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tv   [untitled]    September 13, 2010 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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i was just an empty shell. with a uniform and a gun. very strong very courageous. but empty. i don't know if he's human being of sane mind gets used to killing. me sure i never got used to killing. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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the u.s. is plastered with ads promoting the two fighting machines americans say they become immune to the campaign for defense spending to close to a good in their taxes. stopping the aging process
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a russian doctor claims to have found the answer to wrinkle free face and ten units . fighting for acceptance sexual minorities in georgia say their own welcome in their own home that slamming the government in the church for costing them a song like. relatively dull week for the markets investors expect this one to be action packed more in business in twenty minutes. oh it's ten am in the russian capital this is costing twenty four hours a day see land and even billboards the u.s. military's screaming for world dominance from all directions insatiable all machine
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is fueled by of a six hundred billion dollars of taxpayers' money yeah he's got it. no where else in the world are multimillion dollar war machines marketed like soft drinks and cell phones while come to washington d.c. metro. ads for military helicopters alongside those for a gambling spawned you would think somebody would notice so other such normal factor life i just i knew before you mention it i just stopping attention to the drones combat ships fighter jets bragging about defining the future and nobody seems to care except for a very few of these ads are targeted at a handful of people who decide on moving to billion dollar contracts but what do regular commuters have to do with this they're going to run and buy a fighter jet. this does have
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a certain effect on them let's find out. it makes me think that we are country strong for needed then we need to get taxes are going somewhere. and a big chunk of it. around a third of american taxpayers' money goes to the military and to contractors who gear up the military they promise dominance and brag about efficiency in killing this ship contributes to a complete maritime down a strategy not of the military suppliers who advertise on the metro we contacted were willing to talk none would answer the simple question of why bother buying ads for commuters to see when it's the government agencies which spend the big bucks maybe you want to have people see that and think that's annoying anti-war activists say the money spent on this kind of p.r. doesn't go waste it reinforces this war profiteers decision to sit in a positive light when it actually ality it something that is to strike the american
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economy for capitol hill observers the expensive ads are a signal to future decision makers in congress we pay a lot of money for the said we think our programs important we know you're watching us understand also that we're watching you and if you help us out we'll help you well that help comes in the form of contributions and jobs but for most those signals passed under the radar. nobody deeply questions the ads and as we can see with washington commuters it doesn't take long before what's advertised becomes normal get a check on r.t.e. washington d.c. . well it probably ties ation of war as a worrying trend says the former south african president thabo mbeki and he tells r.t. later the main threat is that it falls outside international rules. you've got this very worrying process of the of the privatization of war you see these large
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numbers of private military record drug doesn't get enough understanding. who fall outside. of the norm international law governing the conduct of. war you can't allow a situation where you've got these large numbers of people. free. some kind of private enterprise if. they wish to kind of mess and that would force . the possibility of the modern state to govern now which should. stay with us for the full interview with the former south african leader later this hour. now then as we get older our bodies begin to tire out but a russian scientist believes he's got the onset of keep us in peak condition in our retirement professor. says he's found an antioxidant that stops the gradual
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deterioration of people's health due to the aging process. it looks complicated and it is it's almost a life's work for lead. to more years of testing and the doctor thinks he will have finally cracked they need more of aging let's get the science over with now apparently it's all about how oxygen reacts in your body from the very most one thousand nine percent of the time it turns into harmless water but there's that one percent that turns into super oxide the later turns into very poisonous elements so the task was to find an antioxidant that stops that process. and hence according to the professor stops anyone from getting old he's been working to protect his treatment for more than forty years the hard thing has been to try and stop any possible side effects and colleagues from around the world think that this is isn't just something that's very realistic because it's been showing oxidative damage is
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huge and we don't have accidents of the type that school and have developed and he as you know. coined the term bio. you can see it's clearly were on spece bio chemistry and that you have it. the compound has already undergone animal testing and the results appear promising that these two rats are siblings the one in the left has been given the drug and is now much more lively than the other one that is dying and finally we hope that we will manage to convince people that. look this single you know. so many traits traits of aging so must be doing something itself then if the regulatory authorities will accept this logic then. maybe we could somehow market this. drug at
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a success with the eye drops on animals they invented sure i did and he's on cataract six months later he's positioned to him he's cataract was gone thousands are going to take by. in the clinical trials which have just started but it will be a few years before professor squatch of discovery is sitting in pharmacy like this some have already been dubbed the drug a panacea and if it lives up to its promise the treatment could have an effect on the disease of aging and bring it with the prospect of a longer and better quality of life about a lot of r.t. . and still to come later in the program reclaiming land singapore is expanding its territory some say the tiny island is doing it illegally. and what to do that it's coming up shortly. discover its.
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nature can give you. clues. it is. almost to search. for shadows of people's everyday. lives. so people could use the. word every.
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sexual minorities enjoy say they're still suffering deep seated persecution from the government and also docs church which is keeping prejudiced among their fellow georgians. plains a mix of old fashioned thinking and political manipulation is leaving them out in the cold. i. need to spend five years working in georgia's police force and got fired for being a woman. nigger is transgender and says he is not accepted for wanting to live in a man's body he claims gays lesbians and transsexuals are considered perverts by most georgians should the. they say we should sit in our homes and not show up on the street what am i not a human being or they say get the hell out of georgia is this not my country. the georgian orthodox church is one of the strongest opponents of gays and lesbians in the country. opposition should be stored but we must also remember that their sick
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people in society the government and the people must do everything they can to help them heal but nneka who is an orthodox christian himself disagrees. with. if this is an illness where is the cure i feel fine nothing hurts except for my soul because i'm being mistreated which. knickers cars aren't just emotional when he was younger self mutilation seemed the only way of dealing with the everyday stress of not being accepted by anyone except his own daughter and. she hugged me and said she knows everything and loves me the way i am. when you can he support he turns to this man disability really is the founder and president of the inclusive foundation one of georgia's very few organizations for lesbians gays and transgender people he believes sexual minorities are being abused by society
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and used by authorities. so this topic exploited this talk to. the public and turn the criticism for existence. georgian authorities insist the country's embracing western values the reality part of says is quite different. very positive way. that there is not much. power to says even those who dare to show support for the community are also under fire. this is the display it's in the georgian capital to streets lined with bars and clubs there are literally on every single corner here but not a single one of them caters to gays and lesbians in this country it would be too dangerous not only for them but for the bars owners as well and where they sit. are
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to. the full extent of the tragedy caused by a major terrorist attack in russia's republic of north assert here is now becoming apparent. seventeen people are reported dead almost two hundred seeking medical help a suicide car bomber set off explosives in the capital of. the morning. without part its deadliest attack in decades have been registered ceased for almost yeah. thursday's terror attack in. the city has been followed by two large scale anti terror operations in the neighboring republic. to security. officers died in a village gunfight along with a local official who was shot dead while trying to get the suspects to give themselves up the building where they were hiding and stormed by troops three militants were also aeration and in douglas downs capital one hundred ten gunmen
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were surrounded by security forces in the hideout they refused to surrender or a police killed in a shoot out which. the outcome of turkey's referendum on the amendments to the country's constitution has one support from germany and the u.s. sixty percent of voters back the package of changes aimed at helping the country's bid to enter the e.u. critics say the proposed alterations will undermine the judicial system and run them out of government to its prime minister a separate one has described the results as a victory for the country's democracy. china's media says the crew members of a chinese fishing boat held by japan have been released the men were seized in disputed waters or east china sea off the collided with two japanese patrol boats instance a diplomatic route between the two countries causing top chinese officials to
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appeal to japan for the crew's release it's not yet known whether the captain of the fishing boat who was arrested for in the collision has also been a free. three palestinians have been killed by israeli tank fire in the gaza strip israeli officials claim the attack was in response to terrorist activity this is say a ninety one year old man then his grandson are among the dead deaths come in it's renewed efforts to reinstate failed talks in the tribal territory on sundays where the prime minister binyamin netanyahu reach a compromise over the controversial building of jewish settlements in the west bank . electoral campaign. being in guinea for its first democratic vote has been suspended because of ongoing violence supporters of the former prime minister clashed with supporters of the opposition leader over the weekend leaving at least one dead and dozens injured the presidential election is the first in the smallest african state since it gained independence from france
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more than fifty years ago. and north korea's ruling party has apparently did they made its biggest meeting in three decades due to concerns over their leader's health but south korean t.v. reports that kim jong il's condition is not serious enough to cancel the conference it's believed the rare workers' party gathering will speed up plans to name kim's son a successor to the frail leader who sort of suffered a stroke two years ago. here with r.t. we're live twenty four seven and there are also more stories features and blogs are websites just going over the dot com with us plenty more to discover just have a look at a few yards waiting for you there right now. running around the story as russia's most renowned jester demonstrates the deep feelings behind the make up and the red letters. and if you think hollywood movies have tones of orders to
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them about russian mobsters you just might have a few surprises in store for you just had to walk to come and take russian equates . to. singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline illegally dredged saddened from neighboring states in the last fifty years the small nation has increased its territory by more than twenty percent but as artie's maria financial reports it seems that only singapore is benefiting from the shifting sands. seem to be who has one of the world's most prosperous and fastest growing economies the tiny island one of the smallest twenty nations in the world is growing fast to. the key global shipping harb its vast port complexes happen expanding relentlessly in
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the sea by land reclamation. we have been taking sail from our heels and then. when there are no more hills then we have been dragging the sail from from the sea a bit. more thought it is being imported from neighboring country. singer who is today the world's biggest importer of sand literally the foundation of the tiny state extraordinary konami growth singapore has been importing sand for years and its territory has increased by over twenty percent in the last hop a century but with other countries in the region such as malaysia indonesia vietnam and can border mending sand experts require mean more land has become a difficult task for this tiny island city state well at least legally there are some accusations sent smuggling is making up the shortfall. critics say it's a dirty business with illegal imports of sand coming from poorer neighboring
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countries every pooled by an independent american watchdog strongly rejected by the government of singapore says the treat causes huge environmental damage and can be huge in corruption one causing misery to ordinary people the sound trade in cambodia has been extremely damaging and has the potential to have huge environmental consequences it's also an incredibly corrupt trade two senior senators that we know to be linked with a number of dodgy law they all have been involved in force of actions of a series of complex allegations made about them in control of this trade and none of the money is actually reaching government accounts single poor is world renowned for economic success but critics say the state needs to use its respected repudiation to do more in the relation to the murky world of send importing. singapore portrays itself as a regional leader in sustainability and environmental protection and they need to really put their money where their mouth is and make sure their imports doesn't
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fuel environmental degradation human rights violations not only in cambodia but in all of the countries in the region the government of singapore however has truly rebutted this report denying it can do since smugly truck should reach the source countries laws the environmental protection the states has that sense of pliers a private firm spine from other countries who are responsible for policing their own environmental laws. want to see. on the way a special report from the global policy for when the russian city of the us level people of ellen is cross-talk guests discuss how to manage the rise of the world's new power players. how we manage the emergence of the new bric countries with china in particular and the u.s. chinese relationship evolves really be critical of terms of long term international stability here well that's all very true but i think i agree there is a g. two and it's a very important but it's quite limited range of subjects and the g twenty
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is useless more representative not every active decision making. international financial reform which is really a long way would not have happened without the g twenty i agree with i'm not sure i mean i think they started in london and then continued in pittsburgh and went to toronto the g twenty is a very good façade it's very good it gives people the feeling that they're involved but they're not real stakeholders of this because they haven't got the economic clout. you can watch the debate in full hair and r.t. in an hour's time. with all the latest business news. hello and a very warm welcome to the program russia's largest private commercial bank is
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reporting record three hundred million dollar profits for the first half of the year it has been outstrips the annual profits which alpha banks ever made during its twenty years of business the search comes after its trail. banks fresh very broad to a hefty one hundred eighty eight million dollars but loans fell by half to twelve percent allowing the bank to decrease its reserves. the budget deficit this year may be at least twenty eight billion dollars lower than forecast it's currently stands at two point three percent for the first eight months of the year if the trend does change significantly will help save money from the government's reserve fund and this is a link in the new positive outlook on the budget having been based on crisis level expectations but the situation's been improving since the worst of the decline and . tighter regulation may be coming for russia's pawnbrokers because the
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central bank believes many could be being used for money laundering the r.b.c. business newspaper says the amount of money paid out five point is comparable to that given by banks as loans but lenders say they're having to resort to pony pawnshops because banks loan criteria have become much tighter since the crisis at the same time finance experts say a large sector of porn broken industry are fake and a cover for money laundering at the moment they face that few financial controls and there are virtually no barriers to anyone opening a pawn shop in russia. a jump in food prices in russia is triggering inflation while this summer's drought is sparking fears about food shortages the government's promising to watch food prices closely and to cut them if necessary but large retailers say they have been they have a better way to tie down inflation as the truck found out. in august alone
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prices and dairy products grew by about two percent sugar rose three percent and bread five produces stand accused of holding back supplies in the hope of bigger profits but retailers claim they can help push prices back down there was a large retail chains can be a serious break for inflation because they are a real price indicator of our chain had a one percent inflation this august compared with the last year and there was a time when the prices on certain goods went up the way we are fighting against price increases is that we're searching for goods which are in the most demanded a cheaper price and buy them from suppliers from different regions of the c.e.o. of x five retail says if there were most of the market chains in the country inflation would be lower big retailers control only thirty percent of the grocery market and other retailers are shot and decided to fight inflation at the expense of its own profits it cut its margin on products that were rising in price and says
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the move paid dividends results are good i like we said before during the crises we experience an increasing or accustomed call for more customer. unfortunately their way are buying less goods at the beach visit. with. no information and setting prices. we also see that experiencing this trend. the last few weeks trenton's to improve market players understand the government's eagerness to intervene but states should respect market rules the best way to moderate prices they say is to lower customs duties and these tariffs some goods that are in short supply the political over business r.t. . a look at how the markets are faring the sound let's start with asia where the markets are up commodities are climbing at the yen is weak ass higher than it is to make its industrial output in china boosted optimistically close but it can.
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recovery. and in russia the r.t.s. has a range of one hundred percent of the funds to admit it so monday's trade reaching fifteen hundred points just one month high for the index my it's because you see on the screen of yesterday's closing the trading starts in several minutes. after a relatively da week for the markets investors are expecting this one to be action packed sales director of its own that is the hot says that's because their investment bargains to be had in brushing. the market is probably going to hold up in the next this coming week or maybe the next week we we do see substantial interest on the russian doesn't look cheap price to earnings ratio so other valuation of the russian market substantial lugging not only developed countries but also developing markets so the patient is. on the clients there is still sort of a little bit of apathy in the way last week we've seen
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a number of holidays in european countries so people have been quite an active because of several holidays taken place last week this coming week probably all the major players are going to go back and we will see the volumes speaking of russia is to reintroduce the construction of toll blocks for cheap housing it's all the effort to double house building in russia by twenty twenty the regional development ministry says it will reduce building costs and russia as we just will have to put potential schemes to tend it's hope that part of the process will be over by the end of it here. the international monetary fund is warning the global economy is likely to slow dahlan in the coming months and let's have concerns over some national economies as well as the united states property market the i.m.f. recommends that emerging economies should focus on stimulating internal demand conversely it suggests that advanced economies increase their exports sent to cut.


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