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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2010 10:30am-10:59am EDT

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it's life of crime even if that means it's closure don't you want your business ulti. public holidays took some of the steam out of the markets this week according to the director of international equity sales at that creates a that is a hot russia still primarily driven by events coming out from the states in the coming or not coming out from continental europe japan china there are very few separate specifically russian it hasn't been driving the russian stocks this week and quite a few names to mention or so after was the us telecom preferred just one based on local news primarily besides that we've seen sort of the market a little bit sideways again although to be honest with you there is a potential momentum gaining place we probably going to see some substantial rise and i stopped the weeks because there is a remarkably new money coming into the funds for global europe global fund some of the emerging market funds are getting some inflows as well stories this week but you can always find more on our website that's already dot com slash business.
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close up game has been to the our hangal speak. for the first russian fleet was more. goals to the area which holds top position in oil and gas resources. where the biggest russian salmon cammy are processing factories no cooper and where unique species of foreign pharma can be found. come to the sun
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clean region. should close up on r t. more news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are all day. hello this is all to you live in the city of bubbles the. main news we're covering for you the same as the u.s. for members of the victims of the nine eleven attacks. continue to claim lives
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hundreds of emergency workers and since died of illnesses related to the rescue efforts ground zero. in russia the republic of north us pays its last respects to the seventeen killed by thursday's terrorist blast at a busy market more than one hundred sixty were also injured in the suicide bomb attack. dissecting democracy and striving for better world security two days of talks by broke lose the global policy forum here and you will give way now to the city's millennium celebration. also thousands of people take to the streets of berlin and across europe protesting against excessive camera surveillance they claim governments and businesses intrude on their privacy rather than protecting them. was one of the city's
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making of the golden ring of historic towns and cities surrounding moscow which group a huge draw for tourists will be the subject of a special series here at r.t. let's take you around one of the other towns on the circuit as martin andrews shows us around. around. our. the gateway to our final location series still has the three hour college jennifer moscow out as a base you will face of my goodness and what a strange bright onion domes quite village streets and russian traditions so join
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me martin on his for a final program on russia's golden ring talk in. the town was first mentioned in the russian chronicle in the a ten twenty full time of peasant revolt in the area every one hundred years later the time became the capital of the real stuff su still principality it's actually quite difficult to come here by public transport strains only go as far as got to me if you need to get a bus from there the best transport method is by car the journey takes about four hours in order to promote national and international tourism in the one nine hundred sixty s. the soviet government decided to turn soused into a major tourist center and ever since it's become a museum town of ancient russian arts and architecture but it's not all about quite countryside exhibitions and ministries. feel lucky because the various building sessions around the town.
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this will wake you up to still. a lot so what it's a just one man the sound is to seek and. yes if. there's a range of interesting old russian architecture still here in soused from grandmother's trees to this impressive wooden cathedral they're all wonderful examples of buildings here which just centuries old. stone architecture began to flourish in the sixteenth century after sousa was absorbed by the moscow principality the first stone house was built by the central ministry at that time it was up to thirty times more expensive to build the modern ones today many of the houses here sill look like traditional russian is because built using a combination of materials and as a local ruling more of the buildings
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a move three stories high. moving all we've arrived well looks like a brewery of some crimes. but it's not vodka. the metal container is making an old slavic honey base alcoholic beverage called minute look up similar to lead the drink as we popular throughout eastern europe since they can times and here in this area of russia it's really popular to this day that's who we get turney from all around russia he turned against their own control in their will abort to race where it's cool it is that being examined the chosen one is then mixed with water and the fermenting process begins after a while the drink acquires its decent and then it's both old and distributed. medical produces are very proud of the fact that it's made solely for local natural ingredients money from several nearby farms is used in the drink isolde many of the shops in suits or slightly alcoholic and famously stored in the small brown plastic
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bottles it's not so easy to find even in moscow or simply is but. the method of creating the beverage hasn't changed much over the centuries but indeed to put. and the machines they use now. costs around thirty five roubles that's just over one dollar not bad. unfortunately the factory here is close to the public but don't think that you're completely missing out. how this looks when you get its traditional recessing and assume stuff you can try several times. to you know tasting room we have ten various media who played a small percentage of each taste with different kind of since spices and also the traditional pure kind guests get ten cups and they should start from the alpha left one moving from the latter to rise group by row right to feel each label properly
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traditional russian snatch should be eaten between the cups such as south apples and berries and sauerkraut. you see. or you must try to make a vocal that i've never tried before and here the devastation hole of the fire for you can sample various flavors as hops to line blossom horseradish and. that we know which one is worse. with. whom that like our popeye staff as a child. but what else is there to see ensues till the specific street is one of the largest and
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oldest religious structures in the region founded in thirteen fifty two it wasn't part of soused at the time but was located further from the city center on a steep bank of the commune to river and also served as an outpost protecting its. found the ministry was a wooden structure at first but it was burned down during the polish lithuanian invasion in the seventeenth century and then rebuilt in stone in brick which wasn't cheap in seven hundred sixty six catherine the great ordered a prison to be built here where political convicts were sent to do in the soviet times the ministry was also used to imprison individuals now interest or to its former glory with its many religious sites attracting tourists from around the world. now that is the susan museum of wooden crosses a large outdoor exhibition venue it's like a village with houses churches and windmills that been turned into
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a museum representing everything made of wood and eighteenth and nineteenth centuries old wooden houses which of i find destruction were brought here from different parts of the country the museum represents not only russian wooden architecture but also items from everyday life essence from the past. various masa classes and festivals are often organized here to transfer you to times long gone by. and if you plan an overnight stay in suso there are several hotels in town and many of them a walking distance from the town's main sites. crisscross is a modern hotel complex but with a traditional russian touch with several suites located in separate wooden houses very sweet they are to say there are five conference schools for restaurants and
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a spa center yet in the hotel a standard double room costs around one hundred dollars a night. from shopping for traditional goods to eating local russian cuisine you'll feel a million miles from home here. trip to one of russia's golden ring towns really is like going back in time there are several sites of interest here in syria such as the tomb of the russian. he was one of the leaders he fought against the polish in vegas also the cross to combine to say that piece of the great imprisoned his first wife and the beautiful ancient kremlin behind us with its impressive architecture it's the call of the whole area and when visiting any of the ministries take a look to see if there are any concerts scheduled from classical music to choral singing if you get a chance to visit to witness such spine tingling music. through
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the bare walls of the cathedral here it's a magical moment you'll take away with you forever so the dreamy fairy tale landscapes of soused as autumn a rives still nice and warm outside a walk along the peaceful banks of the commune or the sound the tchaikovsky gently performed inside an ancient ministry she hasn't any local or tourists. troubles fade in time stands still in these peaceful russian towns a trip to susan collins and delights. this ancient person's sound
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has withstood many battles diseases and invaders that this factor in b.c. is fascinating history a trip here is well worth the effort a visit to the golden ring is an unforgettable experience don't believe me. and come see for yourself. from medical factories to sue still spectacular sights a trip to one of russia's gold ring cities and towns will enrich your knowledge of traditional russia and be in the warm september sun all the snow cover the winter months these picture rest fairy tale destinations will certainly pretty you how amazing russia really is but that's all for me and the rest of the crew we'll see you again the same time next week until then bye bye for now.
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one of the women could come up. this is street still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal the hidden in the soviet files the cascine case ethanol and ati. the
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dramatic example of the firmness. courage. and honor. they managed not only to stay alive. but to keep their faces and souls in inhuman circumstances. nine hundred danes in besieged leningrad through the eyes of to survive each. and every month we give you the future we help you understand how to get there and i want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world to join us for technology update on our jeep they faced it this is not a provocation but a war of the. faithful to it and we should steppers what is sure to suppress
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victory speech they have no idea about the hardships to face. they wanted. this is it is all of them to new things for any army the life of a usaf is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. victories nineteen forty five dot dot com. as the us remembers the victims of the nine eleven attacks after effects continue to claim lives hundreds of emergency workers died since seville this is related to the rescue effort. in russia the republic of nor
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the search yet pays its last respects to the seventeen killed by thursday's terrorist blast at a busy market more than one hundred and sixty were also injured in the suicide bomb attack. dissecting democracy and striving for a better world security two days of talks by road in sydney global policy forum gave way now to the city's early in the celebration. also on thousands of people take to the streets of berlin cross europe protesting against camera surveillance they claim government and businesses intrude on their privacy rather than protect their. well there's more news ahead from russia and around the world coming your way here on the news channel from here on the. web for that let's see what's happening in sport with richard in moscow he has
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a weekend update for you. hello welcome to sports today it's good to have you with us always for the headlines doubling of the overblown some way into the ground some final standing in her way. twenty of the russian premier league is underway wins already from the leaders and in some petersburg. times at the top was nothing between charlie we. stage of the big money b.m.w. championship in illinois. well start of tennis in two thousand and ten is turning out to be a dream year for heroes one of the over the russian second consecutive major tennis final courtesy of a straight sets win over caroline wozniacki it didn't take long for its value over to get into a rhythm breaking the top seed in just
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a third game of the opening set but great down the line stunning combinations coming thick and fast paced for drop shots a lot. during set number one rushes only white and the second set following in a similar part. of it seems all able to put a foot wrong until her quest for the laureate flushing meadows and other souls wozniacki it's in its. six point six party to bursting with confidence will argue over. i always believe in myself i always believe i can beat anyone on the other side of the net if i'm able to play my best tennis. there is nothing really changed for me you know i know i'm not going to play perfect tennis all the time like most of the players but that's what we're all trying to do. you know you all will be going up against a player who's done it all before him and signed a running u.s.
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open champion kim price is putting her small once again of a hard ball when venus williams how much love a grand slam followed all this with williams coming to the fore in the first science. return to tennis last season after the two year break a loss of her way back into in contention in the second after and it was a case of i last seen her american opponent and twice played it perfectly for six seven six six for the final straw the belgians winning streak gold extending to a hefty twenty matches. it's a good feeling knowing that not in today was probably one of the best matches that i've played throughout the tournament so you know i was able to reach my family and that's probably. what i'm most pleased about is obviously that i wasn't going to win a close match on this but that i was able to kind of rise in the occasion when i when i was going to when i had to. becoming almost a cliche but the bryan brothers have to get another grand slam title the ninth
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americans bubba moyock doing the business. and i see more hearts charity breaking so for the bryans who showed their usual steel in the toy breaks so the thirty two year olds may just season like they started it a real story you open with it's all it's all illusion gentlemen here's your two thousand it was an incredible ride. every day we wake up proud of what we've accomplished and. what our prize which is in the fight to save doubles. only look back that might be there all this legacy is being able to continue this is part of the game in its place in the history of the tennis. but into football the russian premier league leaders need some petersburg have pulled further clear of the chasing pack following it to know when at home to talk i'm side getting off to a perfect start and there in front of just three minutes but this does depend nikolai petrovitch anyone to his own merits. and needs with double their lead on the stroke
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of half time a great free will there from dani putting a lid on the part of the former is trying to make no mistake all of the game would end on a solid for the league leaders as russian international roman should all cope was sent off kim in the face. of the game aligned with them is it should be it has been in the open in the first team it's a great place for example. to set up your guineas and all the if the home crowd was able to celebrate a rare win but the final whistle approaching and defend them now had to be equalized so draw one points only sensible result of a rock bottom side of a had other ideas three minutes into injury time substitute claims managed to get some of the. allies a day in. the points. to go games going all of the
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moment spots i can start to level goals from violence and include chunk of their being and i'm getting on the way to run out. so a football in a stunning late comeback from everton denied manchester united all three points a goodison park but often once or twice in injury time it's a claim for a draw or a double heart wayne rooney looks to be cruising along strikes from. the side as the spoils elsewhere also on bolton level of what a piece of time binds the city are behind climbing each getting the goal there was but was important at craven cottage spurs the tide of one apiece we have west brom goals from s.c. and chelsea in control of their london derby match with west ham. football despite signing a three year contract with aston villa gerard houllier still hasn't been released from his contract by the french f.a. meaning it's not clear if he'll be seen on the birmingham side's bench this week
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a lot how about villa have already anyway unveiled a sixty three year old frenchman on friday. to a convergence of several things first of all with maybe a passion for the game get back into it. i was missing that. and the second thing is that you know i had several offers but it looked as if you know the villa i like to do things as a team i mean. wherever i went with the group will. i like to work as a team and i can feel the we're going to be in this together. or i would hope so soon on their first home and shabba something out of this season on saturday manager jose marino aiming to keep intact his record of not having lost a home league game in eight years. but i'm equipped i'm not here to set records if tomorrow will be a two minute where it's one. take the risk for me to set
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a record is a beautiful thing but monitor obsession. they were back in is gearing up for returns of football following his six month injury layoff the former england captain making himself available for the los angeles galaxy s m.l.s. clash with the columbus crew this weekend the thirty five year old told to kill his tendon on his left leg. last march broken sure he would miss her two thousand and ten world cup finals in south africa. has been training in l.a. for the past month culminating in last thing a four half of a friendly game on wednesday for the galaxy currently the western conference with half a dozen games to go wherever i play in the game. i don't know but i think the biggest thing is. you know i've been taken off the list now. backing them back in with the school community and hopefully that. the team and. russia have sealed seven sponsors of the world basketball championships in turkey following
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eighty three points to seventy eight victory over slovenia winning coach david blanton these are national team up to this tournament he'll make tim a famous goal of leading the charge with nineteen points. well the norms always hawkie and yet to me young is often got almost killed then you kelly chelsea's loss of a perfect start of a fall for you when response i'm going to cash it three times a visit has been appointed to mama reagan made it two wins from two victory over the next a little more because. comfortable when is and. leading over time to be bitter rivals not to look might need to go it's going to go to their first win of a new campaign a big win in the month cease to game still going on. the outside looking mighty and in all in minutes. finally it's of the greens where we go now and there's nothing between charlie we could share of the top of the b.m.w. championship leaderboard but they're heading for the hall way stage at the tallent
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in illinois the defending champion tiger woods knowing the shots behind at the start of a day that didn't. until the end of it. making the first time woods has opened of rounds over pollard called hill since he was an eighteen year old i'm at this point battling infection managed to pull straight birdies in the back knowing from a joint on six on the go with a company of zero. korean a sixty eight on friday were there just a short clear of. the seven and a half million dollar prize very much up for grabs anyway through all of us over sport more coming up in around two hours time but as for what the next all of the headlines.
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