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tv   [untitled]    September 12, 2010 2:30am-3:00am EDT

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those they just tore through the wire yes he just rips it are serious questions and now being raised as to how this was able to happen in the first place if there's a failing with the security issues here to enable him to have a skate edge of the most new we don't time special guards or any police security system and our hospital perhaps the police or the courts didn't know the conditions here before they sent him whether the courts the police or the doctors who is says to him are to blame for the eva side that six has received strong support from his new friends. we were amused i wouldn't tell you where he was even if i knew anything i'm not going to help look for him as hope that his high profile will make it hard for datsik to hide for long for the time being he continues to leave the authorities so i take st petersburg. short of an update on the week's top stories stating.
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thank. you. carrie. i am they managed not only to stay
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alive. but to keep their faces and souls in inhuman circumstances. and i am nine hundred days in besieged learning ran through the eyes of the survivors. if. fifty. five. we're watching on t.v. we. saw the republican off the set the seventeen victims of the day's market place
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called he meets those who survived the attack and lost their loved ones in the phone it's. more than a thousand demonstrators crashed in the name. of a plans to build a mosque near ground zero we look at why a growing number of americans are converting to islam despite claims that a few become targets means muslims. also playing with a video of a u.s. soldier hunting grenades in the cause of rockets is causing outrage trains that some locals don't like salt of such. remarkable crash landing in northwestern russia as a plane touches down in the forest with all eighty one passengers short but. the planet's having failed as heroes. how to make democracy work and how to make the world
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a safer place power brokers from all over the world trying to find the youngsters that they can see for in the russian city. and that the four amati managed to talk to former indian president to come home and i asked him about the global challenges facing developing countries and the future of his in the nation. the world policy for many years covering main bases not only concerning on global security but also on issues of innovation relations with foreign countries and many other aspects relevant to the international community to talk a little bit more about all of the issues brought up here. in this. city and also about specifically the relationship between russia and india the chance to talk to the former president. thank you so much for being here with us it's a great pleasure talking to looking at your country now what do you think are what
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do you think of the steps. right now how do. you know. that.
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the peace. corps wrote a book saying. a very different nation a much stronger nation by that time tell me a little bit more about it. people. said. we had to get to. it. definitely. also. the question of developments and of course that's one of the areas that are hardest
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hit with poverty and that has been quite a problem. to overcome. that is the how. and then. mission. to. the national prosperity national. debt to the global peace. to happen help put forth today how. the. global vision and mission and mission and. and demand. come to the. peace and prosperity.
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at. peace. but. i'm going to. be. so the prospect. and. the.
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nation's. independence. day. what about specifically. to the problem of poverty. as a nation. in . africa. and. that. new enterprises are prices.
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and. pushing. nations and the people you mention. and of course it's not. the bric brazil russia india china what is your opinion. that they have a strong position as emerging economies. and china. less than a decade. and. this.
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is. how people are prosperous. that. the people of the region. of course regional cooperation. is a country that knows of course a lot unfortunately about regional instability. their problems. do you think. has a chance to be peaceful future. to be. a nation. would. have. been. want to be.
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decease. flight deck to. do it with. before becoming the president. what made you make the choice and turn to the complicated world of politics. professor teaching. that is the. look. to another. and. i got a call. to. be election and. i. thought
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i. can help. to. get system. that. the people. of the politicians but also the people so what do you think your people remember you for. i mean people again i have to get. people. to happiness. happiness of the families of. the. you know. it's one of the hundreds of people that the students i asked. you today. have you applied to. that.
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yet have. started to mock the fact that she. is happy. to have. been with the families of your family that the project is. one of the main goals of your presidency twenty twenty project but what other goals looking back do you think for the biggest ones of your times well i. put. you do i see. it rush to the people at the palace of the president it's a beautiful place. i. was you know. for the. beautiful but. frankly it's ok
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for i goods. for. and. a system for. i do but i'm going to decent living. and pushing. to scotch seven foot office.
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confluence of one hundred of them in. this history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal this little to the soviet files the chance in case of ever not on our t.v. . to live in a country that doesn't understand that there's more violence in the streets of this country than there are in the streets in afghanistan or baghdad. on one night in the spring. breaks of a. villainous little sister a litany of problems. crowd gathers them in. the streets of the.
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russia's southern republic of north mourns the seventeen victims of thursday's marketplace car bombing meets those who survived the attack lost their loved ones in the products. as more than
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a thousand demonstrators clashing the anniversary of nine eleven over plans to build a mosque near ground zero and why a growing number of americans are converting to islam. how to make a democracy work and how to make the world a safer place international problem occurs trying to find answers that the global policy for russian city you love. playing with knives a video of a u.s. soldier grenades and because of iraqis is causing outrage is that some locals dives so to such things. and a remarkable crash landing in northwestern russia as a plane touches down in a forest with eighty one passengers on the. planet something hailed as heroes. talking sports with andrew under a bit of a surprise at the u.s. open tennis center area federalizing in the semifinals and about djokovic sure he will play now in the men's final later on today so one of the over the last in the
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women's final to kim clijsters out more details on that coming up. hello there welcome to the sport and let's start with a quick look at the headlines. plies is to successfully defend the u.s. open title. rack up when number fourteen to keep healthy lead at the top of the russian premier league. and the still rally is underway in russia forty three cars and sixteen trucks have left simply to spur on their five thousand kilometer journey to sochi. but we start with the tennis by kim clijsters has successfully defended her u.s. open title defeating the russian. in the final hours of on the two previous
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meetings but had little to say in this one twice his winning it six two six one needing just an hour on court the second title in a row at flushing meadows and. he lost in the men's semifinal to the tricksy also in straight sets the russian struggled to cope with nadal's power from the baseline. to set down i thank you for the show by the third set i managed to break the spaniard for the first time in the world number one was just too good this year so far though about djokovic thanks for the big go for me. far from last something new every. moment and i. think i can see. the result of tomorrow. the more much more but.
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i am very satisfying. yeah i mean it's not fast enough to there. was no. i mean i moved well but my head was one step back on my hands and my legs and so i. i think too long you know what i have to play this way for the mistakes. made because it's. so it's not the fun we were all predicting roger federer away with that awful fall into the third stage like jockey mentioned if i said some amazing tennis federer getting set seven five but he lost the second one stakes then. then djokovic responded to when that sixty led to this decide to just have it saving matchpoint before taking a set seventy five for a playoff spot in the five things that you will
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remember for the rest of your life. not just because you want to give the best players that ever played this game and dedication but as well you know coming back from match point. under the circumstances playing playing tennis and winning in the end the three or. so i am very proud of myself but. there's a lot of emotions involved. or so students also show that in the end but you know it's been. over so i like to see years of much like history that two winners for one very hard to win but it will be written that way fortunately. it's a truck goes for me but it's only going to fuel me it was more motivation to. practice hard and get back to the grandstand perms which are a bit less free service but feel like i'm playing whatever or deserved to be in for
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more scope to show which of the best. they're still perfect in the russian premier league's any remain unbeaten and six points clear at the top after that two no win over tome instant pages but the haim side getting off to the perfect start they were in front of just understanding. to be heading to examine but i think that and it is that you know just before half time a great three ball by danny setting up alexander who put off. the game would end on a sound night for the league leaders russian international no man should have called stand so often elbowing kim met in the face. while reading to keep up a bit of pressure on the ladies any following commanding three. colors of water over the price that was his first. and this was a second again a cool finish from. having a hard time keeping with the bad and that he can see
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a penalty. this time to challenge. and over seventy martins was the man who converted it because onside naturalis in pittsburgh brothers by six points were how tight against me. he was well it's in school twice the spot x. two one win over south to me getting setting up the first session didn't respond fifteen minutes later a great build up in the box and to me she couldn't change with the finish. but six things from time ballots and the winner to sense path back into the top six. two late goals millennium made them she wanted to be a superior when the head alexander thank you thank you to that began easy vs and the home crowd was set to celebrate it with rare win with the final whistle approaching but then defended nani who had it in equaliser. and three minutes into
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the time the sub colleen's managed to get the ball. i see just off the base. commander and up and i. was the stronger i so a quick look at the table. still propping everyone up after that defeat but ascending to lead the way into the sky could go within seventy points of them today. because they're looking like safe in the weekend's moscow spot now just behind on the league travel to korea the nama host terek an f.c. take on angie that. we maul in england is chelsea who still lead the way there three one win over west gave them the fear of going from four and a two point lead over austin thrashed bolton manchester united to third after throwing away a three one laid against everton who scored twice in injury time to get a point or two wins that the photo i'm playing pool. action now from the first weekend of the new k.h. l.
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season where she told payday the way in atlanta the home team's fans turned out in force with no rain almost packed to capacity however but they didn't really play but. until payday struggled to create any take chances with the game went all the way to a shootout run this ninety three so you see the visit to the small shelf in krrish pool hall to school with this attempt to keep fans in the game didn't fail to be to put it's not mind is that this is the side celebrate the second brain of the season while gore was clearly unhappy it's. obvious they want to score one but they all start on those i'm not used to losing too much. and all coming from north america. teams that i've been on it been pretty good so you know i don't like to lose i'm a competitive guy. you know it's never fun to lose especially your all from your fans so little bits of mourning but the good thing is we get to come back on monday
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and try again. all right amy. rocha got worse. right put a lot better it's a big sea again but. it's good we got you when you start. something. you can still be done but it's a good start. that a four three when i was. the nominee. would come when you. needed overtime to be. healthy when. there is a tasty fun in prospect of world championships the favorites the usa will take on the host for the title this evening the americans being lithuania eighty nine
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points to seventy people in the seventies taking the bull by the horns from the very beginning the call to twenty three. by the price had increased to a comfortable fifteen points after that all they need to. see is that once again. was instrumental for them pressing the points be the dream team will face a hostile atmosphere and not to play to. a single point when. in the last poll should be a. think and they have the advantage. of being. forty five.
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positive thinking that wasn't the best of thoughts to watch but. successfully defended his. heavyweight title stopping stopping some pizza in the tenth round the referee holding the bags in frankfurt after the nigerian was floored by klitschko a one sided affair but next on the bill could be britain's days if you hadn't wasted little time to talk up the potential spot that does it suit. because it isn't about the slightest comment coming out would be. making. that really make it more. interesting before you're going to be told trolls. will knock him out. because that will injure the process. pre-clinical formula one and i no longer i will start on pole for the first time this season and today's a tallying graham pray mclaren's jenson button joins him on the front.


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