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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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as it turns out grief unites nations what if we feel compassion for the polish people because of the tragedy with the grief brings us closer together and. it's too soon to draw a line under the cap in case work is still underway to find more places where polish prisoners of war a buried a son died while in transit to the prison camps there also continued efforts to gather information about the victims of stalin's reign of terror to a buried in mass graves together with the poles if the bells were to on every single person buried at midnight and canton they would have to toll continuously for many days.
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this is the book costing lives. as it celebrates its thousand year anniversary this
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week as it wraps up memorable week here with the global policy forum also being held more on that coming up later but first the headlines as the u.s. remembers the victims of the nine eleven attacks we report on how it continues to play along with hundreds of emergency workers dying from illnesses from ground zero . in the republic of norfolk pays its last respects to the seventeen killed by thursday's terrorist bombing of a busy market. democracy and striving for a better world security two days i'm told by power brokers of the global policy for near yellowstone will give way to the city's millennium celebrations. also big protests against big brother thousands demonstrates demonstrator costs go up against some sort of balance the say they want their privacy back.
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to where the high profile global policy forum is over in the city's millennium celebrations are in full swing reflections on the forums outcome and coverage of the colorful festivities are just ahead for you but first the day which has defined the twenty first century so far and exactly nine years now since nine eleven when islamist terrorists flew hijacked planes into new york's twin towers in the pentagon commemoration ceremonies are planned across the come. to mark the deadliest ever attack on u.s. soil. orchestrated by al qaeda claimed of course nearly three thousand lives but the actual number of deaths caused is likely to be much higher and continues to grow up more najar has met some of the rescuers who say they're still suffering
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horrific health problems as a result of their work at ground zero. gary white was an american hero in two thousand and one did you actually get diagnosed as being directly said from nine eleven in two thousand and ten the nine eleven first responder represents an exploding health crisis u.s. officials have failed to address it's told across the page carcinoma saw a coma gall bladder cancer liver cancer the retired n.y.p.d. detective spent six months sifting through world trade center debris and clouds of toxins later resulting in asthma sleep apnea post neurological problems and two strokes the first massive. i was paralyzed i lost command of my speech. i had to learn to walk and talk again the police department denies his illnesses are linked to nine eleven still fits leaving the twenty three year veteran with mounting medical debt this form wants fourteen hundred fifty three and
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a daily dose of fifteen medications inflammation pills pills to stop the cramping in my legs like walk blood pressure medications the worst atop on u.s. soil took place here on september eleventh a day when nearly three thousand people lost their lives in a matter of hours and in the ninth hears that has followed nine hundred first responders have died victims of their own courage and why p.t. sergeant michael ryan was diagnosed with three types of cancers before losing his battle at just forty one years old i leave ryan is just one of many widows who lost her world with husband post nine eleven all these men and women that are fighting for their life right now it's a progress it's it's time it's watching a loved one. disintegrate in front of your face and just the fight to
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stay alive and it's a fight that can break even the strongest john jeff when he was diagnosed with cancer hospital bills one million dollars we do so much overseas and i'm not saying not to do it we're a powerful nation we should lead by example but we're not leaving my example here. we're not leaving by example here when you turn your backs on the nine eleven emergency responders those who sacrificed for the country now left struggling alone merino port r.t. new york. u.s. officials say that al qaeda has been seriously weakened since it carried out the nine eleven attacks but in recent times much international attention of course has shifted to the terror network capacity to help other militant groups around the world discuss the spreading influence we're joined live by dennis sound from london information network own conflicts and state building which is some thanks for being
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with us appreciate it the september eleventh attacks provoked give me a wave of volunteers bhaumik sentiment across the west could this have been one of al qaeda is a man go towards muslims to justify their own holy war do you think. well the attacks were a challenge not only to the western world it was a challenge to the whole civilized world and the condemnation of the attacks at the time came from far and wide including from the muslim world but obviously in people's minds there have been has been a connection made between al qaida and design and this has created confusion in the minds of many people who perhaps were not watch the process carefully clearly this was one about carter's objectives and to the to the extent that it has succeeded they have been able to achieve the objective. it's up to all of us but also up to the muslim world itself to flesh out the extremists and
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expose them for what they are. the u.s. the u.s. state department this week it knowledge didn't link to al qaeda maybe a little talk to see how significant is this as recognition that america and russia are fighting a common enemy do you think. well terrorism is a common enemy whether terrorism takes place in new york or in the moscow metro or in the london underground or indeed where there are civilians innocent civilians are attacked in schools in gaza or wherever the loss of innocent lives in these kinds of attacks is to the convent there is clearly. a common objective to divide to expose identifying and the gay world or those who are creating the perpetrating these terrorist attacks now this duration in the north caucasus is complex multi-layered but certainly part of the process has now
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been a completely hijacked by. radicals and in that regard today is certainly a common agenda inclined to idea. who are behind these attacks both in the north caucasus as well and this is solid work what about the movement of terrorists is there evidence there is a flow of terrorists between the north caucasus afghanistan and pakistan for instance well al-qaeda is the type of organization that has actually been quite flexible in the way it operates and there are clearly connections between terrorist groups in afghanistan and pakistan. and the attacks that have taken place both. in nine eleven states as well as in other parts of the world including in the north caucasus there are some clear signs. there are connections between elements
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in the north caucasus who are. doing such as the one. this week and. the groups in pakistan and afghanistan and so how do you go about tackling it do you think the dismantling of north caucasus terror could become something that america is likely to assist with more and more of directly in the future. well we need the market cleared approach on the one hand there needs to be a struggle to eliminate terrorism and to eliminate a flush out and eliminate terrorist groups but this must be go hand in hand with the process of trying to understand why the terrorists will find recruits from amongst young young people particularly in the muslim world. and i don't think that you can do one without doing the other you have to do both simultaneously so there needs to be a security operation but there also needs to be an operation that involves values
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human rights dialogue. and these kinds of operations needs to go hand in hand united states russia you community leaders of the world need to work together on both fronts not simply on one but on both. or i will good to have your thoughts on the program joining us from the london information network and conflicts and state building organization the organization represent and joining us is from london thank you. all right well meantime more victims of this week's terror attack in russia are being laid to rest today a car bombing in the southern republican north they killed seventeen and left more than one hundred sixty injured seventeen of those with the most serious injuries are now being treated in moscow investigators meanwhile say they suspect several policemen of negligence reports suggest the officers stopped the attackers car for an inspection certainly before the blast but didn't check the boat where the explosives are thought to have been hit hard on of the child now reports. of
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crashes grieving over the last and you can feel sadness everywhere soon as the market area has been open people started coming to the scene they are bringing flowers lighting candles they are talking to each other they are remembering what has happened and they also trying to find out what happened with the people they know today funerals of eleven victims a team. in place in logic of course this is the second day your funerals here and several of the dead will be buried in georgia i mean and ukraine through the whole night people have been praying in churches in logic of cars they were waiting candles i've met with the relatives of the victims and here is my report to lives hand in hand interrupted at the moment when yes i'm on my man and have total a grandson know which had been at the ready got across central market they say the boy was quarreling with his brother about writing a bike so grandma promised to buy a little nor
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a new one a moment later their dreams were wiped out by the blast. we were the markets i went into a shop as my mother wife in tucson stayed outside and then an explosion i rushed out and saw all four of them on the ground i lost two of them my son who died was one and a half years old my three year old son is now in surgery doctors are fighting for his life there were a lot of people in the market stair fine. rhetoric and yes among met all most every morning before go into the market their day rafik i felt sick and stayed home yes and went alone to sell grapes and never came back. this is a father and his one and a half year old son who died and this is his wife she was injured and hands and this is the one who died. twenty years ago when life in georgia became difficult for ethnic as a reason like many in her village quiet and hospitable yes a man packed his things and headed to the logic of cars her small family makes
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their leaving from selling fruit and vegetables and a year ago moved closer to the central market used to work closely to show other ones to the selling grapes another was selling women's answer is with them who hold the hood but she was badly injured so leg was ripped off her chair diabetes and they couldn't stop the blood. crying over the last many people and logic of course refused to believe the blast really happened the main question for many remains why . i think these are barbarians monsters not humans these people have neither nationality nor humanity nor decency i think it was deliberately planned to bring this tragedy to the republic this is the sixth time something like this has happened they choose big holidays to cause racial hatred but they want to achieve it. grief and sorrow has united the people and logic of cause russians a satans ukrainians and other is all bring flowers to the scene and join
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a blot to help the injured. the glass is cracking under the feet of those who come to the gates of the central market. acros in the empty streets interrupted only by those claiming to know a pair in the area people try to stay closer to each other as if this close this can help them to live through the tragedy they had of the federal security services reports that three people are detained more details emerge and this is what we know that one of the security guards at the entrance gates of the central market didn't lead or at the car go through he was inspecting the car something seemed weird probably and aren't the driver had to turn the vehicle and just moments later the car exploded this resulted in less are people being injured during what he got guys this is all information that we have so far the federal security services says that investigation is still going on. reporting that for
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us now to change attack let's focus on what's happening here in the city of jaroslav. which is celebrating its thousand year anniversary this week but over the last two days it's played host as well as to fight over profit to a high powered talk to the global policy for the future prime ministers presidents analysts and academics who are tackling some of the toughest questions of our time just how to make democracy work and how to make the world a safer place parties because it is a crutch has been covering it all for us. the dialogue was open and right very open us to russia is ready to continue this style of well the topic the title of this year's forum itself democracy and versified democracy experiences made it sound very alluring even for some of the kremlin's toughest critics they had
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a rare opportunity to grill the russian president on some of the most sensitive issues to sit at the same table with him there was a heated argument on what is democracy in the first place president it has been saying that democracy is a process in the first place that it that is just not a time and he was very a to kill it about russia specific means moving forward but he also argued those critics who describe russia as an authority to tarion state and say that they either didn't believe in the in a country when it was the soviet union or those who even say that simply have a short memory. he said listen i strongly disagree with those who say there's no democracy in russia and that there's authoritarian tendencies here it's not true that russia is a democracy beyond any doubt it's young it's immature it's still not perfect and experience but it's a democracy nonetheless there's a way to go but we're ready to work on it in some countries democracy is being imposed but it doesn't work that way and we've seen many examples of that democracy
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and more done as they should not be only signposts possible for russia this is the message which dimitri medvedev has been sending over all the sessions during the arrest of a global policy forum but all the discussion about democracy has sat. be a moot point if the country doesn't want denies itself now it's for global security another major topic during the summit sessions called mitra macbeth it was promoting the idea of a new european security architecture even so all those two thousand and eight showed just invasion judges aggression against south of the site here shown have shown that preventive measures are needed and that the current security structures in europe and nato as well north atlantic alliance simply not capable to tackle least kind of conflicts and in order to prevent these conflicts in the future he gave he's new vision for european security. though it does too if we need to
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create an institution that will bring together nato and non nato members and other structures my us counterpart president barack obama never avoids discussing this issue he does not say that is harmful or unnecessary but i would suggest that among our american partners a certain jealousy exists with regard to this idea however it is necessary to rise over this josee and try to look the truth in the eye without the creation of the system a world will not be able to survive we can help each other here well of course these three main topics were not the only one discussed at the forum and journalist it means the chance to ask the president about corruption bureaucracy about iran relations with the united states and the middle east and many many other topics. our correspondent. there well before him saw plenty of clashes of opinion but there was also levity and laughter even to an extent you don't usually see at formal
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events like this. getting involved as your brother see italian prime minister silvio berlusconi for himself in a bit of a tricky situation where speeches are being prepared for him turned out it seems the very last minute to be relevant to the discussion so he decided to improvise instead after reminiscing of experience in business and in power then announce that he's backing a scientific institute aiming at prolonging the human life span to one hundred twenty years what seem to catch the attention of russia's prime minister vladimir putin. just a bit later there he is putting that script back saying you don't want it. we will leave until we're one hundred twenty years old. yes but you have to bear in mind that this is the average life expectancy is still the leaders live much longer. we will still be prime ministers when we are one hundred twenty. not sure that's possible the job of prime minister which is you won't believe me i haven't had a single day off this year i don't think you prime minister putin had much time to
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rest recently either so. i have some ideas about a couple of days of joint hold we'll talk about it later. all right well with the jokes on the forum over the city's attention is turning instead to its millennium milestone a thousand years of history big celebrated in just one day and that of course means there's going to be a huge party going on the city center is closed to traffic as it dedicates itself fully to the festivities that includes pop rock and folk on search there's much more to be going to take place besides that it will end with a big day of fireworks we're going to try to bring that to you to do stay with us for that. give you more news no less prying and through this see civil liberty campaigners
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across europe are demonstrating against what they see as a big brother approach to surveillance they claim they can't trust the governments and businesses that monitor their lives complaining of a lack of transparency in the way information so you activists also say the threats of terror and crime don't justify the high level of c.c.t.v. cameras and other monitoring devices how does he go good rogne has been following the biggest demonstration from the german capital. this sort of mass demonstration would have been inconceivable nearly twenty years ago but of course in two decades our technologies have advanced hugely now every single time you go on the internet your employer or your internet provider can trace what websites you have been to every single time you walk on the streets you are being recorded by multiple c.c.t.v. cameras every single time you make a purchase this financial information gets logged to your bank and once again to the authorities what this requires is greater trust from the government but of course these people are saying you cannot trust the government specifically because
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once and for they shouldn't use to be kept by your national government now increasingly it's being collected in europe and two thousand and nine something called the stockholm program was implemented make no mistake about that this is a major change in the way that data is being collected about every citizen in the european union and sort of just being kept at the national level it's now all going to be gathered at these huge european wide databases what these protesters want to know is why who's going to be accountable for how this information is used there's no transparency about how this information is used so they're saying that the european union has no right to simply control all of its hundreds of millions of citizens so what these people are saying that not only should we not roll out any further measures we should abandon the ones that we have got we should stop having nationwide and european wide databases where everybody goes to school where everybody travels where everybody is employed. all of this information to be rolled back to be given back to the owners for the privacy to be restored our position is
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to say that security and freedom walk hand in hand they don't post to each other of course the government is unlikely to agree with these demands they keep saying that this information has to be collected in order to fight terrorism in order to fight crime and as always they say that if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear from the government. reporting there from germany for us well bringing you more from the city of europe throughout the evening as it celebrates its thousand year anniversary lots more to come for you went of course will have all other news updates for you absolute right and yes it will be back in a couple minutes with a look at the main headlines after. the latest business news from moscow. oh welcome to business good to have you with us they head of russia's technology corporation was not only has called for
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a shake up of the legal and tax system here speaking during a visit by mr putin who said the value of russia is not ultimately when it's the equivalent of thirty billion dollars corporation has so far eighty two projects ahead of us nano weiss says there is little hope for an efficient high tech sector on the current conditions. he would use she was a good move really efficient venture funds as well as other infrastructure to build nanotechnology is almost impossible the current legislation would like an official legal framework for venture funds invest in you three examples of startups existing legislation is completely out. of business our tax system will change we have prepared simple poses and we want to push them forward. now russia's state duma has adopted a law on the skulk of us science and technology center observers say the most important cause allows startups to be in operation before physically built. the law
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does have a provision which allows those who is going to be qualified as a participant of this cocoa were to start there too it is as soon as a law is passed not waiting for this three years before this cocoa will be constructed and russia india will start the joint production of medium range transport aircraft the agreement involves hindustan aeronautics and two russian companies transporting familiarity and rules about an export each country will invest three hundred million dollars into ventures share capital medium range transport aircraft and widely used for cargo they plan to build two hundred jets initially one third being sold on global markets the first jet will roll off the line no earlier than in two thousand and sixteen. but he said well as a giant raid on video pirates in thirteen countries but top hollywood executive tells r.t. the must fight the world's worst offender russia which is bootleg you cross the
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globe reports. nine in ten d.v.d.'s in russia are fake and the problems are only getting worse the industry called dog warms the nation's ballooning into an exports of piracy russia has become an increasing problem and concern for us because many kyles are first can't afford it in russia and then distribute it worldwide in elementary about it eighteen billion dollars a year. in the hearts of moscow you can openly buy i phones before their official release and three d. blockbusters for two you wrote a fifth of the recommended price. tag. every . week. but also it is a launching a mass counter strike on tuesday night investigators seized forty nine huge servers
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across europe hosting copyrighted material for free offices also stormed the moscow h.q. of korean electronics giant l g which used unlicensed versions of photoshop and coral drool business salty's obtained this new forty nine page white list of top russian films from next month internet service providers must kill a north ryde uploads of these movies without waiting to be notified by film producers m.p.'s will hit transgressors with a strict new anti piracy law. we are ready to raise penalties for offenders and hike fines for providers who fail to delete illegal content this finally prosecutors of opened a probe into the go bush we inspected a court spokesman told this channel they will make the holy of pi.


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