tv [untitled] September 11, 2010 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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line under the cap in case work is still underway to find more places where polish prisoners of war a buried as some died while in transit to the prison camps there are also continued efforts to gather information about the victims of stalin's reign of terror to a buried in mass graves together with the poles if the bells were to on every single person buried at midnight and canton they would have to toll continuously for many days.
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anniversary reaching the much of that massive five shows about to start any minute now already been a problem you can hear of the shoulder a number of smaller displays in the lead up to this i can hear a big cheer over there in the world right now a spectacular laser show has already taken place on the banks of the volga river earlier on tonight but a nice couple of minutes they can be lighting the fuse we're told him this is going to be the big one and i was just saying the best there it goes over you're going to . shoulder now let's focus in on those. give you all the. blender over there it is. start at the fireworks display in fact is going to stick around some twenty two and . a real treat lot of money being spent here is what i'm just looking.
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for sun for the fall works all sorts of colors. green beautiful beautiful absolute lighting up the night sky what a great backdrop it is well looking at the want to steal my shoulder here but a great. pass thing over the past three days it's the spassky bonus train. so that's where the yes. the run up dated back to the trial century standing on the intersection of. broadcasting just a couple of hundred yards down from. the studio. to the start of the whole good might see the reason i call it again the lights reflecting on this to get. you to feel far worse. that all viewers got a taste of your suv. the noise use the climate to undertake the beautiful sight that we're seeing out here right now forced thousands of people across the city have gone down the walk back to their place of fireworks city of course celebrating
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its one thousand here anniversary and all city but we've been here for a couple of days part of modern one fact twenty market. street. there goes a lot of followers just taking a concentration like looking over my shoulder i'm saying that for the spring stunning stuff here you are seeing a lot of development going on here obviously a low point of the moscow but a very clean city and a lot of development going on the city since it's so absolutely beautiful thoroughly recommend to anyone who said the middle russia when you're seeing moscow and what you seem some pretty desperate going to travel together in the past going to trade is great travel for most goods through it if i was just to just up here is me but i'm going to say. she is in the very midst of it that's right we are she has the best view on the banks of the fold up by their accounts here it looks
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like there's going to be a we have been seeing a great site for. you there have a wonderful view tell us what's happening. on the can it can hardly hear you because so crowded in the central square the studio here is lobby which is celebrating its millennial on this night and estimated six thousand feet. well have gathered tell us the all the problem in the city one of the oldest crowd lives and russia the city is on a u. nasco a nice quote heritage site and it has also come down in history as a place where some of the world's global issues are discussed for today's euro slobbery had been homestay man international the global policy forum where some of the supporters and critics of president dmitry medvedev had a right chance to grill him on domestic and international matters he was really
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excited to say about the city. the city has been hosting this forum and the more this here's the summary my summary of these today but. young what you are in fact if so over and democracy as it turns out is different things to different states the time to look at these here is for many us love a standard stop democracy and efficiency made it sound alluring even for the kremlin's toughest critics it gave some of them the chance to hit the president wrong. i strongly disagree with those who say there's no democracy in russia and that there's authoritarian tendencies here it's not true russia is a democracy beyond any doubt it's young it's immature it's still not perfect and experienced but it's a democracy nonetheless there's a way to go but we're ready to work on it in some countries democracy is being imposed but it doesn't work that way and we've seen many examples of that but any
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talk of democracy in russia is a moot point if the country doesn't more denies itself the key message the president was sending in his speech another major topic was security russia's been promoting a new vision for european security architecture this myth that it says is vital to avoiding military conflicts similar to that in the south caucasus. in two thousand and eight. we need to create an institution that will bring together nato and non nato members and other structures my us counterpart president barack obama never avoids discussing this issue he does not say that is harmful or unnecessary but i would suggest that among our american partners a certain jealousy exists with regard to this idea however it is necessary to rise over this jealousy and try to look the truth in the eye without the creation of the system a world will not be able to survive we can help each other here one of the first who supported the idea of the new european security treaty was italian premier
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corny but before he could make his point he had to find his words i like to say that i was not very well informed about the topics to be discussed at this forum the section of my ministration which has prepared the speech has prepared the room warm that's why i'm passing the stacks to the moderator of this portion of the plenary meeting this presentation doesn't correspond to the discussion here many that evening criticize the us corny for taking more stage time than the host but michel meant that it didn't seem to mind these helen prime minister performance definitely spies stuff but for us a formal session. for two days this stadium turned into a lib or a tree where some of the world's best minds attempted to find a formula balancing three elements democracy modernization and efficiency did they come up with a single formula of course they didn't but what they agreed upon is no matter what
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the proportion if a country wants to move forward it needs all three elements in the mix exiting the church of our team from. ok well we're coming to the end of our live coverage we just be witnessing over a shoulder those amazing fireworks they're dying down little bit now we are. twenty minutes so i can hear the crowds in the prado have every good. you got it you got a little fun i do that. now let me tell of you talking about this for three days now the city of course celebrating its millennium a thousand years ago it was founded by do you know why and he also developed the first ever set of laws in russia she's been absolutely dying to tell you about love don't want to talk with all of them indeed a millennium monuments to the wasn't available to the kremlin what
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a wise man as well to come and live here would a beautiful city. the banks of the old the most of all these beautiful rivers it's a picturesque city it's clean it's beautiful and this weekend it celebrates its one thousand year i want some abrasions we've witnessed what a great three days of coverage we've really enjoyed a beautiful city we were beautifully welcomed by the people of europe i very much enjoyed our time here covering the global policy forum and of course this millennium anniversary of the city. going to wrap up our live coverage from this city on the golden ring you know we hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have i'm kevin of. course none of this knowing of me and what i'm going to hand you to moscow for the rest of the news in the studio four a so very good evening.
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thanks very much kevin enemies i am in moscow with our main news here on r t the anniversary of the day that has defined the country so far it's exactly nine years to the day since nine eleven when islamic terrorists flew hijacked planes into new york's twin towers and the pentagon commemoration ceremonies are taking place across the country to mark the deadliest attack ever on u.s. soil. it was orchestrated by al qaeda and claimed nearly three thousand lives but the actual number of deaths caused is likely to be much higher and continues to grow our teams marina portnoy has met some of the rescuers who say they're still suffering horrific health problems as a result of their work at ground zero. gary white was an american hero in two thousand and one did you actually get diagnosed as being directly six to nine eleven in two thousand and ten the nine eleven first responder represents an exploding health crisis u.s. officials have failed to address its toll the across the page cost enormous all
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call my gall bladder cancer liver cancer the retired n.y.p.d. detective spent six months sifting through world trade center debris and clouds of toxins later resulting in asthma sleep apnea post neurological problems and two strokes the first one to me as. i was paralyzed i lost command of my speech. i had to learn to walk and talk again the police department denies his illnesses are linked to nine eleven still fits leaving the twenty three year veteran with mounting medical debt this form wants for two hundred fifty three and a daily dose of fifteen medications the worst topic on u.s. soil took place here on september eleventh day when nearly three thousand people lost their lives in a matter of hours and in the nine years that have followed nine hundred first responders have died victims of their own courage n.y.p.d.
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sergeant michael ryan was diagnosed with three types of cancers before losing his battle at just forty one years old and it's a fight that can break even the strongest john javelins was diagnosed with cancer hospital bills one million dollars we do so much overseas and i am not saying i'm not. we do it we're a powerful nation we should lead by example but we're not leaving my example here. we're not leaving by example here when you turn your backs on the nine eleven emergency responders those who sacrificed for the country now left struggling alone merino port r.t. new york. another one of those brave first respond workers was muslim american activist their ramadan she says since the attacks islam has been misunderstood in the u.s. and american muslims shouldn't be a scapegoat scapegoated for what the hijackers did. really with this shows in the
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most disturbing part about this debate is it's become an us against them that is the most troubling aspect because we are all americans again we're signing collective guilt on the one billion muslims that practice this faith on the acts of nineteen villains that basically defiled islam and practiced a perverted version of islam for a political agenda and now to assign blame on all muslims is completely incorrect and inaccurate but i think the great majority fear islam because they don't understand it the beauty of this country is the constitution and that all americans despite faith despite race are afforded the same civil liberties. commentary from muslim american activist and nine eleven first responder regina o'day ramadan talking about the perception of islam in the u.s. meanwhile american officials say that al qaeda has been seriously weakened since it
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carried out the nine eleven attacks but in recent times much international attention has shifted to the terror network's capacity to help other militant groups across the globe and dennis dennis samut from the london information network on conflicts in the state building sees al qaida is hand in the recent violence in the north caucasus now this direction in the north caucasus is complex multi-layered but certainly part of the process has now been a completely hijacked by. the mist medicos there are clearly connections between tours in afghanistan and pakistan and the attacks that have taken place both in nine eleven in states as well as in other parts of the world including in the north caucasus there are some clear signs that there are connections between elements in the north caucasus who are.
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doing get back such as the one that got said earlier this week and. the groups in pakistan and afghanistan. commentary from dennis samet with the london information network on conflicts and state building. the victims of nine eleven are being remembered in many places around the world russia among them many came to lay flowers at the u.s. embassy in the russian capital a service was also held at an american church in the city it was there that the u.s. ambassador to russia compared terrorism with naziism and said the two countries are united in their fight against it. over the years that we know little. but come to understand something larger as a memory of the victims of terrorism throughout the world does our president alone said it is expression goldman says of the recent terrorist attacks including. these terrorist attacks only spring in arizona. to work
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together. to stand against terrorists. to protect their people. in the fight against these sorts. of people in the twenty first century. commentary from john byerly u.s. ambassador to russia. more victims of a terror attack in russia have been laid to rest today a car bombing in the southern republic of north thursday killed seventeen left more than one hundred sixty injured those with the most serious injuries are now being treated in moscow yesterday this meanwhile say they suspect several policemen of negligence reports suggest the officers stopped the attackers car for inspection shortly before the blast but didn't check the truck for the explosives are thought to have been hidden parties are silently cutover reports. what it could cause is grieving over the last and you can feel sadness everywhere as soon as the market
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area has been open people started coming to the scene their brain in flowers lighting candles to dave funerals of eleven victims are taken place in logic of course this is the second day your funerals here through the whole night people have been praying in churches in logic of cars they will lead to candles i've met with the relatives of the victims and here is my report to lives hand in hand interrupted at the moment when yes i'm on my man and had total and grandson which had been at the logic of course central market they say the boy was quarreling with his brother about writing their bike so grandma promised to buy a little new one a moment later their dreams were wiped out by the blast. we were the markets i went into a shop was my mother wife and two sons stayed outside and then an explosion i rushed out and saw all four of them on the ground i lost two of them my son died was one and a half years old my three year old son is now in surgery doctors are fighting for
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his life there were a lot of people in the markets still fine. and yes in my meadow most every morning before go into the market there dave i think i felt sick and stayed home yes a man went alone just held grapes and never came back. this is a father and his one and a half year old son who died and this is his wife she was injured. and this is the one. twenty years ago when life in georgia became difficult for ethnic as a reason like many in her village quiet and hospitable yes a man packed his things and headed to vladikavkaz her small family makes their leaving from selling fruit and vegetables and a year ago moved closer to the central market used to work closely to show other ones to the selling grapes another was selling lemons there were as a risk with them who hold the herd but she was badly injured her leg was ripped off the chair diabetes and they couldn't stop the blood crying over the last many
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people and logic of course refused to believe the blast really happened the main question for many remains why. these are barbarians monsters not humans these people have neither nationality nor humanity nor decency i think it was deliberately planned to bring this tragedy to the republic this is the sixth time something like this has happened they choose big holidays to cause racial hatred but they want to achieve it. grief and sorrow has united the people in logic of khan's russians the c.t.'s ukrainians and everybody's all bring flowers to the sea and tonight blunt to how. the glass is cracking under the feet of those who come to the gates of the central market to music echoes in the empty streets interrupted only by those cleaning in repairing the area people trying to stay closer to each other at this disclosed this can help them to leave through the tragedy in. our see.
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this week's terror attack in russia's north caucasus and the nine eleven anniversary have heated up debate on whether it's possible to stop international terror and how of course war is interested in your opinion on the topics we cover and you can have your say on our website r t v dot com let's take a look now at how the votes are split so far a third of responders think ensuring high living standards for all may be the best way to tackle terrorism meanwhile twenty five percent support a reversal of globalization as a solution to the problem another sixteen percent take the radical and controversial view that all religions should be banned a minority nine percent want more security forces and a similar number of you are sadly pessimistic saying there is simply no way to solve the problem. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe tear gas and warning fire couldn't keep thousands of protesters clashing with government forces in indian kashmir a predominantly muslim region has seen anti india sentiment strengthened over the
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past three months with near daily demonstrations kashmiri muslims are apparently celebrating the end of the holy month of ramadan at least sixty nine people have been killed in protest against india's control. a man has been arrested in greece after you threw his shoe with the prime minister in protest of the government's handling of the economy luckily for the pm the shoe missed its target more than four thousand police were on duty as demonstrators took to the streets the protests come as the leader announced lower corporate taxes to help the country in its struggle against recession. and kareena melican will be here in a moment to bring you the latest business news stay with us here on r.t. . oh welcome to business good to have you with us they head of russia's technology corp ross now has called for a shake up of the legal and tax system he was speaking during a visit to was not abide by mr putin was that the value of russia's now duction
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could ultimately when it's the equivalent of thirty billion dollars corporation has so far pulled eighty two project ahead of us nano on the porch of weiss says there is little hope for an efficient high tech sector under current conditions. if you would just use a can of really efficient venture funds as well as other infrastructure to build nanotechnology is almost impossible the current legislation if you like an efficient legal framework for venture funds investing in for example startups existing legislation is completely outdated for such forms of business with our tax system also means we have to change we have prepared some proposals and we want to push them forward. now russia's state duma has adopted a law on the skulk of us science and technology center observers say the most important cause allows startups to be in operation before skulk about a specifically belt law does have a provision which allows those who is going to be qualified as
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a participant of this call cover to start their to do this as soon as a law is passed not waiting for this three years before this cocoa will be constructed. russia india will start the joint production of medium range transport aircraft the agreement involves hindustan aeronautics and two russian companies transport the familiarity and rules about an export each country will invest three hundred million dollars into ventures capital medium range transport aircraft are widely used for cargo they plan to build two hundred jets initially one third being sold on global markets the first jet will roll off the line no earlier than in two thousand and sixteen. but he said well there's a giant raid on video pirates in thirteen countries but top hollywood executive tells r.t. the must fight the world's worst offender russia which is bootleg you cross the globe they will push reports. nine in ten d.v.d.'s in russia are fake and the
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problems only getting worse the industry gold gold warms the nation's ballooning into an exporter of piracy russia has become an increasing problem and concern for us because many titles are first can't afford it in russia and then distribute it worldwide in the film industry about an eighteen billion dollars a year. in the hearts of moscow you can openly buy i phones before their official release and three d. blockbusters for two you wrote a fifth of the recommended price. point. in a week. but also it is a launching a mass council strike on tuesday night investigators seized forty nine huge servers across europe hosting copyrighted material for free offices also stormed the moscow
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h.q. of korean electronics giant l g which used unlicensed versions of photoshop and coral draw business salty's obtained this new faulty nine page white list of top russian films from next month internet service providers must kill a north arised uploads of these movies without waiting to be notified by film producers m.p.'s will hit transgressors with a strict new anti piracy law. we are ready to raise penalties for offenders and hike fines for providers who fail to delete illegal content. finally prosecutors of opened a probe into the go bush we inspected a court spokesman told this channel they will make the holy of pirates holies quit its life of crime even if that means its closure is the new bushel business ulti
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and public holidays took some of the steam out of the markets this week according to the director of international equity sales at creative as that is a half. russia is still primarily driven by a beaver and so they're coming out from the states and are coming or coming out from continental europe japan china there are very few some for the specific russian of those that have in driving the russian stocks this week and quite a few names though to mention those so off there was a real still accomplish for just one based on local news primarily besides that we've seen sort of the market a little bit sideways again although to be honest with you there is a potential momentum gaining place we probably going to see some substantial rise on next couple weeks because there's a new money coming into the fund so. the global fund some of the emerging market funds are getting some. stories this week but you can always find.
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