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tv   [untitled]    September 12, 2010 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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system and our hospital perhaps the police or the court didn't know the conditions here before they sent him whether the courts the police or the doctors who assessed him are to blame for the eva state that's it has received strong support from his new friends. we were amused i wouldn't tell you where he was even if i knew anything i'm not going to help look for him as his high profile will make it hard for datsik to hide for long for the time being he continues to elude the authorities so affairs r.t. st petersburg. tice now staging fauci will be back with a recap of the key stories in just a moment. nature
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and discover it's easy. communicate with the wild. test yourself and become. see what nature can give you not see the.
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welcome back to our c every comp of the stories that shapes the week. that was
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russia's republican also say she says days so sun bowl which killed seventeen and injured over one hundred sixty local police are accused of negligence and failing to stop the bomb. as commemorations mount the ninth anniversary of the nine eleven terrorist a time never clenches to other plans for a mosque near ground zero and to phrasing of the koran and. also a miracle on the tiger pundits say they want a passenger plane in the forest after their communication on the game systems failed. from russia. brainstorming for a brighter future talk minus gather for the global policy forum and eunice lobby to discuss a formula for a better place to see. the for talks to former president obama and ask him about the global challenges facing developing countries and the future of our nation.
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the world policy for me covering. not only concerning on global security. and relations with foreign countries and many other aspects relevant to the international community to talk a little bit more about all of the issues brought up here in this russian city and also about specifically the relationship between russia and india are the chance to talk to the former president. thank you so much for being here with us it's a great pleasure talking to you now looking at your country now what do you think our what do you think of the steps that india is taking right now how do you judge india's position in the international community. the you know the. economic. gains. of the.
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blind faith. you can relieve. the. progress. in the. nation. for the peace world peace. talk a little bit more about india twenty twenty you of course wrote a book saying. very different nation a much stronger nation by that time tell me a little bit more about it. people.
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said back. we had to get to. it. but. definitely. also. the question of developments and of course that's one of the. hardest hit with poverty and has been quite a problem. to. talk to that is how.
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and the. mission. that. national. debt. happened. how. the. operation and the mission and. the. two men. come to the. peace and prosperity. at. peace. with the now.
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but. then. what about specifically.
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as a nation. that . prices prices. are. pushing.
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of course it's not only on the bilateral level it's also within the format of the bric brazil russia india and china what is your opinion of this union do you think that they have a strong position as emerging economies. india and china and i. did. that. you would get. natural resources. but. the. people are prosperous. that the. product of that. that will benefit
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the people of the region. you mention of course regional cooperation and. yours is a country that knows of course a lot unfortunately about regional instability just like russia there are problems . do you think that region has a chance to be peaceful in the near future. hundreds of years. to be. a nation. should. want to be. decease. to fight deck to. dig. it with. before becoming the president.
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what made you make the choice and turned to the complicated world of politics. and the teaching. of. the election and. i. thought i. can help. you to. get system. that. the people. of the politicians but also the people so what do you think
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your people remember you for. the people. i have to feel. happiness. happiness and the families of. the. you know. it's one of the hundred. people with students i asked a. few today he. had fewer mother. yet had. started to mock the fact that she. is happy. to have. been with the family.
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but that is. one of the main goals of the president's twenty twenty project but what other goals looking back do you think for the biggest ones of your times well i. but. you know i he wants me to get rushed to the people of the palace of the pacific and it's a beautiful place so. i. just you know you. get a feel. for accolades ok with fragments. and . a system plan. for the idea but i mean the decent living. and dad pushing can make to stop seven they'll support us.
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if subjugation has been to their hangal speech. where the first russian fleet was but if he goes to the area which holds top position in the. gas resources. where the biggest russian salmon caviar processing factories know cape. town where unique species of flora and fauna can be found welcome to the sun region. should close up. every month we give you the future we hope you understand. and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us for technology update on our.
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more news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are today. if. the ship would be soon which brightened if you knew about sound from finest impressions. whose phone starts on t. dot com. they faced it this is not a provocation but more of. a force it and we should use just
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everybody is sure to support retraced because they have no idea about the hardships to be faced. by one it is this is it all up to needs and for any army the life level you say to them is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. the true nineteen forty five got on t.v. dot com. a recount of the stories that shaped the week was republican. side goal which killed seventeen and injured over one hundred sixty local police are accused of negligence and failing to stop the boma. as commemorations maltin nine of us three
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of the nine eleven terrorist a time there are clashes two of the plans for. defacing of the cole on. a miracle on the time i got on that safely land a passenger plane in the forest of that communication and navigation systems failed to mosco from russia's foreign east. brainstorming for a bride to teach a top minds gathered for the global policy forum to discuss a film about the best of peace and democracy. all those stories at the top of the hour but first kate is here with the majors in the world of sport. hello and welcome to the sports news and here are the headlines to scour the rails of the moscow side fails to gain ground on leaders in it after losing one millet
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lock of our teeth in the capital darby. while back on track finance alonso catapults himself back into the formula one title race with a hard fought win in the italian grand prix. and still king of the ring. floor samuel peter to keep his heavyweight crown. but let's start off with football and in the russian premier league on sunday third place to moscow missed the chance to narrow the gap to leaders in edge after a one zero defeat at city rivals like my teeth the home side looked to have taken the lead after seventeen minutes to reach the situation noting in the follow up to go at first. but it was ruled out for offside however another header found the back of that its net just eight minutes later alex and i leave the last thing in a corner to mock as my time to school proved to be the leader of the game recently signed brazilian washing up his second goal in russia the game was marred by a brawl that saw two players sent off twenty minutes from time one zero was how it
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finished taste test a ten points off the top of the table the to tell me what's behind taste and still for a spot now to the sun to show to no defeat actually a set of them that georgevitch break the deadlock in the seventy second minute and create make sure their victory with four minutes to go a quick counter-attack and having a cover have provided across the finish after a final combination so to know is how it finished that history twice but not enough to have three of the vatican dropped. the massive pain from a goal down twenty three want to tear it crushing like yeah last thirty fifth minute i thought it was cookie monster that kevin quranic the german spike. having had an extended cross to mr foss time passes through us though just my feelings for the capital club yes it looked like the visitors had restored their late early in the second come off as the ball hit the post and soon may cross the line the referee thought otherwise then and spikes and they had off which to now i'm in the
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driver's seat is spectacular sleep instinct something gotta stop that you spin goes the boston shop completed the scoring crossing for what from him miss jones the little people. and in the last sunday typified kind of chucks pulled the winner off to fifty six minutes past the one minute. in the southern russian to. me was that it was in its continued their state to the to notice it just took him some of the six not taking the lead after just three minutes. to that activity headed in to say yes and it was to know just before half time according to the board by danny to send the cut off however the game would end on a sour note for the leaders rush at defensive midfield at a luncheon off were sent off for elbowing in the face isn't it though remain unbeaten in the six points clear to opt. out of the game have kept up the pressure
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on a design it fell to nanda greenberg thank you our house and water sports got in a trough that was his first and this was his second again a well taken strike. to have tanking the day then the fates were sealed off to eighty six minutes and they keep that conceded a penalty if not to this is the match and convert it because our side now travis and petersburg why this by just six points if i played against much. of the sport i suspect text to where i was not in aiden mcgeady help set up the resilience for sunday however. saturday responded fifteen minutes later a great build up in the box under the tree kerry trying to get out to the finish but sixty minutes from time vallet and george passed up with defenders to hit the wind out of spots like up to six satellites to see was else
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was any time it was stunning to see there was a side went ahead with the routine minutes aleksandr and the plane folks back to your game is an obvious and home crowd was all set to celebrate just their first win of the season the final match was after ninety minutes to find their man they had an equaliser for a lanyard and three minutes into injury time the visiting founds were in heaven substitute bubba collins to get into the overtime. was taking all three points severe enough hope once adrift at the foot of the table. meanwhile there's just one top flight game in england on sunday as livable drew nil nil at inform birmingham red skull cap a way to find first half saves as the home side went in search of their second win of the season however it's finished goalless so the point does move to having him up to fifth while the driest two places to thirteenth are just one point behind sunday's opponents and meanwhile it's champions chelsea who are leading the way in
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england their three one win over west ham on saturday gave them their fourth grader from four games and two point lead over arsenal thrashed bolton four one munched united remains third after throwing away a three one lead at the bottom everton who scored twice in injury time to claim a precious point you also wins for fallen and promote it got pulled forward for. formula one now and mark webber is back at the top of the driver's standings after finishing sixth at the italian grand prix which was won by twice former champion fernando alonso the spaniard started from pole but was overtaken by reigning champion jenson button on the first corner however this shaky start is nothing compared with your. to respond well to britain was three points to the top of the standings before the race went out on the first lap winding explorers stuck in the car and driver was unable to steer properly after the incident and retired his most contented finished third meanwhile a tight battle for first place continues along as they managed to pull himself back
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into the lead after the pit stops held on the edge but by two four and seconds for his third win of the season alongside also need to set place in the championship i don't want to do that. bastard feeling hopeless here but a tough race with very strong opposition to the area with from us to go from london some. would try to put both riders in the first two positions. after the study was it was difficult with. good pace but there you know if you move from first to do the. front just be stopped thanks to him we were sleeping here. staying with major sports and sebastiano she has won the rally of japan to reopen the fight for the title in the world rally championship it was a victory number two this season for the frenchman and also in his career sixty
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five forms on the chemical problem suffered by his rivals to solberg to mco haven't had to settle for second six places respected rank six time defending champion sebastian ended up fist his first finish outside the motives and on the season could change his seventh straight title with three events to go victory means he's still in contention at forty three points adrift however when any of the three remaining rallies retains his crown. amazing i'm really really happy because that in arriving here i said ok it's going to be a different good ready for me i don't like this kind of stage is very rough and it's my first time but mentally we find. good. reason now we're sorry for every i stuck in amsterdam by moscow have failed to take an early joint lead in the kontinental hockey league after sliding to their second straight defeat this time at the hands after mobilise it was a back and forth a. five four win less than a minute into overtime under
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a shade blanco the hero for them but also finished in overtime and the only other game of the day that he gave were not skiing in there were not enough that he makes two one defeat of the chance. tennis now and vera zvonareva says she's disappointed with her performance in the final of the us open after the russian lost in straight sets to defending champion kim clijsters on the rival had beaten the belgian in their two previous meetings but after it's quite is a pretty cheap low. is in complete control of the final she wrapped up a six two six one victory within the hour the so if you ask you can try to get her through. i continue getting into the match with which the things were that i didn't do well in those two matches i lost to an obviously the one that woman was to me like i said before one of the most disappointing loss of dealt with so far in my career so in a way you know i was excited to play in the final here just to try and get that revenge i always believed in myself you know it's you know of course i'm
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disappointed in the moment i disappointed because i believe that i wasn't able to play my best and they are. trying to move forward i'm trying to think about. trying to think about what i have to do to you know to play better and hopefully hopefully i will have another chance i hope i will go far in another grand slam and . i will be more experienced. finally to boxing and while it wasn't one of the classic fights go still managed to successfully defend his i.b.s. and heavyweight titles after stopping samuel peter in the tenth round the referee halted the badgers after the. june this floored by kiszko and i one sided affair but next on the bill for the ukrainian to keep witness david haye because w.b. a world heavyweight champion and kitsch goes by still no time talking up the potential fight as he can about what it all to emphasize coming coming up to be. on
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. the make. this claim a good long. as it's one of the to be told from. the moment well. it's a legal process. and that's all the sport of baseball isn't by. going to be soon which brightened if you only poundstone from funds to impression its. stance on the team don't come.


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