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tv   [untitled]  RT  September 9, 2010 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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why the worse economy and blow the place in right how well the president of the mice it's upstate says russet is making progress. getting rubel to be accepted in subtle and soon she says in the old unstoppable then this is the source towards the ball for making rulers of current scrupled boy. ok that's the latest from the world of business get more news from our website r.t. dot com slash business.
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for the fool we've got it from. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in vietnam
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she's available in international her tone for. her to leave the intercontinental hanoi westlake otoh sure. oprah said grant to annoy saddam the sweet. care of a. child. in the middle. of a little in resort and spa. a very warm welcome come to lloyd from. and i'm so sad let's take a look at our main news story morning. stronger
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international security and democratic development that is to focus as experts politicians and polls leaders gather for a global policy forum here in the russian city of give us love the meeting comes as u.s. love so brave to start the second millennium. of the amazing escape for a plane that crashed in a remote russian forest all eighty one people on the plane were left shaken but on the hook the pilots received special awards for heroism. plus their release of heroes plans to move off the japanese island. has been delayed locals say the presence of the by. this is damaging the environment and pushing up the crime rate. the u.k. special envoy to afghanistan a host critical of the military action there has stepped down its prompted
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speculation that he was forced out because of his antiwar views. all right we'll have more coming. up on top of the hour but next artist interview show spotlights all over and also down to talk to dominic a legendary goaltender who has signed up to play in the russian leak. hungry for the full story we've got it from. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us acknowledging update on our jeep.
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hello again a welcome to the interview. and today my guest is dominique ghosh. he is the legendary ice hockey built and one numerous titles including to stay with the and i chose detroit red wings and to narrow legs out for the spark. but what challenges await him in the russian league they're going to crush the thing down the road there's. dominic passion he's credited as one of the most successful ice hockey goaltenders of all times his professional career. started in czechoslovakia when he was only sixteen years old and during his sixteen seasons in the n.h.l. he won six busy trophies awarded to the best goalkeeper in the league also
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alongside his two stanley cup the trees with the detroit red wings dominate one of the most valuable player award twice that made him the first goalkeeper ever to win the m.v.p. price with a check national team he became an olympic champion nine hundred ninety eight today dominick starts his first season in the in the shoes kontinental hockey league with the club spartak moscow. welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us well first of all. two thousand eight. hundred time. but. now you decided to come to that. decision. in two thousand and eight we wanted a couple weeks. and i thought like. i said to be n.h.l. but never said completely hockey so after taking off i decided to play again
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i play for chick when i started to play hocking pattern to be say i was born instead i played hockey up twenty five before i left the n.h.l. . so i. wonder championship in. and. after that i felt like there is something still inside me i can still play and compete on the highest level and. then came they came to people from from from spot of talk to me and start talking to me and i decided to continue by in kontinental hockey that's why i'm here for. another reason which is. why he inspired that is because of militia vision and who is a check and who is sponsoring skill which is that is that true. the coach of my new
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coach is definitely one of the reasons but i cannot say he's the he's the only reason you don't have a special relationship with mulishness we know we show though you know each other for a few we know he he lives in the city what i use what i played last year and what i was born but there is some think first of all i have to say i decided to continue to play and i want to play in that endeavor very good lee great leak and i know content of hockey it's a great leak and when i when he talked to me. and told me that they want me here in moscow in spite of i didn't have to think about it too much and i made decisions but you said two years ago you thought. enough is enough then you feel that you can can be back on the highest level why didn't you go back to two two to the n.h.l.
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chimerica because big because they didn't offer you a contract or or you just don't want to play in the jury that he would the. i don't know we've been. for me a contract or not but like i said i said goodbye to the n.h.l. completely i made my speech i i said thank you to my teammates to go to doing sort of any station and was there any other real reason then just the you know we want we want to stanley cups with that being said. you know if you win something sometimes you feel like that's enough you don't need anything to prove to yourself . and so one you can use mentally completed continues to still be competitive if you don't have anything to prove there can't be anything bigger than the stanley cup it. maybe not maybe is no two to compete or sell a cup to win the cup you also learn champ you know yeah you're a little shit is in your scenario we want to hear what you have everything in us and i said nothing about having everything you know to understand keep you
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competitive competitive there is nothing by that i say then we with my team mates you know compete with them not only in the practice which is fun most of the time but in the game you know the wind the game walk to the locker room with your teammates and it was fantastic last year like i said to play in the n.h.l. i think it's the best league in the wall however to play in the checkley it's also a very good league and a very good competition and now we need in the continental hockey league i believe it's the best competition in europe. and i want to compete i enjoy it it's not about. it's all about what he would like to do and i love to play hockey there is something in to me you know like i said before in two thousand i want to. after taking want to get off you feel like ok you can you can do something again what did you do this year just relax went to the bahamas lived in the big. i don't know exactly what i was doing i spend more time with my family more time with
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my friends actually i play hockey also i played hockey full weight for the team i was but i wasn't a goalie and i was i was defenseman or i played a few games i had many practices as a defenseman however like i said before after taking six seven months of my photo you can still play hockey. dominic you forty four i understand that you're in the go yes you're the girly but still isn't it hard for the children age to be to be at the highest level can the words. i mean if this is only one it is but if you love something if you love what do you do i don't think it's so hard it's very hard for me in summer you know to start a practice sometimes. and even if you go. in canada it was in september which was much about it when he said thirty thirty
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five degrees to people at underwater or walking in. you have to go and it's not fun however you know you are getting ready for the season once the season started it's really fun for me so at age forty five is it difficult i don't think so because i love this game i love to be part of it and. fortunately i have to knock it you know my body so casteel you feel physically fit i feel physically for being a goalie i mean at least for the new excuse is we want to let you know when i say you know listen to this point that spartan fans your new fans they went crazy with the new that dominate is going to be in there in the dell of their favorite team but now they're asking question are you going to be there all the time are you going to be the main goalie or you go to play only in crucial naturism like points and there are always questions for so i have to say that all these questions. my goal you know i love to play i i don't i always say it's coaches decision i
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don't want to made these decisions when i play in the n.h.l. i played around sixty five sixty five games a season. most of the time i don't sixty sixty five games before the playoffs. please tell me how many games are eighty eight in the n.h.l. last year or last year i played probably. no more than two inches more than two thirds games same thing was last year i was injured about one week so i missed mr few games but when i was injured i played like i say seventy five eighty percent of the games. and i would like to play eighty eighty eighty five percent games again but like i say i never made easy solution is a coach's decision and i want to be i want to be ready always when i get a chance but but but your contract with spirit isn't a handicap content i mean it's just normal so it's all up to the i have to look at
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i don't know what do you mean because well the win if you think that that you did well as i said before as the as the fans are asking like a contract to be only in crucial matches or like half matches around i know that's a normal normal contract for an illegal and i guess normally. i don't want to have anything special in my contract you know nothing has nothing at all because i think it's important for the team i am part of the team that isn't of any twenty five players of the team and i don't want to have any thinks anything very special in my contract at all because my teammates expect me to do the job for them i expect the same thing for the of from my teammates so i don't think it's good if some players have to too much pressure in their contract so i don't have any say in anything special during the alexander ovechkin and it was both leagues very well says that says that the the n.h.l. and the continental hockey league they can be comparable so for only in terms of
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salaries what do you think if you compare the two least do you think this is this is true today first of all i have to say it's a little bit early for me to answer these questions i came to. moscow a few weeks ago all of the way i play if you exhibit game so i don't know what he was called into hockey kit but it's all kontinental hockey to use on bigger ice. hockey so little be different now see. i spend indian h.l. i think eighteen season i don't know exactly sixty one thousand nine hundred eighteen years. for me it is the best leak in the wall but. i think what i see what i have from my from the czech teammates and what i can see it looks like. the hockey league is the best leaking you would hope and if you often use question the same question thirty forty miles from now we like and i can answer and compatibly the n.h.l. and. i believe panto hockey is the best league in ok i will save this question and
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i'll ask it to you in three or four months and with this interview will continue in about a minute to show a great spotlight will be back so don't go stay with us. when it's something really crucial what you want to get down to brass tacks. this time. broadcasts special guest discussions on the stakes in providing security and stability in the present
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name world. question more on the. world. back to the spotlight i'm not going just to remind you that my guest in the studio today is the many ghoshal the legendary goalkeeper who has recently signed a one year deal with the moscow team spartak dominic well once again welcome welcome to russian hockey welcome to the continental hockey league and that night
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we've started discussing the k.h. on the continent largely comparing it to the n.h.l. you promise to give your comparison in a couple months when you will actually see see the action but first of all when they started the convent a hockey league and named it continental not russian they said that they are expecting czech teams slovak teams teams of finland from sweden to join the lead to expand well as far as i know now only teams from below russia in may because i stand here do you think that the that the czech teams and teams from european countries may join it someday. everything is possible. but this is i am not sure you know because. there is a very good hockey league in sweden they have their own hockey league and i don't know if. they really want compete in a broken or content. i don't know i don't have i don't have answer
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for that because i think in the n.h.l. there were two countries canada and the us example and here we have very steady in a dozen in north america are only two countries out of many many more countries in the world and also there are no this should we be for them they are here illegally friendly story different national ambitions europe is a little bit different in north america so. what i like more its idea of champions league liking soccer or liking football there is champion there is every every country has that all great hartley. and then it's the champions league like in soccer like in basketball and unfortunately in hockey to the snow right now there is no no hockey league solution champions oculus i think it would be the best idea ok you've played in the n.h.l. you've played in the czech republic no king came to russia what's your impression
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of spirit tak the organization of the team and in i mean how is it all the first thing you said that that they start a nice in july rather than september are there any radical things that are different than a shocking for you europe is definitely different in the n.h.l. . first of all like i said before you starting the season start. at the end of july indian a show you starting sometimes in middle and september however the leak in north america goes if you play in the still a club you go up to june he didn't even know it and sometimes seen april so. there are definitely some differences we have check coach in here in support of dr miller is the c.e.o. and so i think there are more similarity with the chicory internationally than we delivered on the coach also allows the pencil a lot of it depends on the coach as a matter of fact there is
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a number of slovak players inspire attack but only two czechs yourself and miller all the other chick players that may come follow follow your reach. i. there is as you know there feud many players in the cage cage. from the czech republic despite what is what is going to inspire like there is only only only who will be a player in any ocean small act which language is a very similar manner to check going which but what i like about. it's international how clearly you know you can you don't see only only czechs only slower but are so we great swedish players they are great players some colorado great players from were from united states and i think that's what's great about content of hockey like ok i i'm not sure if i know enough about the new rules that study this season either to be introduced in the continental hockey league here in russia but as far as i understand it no longer through bids fighting i mean fist
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fight and what do you think about this controversial decision. good question. actually we had this meeting came about one week ago and there was a person from very the referee who came and tried to explain to us all the changes and there were many of them and it was difficult to understand everything. fighting . i would say that it is part of the hockey of the show part of the show and sometimes you want your teammate to fight for your friend for you or for other teammates and i think if two guys really want to fight both of them want to fight not only one that it wants to one wants to find beat someone that either doesn't want to fight there is no there shouldn't be any fighting but if both guys want to fight each other if they made this decision i would let them fight the i would let them fight if you both want to go against each other you would let the fight
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because because most of the times they fight for their girl even defending the girl is fighting for gold or they fight for their teammates you know it's this is something good really appreciate you know you have you ever been engaged in the fight yourself i mean fighting i was like why your gloves off. slicing my life lies by scindia nature in a real fight it was a bit of i mean. i tried to fight you know but like i say i know the strongest guy on the team so. i mean i mean you know as toasted lots of tension i think i'm about his yeah yeah yeah i was fighting twice i don't know if i should say it was the real fight but sort of fight what you said if it was real fight when you try to hurt a person from the other do you really really hate him you really want to to hurt him do you really want to see his blood on ice or not or is it just a show i mean or is just emotion it's just emotion just emotion you just it happens
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so quickly i don't remember it happens twice i feel like i need to have my teammates all said and the other goalie was there and we were fighting we were out of. it was a really a fight you talk about you very just push each other and he pushed me towards this board towards the bench end and then there is a jump into us and put a. part of but i would say it's emotion it's emotion it comes so quickly and all of sudden you want to fight i want you never think about hurting someone you just want to win to fight the good fighting fighting and i says it's part of this show as you said part of the game part of the american ice hockey tradition now it's introduced in russia but what would you say about the wonderful soviet ice hockey traditions are they still there on russian ice. well you really for you to say you can't i think there is always starvation to play in this country there is many traditions and i would say that i have to go back to sixty suppose i would go back only to
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seventy's because i'm more than i was the little gate i was watching hockey to see the players like i just left. off but there are quite a lot more busts syria and many other great players who won the championship one day all in peaks and a number of the czechs all the time i remember in some of these are you i don't know if you are not even in the world you're also i remember what happened the fence used to used to want to championships for the soviets like the chimps wonder what against the soviets then they lost to the finns and the russians became just that you know that's what happened there and it was a different situation it wasn't a play on you know you know but it was you know i think there is always study showing russian hockey it is bigger ice so we have more time to skate i think the russian players they are great skaters they are great with hands they are maybe better than canadians. on the bigger ice like they say the hockey to be different
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and there will be always traditional russian hockey. but do you really care about bigger ice to me to go you also cure about about about the size of the pitch not thousand much as the players and for us you know you have to stop the park then that is because the an indian h.l. but definitely some differences you know getting smaller passing. i would say a little bit less shots probably done indian a little bit. many special but because the players are more spread there is a little bit less or less pressure that only you know what i would say only a little bit i have here in the information that the spark and this year could wear its nine hundred sixty two uniform way and this is the colors in which spirit of one of the the soviet championship thank you. is it is a sign of greater ambitions of the team. for so i would say i know. the story i am history teacher but so i like history and spot like he one of four
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championship if i'm not mistaken i think sixty two sixty seven sixty nine seventy six. yesterday we played a third of the game off. of moscow. q book of moscow the home of the high up here in moscow moscow cup and i saw these jerseys for this time and they told me this is exactly the same jersey we played i mean we respond like way nine hundred sixty two when you first won the championship i mean the team that the one hundred championship produces i really enjoyed to see the jersey i'm missions. of course there are a missions like a sailing. of course our ambitions is to get in the playoffs and played the best hockey in playoffs you never know what's going to happen that way out. this is same thing this question if you ask me two three months ago i wouldn't even know him over the we played
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a few exhibit in games holy so this is only beginning of the season and now can you tell us what we know about the lineup of sports icons wonderful line up design business enough money at least the start of the season but what about the problems can you name some of the problems that the team has to overcome to to to live up to the ambitions. i used to coach would be managed by this pressure because of my job is not to focus on too many things you know what job is to focus on my you know to stop it back and win the game however there will be always probably always a long season fifty six games i think before the playoffs start so there will be always there will be ups and downs during the season but the good teams and i believe we are a good team we have to overcome these problems so. you know our goal is definitely to get into playoffs you know i wish to see out of our team be somewhat on the top but i know we are teams who spend much more money and they probably more status
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like for example and get out. if you are there is on the papers there are definitely more favorites there we are where we definitely want to compete against this team and be as good as they are well that's that i answer really sounds diplomatic thank you thank you very much and we will we will talk again in two three months when you will be inside the trust and thank you thanks again and just a reminder that dominate russian the legendary goalkeeper nicknamed dominator is in russia playing for spartak moscow that's it for now from all of us here if you want to show you impressions in the spotlight or if you have someone in mind if you think i should interview next time just drop me a line back with more things to comment on in and outside russia and so then you know our team and thank you you thank .


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