. by decades of experience essentially we've come up with a new concept in the resort so gambling will be just one of the highlights the idea will have to get support from the russian state duma possibly together with other amendments to help reverse the odds of getting the new game the rules to work so far no if you chair of russia's biggest still looks didn't even more questions than answers for its supporters and skeptics why. our team crossed the region. it is now just turning twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow you are with odds he now twitter mania is sweeping russia's leading politicians so much so that some are even caught doing it right under the bosses nose one governor was caught tweeting away in the middle of an important meeting in the kremlin by president
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medvedev himself to get you to europe is something on the page right now during the student council session as if she has nothing else to do but tweeting didn't end with the president's remark as more members of the council would join the online exchange the russian leader is known to be a big fan of gadgets and has a twitter account himself his friends include barack obama and the head of apple steve jobs who presented the president with a new i phone four on a recent trip to silicon valley. and now to some other news making headlines around the world and police in mexico have arrested a gang facing drug trafficking charges in the u.s. the group pollutes a notorious alleged drug lord known as bobby who is being blamed for a vicious tough war featuring the shootout san bodies being hung from the bridges his real name is ed. and you could be extradited to america has
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a two million dollars bounty on his head the arrest comes just hours after the government said about ten percent of the federal police that has been sacked as part of a campaign to root out corruption. nato says a roadside bomb has killed four american troops in eastern afghanistan a fifth u.s. soldier died in an insurgent attack in the south. which killed eight nato soldiers in the same area nineteen american troops have been killed in the country since saturday. have begun drilling rescue thirty three miners trapped underground in a collapsed operations at the mine could take up to four months rescue workers say they plan to send food over the next few days and beds. telephone contact with their relatives one of them even deciding to on the spur of the moment to marry his longtime girlfriend. and well now it's time for the business update
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with you. hello and a very warm welcome to the business program to solve the world's biggest al-ameen producer has posted a profit of one point twenty seven billion dollars for the facts toughest twenty ten to making a loss in the same period last year the results were considerably better than forecast and the show has rallied in hong kong where the company listed in january results says it expects a strong performance for the rest of the year as demand and prices continue to outstrip rising costs. saul is also have been involved in the shareholder dispute for control of russia's biggest mind in the world but about bruton is in the city of heroes to see the town and to all the plant is meant for the two main shareholders in the company to sell chief alluded to the pasta and led him at the
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time and the head of interrupts the two billion is each only twenty five percent of new ground to buy the other out which in has noted that the conflict is damaging the company and that a solution is urgently needed but the government insists it will not force the issue as long as nor nickel continues to operate successfully. for it spot rosol is adamant it will not sell up instead a leg says he will try to get the support of minority shareholders to agree to make independent professionals a majority on the board of correspondence but do a question about who has the story. the general director all flew solo couldn't take part in the messing with the media here in moscow as he's right now in the russian city over norilsk where he is the tons in a meeting with prime minister vladimir putin visiting the city at the right in the middle of the shareholders conflict well just to mind you adds at least you can
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hear folder use to me jane. unexpectedly came up with only three voices compared with the norilsk who are that close to the start of the shareholder this conflict of interest but also god three said the boy scouts had to vote was conducted in accordance with all the rules were to sell claims it was done fairly manipulated no risk legal costs the twenty first of books to this year to be the day for its extraordinary general meeting where shareholders will vote on whether the car inboard should be removed and if so who will make up the new board will be deputy general director of roussel police lost love you said that roussel does not plan to sell its twenty five percent stake in norris can it go. straight up it's absolutely strategic stake or also strategic investment. to benefit from but dividends from the rising. value of the stake that's why we are going to get that
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for sure. meanwhile the prime minister like you made a pollutant has already mentioned that he says some progress in the concept and the russian government has a once again repeated that it is not intended in going the stakes of either by banning or i let us go and will not intervene in the dispute as long as the company continues to operate successfully. and also in the city of the prime minister says the government is considering a new flexible text format for nickel and exports he suggests the system could be similar to that imposed but a report and urged the metal producers to take part in the development of a fair formula. there's an idea to develop a flexible formula similar to the one we created for the oil industry in a very with the increase or decrease of prices but where is it is not agreed soon
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that we will come up with a solution of our own because one of the legal shareholders may not like. the russian markets finished today's session and the rat stocks made some games towards the close telecom continued its winning straight from monday to the only. up more than three in the hot percent. russia's second largest oil producer has announced net income for the second quarter felt sixteen percent to two dollars despite a strong rise in revenues the company says it was hit by taxes and costs faster than the price of crude oil separately the company says it does not intend to buy back the entire eleven point six percent of its shares from current owner conoco phillips speaking exclusively to business our chief ice presently i need to do explains why. we think that the purchase of almost eight percent of
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shares to reduce the tension in the market and to assure that our share showing. the company is interested in increasing its. shares on the market. we're also looking at listing on one of the asian markets in the future i think it's enough to ensure future stable and reliable company before. that's all the business news for now you can always get more news from our web site r.t. dot com slash business.
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live from moscow this is our t.v. headlines now the last all of the u.s. combat troops have made their way over the iraqi port but about fifty thousand will remain to train local security forces they will only be allowed to go on missions at iraq's request. a two year drought has left three hundred families in an indian village on the edge of starvation. commit suicide if government help doesn't arrive soon. and casinos have proved a bad bet after russia limited gambling to fold designated regions has prompted investors to plan building a las vegas style resort in a popular tourist destination the black sea coast. well my colleague bill dog will be here in half an hour.
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