tv [untitled] September 19, 2010 4:30am-5:00am EDT
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i think actually it's a pretty good simulation. mission in order to address those kinds of questions it's obviously not. a test of any kind of. anything. but for the psychological questions it's very very. stay with us here on our t.v. lots more coming your way in the next hour including this. mafia wars turn the center of moscow into a gangster movie the notorious kingpin gets shot down but manages to escape with his life. and one step closer to a nuclear weapon free world as the start treaty goes to the u.s. senate for approval. and if you may be back with a recap of the headlines as well as the week's top stories stay with us here on r.t. . this
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history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal the city of the soviet files house on the embankment and. in some pieces books available in. grand hotel emerald. has a club supposed to turn photo in the big old hotel. corinthian it skips on its. twenty two look you will come on. now so it's.
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twelve thirty pm in the russian capital good to have you with us as we give you the latest headlines and wrap up the week's news out r t choosing from the left and the right sweden votes on the country's parliamentary elections but a far right group causing controversy over its hardline on immigration. a polish court will decide on the extradition of one of russia's most wanted terrorist suspects who was detained and later released in warsaw. russia and norway agreeing to a landmark deal that puts an end to a four decade long disagreement over disputed waters in the energy rich parents. the treaty between russia and the u.s. which would see both countries cut their nuclear arsenals is going to the u.s. senate for approval it's known as the start treaty and it's hoped the arms reductions could set an example for other countries to follow our he's got a cheeky on talks to former senator gary hart about the issue and russia u.s. relations stay with us.
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it's time for the senate to vote on a new start that's the title of the letter signed by some top former u.s. officials as well as some former senators including gary hart thank you so much for joining pleasure a few days ago i heard ambassador richard bird say that if it had to be enough republican president submitting this treaty the strategic arms reduction treaty for ratification it would have already been ratified i mean no doubt it's been a bumpy ride for the for the trading the senate but in your opinion how much of that was about the actual treaty and how much about republicans trying to make a point to the democrats well over the course of my are involved in the arms control issues the pentagon has been republican presidents get much. quicker revocation easier read of occasion of arms control treaties for example
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president reagan then democratic presidents and one would have hoped after the end of the cold war fifteen or more years ago that partisan approach to arms control would not still prevail but i'm afraid it still does and the questions about the treaty or all coming virtually all coming from the republican party so i think those of us who signed the letter in the opinion piece or hoping former secretary of state george shultz and senator hagel are hoping that we can encourage bipartisan support for this treaty and hopefully at least some republican senators will support it mr hart american officials have more than once told the senate that the treaty in no way limits the ability of the united states to deploy missile defenses and you know when it once and where it was the senate foreign
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relations committee include at that point in their resolution but the russians seem to understand this type between up fast if and defensive weapons in the treaty as legally binding are we lost in translation or is it just me well i hope not the treaties can never be. ironclad in the sense of. absolutely eliminating ambiguity languages language and people from with starting with different language base have different meaning for words but the order of diplomacy in the school of what was diplomacy is to overcome those language differences and to have a common understanding of exactly what crucial terms mean and i think of the time with the ratification is completed here in the united states hopefully successfully there will be a clear understanding on our part and on the part of the russian government as to what those terms mean and that's the best we can hope for mr hardee let me explain
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this a couple of days ago i went i went up to rose go to motive there the key u.s. negotiator on start after the press conference and i asked her about this whole debate to have the connection between offensive and safe weapons to end the train she said yes but the treaty acknowledges that time as a fact and not as an obligation so it is supposed to make sense in legal speak but i honestly don't understand because russians do seem to see it as that's legally binding as something legally binding which americans don't see it such what do you make of it the skill of both teams is such that they would have. had a negotiating record that clarified this issue so you think they do have an understanding is that the outsiders they have to or or they have to agree to disagree that is to say you interpret it this way will interpret it that way but that's a very. tricky way to approach these things because it just leads to
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ambiguity slater i have to believe not having participated that there is a common understanding on this apart from that any real concerns about that treaty among senators. touch upon well clearly the republicans. have. concern some of them genuine i think others less genuine. there is still i think for many of us not the kind of. understanding. by americans of russia and russia its government and where it's headed that we would like. but and i think from the russian side there is still confusion as to why. we have not developed stronger ties in the last fifteen or twenty years i'm not clear clear on that myself i think we should have but. as time goes on hopefully the questions are
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being raised again primarily on the republican side will be satisfied at the end of the day there will be a vote on the treaty people will have to vote for it or against it and those who vote against it are going to have to justify why they voted against it and why it makes us more secure not to have a treaty then if we had the treaty and it's a very hard burden to carry may start even with this treaty in place we're obviously very far from the global zero they call a nuclear free world you know with new forces trying to get hold of nuclear weapons and you are going to be around for quite some time it's turning out should we just stop talking about nuclear free world and just tag it as the wishful thinking you know what i think of human beings need goals and and more than just rhetorical goal schools that are that are achievable. why the only states and russia are key to
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this because we have ninety percent of the nuclear weapons on the earth and we cannot go the two of us the russians and the americans cannot go to china or to india or pakistan or any other nuclear power france great britain and say reduce your nuclear arsenals until we've done our job so it all begins with the bilateral negotiations between the united states and russia. if we are serious about dramatic reductions in these nuclear arsenals then we widen the club and bring in all the nuclear powers and. ideally at least north korea and even iran for that matter and say enough we're all we're going to get rid of all these it does seem like a. kind of ideal dream but it is a goal to reach for in your opinion who is america afraid of right now well i
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can't speak for three hundred million. americans. there is still deep concern in this country about terrorism. one thing that a lot of americans don't realize is we're not the only target of terrorism russia is the target of terrorism many countries have terrorist problems pakistan and many others it's a global problem a post cold war global problem where almost any country one way or another can be vulnerable and can be attacked so the international community has to combine to try to solve this problem i think president bush's war on terrorism is not the right approach but it's you know america is not the only one in this that's being victimized by this so hopefully we can have greater cooperation not only between us and our european allies but us and russia and others who suffer the same threat may
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so hard russia has so many times in the past offered the united states to teen mom and dad create this joint defense system missile defense system and there are people who are very skeptic about it saying that washington us their interests are so different what would you tell them in a way there is of very sound logic to that. if in fact these technologies or purely defensive and have no purpose other than protection. why not i mean what what is what's the irgc human against. everything. at least countries that we can trust having this capability and if it is a confidence building measure as it should be it seems to me if i were the thing to discuss very complicated technologically. to transfer these technologies
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from one laboratory to another but may be sophisticated russian scientists might be able to help us with some of this just to be fair on missile defense cooperation u.s. official of the expressed willingness to work on it and do you see some real signs of such cooperation coming sometime in the near future maybe well i would hope so i have been i've spent a lot of time in russia unfortunately i haven't yet learned the language but i've i've spent in the cold war years and post cold war years off a lot of time in russia met a lot of the russian people in leadership and it always seemed to me after the end of the cold war in the ninety's that the two scientific communities should have gotten together and i'm not quite clear why that didn't happen for example president we had we had a win to silicon valley. within the last year very.
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well reported trip seeking cooperation seeking investment in the russian technology sector scientific sector i have always thought from the early ninety's on after the end of the cold war that there ought to be very very close cooperation . not only between government laboratories but in the private sector also american and. in russian technology russia has some brilliant so it is mathematicians physicists and it always seemed to me it ought to be a natural partnership and hopefully it's still coming up and it's not happening i don't know i hope i haven't been able to go to russia nearly as much in the last few years so i don't know mr hart when the first starting of course remember that was signing was a breakthrough. breakthrough that will change the world will start change the world and how will it not in
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a dramatic. historic sense it's a step and it's a large step it will get rid of dangerous unnecessary nuclear weapons on both sides so it will change the world incrementally in a rather large and important step but it will not be the hinge of history that people will look back on and say that was the that was the event that that fundamentally changed the world there are going to be more coming there has to be step by step by step thank you very much very thank you.
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sergeant of the israeli defense forces. during his service scorched a street fight. if the colonel of the chilean armed forces participated in keeping down a military revolt. come the. sergeant of the us army. trying to become an american my gigging part in the. ranks and reasons different but one thing brings them together once they disobey if . not stop going to come back.
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we'll have a rally we'll sell lots of beer will. fade we'll wear uniforms that will damage is down the black men know that but very little damning the white. and they are the key to our problems are all right. to be sin which brings them. from phones to christians. whose friends tom. he don't come. choosing from left and right sweden votes in the country's parliamentary elections with a far right group causing controversy over its hard line on immigration. a polish
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court will decide on the extradition of one of russia's most wanted terror suspects who was detained and later released in warsaw. and russia and norway agreed to a landmark deal that puts an end to a forty year disagreement over disputed waters in the energy rich parents see. it how it's all be a lot of the joins us next with all the latest from the world of sports stay with us here on r.t. . hello and welcome you're watching the sports news an r t the headlines this hour. this freaking out the name of the game southern moscow region that we never did number moscow in the peak of saturday's premier league action. johnson the body is
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aiming to win his first major cycling race and love well time and also become the first italian writer to do so since nineteen nineteen. and also all roads lead to so she relaxed serious thought sees the conclusion of a twenty town so way around good news for a shot in the trucks and. a last kick off with russian football legend of moscow failed to escape the lower hall full of the premier league table on saturday in the blue and white suffering a disappointing defeat at the hands of south toward me about bagging a brace for the hosts including this winning effort after a free kick on sixty three minutes that made this four three want to the most courageous side to them up old one back later on through thomas doing more of it sure but it didn't help them avoid the defeat three to stop turin leaving ninth in the table. early that day on car moved a little further out of the drop zone edging out that was too it was pretty
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a set of two want to tell stephen sarre stage for the house in front off to fifty eight minutes planty of reasons for the macedonia to celebrate their scoring on his fast and in the russian top flight visitors got back loud volume in the dying minutes of the styles though you gain his sobbing right on cue to let some song of stross with the strike a sound from hero to zero right after the break and they choose initial shot right into his zone that by seven for what turned out to be on cars went up the fare and side moving five points from there all freight. who remain second from bottom in the standings. and else was surprised by just all of our ups and fooled despite playing out a golden door at a line here and it was the home side of the start of the brighter us to. mention go away king one has to keep the game schoolis given stay out of the man with that volley seventeen minutes and and then mention these ground until the very meaning
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the match will finish male male. meanwhile also will have missed the chance to take control of the english premier league and amazing ninety fourth minute equaliser from sunderland mount the game ended one one sent fabregas again as the lead on thirteen minutes before marcus van slammed a dramatic go deep in the injury time in the now a point behind chelsea who themselves play blackpool later on sunday and while spouse has climbed into the top four. one of their three against wolves elsewhere three joules on the day with west brom a new call still the only other victories. now in cycling when chance a new body is set to become the fast italian in two decades to win love well to that after the leak we god's doing will ride to finished second on the penultimate day of the race saturday's mountain stage twenty two with belgium to bowl a del window with a fifteen man group breaking away with some twenty kilometers left however the main
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interest was whether any body could retain his fifty second advantage over as well mostly at the spaniard seem to have broken the ball at one stage by the taliban in the red jersey there kicked on again in the final metres eventually allowing most heritable in the stage to bali cross the finish line just second behind though many and as the final day as the hot favorite for the overall title. a bit of golf now and jamie will start his final round with a two. laid out the russian challenge cup if this card wanes at the latest on the mend on the european challenge still there is every chance he'll be swinging with the game's biggest names on the european tour proper next season here is and a farmer reporting from the newly built so labor golf club just outside moscow. unsettled weather had affected play over the last two days at the tissue leave a golf club but the rain held off as mccleary held off his rivals to stay on top of
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the leaderboard. he had a three shot lead at the start of the day and hit a one under par round of seventy one to keep him on nine and overall but he was put under pressure throughout scott jamieson was also in the lead his group and showed moments of brilliance the chip in save power in the ninth and even when his form fell away to others emerged his threats firstly denmark's the orban oleson carded a sixty nine to go to shots off the pace. he's already qualified to play on the european tour next season and was showing why and tied with him in second is in glynn sam walker he's also two shots back but missed a great chance to half the deficit on the last hole after mccleary missed the green walker had this pup a birdie but missed leaving the scot with a two shot cushion going into the final round both knowing the chief either would seriously boost their chances of playing on the european tour next season. i didn't
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play very well at all of this was of a struggle oh they're. really well. you know when you're struggling you know other days maybe seventy five say six of us here and seventy one which is there's a bit of a bonus that was good for you play very good today in parts you know and just in the whole many parts you know we did the first few days but you know who's always tomorrow which is a good thing with playing finish no sun you know it's a star hole in some parts we never know never know what could happen so it is everything to play for going into sunday's final round mccleary has a two shot lead over walker to set up a thrilling finale to this first ever russian challenge cup which will see the eventual winner walk away with twenty eight thousand euros in his back pocket andrey farmer r t moscow region. tennis now where nine time champions for also back into the davis cup final after all know claremont and michelle the draw gave the
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country a three love lead against argentina old saturday it was a case of old habs teaching the youngsters a lesson in all the french deal with little trouble against the last unknown and the out of the song and here are so the ball us live on and will draw all right the help in time straight sets six four seven five six three possible and that one which means a clean sweep problems are full of drysdale one thess one of the two singles rubbers a day earlier. today with final cross will face either serbia over the czech republic with the czechs currently better placed to reach the decider the supper that carrying all brothers the panic until most perfect gave the visitors a two one lead in the doubles serves no one joke of each and then had jim one each day playing the first set six three but couldn't live with a check self that was losing the following three six one six four and six want. now there's a new king of the russian trucks and
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a lot of nikolai besting come as team mate and outright favorite to weigh in that's why it's an silk way rally the country's most prestigious motor sports events no smooth back in this tournament or even found saying to keep the spectators out but neither coul nor rocky road school stop nikolai dropping off a super a stage to win his fast major cross-country rally the twenty six year old taking victory by a massive twenty two minute margin over china get a remarkable side on the podium with russian come on drivers taking gold silver and bronze for those of the man securing third place. and also ending that a day journey down saw she way where the car driver was somewhat of an anticlimax this though with the reigning champion carlos signs having loud since early in the week and the spaniard didn't waste eleven minutes advantage heading into saturday for abusing another solid effort to win with eight minutes to spare the man who pushed him hard over the last few days nasra late teoh's secured sack and overall
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with mark millar third want to free finish for volkswagen. meanwhile former motor g.p. champion case is still in a house speak to you of favorites to poke position for the inaugural aragon grand prix in spain the australian was quick to stay in the last practice on saturday morning and he carried the stop over into the afternoon we did get to ride at the only one of the field to go on the one minute and forty nine seconds during qualification championship in the morning around so will be second on the grid with . the rounding all. around so has yet to finish outside the podium and he is sixty three points ahead of the drill site at the top of the stairs. and back to goal finally on the merry go round continues at the top of the austrian openly the board where. danny alina and danny willett share the lead before the final round the fire according an eagle and seven birdies apiece to go thirteen on
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the ball off to three days of action there was also a trio tied for second. and he was so open champion graeme mcdowell all two strokes behind the leader. and that's it for the moment but to stick around for a check of the world weather and the headlines right after that. every month we give you the future we help you understand how to get there and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join knology update on our g.
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