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tv   [untitled]    September 9, 2010 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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i know that there are security measures and programs in place in asian countries we want the u.s. to reduce their bases games aside from noise pollution and space concerns one of the arguments against u.s. military bases on okinawa is a crime according to the treaty american citizens attached to the base can't be tried under japanese law now most of the crimes about ninety percent involve drinking and driving or traffic related but there are a few high profile crimes which include rape and murder which have put a strain on japanese u.s. relations see them with us to hear crimes do happen the japanese security cannot deal with them directly they must go through the u.s. military base command and then you have to simply trust them and it becomes very difficult for the u.s. military declined an interview with r.t. but did give us this statement. where as a small group of people in okinawa vocalized said they are not happy with the bases many people there on mainland japan fully support u.s.
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forces in okinawa and to japan the realize the vital role the play in the defense of japan and for regional stability and security but getting the u.s. out isn't as easy as a vote by the people japan's surrender at the end of the war limits the country to having only a security defense force as part of the treaty the united states officially acts as japan's military in case a conflict should arise that affects the country but now there is a small but vocal movement suggesting that it is time to review old policies that just aren't needed anymore. the situation in egypt has calmed there are no conflicts here any conflicts that exist or in western iraq and not here the people in okinawa think that the strategic value of these bases has diminished but the u.s. . but with china growing stronger as a geo political force in the region and the instability of north korea still a concern it is likely that the united states won't be leaving okinawa any time
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soon john thomas r.t. okinawa japan. i'll be back with every story short. the issue is that so much religion which of course you want it to be and if it's an angry pretty soon right wing media particularly television and radio are enormously influential you will resume.
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again this is all see coming to live from moscow this is the breaking news this hour at least seventeen people have been killed as a car bomb they at a market in russia's volatile north caucuses region more than a hundred others were injured in that attack in the republic of north a sense here where an official day of mourning has begun the injured are being treated in hospital and those needing specialist treatment have been and lifted to moscow three suspects have since been detained while security has been tight in the polls the region. and according to political analysts which is life nic and there are several reasons why no set here has suffered numerous staff terror attacks. bloody kavkaz was deliberately chosen as a target for a terror act north to seti has long been a target of international terrorists it's due to the fact that north or setia strongly supports russia in fighting terrorism it's an orthodox region it house russian military bases during the chechen war its people are strongly against
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terrorism especially after the beslan event this republic has suffered a lot from terrorist and lost a great number of children in that terror attack north of setia actively fights terrorism and as a result suffers further terror attacks. in a while islamic leaders in russia have criticised that time claiming it was deliberate at times to cause a mark someone insults to muslims were built over the arc of this act of terror is an attempt to scare the people and is aimed at the dinner gratian of islam as a religion of muslims around the world and in russia would have been waiting for the end of ramadan and these people who carried out this attack wanted to overshadow people's feelings ahead of this holy celebration and they have succeeded in doing this in northern syria as it is now in mourning and these people must pay for what they've done. security analysts said xander sivana says the no reasons behind the tarkhan links to al qaida and aimed to take a hold in the region i see this is lost it's just if that's your science it's there
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is all tied up and actually. it is no leaders are. all sort of pianist and. their aim is to destabilize the situation says at inception asia they are trying to use fear of influence that's first of all they're trying to show that they are noughts they have ceased there but still there are attempts to destabilize the atmosphere here in russia an essential asia as well . political expert and answering chief of the analytical slovo magazine victim living says the terrorists behind that time had a bigger agenda than just wreaking havoc among the people what we're dealing here with is i think a sustained and determined effort on the part of some to create political instability. on the eve of the. presidential and parliamentary elections to which
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russia is moving very fast. and i think that this is impossible without money and assistance from from outside of russia. all schools and kindergartens are also evacuated and logic afghans after a telephone warning claimed one of them would be bombed and three more times you know the really nervous thing is h s s as the day's events show the terrorists have been awaiting to seize the opportunity. he wants to keep up with i think terrorists want to seek revenge for the beslan school siege during this year's commemoration events the security forces were on high alert so no terrorist acts were carried out now security measures have been slightly weakened the terrorists protect people i'm almost sure that extremists are behind this blast probably with foreign support but of course i can't say for sure which organization is behind the attack the terrorists which blew up the court just want to destabilize the situation in the north caucasus and discredit the current leaders in the area they want to show that
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the state of florida is a feeling to provide stability in the region. week to commission of from the international federation for peace and conciliation says the fight against terror can only be won with an international effort. i think that all the people politicians the military the security forces they have to think together to build a village a civil society and to do spiritual leaders to move the to understand what is really going on it's necessary to really unify the efforts in the in the country first of all and also it should be a real international corporation in the for it to give the true reason because this is not only the local roads which creates the opportunities for this struggle in confrontation but also it has an international tribunal. to let me now dates here in our main story a powerful blast rocks the southern russian city of the deck of cards on thursday morning at least seventeen people have been killed when a car exploded near the central market in the capital of russia's republic of north
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of says here a suicide bomber is believed to have carried out that target which also injured over one hundred some other children three suspects have since been detained this is the latest in a number of terror attacks that have shaken reddick of gas for over a decade the deadliest of which claimed more than fifty lives. and of course all became bring you up to date with the situation in the deck of cards but let's now get the latest news from the career of the late from the world of business with kareena. our welcome to business i'm queen malakand because i have you with us russia ranks sixty third as a competitive nation according to the world economic forum that places russia roughly in the middle of one hundred thirty nine countries all the list data space for unmeasured competitiveness in twelve different ways among them education labor market efficiency and innovation so it alone took first place followed by sweden and singapore. and watches credit rating outlook has been upgraded to positive from
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stable by fitch ratings the reasons for the boost are exhilarating growth of stabilizing banking industry and a flexible exchange rate policy from the central bank which said it may further raise russia's credit rating if the government reduces the country's vulnerability to swings in all places. politicians at least in some countries have given up the pretense of economic recovery president barack obama this week called for another round of public spending to prevent a slide into depression but the debate has finally balanced with others in europe determined to cut spending and bring down deficit's even a bit less. there at the bottom wants to go one hundred eighty billion dollars into the u.s. economy after a data suggesting the economy from house prices to jobs is shrinking again given his mood is a debating whether more spending will end a decade of contraction in the land of the rising sun the russians to face
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a choice for the next few years we seem pretty sure and if. we see a combination of private increase spending that we believe. i believe to be private capital will return to russia over the next twelve months in a meaningful manner secondly we do see increased spending from the government as well combination of two should be the base we believe to be five to six percent growth over the medium term the government plans to borrow more money this year but also spend their means of this to build zeeshan fund domestic borrowing is already accounts for sixty million dollars and russia will be ready to use your bones in november reporting to finance ministry. same store will be boring a lot in any case a deficit of three point six percent is anticipated next year we also focus the twenty twelve deficit will be three point one and two point nine for twenty
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thirteen the current situation has forced us to borrow and we will be spending from the reserve fund next year. the reserve funds have shrunk to a third of their former size when that runs out and a little hole in the russian budget unless the government can pump up its moorings or fund buyers for a range of state companies legs bear. and with presidential elections less than two years away analysts see politicians we spending cuts off limits you need to do a business or two you must. plunging interest rates of work to a three fold rise in borrowing on the syndicated loans market by russian companies corporate loans have jumped to twenty billion dollars from just under seven billion dollars a year before for example local took an unsecured loan this year is about one percent above its a bank rate last year a similar but secured loan by the same company had an interest rate four times higher than. the russian markets ended in the black on thursday with the r.t.s.
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finishing up of wine a half percent and the last six just over a percent across telecom was the biggest gainer all of my six up over five percent backing in energy shares were also high would be to be gaining three percent all the r.t.s. shares of spare bank of lukoil finished up two point four percent. gazprom will boost investment by thirteen percent in the final months of two thousand and ten it will take the total sum for the year to about thirty billion dollars the money will go on key gas transport projects plants and russia's far east along with the north and south stream pipeline projects. now look out the rest of thursday's company news el dorado russia's electronics retailer says it will exceed its profits forecast this year helped by the opening of four more stores the group's vice president of marketing says the company wants to become a leader in europe. well goal over the next three years is to become the best in
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europe in the next couple of years we're going to read brand the whole chain we've managed to recover and regain the confidence of both consumers and banks but quite profitable and we've announced four percent ebit dollar year to date but we still have a lot to do we began the year with one target for profit but it looks like we'll exceed it but at least one and a half times also us to nominate his chief although doing pos cuts of the board of noise may kill the extraordinary election as for october twenty eight the votes being repeated after accusations of cheating during an early a vote the two principal shareholders and into ross have competed for control of the board a list of candidates will be submitted on september twenty first at the latest spare bank could offer a four point six billion dollars loan to rosol the small bank chief have one graph told reporters in the us a lot of the other medium giant needs to refinance is debt to have national bank
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graft has also announced that the privatization of nine point three percent stake in burbank won't happen this year turning to its operations he added that the bank expects its retail loan portfolio to grow ten fifteen percent in two thousand and ten. that's all the update but you could always find most always on a website that's a dot com slash business. on
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the run coming up. this history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal the hidden in the soviet files the chance in case ever on ati. the dramatic example of the firmness of. surgery. they managed not only to stay alive. but to keep their faces and souls in inhuman circumstances. nine
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hundred danes in busy to leningrad truly awesome to survive such. a live in a country that don't understand that there's more violence in the streets of this country than there are in the streets in less than a baghdad. one minute this parisian the embrace of. the buzz of. history that i'm. proud to. the only real pleased look at.
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the. sergeant of the israeli defense forces. during his service scorched the street fight. to frame son a colonel of the chilean armed forces participated in keeping down a military revolt. the sergeant of the us army. tried to become an american by getting part in the. ranks and reasons differ but one thing brings them together once they disobey. breaking news hailing l.t. at least seventeen people have been killed and a cop owning at a marketing bust his boss had no focuses region more than one hundred others were injured in that time in the republican offices here where an official day of mourning has begun the injured are being treated in hospital and those needing
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specialist treatment have been and if to tamil scare three suspects have since been detained while security has been tightened across the region. will bring you more on the story of ten minutes time but first also he spoke to the award winning british historian and economist robert skidelsky hassan's that russia and europe should form a military alliance to face global threats that's coming up next here not. lord skidelsky a member of the british house of lords award winning historian and corniest and an expert on russia is here with us today thank you very much for joining us this group of your skidelsky your wrists and book canes the return of the must step out philosopher and economist john maynard keynes received several awards how relevant the economists feel today i would say they were very relevant in three respects
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first of all he explained how we got into this mess this crisis in two thousand and eight two thousand and nine secondly he tells us what we ought to do about it how to get out of it and thirdly he tells us how to avoid how we can minimize our chances of getting into another one and i think no other economist does that he was the greatest economist of the last century in one of the articles you said that europe was declining it can all make me and politically why is this happening and what are the signs of the crisis well of course europe's been very badly hit by the recession and it's got very high unemployment but beyond that i think europe is in decline it's it's weaker than it was the. population is is not expanding and the others are it's been affected by the rise of asia and particularly the rise of china so if you think back to one hundred years ago
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europe was the center of the world now of course it's not and it's much much weaker than it was and partly it has no unity there's a european union but it is no european government and till they get european government they're not going to play be able to play a major part in the world the world of. the collapse of the greek economy has impacted the whole of the european union. does this mean that the e.u. is vulnerable as a groupie well of course it is because it was based on the idea that everyone is progresses at the same rate well if there are some weaknesses. in some parts of it it affects the whole lot because it means that the exchange rate is weaken and it also means that some countries like germany have to bail out other countries so if anything goes wrong in one part of the union it's the responsibility of other
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countries and they didn't think they were going to have to assume those responsibilities so i think the greek the greek crisis has impacted the whole of the union immediately immediately it. created a crisis of confidence in the europe germany and france want there to be consequences for the countries which ran up excessive deficits like greece is this a necessary step well of course i think people have to countries have to be have to live within their means so to speak and know not spend extract again but when they talk about consequences for greece they also have to consider the consequences for greece another week come trees will have consequences for them i mean if if if they cut down on government spending in the mediterranean countries that will mean less demand for german exports and so it will impact them it's not just
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consequences for the for the weak countries it's consequences for everyone so i think they have to be very very careful in wanting greece to pay the price of its extravagance because in paying that price the germans will also have to pay a price there the strongest country in the your opinion from such as well and what are the countries which could be potentially some. it to these matches greece italy spain ireland. england. portugal they're all they've all adopted what's called fiscal consolidation policies they've all said that they're going to have their spending in the next over the next four or five years to balance their budgets again and i think that's going to have a very bad effect because i think it's going to slow down the growth a recovery will slow down the recovery it might even lead to a double double dip recession as it's called so you actually go down again so
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they're very dangerous times for the world economy over the next six months the german finance minister suggests introducing a european monetary font is this necessary is this a necessary edition to the current system i think it would help yes i think that's the one good suggestion that's actually emerged from the crisis i think most of this suggestions have been terrible but this is a good one. because it mobilizes some resources that can be brought to help we come trees in an emergency it's rather like the euro it's a regional version of the i.m.f. you know the i.m.f. countries can borrow from the i.m.f. on conditions but of course it depends whether they can mobilize the required resources on a permanent basis they have done it on a temporary basis so far on a permanent basis and what conditions they attach to lending the money if the conditions are too hard then i think they can actually make matters worse but it is
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a good it is a good step towards a government of europe you believe that expenditure reduction is the key danger of the current economic situation why is that and if so what can it result well i think expenditure reduction is a huge danger because it's cutting down spending the government in a recession the government is really kompany. sating for a decline in private spending overall the spending in the economy is less than it was and then private sector spending less government has to spend more that's the only way of keeping economies going and i don't know who exactly was some politician said that there is a crisis like the current one you have to pay people the money make them work even if you if you make them the money and take them out well cain said cain said you know that you'll you'll you'll you'll get rid of unemployment if you if you dig dig
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holes in the ground and get people to fill them up again or if the treasury filled the old bottles with banknotes and milton friedman said the same thing helicopter money would just scatter money over over the country and that'll get rid of unemployment no between serious the german economy is a very strong economy but it is an export economy and its exports have been growing why because basically because china has been growing very fast in the last year or so if china's growth. stops but gets less if european if european growth falters as a result of these cops everywhere if american growth slows down then the germans will not be doing so well and i don't think they'll be doing as well as they are now in over the next year i think they're going to face a moment of truth when everyone slowing down is going to be very bad for the german
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economy the german economy will slow down to you criticize the decision of the european leaders to withdraw fiscal stimulation programs which have been operating over the last two years could this cause a slump in logic. i think i think it can i think the the with the withdrawal of the fiscal stimulus is very is very risky because it's been like a lifeline it's been a life support. and everyone said oh really the big big problem is the hole in the government finances that they're that this spending much more than they're raising in revenue it's not the hole in the government finances that's the problem it's the hole in the economy that's the problem and you know if you if you deal with the hole in the economy the finances will get better automatically because revenues of the revenues of the governments will increase and their expenditure on unemployment will fall so you deal with the economy and the budget will look after
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itself more or less i'm that's an exaggeration while leaving the economy to one side in one of your interviews you set that russia could provide military defense to the european union under what conditions could this happen. well what i meant by saying that russia could support europe in security matters was that russia should become part of the european security system and i think the simplest way to have done that would have been for russia to become a member of nato which is i think something but putin wanted when he was president but they did they didn't want russia in but that would have been the simplest way but as it is russia should become a much more effective part of the european security system and not be outside it because the european actually european military is very very weak. the very very to military power in europe the french and the british the rest have and do
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anything really but they're small and there's no unity. sort of no agreement to create something larger and russia has a has it has to have good military forces and they're becoming increasingly modernize and specialized to the kind of work. that military forces have to do today which isn't provide huge rewards. but to the top of the counterinsurgency operations peacekeeping operations and so on so russia could be a great asset for european security system and president medvedev has suggested a new security concept that would be going to include russia and we should that we should take him up on that and really see well what we can do with it because after all russia's part of europe it shouldn't be outside it. let's get else king thank you very much for the time.
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wealthy british style. sometimes. markets why not scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on. the drug money get some. free. and on. they managed not only to stay alive. but to keep your faces and souls in human circumstances.


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