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tv   [untitled]    September 12, 2010 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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eagle mega sergeant of the israeli defense forces. during his service scorched a street fight. if i am from the colonel of the chilean armed forces participated in keeping down a military revolt. coming.
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sergeant of the us army. trying to become an american by getting pardon me i'm going to move. ranks and reasons differ but one thing brings them together once they disobey if. if if. the motion to be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from phones to impressions. whose friends don't talk t. don't come. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are today.
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every month we give you the future the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us. on r g. with. data generated from an electrical grid. you can do to do it in california. resources for simplicity. let's go to support a planet. being the stories that shape the week here on our team these are your headlines russia's republic of north the seventeen victims of thursday's terror attack that hit its
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capital busy market. as the u.s. marks nine years since the deadliest terror attack the world has ever seen a look at how the ground zero tragedy has led to zero tolerance towards muslims by some people in the u.s. . gathered to discuss a formula for better peace and democracy at the global policy forum in. the russian city that marks its millennium this year. and the pilots that he came here of courage under pressure as they managed to lead a crippled passenger jet in a remote russian forest saving every couple of. special report on the soviet city that survived a nine hundred one hundred day siege by nazi troops during the second world war stay with us here on r.t. .
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this is no ordinary tramp it's a rest site on the streets of st petersburg historians with a cunning never remembers what it was like writing these trams nearly seventy years ago in one hundred forty one german troops encircled the city then cold leningrad to isolated from the rest of the country the siege lasted for nine hundred days. leningrad was the country's second most important city off to moscow at the time.
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nazi leader outof it look for details troops to capture the soviet union's european territories by november nine hundred forty one leningrad was a priority objective in that plan a. million strong german army hundreds of tanks and thousands of back office were massed against the city. at the same time finish troops advanced from the notice the nazi advance was halted in september nineteenth. then enemy troops and already encircle many. a massive bombing campaign was unleashed on leningrad in the autumn of nine hundred forty one. the diet where houses were one of the first time. the gates of the german asteroids. they housed most of the city's food supplies. all of
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the warehouses were destroyed as in all their modern facilities here. of smoke because she looked out of the window with a flask. at first trees caught fire. and then the flames spread to the wooden buildings it's a good deal the fact that fire wiped out the government supply of sugar reserves. so there's us the most distressing thing with all the city's population idea plato good would come here along with many other piece together earth and make tea out of it to change leningrad residence all the destroyed warehouses as a terrible omen soon after the air raids food in leningrad was worth more than its weight in gold and. martial law was introduced in the city the
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front line lay just a few hundred meters from makeshift checkpoints people believed they would be able to hold out hoping that help would soon be on its way everyone was trying to survive as best they could. the sound of a. through loudspeakers in the streets it became a symbol of the leningrad stage a fast rhythm and. if it slowed it signaled a retreat. by the first wind to leningrad had no heating power to abandon tram stood motionless in the streets the water supply system froze and the pipes inside apartment. people had to get water from a hole in the. air in the water was a big problem let alone to the sixth floor. because of spilled water quite often they couldn't make it and had to go that. leningrad residents burned
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anything they could to try and stay warm. folks and furniture went into the stove firewood was very expensive. there were food shortages to residents were issued with rations a fixed of food rations were just a fifth of what they had been at the start of the war. a citizen was entitled to two lumps of bread a day weighing just one hundred twenty five grams each the bread was made from chemical. in order to survive people. and cookies made from wood glue fried with pine tar oil based paint. gets dressed up his jacket with his medals and goes to a nearby school. where he joins other survivors to talk to schoolchildren who are the same age he was during the siege.
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of their piece of bread the siege survivors bring a few loaves of bread for the children to see exactly what a daily ration look like it's more bread weighing a hundred. twenty five grams like schoolchildren everywhere of curiosity and have a million questions to ask. was it that inspired you during it was most difficult how did this send letters to the front where were the young children considering all the preschool. that did their homes. in their houses people used. to all they could. grab residence burned furniture. and newspaper well where i myself made the rounds of basements and pick up whatever wood i could find what.
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i thought. people. didn't. they kept the faith. and he really doesn't it i wonder how people could survive on such a tiny piece of. the parents gave it to their kids so they could have children. it was just a fascist barm took the life of my father just need to vent his death and the destruction of leningrad i swear i will fight the nazis some help our troops at the front to beat them and i will defend our city. was fourteen years old at the time he says if people wanted to survive in the besieged city they had to force themselves to stay.
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instead of lying in bed many people died because they spent all their time lying in bed by sea and drinking a lot of water. they were too weak. so i will cost. in their lives. my aunt and uncle died. by november nine hundred forty one people were dying in increasing numbers deaths could strike anywhere at any time many people were so weak that once they fell to the ground outside that homes they never stood back up on top of that winter was setting in a jewish. walked through snow and i. see someone lying on the ground. at adults the whole row of it was that you couldn't speak. because if you tried to do so even more subtle you yours out a little town boy. but life in the city never came to
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a standstill the composer dmitri shostakovich was putting the finishing touches to his seventh symphony to be performed at the heavily damaged concert hall of the leningrad for the monic society and. historians. was in the audience. she recalls that many people defied the bombings and went to the concert hall to listen to the classical music. people were angry when he. bought it they were in with quiet khulna and they were on the balcony as they do to stay at it some people who weren't even standing behind this chance those will stay added that's how badly they wanted to he is now using let it symbolized so we were one of the first to victory is won by leningrad resident they feel that at. the symphony was heard not only in the concert hall
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a radio broadcast carried it to the front line of the leningrad. and. germans in the trenches heard it too. late german soldiers wrote in their diary. they've been amazed by the steadfastness of the people grab. the leg of that pistol many of the musicians look at the worst summons from the fronts for that they sell and. litho washed them but marcus trunk is full nature the thing with any officer only if you rehearsals is that it gives him music was in harmony allows
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a lamb would need to send. them with. this route was known as the road of lines and became the only hope for the six people. first columns of cops and vehicles driven over the lake not a good choice of supplies to the city in november one thousand four hundred. this and subsequent convoys brought sinden to community people. and. they're out of a directed traffic on this vital road. just because that was the starting point of the road rage mitchell as it all began on november twenty second to that's nine hundred forty one. a monument now stands on the site where the lifeline that saved so many lives began very often comes here to pay tribute to those who died during the tragic war used. as a broken ring the road of life kept that ring from ever becoming who we used to
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skew the water from the polls made by falling shells and order over the tragic is made then ice later in order to ensure a safe passage for the truck. she says that each time she visits this place she recalls the horror of the first winter spent under siege. and. tense pitched on the ice house people looking off to the road while enemy troops attempted to cut what was a vital artery. in. the road of life was bombarded several times occasionally the ice cracked sending trucks and that precious cargo to the bottom of the might well of the i received it will mushroom the driver couldn't see the cracks because it was covered with snow the truck and its driver went down beneath the eyes. the truck's headlights were shining beneath the water for a long time after that.
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in the past year they found schools of. the appropriately named museum. these tires were produced in germany in january of one thousand nine hundred thirty four. star sixty three sixty four years under the waters of lake. the museum's director. expeditions. she says lifting many of the. takes time i. one of the trucks sank with a load of skis for aircraft to lay in the snow. skis are scattered within a radius of one and a half. year will pull them from the water and they'll be one of the museum's most valuable exhibits. the road of life remained operational for eighteen months
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during that time over a million people were evacuated from leningrad some four hundred thousand tons of food and other supplies will brought into the besieged city. of mushin the. good at twenty thousand people working hard. to move food supplies and a grandma structures ever to this and to evacuate children though it's a little besieged city and the country's interior has admitted that. despite the selfless efforts of those who help deliver them the food supplies that reach the blockaded city were not enough to meet the needs of all of its residents. meanwhile the nazis persisted with the bombardment of. big bombs together saying the bombing today you bury dead tomorrow nobody. paid last.
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hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. wealthy british. holds. the. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy because a report. says in one hundred forty three million people called leningrad home. by the start of nine hundred forty three one in five residents have died of starvation exposure or shelling. and. the people of leningrad suffered most during the first winter of the blockade but even then. continue to. institute.
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since it was impossible to evacuate the institute's vast collection of. scientists to protect the unique collection from faffed. collection stored in boxes like these. there is a hole right here. on the other side of the same one that. one of the institute's. scientists on the verge of starvation.
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is still. the collection of eight trillion dollars. there was a lot of around we. barley. lots of. starving people. they never thought they might eat from the seed bank. and. r.t.
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was given to paintings and objects from the collection of antiques to wagons with paintings and sculptures was sent to the urals but another wagon was left behind as the city became encircled the museum's valuables was stored in its basements. just empty frames hung on the walls of the empty hermitage holes. despite the hardships of the blockade hermitage workers organized lectures and science conferences to inspire the people remaining in the city. and. the. museum director. says that quite often participants were brought in on stretches unable to walk themselves because they were too weak from severe hunger this. it is so it's translators and scientists were brought in from the fraud for that was a formidable task and conditions were difficult here too and people here were sick
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but if need be you could carry them in your arms but the imagine people coming from the front line though where the city's fate was being decided that's a whole different story. zoya conny of a historian and a blockade survivor as vivid memories of those events. in the spring of one nine hundred forty two leningrad so authorities announced the start of a seed sowing season they said leningrad residents would have to supply themselves with food so that and they allotted plots of land to be used as vegetable gardens as well as providing grain people in the city center were given plots in the main square just outside saying tied six cathedral. ceiling yes but in what is a reaped the ask. the those units and they brought in. but i was there. because nothing could you grow that the full out that was it would move the. these
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greens. where we grew can be. added south is a good reminder. of how it used to be. the crop lived up to people's expectations people down to reap the harvest in nine hundred forty two somewhat easing the food problem even in such harsh conditions people never lost hope and help one another to survive during the siege. on the verge of death from starvation when a friend. saved. how are you still done see you i could hardly get here didn't i get here on food. sixty. min a for help to survive. site. using crutches. goodness nina still touring with this little. girl it's my
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truck you know it is can't you walk without using or you my true but dr. robi each time they said to this table they talk about how many folk were saved but women recall every single event of the day when nina came to visit only to find that her friend. was too weak to go to the shop to collect. it you very much it is going to put on my coat and filled the boots got into covered myself with a couple of blankets and was ready to die when suddenly i heard somebody watching the corridor it was lena i know you covered yourself with the small landed here and when they go away to the cures that is where we are born holding on to a chance as it was. only a few weeks later when they found a job but the. ticket i. most of
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leningrad industrial plants turned out weapons even during the siege. of. this since they yell in the past this is where i stood guard with the rifle we patronize the so no one could pass through as they did. when she started the young man a full blood on the legs but she stands in one of the factory shops where she used to but she says production was never halted journey begins of struggle the plan turned out tanks shells and mines at a rate of three million items a month people that work for sixteen to twenty hours a day despite the cold and hunger. say shit slipped in fact too and shout close to the war will it if it was like living in barracks lit up never
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went home because of the children from borden it is just that many were guus lived at the factory was doing it. that would. occasionally some of the seed city's inhabitants mustered enough strength to go to the theatre after their excruciating what day. and. the musical comedy fear take up performances going to they always played to a full house until a shell hit the building. but it didn't bring the cut down completely they just moved buildings and carried on. all over. all over. all over.
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the theater oldest actress is one hundred years old this year. they say used to be a beautiful girl it's a series of these photographs speak naturally you should have seen how beautiful i was. when the phantom was bombed she moved to the front line to a pedophile soviet troops giving more than performances during the. voice was so powerful that sometimes the soldiers even asked her to sing more quietly in case the enemy. get the records it was somebody who visited this theater to ask me to come to a small it was a hospital that anyone did and sick people there would mind you says no applause for you why not i said when you know how. it was a truly festive occasion in the spring of nine hundred forty two when elektra city was restored and trams one small ram the streets.
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that. share a friendship dating back to the blockade came the end of the tragedy by writing and . this is all true the blockade did. the tram is a symbol of the siege stirring up many memorable stories. at one time i was on board a train when the shelling started i jumped out and fell to the ground. a shell hit the tram. into pieces i was incredibly lucky i just made it out of the tram. trams on the street signal to people living under siege. we said to each
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other the trim is running again. this must mean we are still alive despite the blockade. we will live it will survive all of us but confident of victory but another winter came along. and. by the end of nine hundred forty two the germans realized they were unlikely to capture leningrad and stepped up their artillery assault on the besieged city. in january the soviet army broke through a small section of the uncertainty the corridors in egypt used for sending supplies to the same city by rail. operation january from the storm got underway the soviet army pushed the enemy back a hundred kilometers from leningrad. say oh.


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