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tv   [untitled]    September 17, 2010 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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in india cheese available in the grand central shirt in mumbai the taj mahal. polish president. bay which resembles a beach resort. to go on taj mahal hotel charges some rent hotel. hotel close up the meridian to leave the g.o.p. hotels church in new delhi hotel. babyhood tones clearing collections among the plaza. maidens hotels pagosa louis reticent shift it was promised
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to taper cush promised. to be so much brighter if you move out song from feinstein christians. he's found stance on t.v. dot com. one of russia's most wanted men has been detained in poland russian prosecutors are now working with their polish colleagues to ensure that it's
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a five is extradited for trial to russia. allowed mark russia u.s. strategic arms treaty posses a key test as it's approved for a full senate vote despite stiff opposition from some republicans. going to war so in moscow an alleged mafia boss is in intensive care after an attempt on his life it happened right in the center of the city. global news twenty four seven this is on live from moscow well the russian capital is asking poland to extradite one of russia's most notorious terror suspects. who was detained by polish police upon arrival in the country he is wanted in russia in connection with atrocities in the north caucasus but currently has
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a political asylum in the u.k. cutting the us out of our joins us live with the latest developments well it's you know sorry it's so uncertain whether or not warsaw would take the step of detaining zaki of certainly originally we know he was there a few months ago in poland but now they've done it so tell us more about what has happened. well as you say rory it was uncertain whether the polish authorities what in fact addressed or detained osmond's up high if they have done so in the morning on friday the seventeenth of september as he was leaving his place of residence currently in detention and the russian side has already sent over a number of documents listing all the evidence that they have and the charges that are filed here in russia against that it's a riot and specifically outlining the details of why they believe the polish side should extradite him to russia and let the man stand trial of course the polish side has yet to make that decision both sides very carefully alluding to the fact that that decision will be
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a strictly legal one and adhering to all principles of international law practice and with politics being entering not entering the picture at all of course the question upset as fate now lies so late with the polish of four days according to some of the head formations listed during the course of the day a court may have to decide whether there is grounds. for further arrest although that's archived at the moment he's currently detained not arrested and this detention was made at accordance with an outstanding interpol warrant so of course the polish side now must decide whether there are grounds to arrest the man or in fact whether there will. be considering extradited to russia and not simply sending him back to the united kingdom where he has political asylum the boston prosecutors do hope that every single everything will go off well and the poor side will see their point of view of course making sure to underline the fact that should the zacharias be extradited he will be treated in accordance with international law
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practice. or as a police prosecutor general has said the police sides will act in accordance with international obligations it has taken upon itself mr sherman saturday quote our actions will not be based on political factors muddle. russia's prosecutor general yury cheika said it is evangelism extradition to russia his rise will be observed and he will stand a fat trial in court. to. force that trial this wall over due last believe by russian prosecutors they have listed the man as wanted nearly a decade ago in two thousand and one this is possibly the closest they've come to saying that trial took place. because you the soon to be a lot of parties involved is a coyote who's been enjoying political asylum in the u.k. now he's detained in poland russia wants him extradited what do you actual chances
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are he'll actually wind up being brought to moscow. so far or e bay so previous experience is the chances are not very good russia of course has been want to try them for nearly a decade pronouncing that they want to first nationally and then internationally in two thousand and one in two thousand and three england where he was granted political asylum given the status of a political refugee refused to extradite the u.k. magistrate for a few steps without him saying that he was a victim political battles and that he said he has maintained. or made a law abiding citizen on its territory therefore it's no grounds to. it's today and despite an existing agreement between moscow and london to exchange the suspected criminals in order that they stand trial in their respective countries however if this if heads up but is extradited from poland to russia he will face a very long and very strenuous trial because the charges against him are very
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serious ranging from murder and kidnapping to store should participating in terrorists and extremists to tiffany's he is believed by the russian prosecutors to be one of those behind the terrible moscow theater hostage situation in october two thousand and two the so-called the gulf the theater siege hundreds of people injured and killed in the operation. and of course many other terrorist activities including under-estimate asked her mind to keep on going on rice in the russian paula tal caucasus region including the republic of chechnya. was a calling if there is justice in law in the world's archives should be handed over to russia and he should be punished by law he's wanted for kidnappings and murders i'm sure that poland will make the right decision bearing in mind the relations between moscow and more still and those are guys will get what he deserves.
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russian prosecutors believe that the trial is exactly what that supply of deserves but going on really is experience the fact that they've been wanting without any success to try the man for nearly a decade it is too soon to say whether this trial will ever take place to turn us out of there with the latest thank you. was a visit to poland might be a provocation to sour relations between moscow and warsaw that's the opinion or valerie book a model from the russian state duma foreign affairs committee. pushing it back that was a little poland has been saying it will comply with international law and will detain a man wanted by interpol upon arrival and then we heard was heading to poland to turn himself into the prosecutor's office why he could go to the prosecutor's office in britain or any other country if he wanted to but he did it in poland so my theory is that it might be aimed at soaring the improving relations between
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moscow and warsaw but here now poland may appear reluctant to extradite documents or caiaphas but the new warmer relations between the two countries do offer moscow hope in this case and that's according to viktor linnik editor in chief of the russian newspaper slava given the fact that russia has treated poland there respectfully. with some polish ones i would say like the cartoon massacre of nineteen forty the russian treated very spectrally. the tragic crash of the presidential plane. last april and i think we have an improved climate in polish russian relationship and this gives this gives me hope that the matter will be precise pursued and proceeded legally and with respect to international for international law. you are with r t it's good of you to join
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us today still ahead for you this hour in the capital. an investigation is underway after only alleged a notorious criminal ward was shot in the center of moscow we take you to the scene of the incident. to bust we look at the poverty that america's recession battered industrial. a u.s. a senate panel has approved the nuclear arms reduction deal signed with russia in april the start treaty which now needs to be ratified by the full senate could see the country's reduce their stockpiles by a third but while the u.s. president is urging lawmakers to speed up the process in-house issues could hamper ratification as artie's garniture can reports. the start treaty got the green light from the senate foreign affairs committee and is heading for the senate floor this trainee will make america more secure it will assist us in moving towards the goal
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of less nuclear threat and for that reason we're probably actually took today it's been a bumpy ride this five months of hearings and the resolution that the senators passed reflects that they put all their concerns in one package among them. the time between offensive and defensive weapons senators clarify the treaty in no way is an obstacle for the u.s. plans to deploy defense systems american officials see it the same way it commits us to continue to develop the ability to be able to protect our people and to have a robust missile defense system but russians do take the time mentioned in the treaty quite seriously they see the new start as an agreement based on equality and balanced and if that balance is shifted or disturbed they say they can pull out but some in washington say their hurdles related to the ratification are not so much about the details of the treaty but about republicans trying to make
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a point to the democrats one of the problems is good old fashioned red meat paul politics the republicans don't you just can't resist this opportunity to say well you know the democrats are weak on national security and that's one of the real barriers that the that the obama administration faces here i have no doubt whatsoever if we had a republican administration this this treaty would be already ratified the paradox is that the number of republicans who had testified for the treaty outnumbers democrats on top of that the u.s. military officials are unanimous in their support of the deal something that many experts are pointing out here senators can express their concerns but they can't really change the trading they can either ratified or not and doesn't. what senators were saying this thursday they surely will the question is when i'm going to check out our reporting from washington d.c.
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the start treaty could go a long way in helping to modernize and improve nuclear defense with us the opinion of gary hart former u.s. senator and a member of the commission on u.s. policy towards russia it's a large step it will get rid of dangerous unnecessary nuclear weapons on both sides at the end of the day there will be a vote on the treaty people will have to vote for it or against it and those who vote against it are going to have to justify why they voted against it and why it makes us more secure not to have a treaty then if we have the treaty if you replace warheads or delivery systems that are old and increasingly unstable with a newer generation more secure technology you are actually improving security rather than in danger yet so a limited argument can be made for modernization of nuclear arsenals certainly not
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expansion of if we are serious about hermetic reductions in nuclear arsenals then we widen the club and bring in all the nuclear powers and say enough we're all we're going to get rid of all these it does seem like. kind of ideal dream but it is a goal to reach for and you can watch the full interview with gary hart former american senator and co-chair of the commission on u.s. policy towards russia that is this sunday heroin azzi. while a suspected russian criminal mastermind is being treated in a moscow hospital after an attempt on his life nicknamed grandpa his son he is thought to have fallen victim to a gangster war right in the center of the capital you go to prison off as more from the crime scene of incident happened at around eight pm moscow time on thursday evening when iceland will sajjan also known as grandpa son of god to be
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a major criminal lord in russia i arrived at one of the buildings on a street in the very center of moscow it's reported that he wanted to visit his son who lives here in the neighborhood and as grandpa assad and his bodyguard were approaching the entrance to the building several shots were fired the bodyguard went down first and according to some reports from the witnesses grandpa haasan actually tried dodging some of the bullets but ended up getting wounded in the stomach when i thought the scheme the found a suspicious looking window in a building nearby and when they checked this apartment they found a weapon which is thought to have been used in this assassination attempt both men were rushed to the hospital enough already so i moused grandpa my son's death the leader of the denying this information saying that by giving out for three hours they wanted to prevent a possible second attack clearly both men are recovering from undergoing surgery at one of moscow's hospitals which is clearly heavily guarded by the authorities the
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grand baha sun is thought to be someone who was called thief by the call a person of whose reach such a height in the criminal world that he could control supervise and benefit from various criminal activities without actually leaving any traces he was really close to an alleged criminal lord known by the name of the few points he was assassinated back in two thousand and nine as a result of these criminal wars and allegedly son. now remember you can always find much more news on our web site that is. there you'll find. expert opinions and here's what's waiting for you today and russian helicopters may soon be seen in the skies. in the fight against the taliban. to put.
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behind bars. u.s. president obama is pushing forward plans to double the country's exports in the next five years the move that could generate some two million jobs comes amid hopes that the country is finally pulling out of the depths of the recession but with the number of americans facing poverty at a fifty year high millions are still struggling for survival. welcome to silk city. this once was what the industrial revolution looked like in the united states . now this is what poverty looks like in this town more than twenty percent
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are poor more than seventeen percent unemployed it means for many here ninety m. is a time to go to work. just don't think it's time to head to the food pantry for charity . they are low income folks some of them have been unemployed for almost two years is what we're seeing but on average it's the underemployed. there are people who can't make ends meet people like jenny like the one who are going in there and it's not enough you know it's just not enough to get all the need and the numbers are only growing and we saw in two thousand and nine a fifteen percent increase over two thousand and eight numbers and we're anticipating that that number will go up by another ten percent at the end of two thousand and thirteen jenny can't afford to buy food for her mother and three year old son not with only a public assistance is just not enough money and a part time job they don't need any more hours than i've been looking for
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a job the thing is just hard to find work and it only appears to be getting worse unfortunately not only here but in the entire us new statistics for two thousand and nine show forty three million people one in seven are living in poverty this is the most people who are in more than fifty years that's when they first began tracking the number. here you can see one reason why for turning these are few and far between especially in the old urban industrial cities hard patterson as in so many cities in the united states manufacturing used to power this one these were still factories that now are decrepit boarded up sitting in disrepair there are signs everywhere here of the u.s. manufacturing jobs that have disappeared or gone overseas factory work all of the low level jobs that these folks with low skilled are sort of out the window you know and leaving them lining up in droves for a little heat we now see prepare about twelve hundred meals
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a day now it will be serving about four hundred people. a free lunch some of the workers who are there some are homeless not surprisingly. there are twenty percent more mouths to feed here at avis kitchen than a year ago why. now and some can't work like irwin who has an incurable disease lose no for work or for so many of us used to be a truck driver yet he still can't afford lunch and experts say the needy are needier than ever are they more poor yes that i can say and here on the ground for from washington and wall street there is no sign of an economic recovery for these people in sight i don't see recovery. they have no thanks for their politicians i don't know what's going on with the dollar i don't know was the press the door.
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for me is the snow bloom better. in the urban decay of silk city gratitude is reserved for the help with recovery they do know. they feel they. know you still you they count lauren lyster artie patterson new jersey. for you twenty five people have been killed in the schools more injured as containers with explosives blew up near a police station in eastern sri lanka are thought to say the blast was an accident the explosives intended for roadworks were being stored next to the police station for security reasons sixteen officers were among the dead. five men have been arrested in london over a potential terror plot against the pope when the sixteenth is currently on a four day visit to britain the men aged between twenty six and fifty were seized in the center of the capital they are not british nationals it's unclear whether
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the threat was against the public or worshipers the papal visit has garnered much controversy in the u.k. following a string of sexual abuse accusations against the clergy. well the presidents of russia and ukraine have decided to swap their usual state cars for something a bit more retro to retreat and victoriano coverage has been taking part in international rally with vehicles made back in the nine hundred fifty s. when the two countries were both part of the soviet union the race which also features more than wheels connects to cities russia some petersburg and ukraine here it marks a hundred years since the first rally along this route was opened by the last russians are nicholas the second. or right now time for the latest business news with you here that's coming your way after a short break. this
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is more a region is economically and socially one of russia's better developed provinces the region has a significant scientific and industrial capacity that will realize its full potential after the construction of the. park can tell ya he has completed the i t. park or has r. and d. projects in the spheres of automotive construction aerospace and oil chemistry high tech data center ferber's with cutting edge servers and communication equipment will be constructed at the core of the park the project has been personally approved by prime minister vladimir putin the federal government is planning to allocate sizable funding for the parks construction investors will be given benefits such as property tax exemption low land rental prices and other preferences but it is this him our region government is open to mutually beneficial cooperation we invite investors to participate in existing projects and we are ready to give a hand of fulfilling your projects and growing your business in this small region.
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time to have a look at the world of business and our welcome to the program in the basin partnership technology these are the key themes international investment forum where bringing you the top speakers and issues from such a capital of the twenty fourteen olympics. the russian economy is still not spoiled by the attention of investors neither foreign nor local ones the russian business climate is claimed to have problems sometimes these claims are justified sometimes not we know our problems really well and we will solve them the key factor for the russian government will be a measured and rather conservative macroeconomic policy. and now i'm joined live by business archies nicholas bull who is at the forum.
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nicholas can you hear us so how are things going up the form. and we can hear you they're going extraordinary well the form this year is slightly smaller than the last year about five thousand delegates as opposed to eight thousand among these all rippling so many russian companies but also from its national companies one of those group of crewmen accountancy. called the possible to house creep this joins me now thank you sir take home a confluence like these good places to do business but absolutely one is it brings together. the overall government and investors themselves as russia continues on its modernization plan. there's tremendous opportunity for investment and forms like this bring together the those needing investment and those seeking to invest in the long term viability of of russia and the modernization plan that it
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continues in order a little bit because there are stands all around us how does one. approach they are always advised certainly it's actually a combination of both. within pricewaterhouse coopers we have guys both for government and inbound investment whether it's foreign or whether it's russia than russia itself investment and the continuation of as i mentioned the modernization plan and as you continue to look at longer term investments we can play. a very key role in bringing together investment to help the modernization and in the longer term as as we heard in the plenary the things that are being put in place from a tax from an administrative perspective as those continue to improve the longer term investments will continue to help this guy. you've been in this country now for roughly a decade and you know it's sort of the name of that old sort of corresponds pretty much from the time that prime minister putin himself no absolute but what sort of
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changes would you say. happy from a business if he if you look past the past of the past ten years it has significantly changed going from a stabilisation into a growth environment and as we move out of. the crisis. you've seen and continuous improvement in the investment climate in the continuous improvement from an overall government perspective of pushing transparency pushing openness and pushing modernization through long term investments and as the red tape and administrative burdens continue to be streamlined it continues to be attract investment and will continue to attract investment into the future but how far away do you think russia is from best practice though there's still considerable amounts to be done. there there is and there is not and the reason i say that from both sides is russia has done
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a lot in certain sectors as we heard today the drive around technology investments innovation as we heard from boeing today as we heard from john deere today is there are tremendous opportunities from a skill set base there are tremendous knowledge base is whether it's engineers whether it's financial markets we see that continuing to improve in in the overall climate is russia and as it's changed over the decade it's gone from stabilisation to now one that continues to build and through the reduction of of the administrative burden the overall clearness from a tax perspective the overall spendable income of of the environment in russia has helped the overall investment climate and that will continue to improve from a best practice perspective again it's it's through the modernization and innovation as russia capitalized on what it has and brings in other things from a global basis they will continue.


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