tv [untitled] September 10, 2010 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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it's a day of mourning in republic of north and there were a car bomb tore through a crowded market in its capital killing seventeen and injuring more than one hundred. alternative approach russia's plans for a new european security treaty which would end the cold war mentality. the global policy forum of. its second day. and sparking outrage threats by the pastor to burn copies of the koran is postponed r.c. speaks to americans who have recently converted to islam and sorry there is no place for extremism in religion.
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but it's not just here in the russian city of we'll be bringing you full coverage of the global policy forum which is no into its second final day but first republic of north is holding an official day of mourning for the victims of the deadly terror attack and its capital. bombers believed to have been behind the car explosion which killed seventeen people and injured one hundred thirty seven our correspondent. reports now from the city where the first funerals are already taking place. we are at the exact street and logic of cause what the explosion has happened the central market is always there the car has been parked there and the whole area is still blocked by the police the investigators have been working here all night and people are still coming to the sides are some of them was standing in silence just watching someone crying people are remembering the dead and the
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victims there bringing flowers if you walk on this street right now you actually walk in on glass it cracks under your feet and just a couple of meters away there is no asphalt and elongate just all broken glass the explosion was so powerful that it smashed windows from their houses there are on this street many people in logic of constant cited to become blood donors and around one hundred fifty have already donated their blood and more steel cueing in hospitals today local authorities are repairing the damage how it was is at the moment and security is tight and in the you can see more police officers everywhere also security has been tightened on the border between north a city and the neighboring republic. the day of mourning is declared today in assiut here and people will be praying in churches in logic of cars and through our
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with the republic we will be praying to the victims who are praying are full the injured as well over a hundred of injured are still in hospitals in logic of ten of them are unconscious and doctors do not know their names and they don't know where they are coming from the head of the russian investigation committee is here at the moment and he's leading the investigation are they have been reports that police has detained three suspects but we haven't received any confirmation so far would we do know is that they crawl belong to men coming from the owner was identified but he is not the one who was behind the wheel of the new. in the explosion a criminal case has been launched and investigators qualify the case as an act of terrorism they also say that the bomb contained metal parts and this is what made it worse and resulted in so many people being injured. well those most hurt in the terror attack have been lifted to moscow by the emergencies
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ministry along with their relatives eleven people including a child in a coma will board a specially equipped plane which landed in the moscow region during the milledge will be receiving special care in moscow hospitals the condition is reported as very serious the russian government has promised compensation for the families of the victims and those injured in the us. the u.s. state department says militants operating in the north caucasus have links to al qaeda their statement also says washington is willing to help moscow when its finds against terrorism in the region artie's gannett you. this time russia and the u.s. seem to be on the same page the u.s. state department says the terrorist attack in gaza as you mentioned is part of international terrorism and those who are responsible for it are international terrorists and they have connections to al qaida they also said it's a common goal for russia and the u.s. to work together to fight those terrorist groups but washer and the u.s.
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had in always being on the same page like that for years russia tormented by a number of horrible attacks had been saying it's a common danger of these guys are international terrorists and we need help to find them to fight them but a while ago the common understanding of the common wisdom among many in the west was that those attacks are just part of separatist movements in russian caucuses and russia kept saying those terrorists are getting funding from abroad and a number of them were trained abroad but internationally it had been treated like some sort of a domestic fight against insurgents while now things seem to be changing the u.s. has acknowledged that groups operating in russia have for international ties few months ago shortly after deadly suicide bombings in the moscow metro the u.s. state department included the person who claimed responsibility for the attacks its name model. it into its list of most wanted terrorists and that was probably the
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first time that they did that sort of thing forty people died then in that attack or not of also claimed responsibility for the attack on on the train travelling from same place of work to moscow that was in november of last year well the russian security services would give a lot to have this man behind bars and now they seem to have some help from the united states in that in that fight. democratic party strategist chris latina's says that both russia and the us lead in the war on terror. and this tragic day for the russian people that you know that this is a glaring example of where we should really be cooperating in something that really matters to people as you know the saturday will be the ninth anniversary of nine eleven that will remind the american people again of that terrible tragedy and i think. you know that americans understand that we're in
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a war and we need as much help as we can get so cultural exchanges and and even economic. trade are important things i think the things that really touch people motional e both in united states or russia will be would be a common fight against these criminals and i would be most happy to see a continuation of this kind of cooperation and i think that would have the biggest impact in both our countries. yes pastor who threatened to burn copies of the koran non saturday's anniversary of the nine eleven terrorist attacks says his plans are not canceled but they are postponed the initial threat has been met was worldwide outrage president obama described. the burning ceremony as ever equipment for al qaeda and said it won't put american lives at risk meanwhile a new poll shows that the u.s. has seen the rise and the number of people converting to islam often nine eleven
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are just british reports now an american recently become muslims and say there is a place where extremism in religion. it's the call to prayer and it's answered by more than a billion muslims all over the world including caitlin billings a twenty two year old american who was raised christian converted to live here the for. so ramadan my mother. she was afraid that i was going to marry someone who would be. she was crying a lot to thought that i was returning her by changing my religion to something that she didn't know about backtrack almost a decade ago to nine eleven today our fellow citizens our way of life are very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist attacks president bush waged a war on terror targeting extremists muslims who are labeled as terrorists many
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americans like caitlin billings remember that time in the united states very well i was fourteen when september eleventh happened so i didn't really know what was going on if that really was you know people thought it was so i believe just like everybody else but as billings got older she decided to find out for herself and her investigation led her to the mistah a center a mosque just outside of washington d.c. that has become a haven for many americans like billings who have found allah a new poll found that almost forty percent of americans believe that muslims should carry identification cards despite that twenty thousand americans every year decide to convert to islam convert say they don't regret their decision at all it's a choice that they must think about every day around the world since nine eleven muslims have battled bands of their religious clothing profiling in airports and discrimination in their everyday lives after joining our class to learn more about
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islam carl dodge also decided to become a muslim one of the big jokes that i've always made is before i actually set down the class and open my career on everything i knew about islam i had learned from c.n.n. and when it comes to the mainstream media the depiction of converts can be somewhat extreme that pakistani officials have arrested adam gadahn this is the american born spokesman for al qaeda fox's work first there was john walker lindh the californian who. converted joined the taliban and then did up fighting with them in afghanistan and then more recently it was jihad jane the blond haired blue eyed convert who allegedly recruited people to wage violent jihad and for many american muslims like dodge and billings the portrayal of converts is disturbing if those upset me a little bit because there's a lot of preconceptions people have been until i actually took the time to open up going on and see what was written you know that was my only impression of islam as what i had seen on t.v.
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and in the united states they say a puncture of islamophobia just doesn't make sense it's a right to practice your religion that's what this country was founded on just had somebody asked me the other day is also are you against america now and it's like ok. i mean you know u.s. veteran as well i served in the u.s. navy and so i do believe in this country no matter what unfolds around her billing says she's proud to be a muslim if no one in the world wants to talk to me and my friend i thought regret a happiness that might not make sense to those around her. to reassure either party annandale virginia. is dropping a challenge to kosovo's independence at the united nations both great is remove the section of a u.n. resolution that called a course of a succession unacceptable the e.u. serbia to withdraw its draft and focus instead on its prospects for e.u.
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membership a modified resolution is the result of a compromise forged by the twenty seven member e.u. and serbia because of a seceded from serbia two years ago after decades of conflict and is consistently missed for antiwar dot called the voice about its thinks that serbia has much to lose from the royal. in practice it stands to gain absolutely nothing it stands to lose everything. the resolution was changed so that the e.u. would be less angry with serbia but what brussels is still demanding is pretty much an unconditional surrender a full abdication of state sovereignty or any sort of independent foreign policy i think there will be a colossal backlash against the government among the people there will definitely be some some significant changes coming down the pike i believe so honestly because the current government by by doing this has exhausted any sort of credibility any sort of claim to be defending a country has completely obliterated its electoral promises of fighting for kosovo
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and refusing to recognize it because the resolution as it reads right now is an implicit recognition of the session has alienated its strongest allies in the world from russia to china and brazil and other countries and has done all this to basically score points with the e.u. and the e.u. itself doesn't really recognize this and will continue to apply pressure and humiliate the country and it's at this point just a matter of time before the people realize that they've been completely robbed of their birthright and of their entire country and then it's to knows how they will react. or hear any ancient city. but it's currently dealing with some very modern problems it has in the second and final day of the global policy forum and today we're actions plans for a new european security treaty. and cold war mentality will be one of the main talking points of world leaders are a monk those for the dress the conference which is already played host to big name
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speakers tackling some pretty big issues. for the latest developments from the hall to the policy forward in the cross live to our correspondent. the second day is in full swing tell us what's been happening and who are. they still us because still to come. that's right it is the second and last day of the global policy forum and today as he says some vague names are coming and we're expecting russian president dmitri medvedev to be arriving. south korean president lee myung bak and they're also expecting president the president of the head of to be heated on the sidelines also have former japanese prime minister yukio hatoyama as well as italian prime minister silvio berlusconi here actually there's really a sense of anticipation everyone is waiting for of russian president dmitry medvedev speech and it's largely expected that it will be based on his russia article that he had written and also today the agenda that's been set is very
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specific it's about it's an intersection on be a treaty of european security so here they're talking about a common cooperation coming up with possibly a new framework where european countries at euro atlantic areas would cooperate on issues of security and there are a lot of other topics that came from the working sessions yesterday covering terrorism organized crime even climate change and energy security and a lot of interesting debate and opinions have been coming out here let's hear from the. liberal democratic party leader and the state duma deputy chairman. why isn't anyone talking about and evaluating the builder birth group to get together once a year and the decisions they make are the ones that are actually put into effect across the globe and especially here in europe parliaments are nothing compared to them the chief players on the security scene seem to be clubs like to build
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a burgers their members are mostly retired politicians including members of the european union and this presents a problem but we must first overcome anti russian feelings in europe so we can build a new system of security and stand up to these builder bergs together. well then you have european security of really is an issue here and it's a year in the security and zero global concern that's why we have a large contingent from asia from western europe because this is not just a cooperation although it's an issue in this should have coming from russia dmitri medvedev did propose this it's an issue that is affecting everyone so we'll hear from all sides differing opinions on whether or not an infrastructure should indeed be created an architecture and you walk a texture for europe another important topic that was discussed and debated upon actually is democracy what does it really mean and if it had come to a consensus and there's an interesting debate that happened yesterday on this and here's a man role water steam from the yale university on what they had talked about yesterday
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. we arrived at no consensus in fact part of the officer there was a complete dissenters on all the major issues but the problem of democracy is very simple everybody today every politician today a politician in power says that his country is democratic however for every country in the world virtually every country for the world there are people who say it's not democratic there are people inside the country and there are people in other countries who will say about any country in the world it is not democratic so obviously there's a disagreement on what the word means in the first place literally democracy means through the people but there's no consensus about what it means to rule and there's no consensus about who are the people given that it is an open question about which there is enormous debate a lot of rhetoric and a lot of political pressure and everybody wants to be democratic race say and
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everybody wants to use their own definition know what it means to be democratic it's healthy to have an open debate and discussion about what to try. and calm water are the possibilities and whether it's an all or nothing question and that's one of the things. yeah some people would say it's either yes or no you're either democratic or not democratic and some people would say no there's a continuum and then there are some people who say you can only possibly have one meeting a universal. what the marker see is that other people in the jargon is a democracy with a natural. allies so as we've heard from him there are a lot of questions that are being raised and we've been speaking to some of the other participants and they do agree that there be not the answers coming up in this forum but there are a lot of questions and these questions are very important in order for the countries to be able to identify what they need to discuss and talk about in order
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to have cooperation someone amongst themselves. thank you that was our correspondent tests our celio and we will continue our current policy forum here in get us levels in the hours ahead. the city is marking its millennium anniversary we'll be covering the celebrations do later today and tomorrow. when the new season. when it's something really crucial when you want to get down to the. special coverage. this time the latest news from the. policy for life. special guests discussions on the stage in providing security and stability of the present day world.
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and to some other world news now. at least one person has died in iran thirty hour right after a massive fire in a residential district near san francisco it's believed to have been caused by a gas pipe explosion residents heard a loud blast the whole dozens of. firefighters are trying to contain the twenty metre high flames and stop them from spreading to nearby buildings. a bus with nearly thirty passengers on board has been hit by a freight train in brazil killing at least nine people for the fifteen were injured when the train smashed into the bus and drifted along for almost one hundred meters an investigation has begun police believe the bus driver missed the stop sign. us soldiers have been charged by a military prosecutors with murdering the afghan civilians and mr layton corpses they're accused of gruesome crimes including stabbing and stabbing the dead bodies
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and taking pictures of them one of them even allegedly kept the bones taken from his victims seven others are charged with conspiracy of a cover up of the man where members of a brigade operating in southern afghanistan over the last eighteen months. well that's all from us for the moment but to forget we'll be bringing you full live coverage from the global policy forum here in the russian city of throughout the day every hour we'll be talking to the people trying to come up with the olds as to the big questions being posed to you and of course we'll bring you all the other news. across the world let's now get business news from our moscow studio. have very warm welcome to the business program america's great exporter expected to
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raise the forecast for for here exports to fetch a six million tonnes thirty increase in two months on suggests that american grain producers are taking brush export markets russia has suspended grain x. falls though it's expected to return to the market next year the movie is about reports. the last one and a half months has wiped out the work of six years during which russia build a thirteen percent share of the world grain market the prolonged export ban not only rocked international markets but also he did a mistake one russian wheat prices were based on export prices set on the trading floors of chicago in london now russia's consumers and producers come to green prices and green is sitting in storage the government has proposed sitting on domestic exchanges but specialists say it will be impossible to set a price with expert been in place if you're going to have a very stringent export policy imported policy or form
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domestic minimum prices you know what's the point of the commodity exchange there won't be any price discovery if tomorrow you're going to put a huge terrified only important thing for you to export tax or export bad or have a minimum price of often could be beyond the world level the world has become dependent on the c.s. for wheat supplying thirty percent of the world's needs this year russia sheers being covered by the u.s. industry really but at higher prices but the united states has the supply step in australia as well step in and supplying that grain it will probably be more money than the russian grain was the last couple seasons and so importers such as egypt north africa will have to pay more money than there used to or they were the last couple seasons but they were and is there and they will be able to get in. and. i think that in the next couple of years of russian output increases again then they will enter the market again they will be able to secure more market share to regain
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its market share russia will need a bumper harvest next year and that's looking unlikely russia's green producers who are going green waiting for better prices and can barely afford to plan next year's crop the expert been intended to protect russian consumers by keeping green in the country good ultimately hurt them did mean to do a business. from will boost investment by thirteen percent in the final months of twenty ten it will take the total sum for the year to about thirty eight billion dollars that's just by the company's expectations that the revenues will fall by four percent the money will go on gas transport projects plants and russia's far east along with the north and south stream pipeline project and this expect further increasing of gas from investment program into twenty eleven while revenues are still unlikely to rise because of the unstable demand for the cats. look at the
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markets now and let's have a look at here of deutsche bank is the big story here saying its biggest fall in more than four months of the war is that the banks need to raise more capital which declined more than five percent of the tax after it said it may sell eleven billion dollars worth of shares the new state of the european stock markets. let's see what's happening in asia where the markets are higher this comes up to her door of game doubts fewer people applied for jobless benefits and the u.s. japan boosted its estimate for the second quarter economic growth. and finally in moscow the r.t.s. and the mice have started the day on a negative note down point to the center and she shares are leading the drop and russia's biggest private bank alpha bank increased its net profit to almost three hundred million dollars in the first top of this year. spera bank could offer a four point six billion dollars loan to roost saw this month bank chief karen
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kraft told reporters in the get us lobby the elenium giant needs to refinance its debt to come back kraft has also announced that their privatization of nine point three percent stake in their bank won't happen this year turning to its operations he added that their budget cuts its retail loan forward to crow ten to fifteen percent in two thousand and ten. russian exchanges promise to offer trajan the ruble and chinese yuan within months but businessmen say it's unlikely to have much impact for small and medium sized enterprises. really. recently it's really growing and we all know that it's all is to me yes two years dollars so when we get your dollar from our customer we are not sure how much we should pay to morrow to chinese vendors so this is a really big change risk for us frankly speaking i'm very skeptical they put it into practice first to walk.
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