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tv   [untitled]  RT  September 9, 2010 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the how would close a hotel be sure to twenty hotel hotel while his the groom who took the show would hotel a. hotel. photo hotel resort evergreens the hotel to like the grand victorian hotel gloria prince hotel springs resort. hotel royal cheap ambassador hotel. evergreen plaza hotel.
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ambassador typee hotel points and. the splendid hotel in touch with the hotel in touch a group photo. how would international house. every. breaking news here on at least sixteen people have being killed in a car bomb at a market in russia's volatile north caucasus region around one hundred of those were injured in the attack in the republic of the second security has been stepped up in fear of mo blasts.
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we're coming to you live from moscow. where we're covering the global policy forum and shortly we'll check in with kevin. for us but first to our top story now. bombing in this city. in southern russia has killed at least sixteen people a suicide bomber is believed to have carried out the attack which also injured around one hundred our correspondent was in the region and phoned us with the latest about. it's also explosions off the central market in what because cars are a bomb has been plundered in that car part is one of the entrance gate to entrance gate to use its market so it will want a car or sponsor this marketing one of the bank is going to increase cd and it's always packed with people who talk with some locals and they say they will first be perfect but blocks and then people started calling our best friends and family to find out what happened everybody was shocked and whole and only covered with blood
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and it's really shocking to me. global health ministry flags but at least sixteen people were killed and the number of injured is more than eighty now the whole every life whole use a medical clinic into cuban hospitals it's common in our courts as containing forty kilos of p.m.t. and are they hadn't also said here who was at the scene. that was carried out by wi-fi former i wouldn't and also say that explosion was so powerful it smashed out the windows in bin houses nearby the criminal change has been launched and investigated called find the blasts as an act of terrorism and i'll be watching sesame during the day i just all get to emergencies and how many trees to provide critical to necessary aid and the injured and the families all that we can still get compensation from this free speech is all so far but we'll keep you updated.
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now i wouldn't accounts are coming in from the city and his well some of the locals are saying about this attack. i didn't hear much we were sitting there talking and then we heard some debris fall on the ground that was it we came outside and saw dead bodies on the ground i didn't look at the time i think it was around eleven i told you i was in the pavilion i don't know anything else i told you everything it's all i saw was coming no grandmother was killed along with one of her grandchildren my daughter in law went to the market and i still don't know if she's alive she hasn't called me i'm so sorry to lose them i was at home my house is on the street nearby so i heard it i don't know what happened i came here and he told me that everyone died the people who had the fruit stand here the woman who sold greens they have all been killed. look we pulled this out
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of a woman's leg my friend works here is a jeweler they survived because they entered a shop across the street from the bomb and seen right before the explosion his mother happened to be standing behind a pillar when the bomb went off she survived whom it was standin in the doorway and this is what we pulled out of her leg. now russia's top authorities have taken personal charge of the investigation into today's terror attack our correspondent sara for more details for us live from moscow so the case is clearly being treated with the utmost importance but all the any closer to catching those who are behind this attack. beloved to the explosion happened president would say to met with security officials here in moscow and we've heard the case is now under the control of the russians chief general prosecutor if i present the date of asking emergencies ministers to provide all necessary assistance they say be affected by this. i would first of all let me just say to all the people of
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north to say that we are mourning the victims innocent victims if this terrible tragedy people with the people of north. a first priority is to give medical help to those who are injured in front of camps can go anywhere it's needed and to offer moral and financial support to victims and their families. it's just information from the general prosecutor's office is that the owner of the car the car the explosive has been established they know who it is and the number of places that were registered to the neighboring area in english now there are unconfirmed pools at the moment that the owner of that car has actually being called arrested and is being questioned and he has said that he sold the car yesterday to an unknown person at this time another also reports that that person who the car was
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sold to was stopped about half an hour before entering the public before the explosion happened and produce documents that what we're hearing at the moment could have potentially been fake documents now we know that the government has said that the families of those who died in the blast will be receiving around thirty thousand. dollars compensation for the time that we've heard prime minister putin saying it's a cause divisions between multi-ethnic and multi-religious people here in russia. is a multi-faith country it is doing worse and that is the reason it's strong muslims reside all across russia crimes like the ones that were committed today and logic of cause are aimed at promoting enmity between people we cannot allow doubt and of course muslims must play a decisive role in this struggle. now in the wake of the attack any cars that are now and the capital coming into being very closely monitored and certainly security heavy has been stepped up now so we're hearing that some of the most severely
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injured people are being airlifted to moscow can you bring us up to date on the casualties. at the emergency ministry sense a plane a couple of hours ago. because. the medical supplies to the local hospitals in the area they're treating the engine is also able to around twenty people to most medical staff on boards to the call of these people the emergencies minutes from saying that at least ten is being injured in that area in a very serious condition so at the moment hospitals are really preparing to see and treat them here in another plane preparing to go down there again with medical assistance very shortly. all right also you sir live in moscow thank you. well political analyst dimitri bobert says no such here has often been a target for islamic militants with links to al qaeda. author said their house has
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been a bargain for terrorist attacks for a long time i would like to remind you of that shot when he was alive all north i said to russian good reason in north caucasus because i say down south the only ethnic group in the north caucasus besides russians which is predominately also the christian explored inside the market especially invited gulf gusev are very very often used in the past i would remind you that of on all the wars there is that the acts in the ninety s. was also an explosion at the market in logic of certain there but their use of i missed terrorist in north caucasus had connections to al qaeda they didn't make a secret out of it the western press doesn't report that very often about that cage and that he was also hear stories that some way in afghanistan where people were taken prisoner or some terrorist camp was destroyed people from north caucasus were also present there unfortunately. now old schools and kindergartens were also evacuated in a lot of us this morning and after
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a telephone warning claim that one of them would be bombed under a more thousand ria novosti news agency says today's events show that terrorists have been waiting to seize their opportunity. if up with i think terrorists want to seek revenge for the beslan school siege during this year's commemoration of into the security forces were on high alert so no terrorist attacks were carried out now security measures have been slightly weakened the terrorists attack people i'm almost sure that extremists are behind this blast probably with foreign support but of course we can say for sure which organization is behind the attack the terrorists which blew up the car just want to destabilize the situation in the north caucasus and discredit the current leaders in the area they want to show that the states of thirty's are feeling to provide stability in the region now of a thought of coming from the international federation for peace and conciliation says the fight against terror can only be won with international effort. think that
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all the people politicians the military the security forces they have to think together to give their villages in the field the spiritual leaders to move the to understand what is really going on it's necessary to really unify the efforts in the in the country first of all and also it should be aerial international cooperation in the for it to give the reason because this is not only the local routes which creates the opportunities for this struggle in confrontation but also it has an international order. and to recap our top story this hour at least sixteen people have been killed in a car bombing at a market in the southern russian city of lot of calf gas suicide bombers believed to have carried out the attack which also injured around one hundred it's not the first time markets in the capital of russia's volatile republic of north asserter have been targeted by terrorists the first and deadliest attack took place at the central market of political costs in march one thousand nine hundred nine that
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claimed fifty two lives and left over one hundred injured a year later a car bombing in the same market killed six and terror return for the next two years although in different locations but each time with the same deadly outcome that time another thirteen people lost their lives and in november two thousand and eight minibus exploded in a market square just outside a cinema that killed twelve and injured forty one. and that we'll be keeping updated on the terror attack throughout the day here on r.t. but now we're going to the russian city of heroes slothful for our continuing coverage of the global policy forum. yes thank you rory as you can see we. as you can see behind me a very beautiful city over jaros level some of the best minds from the world over of gathered here for a two day brainstorming session how to keep the world safe what makes
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a democracy work and how to modernize what's already in existence well these are just some of the questions on the table of the second global policy forum and we'll be bringing you some first hand answers as we talk face to face with the participants well the. way we are now is about two hundred fifty kilometers northeast of moscow and it's on the list of unesco world heritage sites so it's no surprise this week of the city marks its thousand year anniversary and just let you know as well we're going to be following those celebrations here on out to you as well over the next couple of days but for now let's focus on the forum and to talk more about what's going on at this international think tank we're joined live by our correspondent you've got to be. some eminent people here in the city taking part in these discussions isn't there. this year the global forum has become an ambitious role strength for an opinion exchange between politicians being tang's and zinnias state officials and despite the poor was quite
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young it takes place for the second time in the studio which as you've just said this year. will see the celebrates a youthful one thousand two year anniversary so despite the forum is quite young unlike the cd to sell the whole cd many claim that the forum may in time reach the . four level well in fact russia eased. the international economic forum howden sent that is but until recently it hadn't had the least equivalent of that so analysts say that the u.s. perspective may be calm these will. equivalent of the economic forum and the davos economic forum now these here some politicians and some senior state officials from thirty countries are attending a farm not mistaken some seven languages including korean japanese chinese the let alone european languages are a visual language just of the form asked for some senior state officials apart from
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dmitri medvedev who is the host of this year's forum they'll be italian prime minister silvio berlusconi expanding south korean president as well as former prime minister of japan now as full the topic of these years political global political forum for major sections so the problem is quite intense well first of all discussions will focus on the role of the state as an instrument of modernization of the state and the economy secondly it will be democracy standards and diversified experience democracy experience than global law the concept of global law and finally global security now by far many say that the most important and the biggest topic of these years political forum is modernization ever since dmitri medvedev vowed to move the country away from natural resources from dependence on
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natural resources to diversify the economy and to more not important now more on that i'm now joined by one of the participants of this year's political for many years and also the president of the political foundation. ellen thank you very much for joining us mr in the up we recently just about so we could go during the discussion club which is you know between you and me is known as the as. these event is dubbed as the bettas party what's the difference between these two major events well first of all why wouldn't the difference to the truth. for the way different participants different agendas. different settings even the weather is different this forum is warmer. bald guy is in need of russia specialist. yaroslav is in need of global specials it's not about russia and
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suppose the world where we are economically politically in terms of democracy building all around the world. amount of people is a feast for times more and there are more politicians which are not participating in boulder and there are many real decision makers. heads of states so the representation is would say that and it's a different. set of issues it is about russia and russia and europe russia and america russian modernization here so what we discussed is democracy the search trying to find out some universal criteria not just the state of democracy in russia or modernization what does it mean in different countries at different times this state is a subject of modernization not just in russia but how it worked in different
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countries so it is a completely different set. and of course yes the president video who will be addressing the conference later will meet with the participants as a part of the working program of the conference work involved in meeting with the president or of prime minister is a separate set of well talking about wondering is a chastain with the topic present me better you know launched a policy me shady a major policy shape of modernization and diversification up the economy while he was steel candidate for president i would like to code something to you. well his description of the country he says an ineffective economy some is soviet socialist weak democracy negative demographic trends and an unstable caucus these are very big problems even for states like russia was quite well i would say the description is one that many could have but would belong to a fierce critic of the crown. white. describes the state police wait and what is
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his take on how to change the situation he just understands the weaknesses of russia just standing was witness is a sign of strength fiction. of course these two years were very difficult for video very challenging i don't think when he was saying all these things in the morning to some other solution or state we're going to face the global economic crisis which was a severe blow to almost any country on earth no one could foresee the fires you know of weather this summer which really hurts russia's economic development but it is also clear that there is a last for russia to modernise the to grow more to the stage where it will last almost twenty years of development after the collapse of the soviet union well other countries were really developing fast developing their. their infrastructure is a beer education russia in many areas deteriorate so the issue is
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just to bring russia back to the first close countries club which russia initially belongs in favor of these two years been very challenging for the president ever since he took office in two thousand and eight one of the biggest challenges islamic radicals and just recently today saw another terrorist attack in the caucasus in russia so is there a chance to tackle the problem. well russia on its own doesn't how what should too . no country can tackle this problem so america is no tackling this program problem in afghanistan with the help of a coalition of more than two dozen countries and there is a global issue international terrorism wishes the whole. global community is facing now and what we have in the caucasus not just spontaneous local old bursts of
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terror uses also core of international terrorist networks and we know that there are people of many made in national it is from different countries who are fighting against. the russian authorities and local authorities in the north caucasus and it has different aspects it's not just a ball terror as a search is civil idiology to show i think is extremely important it's about the economy it's about the social conditions in the area it is a volatile point and of course it is about the real battle we should going on there russia in fact was quite successful during. last summer in. the terrorists only in august more than sixty major terrorist activists were actually killed and this is of course a response. which i think is very tragic and of course now. it
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is a sort of spread of terrorism to the areas which were at least for the time being immune from terror i presume that major attention will be devoted to the sports section of the forum global security because of the recent events in russia thank you very much for your insights just like any kind of president of the political foundation not to spend all the global political forum out in the city of. love was a country a great show the thanks very much reporting there from the heart of the talks in the discussions going on here all day today in the. indeed this forum here in this city. could garner as much influence in global politics as davos did in business so says political scientists a spoke to. i certainly see a lot of potential because i think the case of doubles makes very clear that international economic and financial debate can be extremely influential duyvil
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started off as a small initiative and it's grown into a global fixture and i think it has the same potential if the focus is on the page i think it's important that we move away from just criticizing each other or lecturing each other or simply talking at cross purposes and really try and find a common mode and i think debate exchange critical questions and constructive contributions is what's needed and i think the format is gesturing in that direction and i look very much forward to seeing how about what unfolds in the next two days. security of course is going to be one of the major topics storing this forum well ahead of the event are two you spoke to economics historian robert skidelsky he says the e.u. should consider russia's proposal for a new european security treaty. russia should be much more effective part of the european security system and not be outside. because the european actually european military is very very weak the military is in europe the
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french and the british the rest have to do anything really but this small and there's no unity. sort of agreement to create something larger and russia has a has it has has good military forces and they're becoming increasingly modernized and specialized to the kind of work. that military forces have to do today which isn't a huge war but to be part of the counterinsurgency operations peacekeeping operations and so on so russia could be a great ask. well european security system and president medvedev has suggested a new security concept that would include russia and we should that we should take him up on that and really see well what we can do with it because after all russia is part of europe it shouldn't be outside it.
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get a lot more to say as well of great interest to not call that interview so far on this channel quick reminder for you can know what should the few minutes time but later this hour here on r t today. we of course have been and will be speaking to a lot of experts over the next few days the founding director of the asia society in australia richard woolcott says the european security initiative could be a step towards better global security. and centrism. introduced to say. need for business regional security arrangements in europe and lengthy detention in germany in june two thousand and eight and again the first time in the squad. for prime minister kevin rudd he will say. launch this idea of the need for the asia pacific region security issues you share in june two thousand and eight so this is i think
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a very important course. of particularly for growth these concepts move forward and then you can leap through the region and the global security that's a good thing because you'll face concrete. well that's it for now but we've got a lot more live coverage coming your way from the global policy forum here in the city in the next hour so we do hope you can certainly stay with us for that. when the new season. when it's something really crucial what you want to get down to brass tacks. special coverage. this time the latest news from the. policy forum line broadcast special guest discussions on the you know modern state in providing security and stability in the present day world. question more on the.
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way that kevin energy and. the global policy forum in the very near future for the meantime though live from moscow this is r.t. and let's get to some other news in brief now investigators in the philippines say police could be responsible for some of the deaths during a botched hostage rescue a cherished from hong kong were killed after described expertise been hijacked their bus in manila two weeks ago. tests dispute police claims all the all the deaths were the result of close range fire a hearing into the hijacking concludes today. north korea has marked it's sixty second anniversary as details of a conference to to name a new leader kim jong il successor remain shrouded in mystery thousands celebrated founding day by placing flowers at the base of a statue of founder kim to song. is littered with posters announcing the workers' party meeting though the exact details are unknown expected kim's youngest son will
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be appointed to a key part of position preparing him for succession. and i'll be back with a recap of our main story in just about. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to operations are all day.


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