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tv   [untitled]    September 20, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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we'll. the worst violence in iraq since the u.s. officially ended its military campaign there raises doubts over whether local forces can ensure security. justice online we look at how the internet in russia is becoming a new front in the fight for fairness by exposing crime and corruption that mainstream media ignores. and with high foreclosure. rates in the u.s. showing no signs of abating revisits up to find out what options are left for the homeless.
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and broadcasting live from the heart of moscow this is are certainly glad to have you with us violence continues to rage in iraq after three car bombings that killed at least thirty six people in baghdad following the official end of u.s. combat operations fifty thousand american troops remain in the country to train local security forces but it's our policy or reports it barely helps to make local residents any safer. dark and dangerous and body armor does little to protect against the fact that they're not welcome here we're going to disappear out of patrol through one of the iraqi neighborhoods trying to prevent counterattack fire this is a bombs team who stayed behind the mission providing training support and backup to the iraqi police when they get to our level we go over our operations order and planning for the actual missions we're going to do then we do a pretty brief then we actually go and execute these type missions that we're on
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now but the u.s. invasion to have a fully functioning iraqi security force did not protect safire ismail's husband four years ago he disappeared without a trace. he called me and said he was coming to pick me up i said the situation is really bad don't come but he said now i have to come. so far as certain husbands did as all the families of tens of thousands of iraqis who've also disappeared since two thousand and three human rights organizations put some of the blame with the local security forces whose trainees are not always the white candidates for the job a lot of them they have come from illiterate you know bugger all or some of them they are just the from the tribes and clans some of them just because they are part of the political parties militias and so on and the problem is compounded by the limited training they're given you can apply for the kinds of. people being up to the checkpoint like this needs to be some of the few months of training that
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appears to be the certain vehicles the car bombs missing weapons and stone and i did. and it's a far cry from what is needed. they are not untrained but the training they receive is not enough the americans only thought to create an iraqi army in two thousand and four by then it was too late because the terrorists had already infiltrated the . but with the increase of violence in iraq in recent weeks the need for a competent domestic security force has never been greater but whether or not the u.s. and iraq can rise to the challenge is still yet to be seen. r.t.e. baghdad. now the u.s. claims it is fighting for freedom with its wars in the muslim world but has this made the people in these islamic countries see democracy as a greater good that's the topic of the latest discussion in cross talk coming your way in just an hour's time. promotion of democracy i mean the united states is
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founded on the idea that that democracy is the best political system for ensuring the rights of both the majority and the minority in a country and so forth but that there can be many different translations the word democracy has actually become a dirty word in much of the arab world because the united states of america has waged wars on afghanistan on and supports is a which is an up our democracy a democracy exclusively for the progressive community that still has the lands of the palestinians. and. not a sort of crosstalk will be coming up in just a couple hours right here on our t.v. now a row over israel's nuclear activities is expected to dominate this year's general
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conference of the international atomic energy agency which has opened in vienna arab countries have proposed a resolution on israel's nuclear program but the u.s. and e.u. member states are against it saying it could undermine middle east peace talks paul ingram the executive director of the british american security information council says israel is using double standards on the issue of nonproliferation. israel has believed to be anywhere between eighty and two hundred nuclear weapons already and we believe a development program for fusion nuclear weapons and submarine base launched their weapons as well as the existing air launched nuclear weapons and missile. warheads on missiles it's a very substantial but well developed nuclear arsenal that has been in israel's possession since we believe the late one nine hundred sixty s.
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so yes on the surface it is a very double double standard the israelis and the americans would point to the fact that the iranians have made a very public commitment in the nonproliferation treaty not acquire nuclear weapons where israel is perfectly legally able to develop its arsenal but. the legal defense and indeed the defense that israel develop nuclear weapons a while ago is hardly a defense in terms of justice and the i.a.e.a. is hands are tied here because the. is there to reinforce the obligations of nonproliferation treaty member states israel is not a member of the nonproliferation treaty has no obligation as such to open its facilities to the agency and so it's very difficult for the agency to oblige israel to take part of course israel's use of the nonproliferation treaty to try to
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to try to put pressure on iran is is quite extraordinary given that it's not a member itself and has not and has not accepted its obligations sweden is in political deadlock following the country's general election the government a coalition is without a majority and the green party has now refused to join the the alliance. leaves only the sweden democrats who have entered the parliament for the first time on an immigration take it however the government insists they will not deal with what's been called a racist party michael astra jensen a member of the danish liberal party says the establishment is unwilling. unwillingness to discuss immigration has resulted in an unfair election. we have an example right now where none of these fabulous parties and none of these media in sweden like to discuss it because they feel it's like you know it's not political
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correct it's like a prison and kids drawn all over. this media release they stop this from and so this should be a wake up call to all of the all seeing in the light the democrats who are not allowed to take part in the debates on public t.v. the last debate and they weren't even allowed to run to commercial ads on private televisions as all of the all the politics were in that we don't believe that the elections were fair and therefore have decided that i'll take the issue up in the council of europe where profound mark and founding members tried to discuss it and see how we can make sure that the election since we also not only free but also fair in the future is stoney a has officially launched its countdown to tree into the eurozone on january the first next year that's despite the crisis the currency has been facing and the fact that would be the poorest country in the eurozone
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professor reg of talent university says the move isn't for the sake of the economy . this is very much a political step we will china in the political union which wants to be much bigger. and and still. stern and economy economy is right now. the crows for joining the euro zone many people think about about the future of arizona and according to my understanding. european union is not any more. currency there are two types of countries we see we are national to simply strong financial discipline in this means that. might happen that. will collapse or will form two
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different kind of arrows their own weak and strong financial discipline. and you are watching r t still to come this hour the fight for what's right. see how increased internet access in russia has given voice to a new generation of online whistleblowers and bloggers. as the mortgage crisis cuts deep real estate firms say over a million americans may lose their homes to foreclosure this year in august alone and some three hundred thousand were served with foreclosure warnings as unemployment figures stubbornly hover near ten percent on the turkana reports on how a camp outside new york has become a place some people now reluctantly call home. america the prosperous america the traditional and america the broke the picture perfect homes and these homes are
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a twenty minute drive away from one another how did i end up here probably through my own mistakes in life r.t.e. revisits tent city a homeless camp talk to wait in the woods of new jersey there are at least forty people whose tragic destinies have led them to call this place home. since we were here last time in the winter things have changed more tense have appeared some people have come and gone but many of the people living here have been here for months if not years and the question that many of them ask themselves over and over again is why are we still here are there really no other options left for us no remarks has been a newspaper handler for most of her life while i work for the new york times and i are one of the power in a brain aneurysm in two stroke so i was almost dead. i was in a coma for two months it. was an awful three months since then no reason has given up hope of finding a job for those still trying to find work the task is close to impossible would be
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unemployment rate in the us holding steady at more than one and a half percent for more than a year now over seventeen years experience should have to be looking job not chop a new kind job i look i have too many a position you know but no no i don't find them all. you know. very very difficult not applying job and those who are able to find work make less than the minimum wage and i would have told you this because. my bugs. reverend steve brigham set up a camp for the homeless four years ago this is their our church bell on sunday about twelve o'clock we ring those to let the whole camp know they were about ready to have. our service. the reverend runs the place keeping it in order. setting up
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a shower. and helping with whatever donations he can get local authorities have been disturbed by this camp's existence and have tried to shut the place down people think of the homeless as people that are sometimes questionable in their character but we've had there's more problems outside of the homeless camp than inside of the camp the only option offered by local officials has been beds at a local psychiatric institution among the mentally unstable and the community didn't go for it it's more than they can handle already living a tough enough life it's it's just not a place to live everyone here tells us a better place for them is just around the corner so soon to be very soon. very soon so far no luck with not much help from the outside world all they can do is hope a better life is awaiting them somewhere. and
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r.t. new jersey. with blogs and russia now running into the millions of the internet has become a major force of by highlighting issues often ignored by mainstream media people now get a global audience and results when they reported cases of crime corruption and bullying. as are the reports on russia's new wave of internet justice. oh. i hope. the parents and students said this man had children on more than one occasion because he was the head of the local administration people were afraid to speak out what desktops laptops phones and p.t.a.'s internet in russia is becoming much more available and much more than just attainment for many it has become a virtual speaker's corner where their voice will not only be heard but is
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guaranteed to echo across the country within hours this particular video which brought about his dismissal is a clear example of how the looting has transformed russia. russia because in there's an orphan a master chess player a math genius and guaranteed state benefits he's missing the start of the academic here due to the demands of a construction company that helps fund the school. i want to be an i.t. specialist but the school said that if i want to study here and live in that halls of residence i have to study to be a builder. but if bush's case was taken on by a charity organization and its founder get a month say what made a difference to their case was a message i posted online to the president. just after i posted my letter someone from the president's administration called and asked for details of this case i know they got in touch with cautious college because almost immediately afterwards the coolidge called and told pasha to withdraw exactly cation and basically get the
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hell out they were scared that if. then the media picked up the story and the college was forced to stop its unlawful actions they now allow pasha to attend lectures and still refused to give him a room. when a bunch of kids vandalized a car in broad daylight in a remote part of central russia police couldn't find the culprits for days but the information they provided allowed bloggers to find them in a matter of hours names address. and license plates included so why is russia's online community becoming suddenly so influential here what egypt is. first of all it's evidence of a technological progress the internet is becoming more and more available and because it's available more and more people are using it for things other than words it's a community and a much faster one than any other. but the by doing this spike in online use means it's not just journalists who can cover information so what does this say about
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russia's fourth estate i think. mr this doesn't mean that journalists are bad and bloggers are better or that the only notion of free speech exists online it's simply a matter of choice you no longer want to watch someone else's rundown we want to and can make our own the internet allows us to choose what we want to know about at a speed print media simply cannot compete with maybe this isn't the beginning of the end of newspapers and television but it's definitely competition of a global kind. cashew nuts are the r.t.e. nasca. the republic of south in the caucasus has celebrated twenty years since its declaration of independence from georgia a parade has taken place in the capital c. involved to mark the occupation the republic broke away from georgia in one nine hundred ninety since then it's seen several military conflicts as tbilisi tried to bring it back under control of his autonomy photo of a takes a look back at the struggle for sovereignty. my
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grandson is very fussy and he loves all homemade food for this family in south the satyr independence day always starts with hustle and bustle but it's not just a national holiday they celebrate they also have their own independence child. to respond to just just this hospital so little ruslan coming into this world a new republic was born on the twentieth of september ninety nine to the local parliament declare itself as it independent from georgia at the time the soviet union was falling apart and independence declarations in the region followed one after the other but georgia didn't want to allow it it cut the electricity difference the breakaway region and sent in troops liberal goes against the ship since his first day has been hearing blasts and gunshots his french tourists were mom and lost the georgian army surrounded him vile at one point people in the city couldn't even bury their dead troops had blocked the road to the cemetery so they
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had to use the yard of a local school for about the money when i was little they used to come here i lived close by and saw this place and even at my window i remember who often people cried here when they were about. to escape don't go in violence response family had to flee to russia as did tens of thousands of our city as. the conflict remain frozen until in august two thousand and eight when georgia once again resorted to violence to take control over the river. probably. when georgia tech can volunteer was a response grandma this fear he was worried about the most serious book by the chief they were sitting in the basement the phones were really badly when they managed to get through this said the city was a tux people were killed the storms and burned the houses. grandma the survived a five day war moscow sent forces to repel the georgian attack as many of those under fire were russian citizens civilians and peacekeepers later russia recognized
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the independence of south the six year as it's ever allowed to contras the truth is . i just want to see that people here are happy and that's it. r.t. from involved a quick look now at other stories making headlines around the world at least two people have been killed and one injured in a gun battle in karate in pakistan police in gage to an identified gunmen who had attacked people returning from a funeral five firemen were also wounded while trying to put out fires started by the attackers at least fourteen people have been killed in the city since the stabbing to death of a prominent pakistani politician in london. indian lawmakers have arrived in kashmir in an attempt to put an end to months of deadly unrest in the indian administered region more than one hundred protesters have been killed since june in clashes with security forces including a nineteen year old on sunday this summers of violence erupted after police killed
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a student demonstrator many of the muslim majority population in the restive region do not want to be ruled by india. and a narrow escape with just seconds to spare sailors plucked from his boat rescuers had spent hours trying to tow the vessel to shore but as the boat began to sink the helicopter was called in petty rain and flooding has hit much of croatia forcing people from their homes and closing roads. concentrating troops in afghanistan and spending hundreds of billions of dollars on trying to fight al qaeda is a waste of lives that's the view of. critic of u.s. policy. interview with him is coming up next.
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i. the war in afghanistan is the longest and ate it has cost a lot poorer to the united states who are saying american interests at stake in afghanistan do not warrant this level of sacrifice please explain why the war's cost us about four hundred billion dollars it's lasted for over nine years american dead or close to twelve hundred there's been found since of afghan deaths. we're spending one hundred billion dollars a year next year we're going to spend about one hundred twenty billion dollars
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a year according to the congressional research service in a country whose g.d.p. is only fourteen billion and knowing that according to our cia there's only fifty to one hundred members in afghanistan so you're talking about spending one billion to two billion dollars a year on each al qaeda presence in afghanistan i know that you had been working in iraq for a while before going to afghanistan was that war worth from where iraq was a few years ago yes the country has stabilized you know you've gone from four thousand civilian deaths some months down to a few hundred it's still by no means a story and i don't know if i will ever say it was worth it i buy i don't agree with those who believe that we needed to be iraq in order to make the middle east a safer place or a more democratic place and certainly if we look at the reasons why we were given for going in there ties to al qaeda that wasn't true what was
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a mass destruction that wasn't true. you know saddam was was effectively contained as i saw it he was a no threat to its to us or to his neighbors i don't see the expenditures you know the over the forty five hundred american dead near trillion dollars that we have spent there. near one hundred thousand iraqi dead i don't see that in any way justifying made beijing the two thousand and three one of the larger problems. i think with us foreign policy particular national security policies are not consistent if they're if we are in afghanistan because of al qaeda and if there are only fifty to one hundred members of al qaeda in afghanistan then why are we pulling out of iraq where there are one thousand to two thousand members why do we see and we need to keep. one hundred thousand troops in afghanistan when those operations come out of somalia and yemen as when and pakistan yes so that consistency is not there in our in our foreign policy particularly in our now security policy and that's very worrisome to me because you don't have consistency
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if you don't have good critical thought if you don't have a degree of intellectual honesty in your policymaking you are going to have bad policy and you're going to have things like iraq we're going to find yourself nine years into afghanistan entangled in a civil war spending one hundred billion dollars a year for a purpose that does not make the united states safer matthew you've been saying that stabilizing the government in afghanistan does not the feed al qaida and and that it's like using a flash hammer to kill our fly do you think it's such a fly and if not a sledgehammer what should be used to kill that fly i mean sure the fly can buy this sort of fly can affect you he could get in your refrigerator make your food mold or your whatnot but you try and kill with sledgehammer you end up wrecking your house and if you look at our successes against haida they have not come from occupying afghanistan yes it was based in afghanistan we showed up they fled to
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pakistan they dispersed around the world they became this near virtually these centralized loosely for innovation that uses individuals and cells and doesn't rely upon large physical tracks so land our successes in. against al qaida and there's a good new yorker article not too long ago about this. have been through more of a police or the law enforcement or intelligence role and we capture of khalid sheikh muhammad then by the. fact that we've got tens of thousands of u.s. troops occupying. two muslim countries out also suggests that we need to look at our strategy in the sense of that our policies have been counterproductive and we've turned to using military occupation as a tool to be a terror network that is more similar to a mafia organization or a criminal organization and that is only composed of a couple thousand or a few thousand members worldwide he also said that afghanistan's neighbors say china have actually more to lose from the instability and afghanistan that the
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united states and i would have more reason more and more reasons to get involved in keeping everyone and then quiet and you think countries should like to take turns saying waging more thing afghanistan oh do absolutely not i think it's in. every other nation's interest to see a negotiated settlement in afghanistan it's been a proxy war or. a real war in one way or another for the last thirty thirty five years in afghanistan and it has improved nobody's economy has approved nobody's way of life. i think for nations like the central asian states for russia for china to have issues with their own ethnic minorities or muslim minorities i think it's important for what's happening in afghanistan not to spread across boundaries was the biggest issue for russia is the drug being flowed to the drug and you know that's a great point i believe it's about ninety percent of the drugs that leave
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afghanistan go to russia or to europe to huge producers but you're not going to feel that you're not going to feed the drug trade there and to you stabilize the country until you stop the war until you stop one side from having an incentive to utilize that drug trade to you know provide the money to fight the war until you take away the aspect of the war itself you. not to be able to address any of these issues and that goes for the drug trade that goes for women's rights that goes for other ethnic or other human rights and that goes for development as well in terms of i mean it's a very credibly poor credibly desperate country it needs a lot of assistance it's not developed it's not going to grow without there being stability.
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which brightened. from funds to. teach. in india auntie's available in the grand central shirts of the. polish president. they want to know beatriz of. taj mahal hotel. cement hotel. hotel. the meridian to leave the. church in new delhi hotel. babyhood. collection among the plaza. maidens hotel. close.


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