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tv   [untitled]    September 20, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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full seasons hotel the. u.n. secretary general ban ki moon has urged member states to make good on their financial promises despite the economic downturn world leaders are in new york for the summit . the un's millennium goals of reducing global poverty and hunger. sweden is in political following of the country's a general election the government coalition is without a majority and new allies after the green party used to join they have already ruled out immediately with the controversial democrats who entered parliament for the first time on an anti immigration ticket. three car bombs in baghdad and loser killed at least thirty six people is the worst wave of violence since the us officially ended its combat operations earlier this month fifty
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thousand troops remain in the country to train security forces but many iraqis believe it's the tech. companies you up to date next on the show looks at why washington has not commented on the shocking statistic that one in seven americans are living in poverty. for the feast we've got. the biggest issues get voice face to face with the news makers. welcome to the a lot of show will get the real headlines with none of the mersey we're going live to washington d.c. now we've told you before about the shocking poverty rates in america yet politicians don't seem so shocked in fact they don't seem to care at all so why is washington so quiet on this issue has america simply abandoned the war we'll have
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a debate on the issue with nikki kirk all at her fessor christopher chambers next as the sixty fifth annual u.n. general assembly is underway they've laid out in the leonie i'm development goals these goals cover everything from better health care turn sharing environmental sustainability but are they realistic much less attainable within the next five years are to correspond unless they see a chicken that will join me with that story then we'll talk about frankenfish the genetically modified salmon designed to grow quicker and larger than a salmon in its natural environment now the f.d.a. is holding hearings today and tomorrow to determine whether this mutant fish is safe to be sold commercially so discuss the possible environmental dangers and health risks this could cause with author jeffrey smith also we'll look into the much maligned two party system usually a fight between the democrats and the republicans but now people on both sides of the playing field are looking to a third party candidate to represent that but is the current two party system just
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too strong to incorporate a third member or will the people actually get a say and will revisit the problems surrounding fracking homeowners who have become sick from this method of obtaining natural gas feel like their politicians just don't care so we'll talk to our chief correspondent christine for zero about why politicians and the natural gas companies themselves are turning a blind eye to the growing concerns of fracking but now it's move on to today's top story. last week the census bureau released staggering figures which show that one in seven americans now live in poverty that's over forty three million people in the richest country in the world and you would think that during a recession during an election year this would have heralded a massive response from politicians the democrats would cry that this is proof that the americans need the government to help them now more than ever the republicans would point to the obama administration and its failures in economic policy as contributing factors to these devastating figures. for some reason washington was
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largely silent for some reason they continue to debate whether or not the richest portion of the population deserved tax cuts so when we make the fact that as millions of americans descend into poverty no one seems to care or joining me to discuss it is nikki couric director of research analysis at the winston group and christopher chambers georgetown university professor and author of the blog that turns revenge on to thank you both very much for being here and i let's talk about this one seventy people in america are now living in poverty those are not you know like numbers like figures that you should be able to ignore yet for some reason politicians every on the hill even obama today christie right is right paul when they're talking about the economy. they're completely momot it no one wants to make mention why is that oh. boy. and as you mentioned we're an election year and you know we're trying to not lie survey for
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all of you and try to all these homes that are registered oh they're for out. there isn't there a natural political constituency despite what some people might say maybe for certain activists but the you know and politicians may be co-opting the activists every now and then but they're not i mean people don't care i think the problem though is when you look at people who are probably driven into poverty because they've lost their homes because they've lost their jobs then it becomes a political issue but at the but again it's a it's an issue more for activists it's an issue more for indeed the role of the press has been the advocate for the poor for two hundred years i mean it's kind of ironic that chris wallace of fox news steps up to the plate and advocates for people with no jobs advocates for poor people to tea party candidate joe miller you know whereas the more traditional suppose a liberal press hasn't really pressed him on that so i mean it. but beyond that
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they have no advocates they have no they have no voice is why i want to make is that it's no longer about just having advocates and having activists out there because this is some portion of the population that you know you may never have had contact with i mean quite the opposite like you mentioned because of the financial crisis is this is changing these are people who did not used to live in poverty these are people who now have lost their jobs are being run out of their homes this is as your jim mcdermott representative said they're increasingly becoming people we know and so there's just absolutely no excuse in my mind for why politicians get to ignore them but let's look at where the poverty line is the poverty line is for a single person is under eleven thousand dollars for a family of four it's under twenty two thousand dollars these are extremely poor people these are people but for many in many cases have been in the system for an extended period of time have depended on the system so this is not just a matter of giving a handout this is there is a real systemic issue here and i think americans in particular with the recession
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have giving fifty restless and reports actually came out with a study today asking people if they felt that government programs that helped or hurt the poverty forty three percent of people said that they felt that the government had hurt the poverty issues so you know there's a disconnect between the political class and the general public but the american people don't really know what to do with that issue that's always been with us since johnson's great society programs but no one really feels that we've made any major difference yeah i mean i think i think there's still this notion that most people in this country who are poor or be they're black or brown and i think that this is starting to change a little bit because you know we're starting to know people but even the people we know that might be scraping the bottom or one paycheck away from hitting it i think some people still say well that's not really us i mean the people who are poor in this country they're poor on purpose but some of these people have lost their houses our friends they're not really in that group i mean there's still some kind of weird psychological dissonance there. you know whether it's racial i don't
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know whether it's you know well this is america that we can have all these poor people i don't know what it is but politicians do not want to tackle that because it is a psychological issue and i think that's interesting that you mention that because there is this attitude you know republicans for example refusing to not wanting to extend unemployment benefits because you start thinking well these people have been on unemployment a long enough we can't give them a handout forever they must be lazy now you even have the party candidates like we have joe miller from alaska and he actually went even a little bit further about this do we have the clip you guys to play. but i'm not sure you answered my question why you are on unemployment benefits unconstitutional what are you going to do for the forty four million people who are living in poverty. i think what you need to work out is the carbon tax we had an extension of unemployment benefits several weeks ago which is. also actually blah blah blah what he originally had that is that other claim it is unconstitutional
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and then when asked to back it up well he had nothing to say but i mean how is it that you know that the republicans are getting away with being the champions of the people perhaps and at the same time they're only advocating for extensions on tax breaks for the rich and they're calling anyone who needs unemployment benefits or a handout lazy and perhaps even want something unconstitutional i mean. i've long stated that he's a lunatic he doesn't know constitutional law he doesn't mean these he wants to read it people know not to be a long time ago. the democrats not the republicans were trying to undo reconstruction after the civil war a lot of conservative democrats aligned with the what would be eventually become the ku klux klan for political purposes that's what's happening here i don't i don't see any difference in terms of extremism between him and them the problem is
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that the klan never had a pro program and the conservatives after the civil war have to come up with them they got in bed with the klan they got you know basically dirty by this this is what's happening now and when you have people like miller coming out and saying just ridiculous crazy things like that it undercuts the need to find real solutions and people are going to you know just back off and say well let's see if he wins and then what if he does and i'm going to agree what i'm saying is what if he does because these people are playing upon emotions for example there is a pew survey where it said sixty three percent of people believed that the government should take care of those who can't take care of themselves but then if that happens to increase the debt that number fell down all the way to forty three percent how do you balance. and those are voters too and that that's an important thing you know what i think the problem is is that you know joe joe miller i agree with you i would certainly not be my fortner first choice for
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a candidate but what programs have worked since johnson has started since the great criticize. we have spent thirteen trillion dollars as a country on the poverty problem and the poverty rate has not gone below ten and a half percent things to date haven't worked it's really easy to make it a black or white issue where if i give you a handout and you're better off but then you know you start talking about incentives are we giving people are we giving people the right in like the right incentives the right motivation to help themselves and i think a lot of programs as they're currently set up don't do that you know we need to do more in need to employ more means testing because people know the system people know if they work and then they make above a certain amount then they will lose benefits so they don't want to work you know we it's a problem in d.c. it was something that was addressed in the ninety six welfare reforms under clinton and i think we need more of that because of just throwing more money at the program isn't going to help and particularly with the recession you know the only way to get and to help more people is to grow the economy and to get more people jobs are
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you know the nation can't afford to keep spending federal money at this we have to encourage people to know there has to be some kind of rationality because if something like head start or so there's something that's that's that's attacking the problem from from the beginning and you can't you know it's easy to say well it's it's either behavior or racism or structure it's everything and unless you have some kind of comprehensive approach we're still going to be in this mess but the bottom of it is that people are going to we are going to ignore it because we would be nice if we were at each other's throats but surprisingly we agree on a lot of things because there has to be the way to target if the politicians are going to ignore and you know coming up in our next segment we're. talking about the un general assembly and these millennium goals that they have set out to cure world hunger and also reduce the amount of people living in poverty and america is one of the countries that gives the most aid and yet when you know when it comes to our
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own no one seems to care even want to bring up that so many people forty three million people live nobody wants to be poor and neither you know republicans democrats independents moderates no one wants there to be poor no one wants to talk about it but i think that i mean if you all still to come on tonight's show do americans care more about their dirty dishes than pulling the oceans and lakes i'll explain now we come back and world leaders are arriving in new york for the u.n. general assembly so have a report on the millennium development goals from our correspondent on the safety of children that coming up.
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for the feast we've got. the biggest issues get invoiced face to face with the news makers. a recent consumer reports survey has unveiled some interesting little tidbits about american priorities than environments or clean dishes let me explain their choice you see the dish washing detergent cascade has made a more environmentally friendly version of their so when they had housewives test the phosphate free detergent responses well they weren't so good almost all the testers claimed that it left their dishes with layers of film and most said that they would never buy it and in fact some of the feedback from the study indicated that a few of these female testers were angry and disappointed and cascade. new product now the detergent company had to change up its product in accordance to a new law that would remove harmful chemical phosphates from soaps and other cleaning products to see phosphates have been interpreted to hurting the
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environment by creating algae and dead zones and lakes only problem is phosphates are what get those dishes sparkling clean so what the study really is saying as a people care more about their dirty dishes and saving the environment who cares about a dead zone where no life in florida and that really is a sad reality but i do guess it makes sense after all increasing numbers of americans claim that climate change isn't even real and they certainly don't care about lakes and you'd think that all those moms would want their children to be safe when they play in the water so i just hope we get a grip on reality soon enough because the way that the environmental apathy in this country is going well we're all going to be facing those realities of climate change much sooner than we originally thought. and now on that note this week is incredibly busy at the u.n. as world leaders and experts have all come together for the general assembly of where we get to the exciting stuff later in the week like iranian president mahmoud
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ahmadinejad and rwandan president paul kagame in taking to the puppets there are of course those areas where the u.n. strives to be politicized topics and take a try at fixing the world so today presidents and prime ministers gathered at the u.n. for a summit on the tenth anniversary of the millennium development goals a set of eight anti-poverty and global health targets that world leaders set for themselves in two thousand now the results are due in two thousand and fifteen but today in two thousand and ten how are things going along at achieving those goals or joining me from our new york studio to give us all the details is our chief correspondent and this they see a chicken that now unless they see it can you first tell us what these eight anti-poverty and global health targets are. well i don't know the list is quite long so bear with me i have it right here it's eradicating extreme poverty and hunger achieving universal primary education promoting gender equality and empowering women reducing child mortality improving maternal health combat hiv aids
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malaria and other deadly diseases as well as ensuring environmental stability and developing a global partnership for development these sound very broad but they are based on a number of different indicators that world leaders will be using such as they're trying to cut in half the number of people who are forced to live on an income that consists of less than a dollar a day this is a hard task and they have five years before they have to meet up again look each other in the eye and see if they did a good job or not and so far results are very mixed yeah that's a pretty lofty goal you know and partly they weren't doing so bad and then all of a sudden we have the financial global crisis so how has that slowed them down in their efforts. well i know one of this is something that is the financial crisis is of course something that has definitely slowed them down we saw countries like china and india because of their rapid economic growth really pulling indicators forward but many places such as sub-saharan africa for example are really putting
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the pulling the indicators back because they are having a very hard keeping up even countries strong economic countries like the united states have been having the hardest time we know these insane numbers where we have one in seven people living in poverty in the united states over forty seven million people living below the poverty line we know that one in five children in the u.s. is living in poverty that's. twenty percent of children in america so definitely these are some very staggering numbers and because of the crisis it is of course a lot harder for the leaders to try to promote more global idea when they're having these such a hard time within the country themselves now would you know on that note then when it comes to the aid in the promises that the respective countries have made in terms of what they're going to contribute to achieve these goals how is the u.s. doing are they at least keeping up with their promises. well the analysts who are
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keeping a close watch on this are saying that the united states has sort of turned away from the issue after these goals were set ten years ago that because there's been so much trouble inside the country the united states has really sort of been looking the other way and looking inside the country and not really being able to keep up with the pledges and this pledge was to donate as much as zero point seven percent of national income by the year twenty thirty and the united states has actually been able to provide only zero point two percent and this is something that has made analysts say that the u.s. has really not been able to keep up with their promises as much as they were saying they would now and that's definitely something scary to think of in the future because some many countries depend on the u.s. really for the huge amounts of aid that they provide so even our economy starts drug you know what does that mean for the rest of the world but very quickly i just want to ask you are there certain critiques that people have of the way that they're protein this perhaps in you know the u.n. being a little too politically correct not wanting to touch upon certain issues you know
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i don't know when it comes to these are millennium development goals analysts have really been saying that something that world leaders have been sort of ignoring and the big elephant in the room has been very rapid a very rapid expansion of the growth of population throughout the world they're seeing the fact that world leaders fail to consider how much the world population would grow in these in these years was something that they should definitely have done because basically with rapid growth of the population the number of people living in poverty ends up growing as well so in the end there is more people to be taken care of and less resources and this is something that should have been considered by world leaders and put into account instead of ignoring this issue like they have been according to many analysts over population is definitely a concern for many and you know even though you might describe it is taboo is something that the u.n. needs to take into account if they say thanks so much for joining us. well still to
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come on tonight's show would you buy salmon that's been genetically modify or to look into the issue and discuss whether the f.d.a. should approve the sale of this salmon to the public we'll be back in a moment. every month we give you the future we'll do understand how to get there and. best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. knowledge on r.g.p. . the internet is a dirty uncensored place filled with mean commentary and lots of gross immoral
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stuff now in reactions to this awful revelation a new wave of search engines are becoming more popular their faith based search engines they've been around for years for all different religions but they're becoming more and more popular these days as the country faces a moral crisis now the creators say that this provides an option for those of faith who don't want to have pornographic websites come up when they search for something that's right just nip that temptation right in the butt now one of the engines we're talking about is called holo dot com now the creator claims of this provides all people not just muslims the opportunity to search the web without stumbling upon explicit content or immoral pages the christian based page is known as seek find and they aim to promote the word of god by producing only biblically based and theologically sound results researchers now seek finds creator says that his
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evangelical christian engine will ensure users that they're only finding god ordering web content whatever that means so we decided that we were going to search the evil word pornography on the site where you got some amusing results the first offering up ways to cure porn addiction and the second giving you an option to learn what the bible says about porn sorry guys no steamy sex scenes from this search engine but my personal favorite is when we searched i'm home dot com for the word homosexuality let's just say it the first resulted result simply stated that it prohibited that or that section homosexuality is. hit by the koran and the god condemns it and from there well you can learn all about how homosexuality is a sickness an evil and filthy practice and also the live it's a pretty harsh this clearly takes away the democracy of the internet and let someone else decide for you what is and what is not moral talk about the death of the internet but a long time when religion is central to more and more people this very well could
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be the way of the future the web the way you want to see it super duper moral and free from porn i think that's rather scary. now speaking of scary frankenfish are they coming to a store near you not to the f.d.a. will be deciding as they hold a hearing today to consider approving the first genetically modified food animal now the animal in question's a genetically altered salmon which we have told you about before on the show that have growth hormones form pacific chinook salmon and from ocean pout injected into their fertilized eggs so the combined d.n.a. creates a fish the grows to market size in just twelve to eighteen months versus the thirty months it takes for natural fish and the pal genes allow that salmon to be farm and colder waters therefore extending the growing season but the main question is of course is a safe aqua damage the company says created the g.m.o. salmon put in an application with the f.d.a. more than ten years ago and they contend that their product is identical in every way to wild and conventionally farmed salmon but
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a lot of scientists and consumer groups are telling the f.d.a. to slow down before they make a massive experiment of the entire u.s. population well joining me from iowa to discuss it is jeffrey smith author of seeds of deception as well as genetic roulette the documented health risks of genetically engineered foods thanks so much for joining me and now tell me this you've written books about this we already genetically modified grains and vegetables but do you think that this is getting more press more critique because this time it's actually an animal that we're talking about. yes many surveys in the united states show that consumers here are much more concerned about genetically modifying animals than they are about crops and so this is actually getting lots of headlines what people aren't seeing however is that the f.d.a. has really stacked the deck in favor of approving this fast without a proper scientific study and the research that they've recently released shows possible new allergens and hormones in the fish that could have health effects well that well also is
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a large part of my question here because at these hearings the f.d.a. really is only looking at studies that have been funded by the company that's actually creating this salmon and there are no independent studies that have been commissioned that far so are we just falling into the same hole making the same mistake where we essentially let the industry regulate itself and and study itself . that's exactly the problem in fact with when they improved genetically modified crops they specifically said that companies like monsanto which told us that their p c b's agent orange and d.d.t. were safe were responsible for determining if g m o's were safe now on the committee that the f.d.a. has assembled to approve this genetically engineered fish they have a former employee of months center they have a senior scientist of a company that would benefit from a fast approval process of genetically modified animals they have no one that can actually evaluate the allergic potential or the ecological potential of the endocrinology tepper ten show what they've done is they've given only a fifteen day approval or review period for consumers and fast tracked the approval
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process and we don't know why i've had this data for eleven years and all of a sudden it's like urgent to get it on the market but in reality they're not doing the proper safety evaluations that should be done to protect the public yet seems very fishy pun intended now tomorrow they're actually holding a hearing where the public gets to come in and you know and let them know how they feel do you think the people are going to be outraged because that they already have determined that because the skin of this genetically engineered salmon is so similar to the natural fish that they don't need to put another label on it but don't we deserve to know what's in our food or for eating something that genetically modified oh absolutely i'm mildly allergic to certain genetic to certain salmon and there's an allergen which might be increased in genetically engineered salmon so if it turns out it's the allergen that i'm allergic to i certainly want to know there's a hormone called i.g.f. one that's increased in the salmon that's linked to cancer i certainly don't want
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to ingest that or have my friends ingest it so labeling is essential for people to make healthier choices and also for people to make choices consistent with their own moral beliefs related to swapping genes between species but the f.d.a. is charged with promoting the biotechnology industry so they ignore that. zire of ninety five percent of americans noted to support the economic interests of one frankenfish producer and the reality is that many americans honestly don't even know this exists but at the same time you know if we talk about famine famine is the number one most popular fish to eat the food supply just simply can't keep up with the demand so if not genetically engineering food then how do we you know what we do in the future well this is the argument that's used by the bow taken this tree that we needed in order to feed a starving population whereas sustainable agricultural technologies in the few in the areas of of crops and sustainable technologies in the area of fish can in fact
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produce more animals and safer animals for the population the if you look at the studies for the crops for example the average genetically modified crop lowers yield and yet sustainable agriculture in a study of twelve million farms and fifty seven countries increased yield by seventy nine percent and yet even though the data is against them the bartik industry still continues to push their montra that g.m.o. is will feed the world and save the planet was definitely something that i think people need to know more about there needs to be more information out there and if the f.d.a. goes ahead and approve that without any independent studies then a i do hope that people start you know questioning and roe vaulting at least just demanding more information thanks so much for joining us thank you and say feeding of thanks are coming up the most trusted name in news is to nice to all time where i'll tell you why when we return and i saw.


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