tv [untitled] September 10, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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this is to me it is paradise center. for the military presence which occupies almost two thirds of the audience temperature and over shadows of people's everyday life. with all the sounds so people could use to see with. the it is worth every bit of struggle on. president medvedev insists the us a shouldn't be jealous about a new security agreement between russia which would help everyone at the global policy forum. he says the speed of development in the country shows only those with
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full memories still accuse russia all of totalitarianism. the victims of yesterday's. capital's central market the blast killed seventeen and left more than a hundred injured. looks into a growing number of americans have been converting to islam since nine eleven despite accusations the media is fueling antagonism towards muslims. we are coming to you live from moscow a little later we'll continue our live broadcast from which to morrow celebrates its one thousand year anniversary but you had lines and we start with the global policy forum. where the russian president has been speaking to me told us to
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overcome what he described as jealousy towards moscow's proposed new european security deal he said the plans would actually united current institutions to make everyone more secure and in a speech concentrating on democracy he said that those who say russia isn't democratic have very bad memories when i was joined by our to put in the work over who has been following the discussions hello to you so who are present here that he was covering a lot of issues ranging from a democracy to economic diversification among others tell us about what was the bottom line of the president's speech today indeed the agenda was very intense but the bottom line and present the bed of speech was that time has come not does just to talk not just to criticize each other but time is to find global solutions three main topics dominated today's discussions democracy modernization and efficiency
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very simple things very simple ideas but how to achieve them there is indeed no consistency on that and the question is whether there should be consistency over that every country should go its own way russia's president russian president dmitry medvedev has taken that is that nothing is very straightforward these days and this is what the forum is about as for the central topic democratization and democracy experiences around the world oversupplied experiences the heated argument was about what is democracy in the first place and where it can be described with some adjectives and indeed we heard that many young immature and open democracy to name just a few presently very have been saying that. receives a process in the first place and that you cannot criticize another country for long democracy he reminded his guests of what the country was before the nine hundred ninety s. before the collapse of the soviet union that it lead to an authoritarian system so
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it's wrong to call the country of the word tarion these days he also reminded of the first steps russia made in the nine hundred ninety s. when the first democratic institutions started to build and despite democracy is a word which really provokes controversial reactions in the society and he explained why because for many people democracy is associated with a time when reformers instead of believe it is and prosperity brought forward to many people in russia but things are changing times brought new realities and democratic institutions are intensively developing and russia and present inventive said he personally wouldn't want to live in another country in a country which would have chosen another way. to go to i strongly disagree with those who say there's no democracy in russia and that there's
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authoritarian tendencies here it's not true that russia is a democracy beyond any doubt it's young it's immature it's still not perfect and experience but it's a democracy nonetheless there's a way to go but we're ready to work on it in some countries democracy is being imposed but it doesn't work that way and we've seen many examples of that. while democracy and water and ization president medvedev says are the only signposts possible for russia but all the talk about democratization is it moot point without the country modernizing itself he said the state was there as a mediator between private enterprise as it can it is ready to help them organize the country but it's. not the universal to listen to the answer to all the questions civil society should make its contribution to modernizing the country now is for the thought major topic global security again presently that is promoting
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the idea of a new european security architecture the idea which first appeared shortly after georgia's military invasion in seoul the city you know best two thousand and eight mission invented today said that at that time neither nato no or i always see the organization for security and cooperation in europe were helpful you could stand up to protect people of the state it was only russia really that present day betty for saying that the current european security institutions are unsustainable and that they should give both to reflect present realities so what he is suggesting is to adopt a new european security treaty but he nevertheless stress that there are certain obstacles on the way to that goal. could you muscles that would we need to create an institution that will bring together nato and non nato members and other structures my us counterpart president barack obama never avoids discussing this
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issue he does not say that is harmful or unnecessary but i would suggest that among our american partners a certain jealousy exists with regard to this idea however it is necessary to rise over this josee and try to look the truth in the eye without the creation of the system the world will not be able to survive we can help each other here. and well that was our teacher katrina going to try with the reporting from the global policy forum in lawful now although the forums discussions touched upon some serious topics the debates were light hearted to use it to us of your sort all first hand. the people who have been there for dissipating this for they've been to a lot of forums and they're they're sort of used to this and with the weather outside of the plenary sessions or sometimes even in the players sessions you can see them laughing you see them agreeing to disagree especially when it's a very very sensitive topic and when they went outside you're talking to them about politics they prefer to talk about how beautiful their country is or how much they
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like russia perhaps or how much they'd like to visit moscow and so these things come out and one other thing is they've been career diplomats career politicians are are academics and they always tell me you know one thing that the younger generation should do is they should do a better job than we're doing because we're talking and talking and talking so hopefully how could this would happen and of course we have italian prime minister silvio berlusconi said that he had been misinformed about the topic that he was supposed to talk about so basically went up there and just started to improvise was that the money i like to see that was not very well informed about the topics to be discussed at this fear and this section of my administration interest prepared the speech has prepared the room that's when passion used to the moderator of this portion of the literary meeting this presentation doesn't correspond to the discussion here. so well after all the serious talk now of all the
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celebrating its one thousand and that diversity and the participants some of them will be participating in the activities planned for them so there will be more fun . to use to sausalito reporting right well social science professor craig calhoun from new york university took part in the discussions he things while agreeing a new european security framework will take years of discussion it is necessary. i don't think that there has been a resolution about the proposal for the new european security security treaty but i do think that there is now a relationship of mutual respect between president medvedev and president obama and between the two countries and that includes the other european countries that would have to be partners to any sort of agreement so in my view the discussion has to continue possibly for years before there is a resolution the disaster would be if any country breaks off the discussion and refuses to keep this process moving forward because we do need to reach an
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agreement and a new framework now during his discussions president medvedev said there's little chance of russia developing as a parliamentary republic it's an opinion shared by journalist a sort of gabriel of who also was a member of the russian council on defense and foreign policy. i don't really see on the horizon the possibility of russia becoming a parliamentary democracy it wouldn't work here but what we are witnessing a moment is that the party system. is becoming a proper party system promise it's gets established i think these are good chance for the president to discuss for the points of the parliament when fixing things and then finding checks and balances within the executive but if you can so you've raised the idea of a strong executive a scoundrel you look at how the management of the caps maybe another two hundred years that will be parliamentary democracy if these one the country where. that was
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journalist sort of gave off talking to r.t. just a little bit. well most of the ideas the alkali at the forum were outlined in his article go russia written about a year ago it sets out measures to kick out corruption and kick start modernization with the ultimate aim to reduce russia's dependency on its natural resources spoke to the president's press secretary going to. find out how's it going. that's that's the problem is that you don't get the president may debate is gave a detailed and unflattering account of the situation russia is currently in it was not unflattering in the meaning of critical i think previous period and previous achievements no on the contrary they were giving credit but it was stated that the model of development russia had chosen and pursued until now is no longer viable the president named a number of reasons that stand in the way of the country's development corruption was named as a major reason for delay in development it is true that no competition is possible
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in till we have a well balanced and up to date judicial system until we combat corruption and have fair unbiased courts and an unbiased law enforcement personnel in without all this it will be hard for russia to secure a good place on the global scene in that way she missed. that interview is coming up next hour and a further coverage of the global policy forum of still ahead so do stay with us right here on r.t. . says. when it's something really. what you want to get down to. the latest. special guest discussions on the way the modern state in providing security and stability of the present day world. question.
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in a yellow sea level president medvedev also promised those behind yesterday's deadly terror attack in north would be dealt with he said there's no point being soft with the terrorists they must be quote destroyed the republic is holding an official day of mourning for the seventeen victims of the car blast that hit the capital's central market. on a live reports from of law to cut costs where the first funerals are being held. we are at the exact street and logic of cause what the explosion has happened the central market is always there the car has been parked there and the whole area is still blocked by the police the investigators have been working here all night and people are still coming to the sides are some of them was standing in silence just watching some more crying people are remembering the dead and the victims there bringing flowers if you walk on this trade right now you are actually walking on
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glass it cracks under your feet and just a couple of meters or what there is no ask old analog only broken glass the explosion was so powerful that it smashed windows from their houses on this street many people in political sided to become blood donors and rounded one hundred fifty have already donated their blood and more are still queuing in hospitals today local authorities are repairing the damage how it was is at the moment and security is tight and in the you can see more police officers everywhere also security has been tightened on the border between north a city and the neighboring republic. the day of mourning is declared today a see it here and people will be praying in churches in logic of cars and through our with the republic we will be praying to the victims who will be praying are injured as well over a hundred of injured are still in hospitals in what it was ten of them are
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unconscious and doctors do not know their names and they don't know where they are coming from the head of the russian investigation committee is here at the moment and he's leading the investigation are they have been reports that police has detained three suspects they crawl belong to men coming from the owner was identified but he is not the one who was behind the wheel of the movement of explosion a criminal case has been launched and invest. gaiters qualify the case as an act of terrorism they also say that the bomb contained metal parts any of this is what made it worse and worse all of it in so many people being injured today in political cars the first funerals will be taken place as well. one hundred and thirty others were hurt in that blast now eleven with the worst injuries have been airlifted to moscow for treatment after you spoke to a father who lost one child and saw another badly wounded. we were the markets i
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went into a shop as my mother wife in tucson stayed outside and then an explosion i rushed out and saw all four of them on the ground and i lost two of them my son who died was one and a half years old my three year old son is now in surgery doctors are fighting for his life there were a lot of people in the market stair is fine. now the injured were brought to the region last night by an emergency ministries plane their condition is reported as very serious the russian government has promised compensation for the families of all of the victims of the blast. well a notorious chechen militant wanted internationally for terrorism has pledged more attacks in russia who posted a statement online after the bombing in a lot of co's same day washington said militants operating in the north caucuses are linked to al qaida but the change in the u.s. approach to the problem to use gun reports this time russian the u.s.
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seem to be on the same page the u.s. state department said the terrorist attack in flight f. girls as you mentioned is part of international terrorism and those who are responsible for it are international terrorists and they have connections to al qaida they also said it's a common goal for russia and the u.s. to work together to fight those terrorist groups but washer and the u.s. had it always been on the same page like that for years russia tormented by a number of horrible attacks had been saying it's a common danger of these guys are international terrorists and we need help to find them to fight them but a while ago the common understanding of the common wisdom among many in the west was that those attacks are just part of separatist movements in russian caucuses and russia kept saying those terrorists are getting funding from abroad and a number of them. were trained abroad but internationally it had been treated like
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some sort of a domestic fight against insurgents while now things seem to be changing the u.s. has acknowledged that groups operating in russia have for international ties few months ago shortly after deadly suicide bombings in the moscow metro the u.s. state department included the person who claimed responsibility for the attacks its name. it into its list of most wanted terrorists and that was probably the first time that they did sort of think forty people died then in that attack or modify also claimed responsibility for the attack on on the train traveling from same piece of work to moscow that was in november of last year well the russian security services would give a lot to have this man behind bars and now they seem to have some help from the united states in that in that fight. continuing our attention on the us now and on hold but not consoled the american pasta who threatened to burn copies of the koran on saturday's anniversary of the nine eleven terrorist attacks says that the event
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has only been postponed not called off the initial threat had been met with worldwide condemnation president obama described the ceremony as a recruitment bonanza for al qaeda and said it would put american lives at risk meanwhile new figures in the u.s. show a rise in the number of people converting to islam often nine eleven. meets americans who have recently become muslims and how they and their adopted religion are often to be misconstrued in the u.s. media. it's the call to prayer and it's answered by more than a billion muslims all over the world including caitlin billings a twenty two year old american who was raised christian i converted the last year the first of ramadan my mother. she was afraid that i was going to marry someone who would be. she was crying a lot fought that i was betraying her by changing my religion to something that she
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didn't know about backtrack almost a decade ago to nine eleven today our fellow citizens our way of life are very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist attacks president bush waged a war on terror targeting extremists muslims who are labeled as terrorists many americans like caitlin billings remember that time in the united states very well you know i was fourteen when september eleventh happened so i didn't really know what was going on if that really was as long you know people thought it was so i believed it just like everybody else but as billings got older she decided to find out for herself and her investigation led her to the mistah center a mosque just outside of washington d.c. . that has become a haven for many americans like billings who have found allah a new poll found that almost forty percent of americans believe that muslims should carry identification card despite that twenty thousand americans every year decide
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to convert to islam convert say they don't regret their decision at all it's a choice that they must think about every day around the world since nine eleven muslims have battled bands of their religious clothing profiling in airports and discrimination in their everyday lives after joining our class to learn more about islam carl dodge also decided to become a muslim one of the big jokes that i've always made is before i actually set down the class an open mike on everything i knew about islam i had learned from c.n.n. and when it comes to the mainstream media the depiction of converts can be somewhat extreme that pakistani officials have arrested adam gadahn this is the american born spokesman for al qaeda fox's work first there was john walker lindh the californian who converted joined the taliban and then did up fighting with them in afghanistan and then more recently it was jihad jane the blond haired blue eyed convert who allegedly recruited people to wage violent jihad and for many american
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muslims like dodge and billings the portrayal of converts is disturbing if those upset me a little bit because there's a lot of preconceptions people have been until i actually took the time to open a koran and see what was written you know that was my only impression of islam is what i had seen on t.v. and in the united states they say a culture of islamophobia just doesn't make sense it's a rights or proper religion that's what this country was founded on just had somebody asked me the other day is also are you against america now and it's like ok. i mean you know u.s. veteran as well i served in the u.s. navy and so i do believe in this country no matter what unfolds around her billing says she's proud to be a mosque. if no one in the world wants to talk to me and my friend i still regret it a happiness that might not make sense to those around her love that i reassure either
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r t annandale virginia. or let's go to some other news now making headlines around the world the cause of a huge explosion which killed at least six people and destroyed more than fifty homes in california remains a mystery a local utility company did however confirm one of the gas lines ruptured in the inferno the explosion sent flames through a neighborhood in southern san francisco at least thirty people are in hospital many in a critical condition firefighters are still working to contain the blaze. a torrent of mud has hit a tiny village in southern interleague after heavy rains broke nearby rivers banks a twenty five year old woman is missing she was working at a coffee bar when she was swept away by the mudslide the rain has let up but more is expected over the coming days and coming up the latest business news with kareena in just a moment. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the
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biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. every month we give you the future we'll do you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us our technology update on our g. o welcome to this here and i t thanks for joining me russian seaports have increased cargo handling by eight percent so far this year that's compared with the same period in two thousand and nine cargoes total the round we had a fifty million tonnes this is still lower than russia where waste. its cargo handling by eleven percent to each almost eight hundred million pounds. in
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russia both the artist and my six finished the week in the red as u.s. treasuries continue to slide and i shares let the drop. from last nearly half talking the trend was lost telecom point seven percent and the t.v. networks on three percent. public holidays took some of the steam out of the markets this week according to the director of international equity sales at xander the heart of. rushes to primarily driven by events coming out from the states and they're coming or got coming out from continental europe japan and china there are very few separate us specifically russian it hasn't been driving the russians folks this week the quite a few names there to mention those soft of us are all still accomplished it's just we're based on local news primarily besides that we've seen sort of the market a little bit sideways again although to be honest with you there is a potential momentum gaining place we probably going to see some substantial rise in the next couple weeks because there is a remarkably new money coming in to be found global you're
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a global fund some of the emerging market funds are getting some inflows. america's great export are expected to raise their forecast for full year exports to thirty six million tons that's the third increase in two months and suggests that american grain producers are taking russia's export markets russia has suspended grain exports though it's expected so it turned to the market next year that it has more . in the last one and a half months has wiped out the work of six years which russia build a thirteen percent share of the world grain market the prolonged export ban not only rocked international markets but also he did a mistake one russian wheat prices were based on export prices set on the trading floors of chicago in london now russia's consumers and producers come to green prices and green is sitting in storage the government has proposed sitting on domestic exchanges but specialists say it would be impossible to set
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a price with the export ban in place if you want to have a very stringent export policy imported policy or farm. minimum prices you know what's the point of the commodity exchange there won't be any price discovery if tomorrow you're going to put a huge terrified only important thing the world has become dependent on the c.s. for wheat supplying thirty percent of the world's needs this year russia's sheers being covered by the u.s. industry really but at higher prices but the united states has the supply to step in australia as well step in and supply that grain it'll probably be more money than the russian grain was the last couple seasons and so importers such as egypt north africa will have to pay more money than there used to or they were the last couple seasons but they were a is there and they will be able to get it. and i think that in the next couple of years of russian at output and.
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