tv [untitled] September 16, 2010 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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i am all for shifts in liberia the company has one mission from liberia's governments to develop the field which contains or only one billion tons of it will produce from twenty seventeen about twenty million tons of magnetite or three here and russia's economic development ministry says it could introduce a ten percent export to chew on and within the next two months. russian pipeline operate a trans nafta and investment group capital by the black sea port of now but i see the companies already control the baltic sea port of poti more so than the two ports could create the largest stevedoring company in brush up the deal is estimated at around one point eight billion dollars the two companies will hold a fifty point one percent off the never cease come on the parity basis. ok that's all from the business team gets more stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business.
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every month we give you the future best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for knowledge based on our jeep. with our. data generated from an electrical grid. institute and you can do to do it in california turn shoulders of energy sources for simplicity and. let's go to support of.
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your with artsy live from moscow our top stories the u.s. senate panel gives the go head to the start treaty with wash up the nuclear arms reduction deal will not face the full opera house before it can be ratified. a suspected top chechen terrorists has reportedly arrived in poland where authorities have threatened to arrest him moscow wants to extradite ahmed is a cry of stand trial in russia but for the last two years he has had political asylum in the u.k. . russian and canadian foreign ministers meet in moscow to hammer out an agreement over a slice of the arctic to gone trees have competing claims for the region potholed massive mineral reserves. those are our top stories of the day they're up next are two talks to harvard professor and russian expert timothy colton about historical dilemmas facing the country resetting relations with the u.s.
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and the power sharing challenges the kremlin is experiencing. tim of the colton professor and chairman of the department of government at harvard university and an expert on russia says our questions today thank you very much for joining us mr colton you're a regular participant of the discussions club this serious topic is russia's history and future development why do you think russia is so interested in history today twenty a town more than it was say ten years ago i think it reflects a trend which is not just russian but a think this whole part of the world. history has come back so to say you know after the collapse of the old system of the soviet system there was of course much ferment about history at that time understandably but then as the post the
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transition period developed it seemed more practical concerns about economic hard times and social issues and russia china and all sorts of burning questions and history was kind of moved to the back burner there were other things that seemed more pressing. but it didn't stay that way to history kind of came back and partly it's the effect of. your neighbors in the neighborhood the tremendous full of countries that also have historical dilemma dilemma's many of which are about their relationship with russia and so even if russians wanted to leave history alone. your ukrainian polish and the stone in another neighbors don't want that and so they press you in a sense on the historical questions you mention three countries russia poland and ukraine which of the three do you think have problems with self or didn't if it takes i'm not sure it's sort of the problem of the suffolk beneficient if you think of it that were done at the ukrainians for sure because it's not not as homogeneous
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this point or stony as so in ukraine. maybe a little bit like rush or. history is very divisive whereas in poland this would be perhaps less the case but just to go back to what i said a moment ago it's not just about these external pressures on you i think russians themselves and not everybody by any means but more than ten years ago let's say find themselves drifting back to history your bookstores now have more history books than ever before and specifically twentieth century history this was where communism started. and communism had its good points but it also obviously had its many very bad points and it is in analyzing them you're looking at yourselves so it's not to the poles can say that the russians did this to us but you can't say that it forces you to look carefully and sometimes very painfully at the losses of the soviet period so
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a lot of it's just about that i think communism is has rather unexpectedly returned to the agenda and you see europe your leaders talking about putin with his prime minister putin with his interventions on cotton. and relation with poland of course majed of maybe has been less active but he's made one very dramatic statements in october two thousand and eight and it seems as if he takes this very seriously how would you assess the effectiveness of russia's current ruling tandem with the president dmitry medvedev and prime minister vladimir putin sharing power well power sharing is not unique phenomenon to russia found in many other countries. and presidential constitutions that also have a prime minister as a separate senior leader are found now in many parts of the world fifty or sixty countries. but what's unusual here i think is that it's the former president the
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dominant. leader for. years who became the junior partner so to say under the constitution that's very unusual maybe almost unique so imagine a president former president of france becoming prime minister later this is almost unheard of so that's what makes this all a bit of a mystery and they don't really tell us much about how it really works mr putin. in fact i think is tired of answering questions about this but i think they've said what they're going to say they say it works well that they have a trust for a relationship but they're in regular contact one has his job the other one has another job and up to a point i believe that i mean i think you know they it's lasted. almost three years and. clearly they have managed to cooperate on many many issues president medvedev
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has now carrying out a well publicized drive for him with their new zation and diversification of russia's economy what was else have you seen so far i've seen very few and most of my russian friends say they've seen very few as well. and you know his call for modernization was not just about the economy but it's even broader so it's a very grand idea it's not a new idea because most of russia's leaders including yeltsin and putin before him also thought they had a program for modernization although they didn't necessarily use the word as much as he does but some sources of russia's. economic problems i think live very deep in the including corruption within soprani rights well i think it requires a more fundamental reform of the legal system of the institutions it requires greater openness it requires a more competitive political system you have it seems to me in many ways a very dynamic and admirable society and a great culture but you have
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a very backward state and you have to fix this. dade and how do you think russia did in hundley the financial crisis you know i think i would give them a pretty good grade of foreign russian terms you see here the effects of some rather smart things that the putin people did saving this money putting it away in a. fund that could be used to get over hard times so i think you have to give them pretty good marks for managing the crisis but what the crisis has done it seems to me is revealed at a deeper level the underlying structural problems that were not necessarily the result of the crisis it just showed you know in a way how bad things are in the auto industry for example now you have. industries that are more dependent on government support than ever mr putin the other day mentioned tariffs for the auto industry and that's that's sort of a twentieth century solution. and did might provide some protection but the future
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for all of us is i think more open economies where you can compete apart from the corner which meets diversification obviously of what other big challenges will the russian government be facing over the next few years well it depends what you mean by challenges i mean this particular group has been in power for a decade and they are quite smart reasonable people and clearly a very high objective for them is just to remain in control and i think that for them that probably is the biggest challenge and they have proven to be very smart at doing that but i think the long term consequences for the country of a you know a governing structure which has a monopoly and then surrounded by really political relics of the one nine hundred ninety s. communist party of journalistic and so forth these are not contemporary they don't give the ruling group competition it needs competition to innovate to thrive and to move forward and it's not getting that and what about security
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threats like islamic radicalism ok i'm glad you raised that other that's a serious matter of course and. the north caucasus problem generally has clearly become. more inflamed in the last several years it's no longer just a trial but rather a whole region and your government is used to variety of approaches and sometimes they're great people one another. there is a security response of course armed forces some of which is absolutely necessary and i would support if i were russian there's an economic development program. but it seems to lack energy and coordination this year a bloody revolution unseated the ruling regime in kyrgyzstan and interim government is now in place with parliamentary elections do you toba this yet what are the most important points the current administration should remember as a tries to build a democratic future for the country maybe even deeper i mean what the kirghiz leaders now talk about is whether it can survive as a society let alone as
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a democracy which seems quite out of the question right now how many times can you do it the wrong way and this is the second time in five years that the overthrow of a government but a lot of the pain about whether russia should have intervened in the events in kyrgyzstan what's your take on that i actually was surprised at the time i thought that they would have your government would would have said yes but it didn't there may be things that went on surrounding kurdistan that are secret for example there i think were a lot of communications between russia and the united states on this issue there was a proposal apparently that the two of them send peacekeepers together. but this was rejected because it would be seen as too provocative the united states and russia in a sit in the situation where you have a lot of radical islam in play but i don't think this is. the gave us once and for all i think russia will be drawn into kyrgyzstan into central asia more
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generally kurdistan i soon will join the customs union as it seems to want to do. i . i think russia's presence in kyrgyzstan and president is probably going to increase in the rest of central asia are probably going to decrease we've seen a real you know rather small between russia and the united states of america recent date but one of the problems the two countries haven't. well we've seen progress definitely and last year when i'm not involved the new obama administration had announced this reset policy but it was still very early stages and there had been really no successes at all today we you know it looks quite different both sides of learned to i think look at the point of view of the other side and the policy has moderated we have an arms control agreement all but so many things that i had i mean there's a question of whether the united states will even ratify the agreement because we're going to have a congressional election in november where the opposition may gain control over the
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congress so that and that's only the beginning i mean the agenda is very wide and very deep and there's been limited progress which is good but it's it's only the beginning we're talking here about it would take ten years to work through these things in terms of what is next i think russian admission to the w t o i mean i think that would be finally a promise that was delivered on that we know is important to russia that will have good consequences for russia like it did for trying to help modernize your economy that i think there's reason to be optimistic that finally this is going to happen and that would open up a whole other front then for interaction which i think would be very good mr colton thanks very much for your insight.
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as being to during the speech. for the first russian fleet was full. marty goes to the area which holds top position in oil and gas resources. where the biggest russian salmon can be our processing factories located. where unique species of foreign fauna can be found. under the sun clean region. should close up on our teeth. are not. going to come back. the latter rally will sell lots of their low rung on the roof they will wear
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uniforms that little damage is in the black and them know that but very little damming the white. and they are the key to our problem are already. today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world. china corporations are rooted a. cool. the u.s. senate panel gives the go ahead to the start treaty with russia the nuclear arms reduction deal will now face the full opera house before it can be ratified. by
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suspected top chechen terrorists has reportedly arrived in poland where a foreign you jumped right into a runs ten months ago wants to extradite on meds and hired to stand trial in russia but for the last seven years he has had political asylum in the u.k. . russian and canadian foreign ministers meet in moscow to come around in agreement over the winds of the arctic the two countries have competing claims for the region to hold massive mineral reserves. i'll have more details on all those stories at the top of the hour up next all the sport highlights stay with us. the evening let's have a look at some of the stories we're covering this. one from. the europa league
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season under way with a tight away from home against the. giants rays that's the message for sun and following their inspection of potential sites for a potential world cup in twenty twenty two. dominance to find we took a closer look at the only team to resolve off the continental hockey league cup. it's all started off swimmingly first in the europa league the army man on point after their opening game with finished up just moments ago. we turn from a little. this summer scoring after twenty two minutes for one mill in switzerland the fender which then got numbered. through the second period before love grabbed his grace ten minutes from the end i goodwin first because it was a tough game considering the previously.
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moscow. top group bath alongside. selves soft in the czech capital. also an action tonight in just a few moments time or riches the only other you have a cup winners in petersburg the. charges up against under lacked the premier league leaders aiming to curry their stellar domestic form over to belgium the spike feeling to impress in champions league qualifying is a need to be in an eighteen domestic game so far this season. ok in other football news russia's bid to land a world cup either in twenty eighteen or four years after that has been given somewhat of a boost after a fee for evaluation team question qatar's readiness to host a showpiece offense today the chief inspector said qatar currently doesn't have enough hotels on transport links to meet the influx of fans chile football federation president gerald mayne nicholls was speaking after the six strong team
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concluded their tour of the smallest nation in the running less than one point seven million people live in the gulf nation but is only bidding for the twenty twenty two tournaments while the likes of russia england and the united states submitted bids for both world cups in question fifo will announce its decision on december second in zurich for world cup twenty. they're helping to concert the hockey league season is today to an end both years one team has reigned supreme akbar's the last team standing when the rinks have emptied so what better place for robert for the him to start our weekly featurette on k h l squads in case one. hundred three it's even harder to fold on to the summit. the undisputed host of
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the kontinental hockey league with a third get under way because inside is still the only club the league's top trophy the degree of. this isn't the snow leopards received yet another boost to their roster after signing one of the league's top scorers marcel hossa you know your party for anyone rich something else will. feel this team has a. good experience where you know they wanted to championship so. that's why i came here of course i want to win something in my pocket. when is legal. it's going to be tough tough for all to get for the capitol but i think this thing didn't change washington very much saying to all three years of. course. what else you can do for just remembering thank you all for all the strong lineup is not
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often enough to secure a long term success. as brightest stars in russian international scene moros of indonesia the repeal of don't just appear out of the blue they need to be home. r t you went on a mission to the republic of their stan to find out their whole kitty was best kept secret the secret of continuous success first and foremost traditions followed by years of building and nurturing necessary infrastructure combined with investing into the future that's want to give the kids. the edge because of poor kids go through the local authorities deep their best to secure the most favorable environment for our club and the development of the sport in general new venues have been built a lot of kids are getting involved into sport so i hope we will soon get a lot of new homegrown talent for russian hockey and i could bars and besides hockey worries in a new healthy generation and that is a great example to follow these balls he has already proved to be very efficient
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the sixth largest city of russia in two thousand and nine cars and was officially recognised as a sports capital by president medvedev the local side or been in claim to back to bed titles in the russian football premier league although i see how he is still considered a number one sport into their stand yet richard got the better result back doors achieve the more people here will fall in love with the game as soon as the team want to cage shell championships many parents took their kids to ice hockey schools . got them go to loads of ice palaces are being built in nearly every town all over tata style hockey figure skating every sport that deals with the ice is extremely popular here that's great. however the two time gay chilled champions are miles away from resting on their laurels is there is hardly a team in the league that will give their all to be the champs so the knives coming out of my load we are two time good garden cup winners so every team will have some
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special motivation against us we realize it and we will like to face an ambitious opponent this is what makes us get tougher as well it's. group unity for us to prove. looks like is doomed to be an extremely hard to snatch the glowing club from the snow leopards in the og bourse that's what they call this beautiful animal here and they're stunned and maybe it's magic power helps the cousin side to dominate the kontinental hockey league for the last few years but now it's time for us to leave formula gorski to find out more about in the other giant of the russian hockey. more than r t some for russia. ok let's head off the beaten track now russia's biggest motor sport event the silk where rally looks to have its champion for this year two runs early carlos sands may not of one stage six but crucially didn't really mess it up either this is the man who crossed the finish
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line ahead of the field at sorry speedster nasser. it wasn't just a when he was after though the books were i can drive a full fifteen minutes off overall leader stands at the start of the day and with just three runs to go he needed to be blistering although he came home in first it was sam's who drove a textbook race door here finishing third overall establishing a lead of almost thirteen minutes of advantage which barring a crash in the final two stages should try on the spaniard champion for twenty. tennis the newly crowned u.s. open champion rafael nadal was all smiles on his triumphant return home to new york at today there were one greeted by his legion of spanish fans on the media of course the donald became the youngest player ever to come pleats a set of slam titles on monday the twenty four year old classing novak djokovic in a rain delayed final to clinch his nine major title on the new york courts. by one
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of the greatest cricketers of his generation has announced his retirement from the sport flintoff leaving the game after a plethora of injuries being a show runner he's only thirty two. on the statement he's quote disappointed at having to give up cricket being dogged by knee problems in recent years but that didn't stop him helping him to ashes success in two thousand and five and again last year the chennai super kings pier sure to be a huge miss on the crease for club and country. and finally it's a dream come true for many a schoolboy footballer on the deed their dogs the man widely regarded as the greatest player in the world lionel messi touching down a first surprise visit to a youth training session in london it started like any other day at the marxist but then came the shocker that barcelona and argentina striker descending upon the pitch and a helicopter courtesy of his sponsors missy's him from two rival was in the world's best kept secret though football buffs journalists quick to crowd around the twenty
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three year old preventing him from taking part in a training game which was the original plan but everyone seemed more than happy just to get an autograph hundreds more gathered for a signing session later on. all the news is here with old news headlines coming up very shortly in the weather. for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers.
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