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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2010 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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nature and discover its music. communicate with the wild. test yourself and become.
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see what nature can give you. in the united kingdom is available in the house bill and the forty one hotel the old waverly hotel you can also tell the millstones photos some of the old country house holiday in the pool. halls the room bronze the creamy the chose to feel the most acute maternal the royal palm the rubens hotel. mrs arty broadcasting live from the city of gatos love and sits on the plate six thousand year anniversary this week a poet wraps up
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a memorable weeks here with the global policy forum also being housed more on that coming up later but first the happen. as the u.s. for members of victims of the nine eleven attacks will report on how it continues to claim lives with hundreds of emergency workers from illnesses from ground zero. in russia there are a public up north of us that's yet pays its last respects to the seventeen. by thursday's terrorist bombing of a busy market. dissecting democracy and striving for a better world security two days of talks by power brokers of the global policy forum. will give way to the city's millennium celebrations. also on our big protest against big brother thousands demonstrate in berlin against
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expect of surveillance and they want their privacy back. in five pm here in euro so i will wear the end of the high profile global policy forum and the city's millennium celebrations can now begin by of very much on the way well perfections on the forums out comment coverage of the colorful festivities are just ahead for you. but first the day which has defined the twenty first century so far it is exactly knowing years since nine eleven when islamist terrorists flew the hijacked planes there's a new york's twin towers on the pentagon commemoration ceremonies are planned across the country to mark the deadliest ever attack on u.s. soil. it was orchestrated by al qaida claimed nearly three thousand lives but the actual number of deaths calls is likely to be much higher and continues to grow
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artie's marina portnoy has met some of the rescue workers who say they're still suffering horrific health problems as a result of their work at ground zero. gary white was an american hero in two thousand and one to actually get diagnosed as being directly from nine eleven in two thousand and ten the nine eleven first responder represents an exploding health crisis u.s. officials have failed to address it. tolly across the page carcinoma saw a coma gall bladder cancer liver cancer the retired n.y.p.d. detective spent six months sifting through world trade center debris and clouds of toxins later resulting in asthma sleep apnea post neurological problems and two strokes the first one is massive. i was paralyzed i lost command of my speech. i had to learn to walk and talk again the police department denies his
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illnesses are linked to nine eleven still fits leaving the twenty three year veteran with mounting medical debt this one wants fourteen over fifty three and a daily dose of fifteen medications and inflammation pills pills to stop the cramping in my legs like walk blood pressure medications the worst attack on u.s. soil took place here on september eleventh a day when nearly three thousand people lost their lives in a matter of hours and in the ninth year that has followed nine hundred first responders have died victims of their own courage n.y.p.d. sergeant michael ryan was diagnosed with three types of cancers before losing his battle at just forty one years old i leave ryan is just one of many widows who lost her world with husband post nine eleven we want these men and women that are fighting for their life right now it's a progress it's it's time it's watching
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a loved one. disintegrating in front of your face and just the fight to stay alive and it's a fight that can break even the strongest john jeff was diagnosed with throat cancer hospital bills one million dollars we do so much overseas and i'm not saying not to do it we're a powerful nation we should lead by example but we're not leaving my example here. we're not leaving by example here when you turn your backs on the nine eleven emergency responders those who sacrificed for the country now left struggling alone . new york. and another of those brave first aid workers was american muslim activist. she says that since the attacks is that has been misunderstood in the u.s. an american muslim shouldn't be made scapegoats for what the hijackers did. really
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with this shows in the most disturbing part about this debate is it's become an us against them that is the most troubling aspect because we are all americans again we're signing collective guilt on the one billion muslims that practice this faith on the acts of nineteen militants that basically defiled islam and practiced a perverted version of islam for a political agenda and now to assign blame on all muslims is completely incorrect and inaccurate but i think the great majority fear islam because they don't understand it they don't understand the faith they don't understand that islam is a religion of peace islam does not condone suicide islam does not condone murder and we have to make sure that we are not blurring the lines of the constitution and saying there and gray areas of the constitution that apply to muslim americans the
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beauty of this country is the constitution and that all americans despite faith despite race are afforded the same civil liberties. was of american activist in. talking about the perception of his lab in the u.s. of course the victims of nine eleven are being remembered across the world russia is one of the countries among them dozens have come to life hours at the u.s. embassy in the russian capital a service has also. been held at an american charts in this city it was the day that the u.s. ambassador in russia compared terrorism with naziism saying the two countries are united in the fight against it. over the years that we've known these ceremonies a come to understand something larger. as a memory to the victims of terrorism throughout. does our
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president obama said in his expression condolences for the recent terrorist attack in but a lot of. these terrorist attacks only bring in our resolve. to work together. to stand against terror. and to protect our people and. we're going to live today. in the fight against these sorts. of people in the twenty first century. as a u.s. ambassador in russia. meantime victims of the most recent terror attack here in russia are being laid to rest today a car bombing in the southern republican office set here on thursday killed seventeen and left more than one hundred sixty injured fourteen of the most serious injuries and are being treated in moscow investigators meanwhile say they suspect several policeman of negligence that reports suggest the officers stopped the attackers car for an inspection shortly before the blast but didn't check the boat
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where the explosives are fought have been hidden charges some of the reports. of cars is grieving over the last and you can feel sadness everywhere as soon as the market area has been open people started coming to the scene they are brain in flowers lighting candles they are talking to each other they are remembering what has happened and they are also trying to find out what happened with the people the mail today funerals of eleven victims are taking place in logic of this is the second day of funerals here and several of the dead will be hurried enjoyed your own meaning and ukraine through the whole night people have been praying in churches in logic of cause they were lighting candles i've met with the relatives of the victims and here is my report to lives hand in hand interrupted at the moment when yes i'm on my man and have told my grandson no no your children at the logic of cross central market they say the boy was quarreling with his brother
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about riding a bike so grandma promised to buy a little and noor a new one a moment later their dreams were wiped out by the blast. we were at the markets i went into a shop as my mother wife in tucson stayed outside and then an explosion i rushed out and saw all four of them on the ground i lost two of them my son died was one and a half years old my three year old son is now in surgery doctors are fighting for his life there were a lot of people in the market still. voice. breath again yes a man met almost every morning before go into the market that day rafiq i felt sick and stayed home yes a man went alone to sell grapes and never came back. this is a father and his one and a half year old son who died and this is his wife she was injured at lax and hands and this is the woman died. twenty years ago when life in georgia became difficult
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for as the as a breeze like many in her village quiet and hospitable yes a man packed his things and headed to the logic of cars her small family makes their leaving from selling fruit and vegetables and a year ago moved closer to the central market as work closely to show other ones to the grapes another was selling limits what the answer is to them who hold the hood but she was badly injured so leg was ripped off her chair diabetes and they couldn't stop the blood. crying over the last many people and logic of cause refused to believe the blast really happened the main question for many remains why . these are barbarians monsters not humans these people have neither nationality nor humanity nor decency i think it was deliberately planned to bring this tragedy to the republic this is the sixth time something like this has happened they choose big holidays to cause racial hatred but they want to achieve it. grief and sorrow has united the people and logic of cause russians to say towns
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ukrainians and every is all bring flowers to the scene and when i blot to help the injured. the glass is cracking under the feet of those who come to the gates of the central market them here echoes in the end just trace interrupted only by those claiming a repair in the area people try to stay closer to each other as if this close this can help them to live through the tragedy they had of the federal security service is reports that three people are detained more details in religion this is what we know that one of the security guards at the entrance gates of the central market didn't lead or at the car go through he was inspecting the car something seemed weird probably and are and the driver had to turn the vehicle and just moments later the car exploded this resulted in less are people being injured during what he coughed because this is all information that we have so far the federal security services says that investigation is still going on.
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the reporting right now let's focus on what is happening here in the city of yugoslavia. and it's celebrating its thousand year anniversary this week and you may hear a for the course of the program what's going on over our shoulder there in the monastery has been a kind of all day concert going on here in the sounds of it there's a lot of performances going on but over the last two days it's played host to a high powered talks at the global policy forum as well of course that's right it featured prime ministers and presidents analysts and academics who are tackling some of the toughest questions of our time such as how to make democracy work and how to make the world a safer place for our ticket to be the great show of what has been covering it all for us and joins us now on the riverbank hello to you a lot of important issues raised here as the dust begins to settle now what has
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a mars as the main highlights and main lessons of the event. though still remains to be seen of course what lessons will be drawn off to this year's global policy forum in the u.s. lobby but one thing is obvious the dialogue was open and very open us to russia is ready to continue this dialogue well the topic the title of this year's forum itself democracy and versified democracy experiences made it sound very alluring even for some of the kremlin's toughest critics they had a rare opportunity to greil the russian president on some of the most sensitive issues to sit at the same table with him now the three main top was dominated these two days agenda democracy modernization and security but today's reversal of a reminder still of war true where some of the world's top minds try to figure out try to find a universal formula balancing these three elements well of course they didn't come
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with this universal. formula but what they read upon is that no matter what the proportion if a country wants to move forward it definitely needs all three elements in the mix now as for democracy first of all there was a heated argument on what is democracy in the first place and whether democracy is a time a was always can vary from one state to another from one historic experience to nothing and yes we had many adjectives attributed to these like direct oh no us mature young solver in this business to name just a few well president it has been saying that democracy is a process in the first place and that is just not a tom and he was very a to kill it about russia specific means moving forward but he also argued those critics who describe russia as an authoritarian state and say that they either didn't believe in the in a country when it was the soviet union or those who even say that simply have
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a short memory. he said listen i strongly disagree with those who say there is no democracy in russia and that there's authoritarian tendencies here it's not true that russia is a democracy beyond any doubt it's young it's immature it's still not perfect and experience but it's a democracy nonetheless there's a way to go but we're ready to work on it in some countries democracy is being imposed but it doesn't work that way and we've seen many examples of that. well democracy and morton is a sure not the only signposts possible for russia this is the message which dimitri medvedev has been sending over all the sessions during the us loving global policy forum but all the discussion about democracy his sat would be a moot point if the country doesn't want denies itself he said the state was there as a medium to modernize the country but it's not the only tool is not the answer to all the questions the country tried this model in the past but it hasn't worked and no
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civil society has to stand up has to contribute to modernizing the country has to be in charge of it as well now as for good will security another major topic during this summit sessions called mitra macbeth it was promoting the idea of a new european security architecture the events of august two thousand and eight show just invasion judges aggression against south of the site here shown have shown that preventive measures are needed and that the current security structures in europe and nato as well north atlantic alliance simply not capable to tackle least kind of conflicts and in order to prevent these conflicts to aim the future he gave his new vision for european security. as though it does do is we need to create an institution that will bring together nato and non nato members and other structures my u.s. counterpart president barack obama never avoids discussing this issue he does not
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say that is harmful or unnecessary but i would suggest that among our american partners a certain jealousy exists with regard to this idea however it is necessary to rise over this josee and try to look the truth in the eye without the creation of the system a world will not be able to survive we can help each other here. well of course these three main topics were not the only one discussed at the forum and journalists didn't miss the chance to ask the president about corruption bureaucracy about iran relations with the united states and the middle east and many many other topics and. that's why participants do get a chance to cover so many issues for now considering the grouch over thank you very much for that and so many different points of views during the summer i guess as you'd expect the forum saw plenty of clashes of opinion there was also levity and laughter as well though to an extent that you don't usually see it formal events
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like this given instance one statesman got involved talking about italian prime minister silvio berlusconi these pictures of yesterday if either seven a bit of a tricky situation when a speech prepared for it turned out it seems at the end of the day to be relevant to the discussion so he decided to improvise instead he goes over i think we just missed a shot of him taking it back and dispatching it where it came from i think actually through the speech down the table after reminiscing on his experiences in business and his power that was as an improvement improvisation and else he's backing a scientific institute gaming to prolong the human lifespan to one hundred and twenty years that seemed to catch the attention of russia's prime minister vladimir putin who for the scorn he met later on that. we will eventually one hundred twenty years old. yes but you have to bear in mind that this is the average launch expectancy is still the leaders live much longer. so we will still be prime
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ministers when we are one hundred twenty new i'm not sure that's possible the job of prime minister which is you won't believe me i haven't had a single day off this year i didn't see you prime minister peach and have had much time to rest recently only to. find have some ideas about a couple of days of joy and jose will talk about it later. well with the not so serious and serious discussions over the city the attention to its millennium milestone a thousand years of history being celebrated in just one day that's right that of course means huge party here and the city center is closed to traffic as it dedicates itself fully to the festivities with pop rock and concerts all taking place in the city there's much more besides and with a bang a spectacular fireworks show we have to bring that coverage to you live so do stay with us for that.
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yeah a lot more coverage to come ok let's take a look now at more of the day's news less prying and more privacy civil liberty campaigners some across europe. to demonstrate against what they see as a big brother approach to surveillance they say that they can't trust the governments and businesses which monitor their lives complaining of a lack of transparency in the way information is used activists also say the threat of terror and crime don't justify the high level of c.c.t.v. cameras. rather is following the demonstrations from the german capital. this sort of mass demonstration would have been inconceivable nearly twenty years ago but of course in two decades our technologies have advanced hugely now every single time you go on the internet your employer or your internet provider can
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trace what websites you have been to every single time you walk on the streets you are being recorded by multiple c.c.t.v. cameras every single time you make a purchase this financial information gets logged to your bank and once again to death or it is what this requires is great the trust from the government but of course these people are saying you cannot trust the government specifically because once and for ration used to be kept by your national government now increasingly it's being collected in europe and two thousand and nine something called the stockholm program was implemented make no mistake about that this is a major change in the way that data is being collected about every citizen in the european union instead of just being kept at a national level it's now all going to be gathered at these huge european wide databases what these protesters want to know is why who's going to be accountable for how this information is used there's no transparency about how this information is used so they're saying that the european union has no right to simply control
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all of its hundreds of millions of citizens so what these people are saying that not only should we not rule out any further measures we should abandon the ones that we have got. we should stop having nationwide and european wide databases where everybody goes to school where everybody travels where everybody is employed asking for all of this information to be rolled back to be given back to the owners for the privacy to be restored our position is to say that security and freedom walk hand in hand they don't post to each other of course the government is unlikely to agree with these demands they keep saying that this information has to be collected in order to fight terrorism in order to fight crime and as always they say that if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear from the government. see. reporting from germany well we'll bring you more from the city of various levels throughout the evening as the city celebrates its thousand year anniversary and of course they'll be all the other news updates as well from russia and across the world all live here from europe will be back
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shortly with the headlines first though let's cross back to moscow can will be with you with the business news after a short break. this amar region is economically and socially one of russia's better developed provinces the region has a significant scientific and industrial capacity that will realize its full potential after the construction of the. park can tell ya he has completed the i t. park or has r. and d. projects in the spheres of automotive construction aerospace and oil chemistry high tech datacenter furbished with cutting edge servers and communication equipment will be constructed at the core of the park the project has been personally approved by prime minister vladimir putin the federal government is planning to allocate sizable funding for the parks construction investors will be given benefits such as property tax exemption low land rental prices and other preferences but it is this
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a more regional government is open to mutually beneficial cooperation we invite investors to participate in existing projects and we are ready to give a hand of fulfilling your projects and growing your business in this small region. how welcome to business good to have you with us they head of russia's technology corp was not only has called for a shake up of the legal and tax system speaking during a visit to mr porson said the value of russia is not at all to. thirty billion dollars corporation has eighty two projects ahead of us nano. says there is little hope for an efficient high tech sector on the current conditions. he would become a very deficient venture funds as well as other infrastructure to develop nanotechnology is almost impossible the current legislation would like an efficient
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legal framework for venture funds investing in for example startups existing legislation is completely outdated for such forms of business. our tax system is really for change we have prepared some proposals and once a person forward. now russia's state duma has adopted a law on the skulk of us science and technology center observers say the most important cause allows startups to be in operation before skulk about is physically built the law does have a provision which allows those who is going to be qualified as a participant of this call cover to start their tear it is as soon as a law is passed not waiting for this three years before this cocoa will be constructed and russia india will start the joint production of medium range transport aircraft the agreement involves hindustan aeronautics and two russian companies transporting some i.o.c. and cross about an export each country will invest three hundred million dollars
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into ventures share capital medium range transport aircraft and widely used for cargo they plan to build two are jets initially one third being sold on global markets the first jet will roll off the line no earlier than in two thousand and sixteen. police it was a giant raid on video pirates in thirteen countries but top hollywood executive tells r.t. the must fight the world's worst offender russia which is bootlegging across the globe thank you for parts nine in ten d.v.d.'s are fake and the problems only getting worse the industry gold ones the nation's blooming into an export of piracy in russia has become an increasing problem and concern for us because many titles are first came for it in russia and then distributed worldwide in the film industry it's about an eighteen billion dollar.


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